Read All the Time Online

Authors: Cherie Denis

Tags: #erotica, #erotic romance, #contemporary romance, #romance novel, #erotic contemporary romance, #cherie denis

All the Time (19 page)

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Lainie didn’t seem to mind as she continued
to suckle his clit making him buck and groan. A low wail filled the
air when she slipped two fingers into his tight cunt and pressed a
searching finger against his G-spot.

That was all it took.

Mike screamed as a massive climax rocked him
to the core.

Lainie sucked, licked and tickled until his
cunt stopped throbbing and his hips settled back on the bed. Slack
with repletion, his legs fell open wantonly. Lainie leaned back
resting on her firm, masculine haunches and swiped a large hand
over her lips.

Mike gave her a puzzled look when she burst
into rough laughter. "Are you laughing at me? What did I do

“Nothing, baby. I can’t believe I just
tongue-fucked your delicious pussy, Mike. It’s so freakin’ weird,”
Lainie chortled in a masculine voice Mike had no trouble
identifying as his own.

“I know sweetheart. It is pretty awesome.”
Mike’s feminine voice trembled. Awesome hardly covered the
sensations raging through his body.

Lainie stood and stroked a hand down her cock
and Mike’s insides trembled. It was obvious what she planned to do
next. Her marvelous, big cock waved suggestively and, speechless,
Mike could only nod his acceptance.

He laid back, legs sprawled, waiting for
Lainie to make the next move. While he waited, Mike fingered the
golden penis necklace resting on his collarbone and blindly stared
at the ceiling.

Lainie had given him some of the wildest,
most sensuous sex he’d ever experienced and he ached for more of
the same.

He sighed and smiled. He’d released a virago
with his special gift. There would never be another night like this

Lainie was a lover any woman would or could
desire. Well versed in ways to thrill a woman, Lainie as a man, was
every woman’s dream lover.

“Lainie,” Mike whispered, his fingers still
wrapped around his necklace.

“Yes, darling?”

“I love you. You’re a wonderful lover.” He
blinked what felt suspiciously like tears and continued, “Please
fuck me. It seems like I’ve been waiting a lifetime for you!”

Resting on her masculine haunches, she
fingered the gold cunt charm nestled in the soft fur of her manly
chest. “God, Mike. You’re gorgeous.” Then she laughed. “I never
realized I was so beautiful. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I did, darling. You never seemed to believe
me,” he replied with a slight frown.

She tickled Mike’s pouted nipple. “Well, I
guess I should have listened, huh?”

He nodded and his frown turned to a sweet,
sensuous smile.

“I love you, Mike,” Lainie murmured, and
placed her lips over his in a kiss that started out sweet and warm
and soon turned hot as fire. As the flames grew, she slipped a long
finger into Mike’s wet cunt.

He bucked and whimpered against her lips, but
the kiss did not end. The bed became hot as the flames of love and
exoticism surrounded them.

Lainie barely raised her lips from his long
enough to whisper, “Beg me, baby. Tell me what you want. I love the
sound of your voice.” she gently twisted her finger and pressed
against his vaginal wall.

He groaned and begged. “Fuck me.”

She deepened the kiss until he was trembling
under her before lifting her lips. “I can’t hear you. Say it
louder,” she demanded in her rough, masculine voice. She pressed
her thumb over his clit.


“Please what?”


“That’s more like it.” Her handsome face was
grimly determined. A harsh lascivious grin turned up the corners of
her manly lips. “In a minute.” She stood over him and put her hands
on her slim, virile hips.

He looked up at her with dove-soft eyes and

Lainie moved forward and waved her swollen,
dripping cock above her husband’s breasts. Drops of moisture
dribbled onto his swollen nipples and she gave him a wicked smile.
“How would you like me, Mike?” She cupped her balls. “Well,

“I want to be on top, with your hard cock
jammed up inside me,” he said. Eyes downcast, a faint blush spread
across his breasts and up his neck. She grinned. His blush
brightened. “I want you to suck my nipples…I want you to fuck me
until I scream. I want you high and hard inside me.”

“I’ve got it, babe. Sounds like you want the

He nodded, eyes downcast and looking more and
more like a virginal bride on the verge of tears.

Well, he was about to get it all and then
some. There was so much she wanted to do with her marvelous cock
and so little time to accomplish all of her desires. Luckily, Mike
was willing to let her experiment.

Now, she thought. Where to start? She
fingered her swollen balls and perused Mike’s deliciously feminine

“Scooch over, baby doll.”

He moved until he was lying in the center of
the bed with his head on the pillow.

Lainie leaned over and smoothed Mike’s long,
gleaming hair until it resembled a dark, silken fan behind his
beautiful head.

“Now, open your thighs a bit so I can see how
wet and anxious you are,” she directed.

Mike complied. “Like this?” He spread his
legs and Lainie was pleased to see his cunt was weeping and dark
pink signifying his readiness.

“Perfect, my darling,” she said. She could
feel her dimples deepen when she smiled.

Mike had such adorable dimples. It was truly
awesome to be him and to be able to give him the same smile he
always gave her.

Lainie put her legs up on the bed and
straddled her beautiful, full-bodied, heavy-breasted husband. She
knelt over his breasts and growled, “Rub my cock with your tits,
Mike. Do it now.” She arched her back bringing her cock to
prominence, nearly within sucking distance, but not quite. The tip
of her cock brushed Mike’s quivering chin leaving a delicate drop
of sperm on his sweet chin.

Mike watched anxiously as Lainie leaned over
and searched in the bedside drawer for the bottle of lube they
always kept on hand. Flipping the lid open, she poured a generous
dollop in the valley between Mike’s breasts.

“Now, baby, squeeze your tits around my cock
and hold it tight. Every time I push forward, I want your lips to
touch the slit of my cock,” she directed in a soft, crooning

Mike complied with a shy grin flitting across
his pouting lips. “It’s your birthday present, sweetheart. I’ll do
whatever you want–no limits, no exceptions. Whatever you want.” He
squeezed his breasts into a tight tunnel around Lainie’s hard cock
and opened his mouth in an accepting O. Lainie pushed forward,
sliding through the sensuous tunnel of her husband's silky-smooth
breasts to touch the tip of her cock on his lips. His tongue
flicked out and tasted the tip of her cock sending a shiver down
Lainie’s spine to settle in her balls.

When they had a good rhythm established,
Lainie leaned back and put her right hand over her husband’s mound.
He lifted his hips and opened his thighs to her searching fingers
and she slipped a couple of fingers into his cunt and began rubbing
her thumb over his clitoris. It wasn’t long before Mike was in the
throes of the first of many climaxes.

Lainie's own climax was building like a
volcano in her balls and they tightened and swelled ready to shoot
their effluence onto Mike’s face and mouth. Her cock throbbed and
twitched as her climax grew and grew. It was time to bring Mike to
the ultimate peak and follow him into the fire.

She picked up the speed of her hips and
fingers immediately bringing Mike to another shuddering orgasm and
then she let herself join him–pouring her fluid all over Mike's
face, neck and breasts.

Moments later Mike was licking sperm off his
lips and chin, grinning like a fool.

Lainie spent the remainder of the weekend
fucking and sucking her beautiful husband. She used her new cock
exactly as she had promised Mike she would. She fucked him while he
tried to make dinner, bent over the kitchen island. She fucked him
on the counter top. She fucked him in every position she could
think of and some she invented. She even figured out a way to fuck
him upside down and she loved every single moment of the whole
wonderful weekend.

By the end of the amazing weekend of fucking,
Lainie wished with all her heart she could forever remain a man.
And, her adored husband seemed to enjoy every moment of the fucking
as much as she did. He opened his body willingly to her at the
slightest touch of her fingers or cock, bending and turning,
following her every whim.

Sunday night, Lainie slipped her cock into
Mike’s cunt for the umpteenth time and he sighed and squealed as
she slipped in and out. Their climax was mind-blowingly mutual. It
took a few minutes before either one of them could speak.

Eventually, Lainie flopped down on the bed
beside him and Mike wiped the spunk off her cock and kissed the
glistening tip.

“Lainie, darling?” Mike queried in his wife’s
soft, sensuous purring voice.

“Yeah, sweetheart,” Lainie answered in Mike’s
hot chocolate voice.

“I’ve been thinking about how much I’ve
enjoyed this weekend.”

Lainie put a firm arm around his shoulders
and tucked his tiny body against his chest. “It has been pretty
great, hasn’t it?”

Mike sighed and kissed Lainie’s tight, small,
manly nipple. “Uh, huh. It’s been the best weekend of my whole
life…and…I want it to continue.” His delicate hand rested at the
base of Lainie’s cock, fingers tangled in the blond curls guarding
his manhood.

Lainie pulled Mike’s feminine body closer.
“Darling…I’m so happy. You must have read my mind. But, before we
go any further with this conversation, you need to think about the
ramifications, Mike.

“First of all, I don’t know how to do your
job and you don’t know how to do mine.”

“Then, there are the problems of babies and
periods–all that female stuff. You haven’t even had to fight PMS
yet. Do you think you could handle all the female crap,

“PMS…periods? God, I hadn’t even thought past
the fucking. Wait…what about birth control pills? There’s supposed
to be a new pill advertising two or three periods a year.

“As for babies—I definitely want a couple.
Don’t you?”

Lainie gave a resounding ‘yes’.

“I’ll admit,” Mike said in Lainie’s soft
voice, “I haven’t given much thought yet to all the changes
involved, but I’m sure we could teach each other our jobs and no
one would be the wiser.” He laid a soft hand over Lainie’s swollen
cock as it rested on her thigh. “Besides, darling, admit it you
love being a man as much as I'm enjoying being a woman. I have to
say you have the most beautiful body in the world and it’s been
fabulous living in it this weekend.”

Mike curled his small fingers around Lainie’s
cock and gave it a delicate squeeze and her cock rose pulsing to
full hardness.

“I’m glad you are enjoying my body. I’ll
admit I really love having a cock. It has been the absolute best
birthday of my life. Fucking your tight cunt has been one of the
all time highs of my life.” Lainie gave Mike a tongue tangling
kiss, “And, my cock doesn’t hurt one bit, baby. Unlike you, who was
constantly complaining about a sore cock from all the fucking. In
fact…” she gave Mike another melting kiss, “I want to fuck you
again before it all ends.”



Chapter Eleven



Monday morning the strident noise of the
alarm woke the lovers.

Lainie was extremely disappointed to find she
was back to being herself, no more marvelous cock and no more manly
body. She was very verbal about her displeasure.

Mike, too, was disgruntled knowing Lawanda
hadn’t lied. The golden liquid had only changed them for
forty-eight hours, give or take an hour. Mike wasn’t sure when the
change had taken place, as they had both fallen asleep around
midnight from sheer exhaustion and now seven hours later they were
back in their own bodies.

Lainie continued to babble on and on as they
got ready for work. She jabbered all the way through breakfast
about the amazing time she’d had living in Mike’s body for the
weekend. Not to mention how much she’d enjoyed using his cock to
satiation. Again and again she mused over the fact his cock had
been perfect and an awesome responsibility.

Mike let her talk. He didn’t mind her chatter
because he agreed with her. The weekend had been an amazing,
astonishing experience. He’d been quite sad to wake up and find he
was a man again. He gave Lainie a warm smile. He didn’t want her to
know she didn’t have his undivided attention. He hadn't realized
how much he would enjoy being a woman.

There had to be a way to make the changes


* * * *


“Call Lawanda Jones and ask her to come to my
office immediately,” Mike directed Rita, the moment he rushed
through the office door.

“Yes, sir.” She had the phone in hand before
he was out of the room.

It seemed like forever, but was only a few
minutes later Rita ushered Lawanda into his office. Mike stood and
greeted Lawanda with a warm smile. “Come in, come in. Have a seat,”
he gestured to the chair in front of his desk. “Coffee?”

“Yes, thanks.” Mike lifted the phone and
asked Rita to find something good to eat along with some freshly
brewed, hot coffee. Then he turned his attention to his lovely
guest. “First, I want to thank you for a remarkable weekend.”

Lawanda chuckled, “Worked, did it?”

Mike grinned ear to ear, “You bet your sweet
ass it worked.”

Lawanda's full lips tipped up in a knowing
smile. “Good, huh?”

Mike’s jaw ached he was grinning so hard.
Reaching into his desk drawer he pulled out a slip of paper and
handed it to Lawanda. “Like a fuckin’ dream.”

BOOK: All the Time
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