Authors: Brook Greene

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary


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His soft lips engulf mine as his tongue dove into my mouth. His hungry hands searched my body for a resting place, finding it on my ass his grip is fearsome and not relenting.

“I need you now Avery.” He spoke into my mouth as he flipped me on my back. His hands traveled down my body
stopping to caresses the skin on my belly and then finding my spot he pressed in a finger to find me wet and waiting and something else.

Ouch.” I jump at the sudden intrusion.

Leo lend up to look at me, ‘What Avery.” He continues to kiss my neck adding another finger.

“Ouch!” I cry out again taking Leo by the wrist. He jumps to his knees and I know now I must tell him the whole story but before I can my knees are flung over my head.

“Avery,” h
is eyes are going between my sex and my face, ‘what the fuck happened, did he get to you?’

No-“ I start to answer but I am cut off.

Bullshit Avery, mother fucker.” He screams as he jumps from the bed pacing the floor running his hands through his hair, ‘why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because of this,’ I look at him, ‘the way you are acting right now.”

“He fucked you and you think that is something you should keep from me?” He screams are echoing through the house.

He didn’t rape me Leo, he just used his,’ I pause and look elsewhere but in his eyes. I feel dirty and used and unable to look him in the face, ‘he used his hand he never got that far.”

Oh he didn’t, did he?” in his anger he runs his fist through the wall left of the door.

“No Leo he didn’t.”
A welcome reprieve from Leo comes in the form as a knock on the door.

“Leo man is everything alright?’
It is Roman on the other side; he must have heard Leo shouting.

turns his back to me, ‘cover the fuck up Avery.” He demands as he slings the door wide to find Roman standing in much the same attire as Leo. Only to be joined moments later by Dalton and Piper.

What the hell is going on around here?” A disheveled Piper is bitchy when she gets interrupted.

Taking a deep breath he rubs his hands through his
hair, ‘everything is fine man, Avery and I are just having a discussion.” He grits out of his clenched teeth. I watch as Roman looks past Leo at me raising his eyebrows as if to ask me if everything is okay.

Waving my hand in the air, ‘it's fine really, you guys go back to bed and I will try and keep him quiet.”
I watch as the others retreat back to their rooms and Leo slams the door and turns on me.

Leo throws his head back in disgust, ‘that is wh
at the fucker meant today when he said he had a taste. Shit!” His voice carries through the room and bounces off my chest, the reverberation nearly knocking me on my back.

He rakes
his arm down his dresser, littering the floor with its contents. He stalks to the door, ‘stay put Avery I’m going out for a while.” He commands, I nod knowing arguing with him isn’t going to be a good idea. Minutes later I hear his bike crank up as the gravel pelts the side of the house as he peels out. I hear the murmurs of voices coming from the hall, being Roman and Dalton. Not long after I hear Romans truck leave the premises as well.

I fling myself back onto the bed and study the blurry ceiling, what was Leo doing down at the prison much less why was he talking to the piece of shit? Not wanting to think of
him or Leo’s reaction I close my eyes and count the pulse beats aching my head.

I can't stop the tears from running, once again I am left a crying he
ap of a mess in Leo’s wake. I lay back and stare at the ceiling for what seems like an eternity before I drift off to an exhausted sleep.



I needed this, to get out and away,
I am not in a great place right now and being in Avery’s presence is not a good idea. I could kill the fucker with my bare hands for what he did to her. The overwhelming feeling of guilt taking over me for placing Avery in his path is thick and well deserved. Kent warned me and I let my physical need for her cloud my judgment.

I had visited the prison today to look the fucker in the eye and to let him know I had cut Mavis loose. He was not happy with the fact his old lady had been shacking up with anyone who would take her since he had been inside. I took great pleasure in delivering this amount of information and also letting him know Avery was fine. Then he had opened his mouth
, made the statement and got up and left leaving me puzzled at the sudden burst of talking. He had never said a word anytime I had gone to question him until today and now I know why.

I ride for a while until I see the headlights in my side mirror, Roman and Dalton followed me. I give the bike a little more gas and pull away from
them, only for a moment. The large engine in Roman’s truck eats up the asphalt I had momentarily put between us. We are coming up on an intersection, pushing the bike to its limits I make the left and the truck lights are not very far behind me.

The road stretching out in
front of me leads to the prison. Although I am not sure what I will do when I get there, other than end up behind bars myself for being the stupid prick trying to break into the prison. He is there and finding him to beat the shit out of him is consuming ever rational thought in my head. I hear the horn blaring from behind me, then I hear Dalton screaming for me to pull over. The engines surges with loud veracity and the truck pulls up beside me on the left.

Dalton is hanging out the window, ‘Pull over man and
let’s talk about this.”

Kicking my foot out
, it slams in to the door making my bike slightly swerve to the right, ‘fuck off Dalton and leave me the hell alone.”

“Can’t do
it man, now come on and think about what you are doing.” His blonde hair is whipping around his face.

“You don’t know what he did to her.”
I yell back as the thought of him having his disgusting hands on my baby’s skin tweaks my anger more, I drop a gear and the loud roar of the pipes drowns out Dalton’s words. Roman gases the engine putting distance between me and them, jerking the wheel to the right his truck skids to a parallel stop in front of me. Slamming on the brakes, my body goes rigid as I close my eyes in hopes it will stop before I have to ditch. Successfully I get the bike to stop right before I get to the front fender.

Jumping from the bike
letting it fall to the side, I throw off my helmet as Dalton exits the passenger side, taking him by his shirt I slam him into the fender well, ‘why the fuck can’t you just listen and leave me alone?” I grit out through my clinched teeth.

He forcibly takes
my hands from his shirt, ‘Because man I can’t let you do something stupid,’ I drop my hands stepping back to assess the situation, ‘what were you going to do drag him out of his bunk and beat him to death in the yard?” He dusts the wrinkles out of his shirt.

my head in hopes of clearing out some of the more murderous thoughts, ‘like I said, you don’t know what he did to her.”

Roman rounds the truck bed, ‘then why don’t you tell us instead of pulling a Mad Max on the highway.”

I run my hands down my face, ‘he um, he touched her.” I am finding it difficult to get the words out, much less process what I am getting ready to tell them.

“We know, she was beat pretty bad.” Roman takes a step towards me.

Giving him my full attention and pressing my lips into a thin line, ‘no, he
her.” I feel the anger start to grow once more. Fisting my hands at my side I am resisting the urge to run my fist through the passenger side window to release some of the rage.

Dalton runs his fingers through his hair giving it a tuff yank, ‘fuck me, poor Avery.”

Roman kicks the back tire, ‘he raped her?”

For once I thankfully shake my head no but do not respond with words. Dalton opens the door
for me, ‘come on man, I will ride your bike back.”

“What the fuck
, no you want.” I step away from the two and towards my bike.

“Man I think
it is a good idea besides we can’t trust you not to go on to the prison.” They are standing shoulder to shoulder now and looking at me.

uck you both.” I turn for my bike and immediately the wind is knocked out of me when I am tackled from behind. I push myself up from the ground against the weight now forcing me to the pavement, ‘get the fuck off me now!”

ot until you agree to get in the damn truck.” Dalton would be the one to take me down. I watch as Roman’s boots walk around to stand at my head.

He squats down so he can duck his head to see me, ‘if need be man we will knock you out.”

“I would like to see you fucking try.” I spit as I struggle against Daltons weight, I had sorely underestimated him, I out-weigh him by at least twenty pounds and I am a good two inches taller than he is, but none of that shit matters when put in a situation like this.

“Please don’t make us.” Dalton pleads slightly out of breath from
fighting the struggle I am putting up. I give it one more try and roll to my side, succeeding this time to throw Dalton off of me. I stand swinging as they both lunge taking me down again. We all three roll down the culvert to the side of the road through the mud and grim landing with a thud in the ditch. I throw my elbow connecting with Roman’s jaw, he grunts as his head is thrown to the side.

Dalton grabs
my arm pulling it to side while Roman’s fist makes contact with my nose in retaliation for the sucker punch. I immediately feel the warm liquid start to trickle down my upper lip. The realization enrages me making me fight all the more. Breaking my arm loose from Dalton, I wheeled it like a hammer knocking him off of me with a right hook to the cheek.

Slumping to his side he shakes the fog from his head, I only have a minute before Roman is on me, I kick my boot up into his stomach knocking the wind from him. Stumbling back holding his gut Dalton is on me in a flash, lunging with his fist connecting it with my jaw.

“Stop fighting us Leo, we only want to help you man.” Dalton’s words of heaved through exchanging punches with me.

“He almost killed her.” I scream as I reach for Dalton as he throws me
back down into the stale water lining the bottom of the ravine.

Dalton has successfully gotten me down again and Roman has his knee into my chest as he holds down my right
arm and has his left hand around my neck, ‘man we get it we do but getting your ass thrown in jail is not going to help anybody right now.”

“Yeah man, think of Avery, how are you going to protect her if you are locked up?” Dalton chimes in, Avery’s name slices through the red wave of rage I had been cloaked with since she told me what he had done to her, ‘and how do you expect us to keep you out of the morgue, you know he owns the prison. From the moment your feet hit gen pop you would be a marked man.”

I close my eyes, which isn’t hard seeing how one is already starting to swell. I have to swallow back a laugh at the thought of what the three of us must have looked like piled up in a ditch in the middle of the night.

Taking a deep breath I relinquish my vice grip hold on Daltons collar, ‘okay man take me home.”

Standing they both help me up, we are dirty and covered in blood, ‘not yet man lets go get a drink.” Roman flexes his hand, the one he used to break my nose.

“I think you broke my nose you fucker.” I pinch it gingerly and feel it is out of sorts. Grimacing I do my best to get it back into alignment.

“Well if you weren’t acting like an idiot we wouldn’t have had to.” Dalton leans down to brush the dirt off his jeans. He stands and walks over to me offering his hand, ‘but it’s all good.” The look in his eyes tells me he would have acted the same if it came to Piper.

Taking his offer we pull in for a man hug, I use this opportunity to slap him on the back a little harder than called for. Pushing me off, ‘damn man, get in the fucking truck I will follow on your bike.” He places his hand on his lower back and leans into it as he walks up out of the ravine.

I jump out and turn to offer Roman a hand out, ‘sorry man.”

“No need to apologize, it is Avery.” He climbs in the truck and we head off to
the bar, I am looking forward to getting shit face numb.



I wake alone in the huge bed I had thrown the covers off of me duri
ng the night. I look around the room and see no signs of him. I haul myself up rubbing my temple trying to ease the pain, I am not sure if it is from where my head had been bashed against the wall or from the crying but which ever I was hurting.

I pull myself up to look out the window, getting up I cross over to the bay window
opening up to the view out over the front yard. It is littered with a dozen or more vehicles and motorcycles mixed in. I see men and women alike mingle through finding their way in and around the obstacles in the way.

I turn and see the bottle
of whiskey is still sitting where Leo had left it. I cross over to it and take a swig. I gasp and cough as it takes what breathe I have left. The burn is good and the weight it puts in my belly is even better.

I turn to find the door filled with Leo’s frame.
His face is bruised and he smells of heavy whiskey and cigarettes. He looks worse than I have ever seen him, ‘what happened to your face?” He doesn’t answer me. I let my eyes drift down to his muddy shirt, hanging ripped from his shoulders. My eyes trail down further to his torn and dirty blue jeans, what did he get into after he left me last night? It doesn’t matter I need him to hold me, to chase away all the bad, like only he can do. My body is vibrating wanting to go to him and my fingers are twitching needing to caress his face, but I don’t.

He brushes past me and goes into his closet re
emerging with clean clothes in his hand, he eyes me as he passes to the bathroom. Minutes later I hear the water running. Feeling weak in my legs I take a seat on his side of the bed waiting for him to finish, hoping the shower will help clear his mood. He exits and I stand not knowing what to expect from him. He stays silent as he sits and pulls his boots back on, I worry through the fingers on my hand and wait. When he is finished he stands and I go to touch the fresh bruises on his face but he ducks away.

We stand
silent, unable to really meet each other’s eyes. He gives me one more blank look and walks back out the door slamming it behind him, the sudden sound makes me jump.

My legs buckle under me and I hit the floor in sobs.
If I had only just told him all of what had happened from the beginning and Leo wouldn’t think these things about me. A man doesn’t look at a woman the way he looked at me if he felt pain or sympathy, he thinks I liked and encouraged it.

After dressing I collect my things slinging my bag over my shoulder I
head for the door and whatever may be on the other side. I take the steps slowly and listen to all the chatter taking place under me, mostly about me and what had happened.

A hush fall
s on the room as eyes spy me and elbows warn others of my dissention. The crowd parts as if I have the plague and I make my way to the front door. Fumbling through my purse Piper had brought me earlier to find my truck keys.

“It’s not out there Avery.” The deep voice
from behind me almost knocks me forward.

“Clear the room.”
Leo’s command is not loud but everyone heard and starts to disperse shuffling me back into the large open area floor plan as they filter through to the outside. Not long after he spoke Leo and I are alone in the house.

“I needed you last night.” I turn on him.

“No, you didn’t. You needed to be alone and that is what I gave you.” He turns and deposits the dish towel he had been holding onto the island.

“Leo I
didn’t need to be alone, I needed you.” I spit out in anger.

all I am saying is you didn’t need me in the frame of mind I was in last night.” He shoves his hands down into his jean pockets.

“How do you think after a week you know what I could possibly need?” I slam my bag down on the hardwood floor, the noise makes me jump.

He crosses the space as if we are having a casual conversation, ‘I know,
didn’t need to be around you last night.” He is in my space now.

“I am here because of you Leo.” I push his chest.

“I know that more than anyone,’ he growls, ‘Roman and Dalton had to talk me down from the prison yard because I was going to rip the fuckers throat out for touching you, so don’t tell me about how you got into this situation.” His face is contorted with rage. I feel it radiating off of him in waves.

“Is that what happened to your face, Dalton and Roman talking to you?” I hug my
arms around my chest.

“We had a few words, but we worked out all the issues.” He falls silent once more.

We stand toe to toe, I can see the emotions fighting for victory in his eyes. Neither one of us is going to back down. I get the chance to study his pummeled face. His left eye has a nasty cut above it and is being held together with a butterfly bandage, the purple bruise surrounding it looks painful, now we match. His nose is cut across the top of it and has a slant in the bridge, one of them must have broken it for him. I wonder what the other two guys look like.

I take a deep breath looking down at our feet, his bare and mine in flip flops, his finger finds my chin tilting it back up to his eyes, ‘Avery we will get through this.”

“You were so mad.” I can feel as my anger is starting to ebb.

uck yeah I was mad, that asshole,’ he releases my chin and runs his hands through his hair. Looking up he closes his eyes, ‘god Avery if I could only explain how fucking mad I was,’ he pauses again and takes my face in his hands, ‘but not at you, for you.” He drags me into his body and I gratefully take the gesture, wrapping our arms around each other holding on to whatever it is going on between us.

“I will kill
the mother fucker with my bare hands though.” I can feel his lips moving over my hair.

my head back to look up at him, ‘Leo!” I chastise him for the mere thought of doing something of the sort.

Tilting me back by my shoulders he looks intently into my eyes, ‘
What, the world is not going to miss an asshole like him Avery, matter fact it will be a lot better off without him in it.”

“I would miss you when you are doing twenty five to life for killing him.”
I haven’t look down even though my head is starting to swim from looking up at Leo and his six foot five frame.

Listen at you being all gushy when just five minutes ago you wouldn’t have pissed on my gums if my mouth was on fire.” It is hard not to smile when he does, it lights up his whole face.

up the smartass and we will be right back there, you know the pissed off part.” He just smiles and hugs me back in tighter and this time I don’t fight it I let him pick me up and carry me to the bedroom.

Unfortunately we had only gotten half way up the stairs when a knock at the door followed by a man ducking his head in interrupted us, ‘
Leo there is a man out here to see Avery.”

“A man here to see Avery, did you ask who it was?” Leo has
settled me back down on my feet.

ur attention is directed toward Dalton and now I know what the other man looks like, Leo turns to me, ‘babe let me go and take a look I will leave Dalton here with you okay.” He gives me a kiss and then turns to the man, ‘man take her upstairs and keep her in our room. I will let you know what do after.” Leo leaves me standing and is replaced by a just as bruised Dalton.

“After you Avery.” He gestures for me to lead the way up and to the bedroom.

“Leo?” I hesitate.

“It’s okay baby, nothing is going to happen, believe me.” Then he disappears out of the front door.

I turn to Dalton, ‘what did he look like, the man outside?”

His face is littered with cuts as his eyes go soft, ‘he is older and about six foot with a graying high and tight.”
My stomach wrenches as the short description of the person outside hits home.

“Are you going to tell me what happen to your
s and Leo’s face?” He goes to urge me up the steps.

No Avery I’m not, now let’s get going up stairs like the Leo said.” He urges me with his words but hesitates to touch me with his hand.

“No I think it will all be alright let’s
just wait here.” I no more got those words out of my mouth when the front door is slung open and I could hear Leo reassuring the man I was alright. Leo led him in and they both stopped short seeing me standing mid way up the stairs.

My hand goes to my stomach and the other to my mouth, ‘hello princess.” His deep timber of a voice rings through the house, and now I know why I gravitate towards a man with a deep voice.

Leo stands and surveys the tension hanging in the air between us, ‘now there isn’t going to be any trouble is there?”

I take a step down, ‘no Leo it is okay,’ I redirect my attention to the man I ran from all those years ago, ‘hey Daddy.”

After several tense moments of just standing and staring at the man I descend the stairs and run to his outstretched arms, ‘we will leave you two alone.” Leo motions for Dalton to follow him out the door, ‘Avery you need me yell I will not be far.” He closes the doors behind him leaving me to explain the goings on in my life.

I motion for Daddy to follow me into the large living area and have a seat, ‘do you want something to drink?”

Taking a seat but not relaxing he gawks at the posh digs that he finds himself surrounded by, ‘nice place Avery, yours?”

“Um no it is Leo’s place.” I avoid eye contact at all cost.

“Leo, does this Leo have a last name?” His eyebrow shoots up and I am immediately afraid that Leo’s past dealings had put him on DEA radar.

“Um Tucker, he is a mechanic
, that is how I meet him, he put tires on my truck.” My voice is trembling.

“Mechanic uh, must be a very accomplished
one, does he have the whole eastern state market cornered, by the looks of this place he does.” His eyes have gone back to roaming the large open space of the cabin.

“He does alright.” I guess, Leo and I have never had any kind of conversation
leading me to believe otherwise. I panic at the thought, I don’t know Leo or anything about him. And my Dad being the ever expert cop he is will know this about two questions deep.

“How long you been seeing this boy?” Leo is thirty eight he is far from being a boy and I don’t think what we are doing can be considered dating
but we do see a lot of each other.

“Not long.” I am still avoiding eye contact with my father , the human lie detector.

“But yet you are living with him?” Here it goes the condescending judgmental man that I left behind.

We are not living together, I am staying here for a little while.” The sheepishness is starting to fade and the adult woman that I am is taking over, ‘why?”

“I find it a little concerning I show up at your apartment to find out you we
re moved out by a bunch of men riding motorcycles. And to also find out you had been attacked at your job and this being the reason the man you have only being seeing around a week is the one who moved you out and into his home.” Seems he has gotten the whole story from Ms. Evelyn, my neighbor, that fucking nosey old lady.

“That seems like it pretty much in a nutshell Dad. So why are you here?” I turn because I am over this avoiding sh
it, let’s get it all out and on the table.

“My daughter was
attacked at work knocked out and assaulted to the point she needed to stay in the hospital overnight.” He has turned his full interrogation stare on me.

“Oh is that all, no
biggy see,’ I stand and turn for him, ‘all better.”

“I get the strange feeling Avery you don’t want me here.” He stands placing his hands on his hips.

“No Dad I am happy to see you, it's just not a great time for a surprise visit or a game of twenty questions about my life.”

My Dad started to say something
as Leo decided to reenter the room, I look up and send a silent thank you to whoever sent him in.

“Everything okay in here?” he asked as he crossed over to me stopping behind me and encircling my waist with his hands.

This notion is not lost on my father as his eyes travel over Leo’s exposed arms that are displaying his intricate tattoos, his eyes land on the two large hands that are placed passively on my body. He takes a step back, ‘Leo Tucker is it?”

“Oh how rude of
me, Dad this is Leo,’ I turn, ‘Leo this is my Dad, Kent Delany.” Leo takes a hand from me and extends it out to my father who reluctantly takes it. I see my father try to grip Leo’s hand with some pressure, which doesn’t faze Leo in the least.

“Nice to meet you sir.” Leo’s voice is sexy and deep, his eyes are dark with suspicion.

“The jury is still out on you son.” Dad retreats his hand.

“Dad!” I gasp in horror at how rude my father is being.

“It’s okay Avery it’s the typical response, judging a book by its cover.” His eyes are dead locked on my Dad’s.

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