Alleyn, Fredrica (20 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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'She's a lost cause,' the baron called to the others, and Nicola heard them all laughing. Then Rupert crouched next to her and let one finger slide between her thighs until it probed softly at the opening where the feather had recently been. 'She's very damp,' he remarked to the baron. 'I think perhaps we're expecting too much of her too soon.'

'I agree,' grinned the baron, his eyes still on her naked, bound body that was rippling with spasms she was fighting frantically to control.

'May I give her just one orgasm before she's released?'

'As many as you like. Then we'll have drinks and perhaps a ride before lunch. The ladies will probably want to wash and freshen up while we're gone.'

Nicola couldn't believe the way they were talking while she was lying there, her body a mass of frantic desire. 'Agreed,' murmured Rupert, and then he was bending down and his tongue was thrusting deep inside her, flicking against the highly sensitive walls at the very entrance of her vagina, while at the same time his hands were pressing against the creases at the top of her thighs so that her clitoris was stimulated too. Nicola's body lunged upwards, totally out of control as he flicked with his tongue and pressed remorselessly with his fingers until she was crying out for him to stop.

He lifted his head. 'Don't you like it then,
ma petite?'

'It's too much, please stop!' she begged him. He saw her swollen sex lips beneath their leather covering, felt the urgent pulsations of her vagina and saw the way her stomach was swelling but he could also tell that it was too intense for one so recently awakened and so with a final stab of his tongue that had her hips lifting yet again, he stood up and left her.

'You ladies can unfasten her and take her back inside,' said the baron casually. 'We'll all meet up for lunch.' He bent down beside the prostrate girl. 'I expect greater obedience than that the next time, little one,' he warned.

As he passed Cassandra his hands caressed her needy breasts, skimmed lightly over her waist and hipbones and then with a brief smile he was gone. Frangoise, walking towards Nicola, turned to Cassandra. 'He's still very keen on you,' she remarked casually.

'Perhaps,' murmured Cassandra.

Nicola, hearing the words as well, knew that if Cassandra truly still meant a lot to him she would have to do much better the next time he demanded anything of her.

It took Nicola over an hour to recover from her humiliating and yet strangely exhilarating experience by the pool. She'd felt frightened, aroused and proud at the same time, and even now the realisation of exactly what she'd allowed the baron and his friends to do to her was hard to accept.

She guessed, from hints that the baron and Cassandra had dropped, that more difficult tasks still lay ahead of her, but her body was beginning to demand more. Today, when Rupert had inserted a finger inside her and caused that unexpected flooding climax, she'd realised that what she really wanted was to be possessed by him; to feel his rigid penis inside her while everyone was watching. She hoped that would be one of the things to come. What she didn't realise was how limited her sexual knowledge still was, and the many variations of the basic act she had yet to experience.

Lunch was served out in the courtyard, just as it had been on the day Nicola arrived. Cassandra, looking as cool and relaxed as if the morning's events had never taken place, was once again sitting in the swing seat beside the baron, while Rupert had Frangoise perched on his knee. As Nicola approached, Giovanni stood up and drew a chair for her close to his so that when she sat down their knees were almost touching. He glanced at her appreciatively, clearly remembering the way she'd looked at the poolside with her taut flesh imprisoned by the leather thongs, thongs that somehow seemed to have left an imprint on Nicola's flesh because at moments like this it was as though their tightness was still imprisoning her breasts, and pressing against that soft, secret place that gave her so much pleasure.

'At last! We began without you, thinking that perhaps you had fallen asleep!' commented the baron.

Nicola looked hastily at her watch. 'I'm not late am I?' she asked nervously.

'No, we began early; most of us couldn't wait any longer. Have you had your damiana cordial today?' he added casually.

Nicola shook her head. The drink was pleasant, but some hours after taking it she found that her skin seemed extra sensitive, and she would start wanting, no, more than that, needing, sexual stimulation even when she was alone.

'Fetch her some,' the baron said to Cassandra. 'It will help this evening.'

'What's happening this evening?' asked Rupert lazily, his hands busy beneath Frangoise's skirt.

'Nicola will take another step forward along the road to womanhood.'

'How nice for Nicola,' remarked Giovanni, smiling at the blonde girl sitting beside him. 'Have you known the baron long?' he added.

She shook her head. 'He's my father's friend. I only met him when I arrived two days ago.'

'Your father's friend? Strange company for a man to choose for his daughter!' Giovanni laughed. 'You have an enlightened father it seems!'

'I didn't know he was,' muttered Nicola, who suspected that it was never her father's intention she should enjoy her stay at the chateau.

'About this afternoon,' said the baron, watching as Nicola drank the cordial Cassandra had brought her and then began eating some of the smoked salmon sandwiches set out on the table in front of her. 'Rupert and I have to go out to meet a mutual business acquaintance. How will you ladies amuse yourselves?' He looked to Frangoise for an answer.

She gave one final wriggle on her husband's lap and then pushed his hands away. 'That's enough, if you don't stop I'll be too tired to enjoy the rest of the day. Are you asking me what I want to do, Dieter?'

He smiled politely. 'Of course. You are my guest.'

'In that case, I'd like to borrow Nicola for a few hours.'

The baron raised his eyebrows. 'You must be careful with her; she is to learn nothing new from you. That is a privilege we will all share during the coming days.'

'Don't worry, I'll simply give her a good time. Keep her amused,' promised Frangoise with a malicious smile in Nicola's direction.

The baron nodded. 'Very well. Nicola, you will keep Frangoise company until it is time to change for dinner.'

Nicola suddenly lost her appetite and pushed the sandwiches away. 'I'd rather not,' she said quietly. 'I'm very tired and . . .'

'It is arranged,' he said brusquely. 'Cassandra, perhaps you'd like to keep Giovanni entertained. He would only be bored if he came with us, and he saw most of the estate this morning during our ride.'

Giovanni's soft brown eyes sparkled and Cassandra felt a slither of excitement deep inside her at the thought of having such a handsome young man at her command for the entire afternoon. 'That sounds very agreeable,' she murmured.

Rupert laughed. 'You always talk in understatements, Cassandra. "Very agreeable" indeed! Frangoise would have more than that to say about it!'

Framboise showed her teeth in a tight smile. 'I've spent several afternoons in Giovanni's company, thank you. He usually promises more than he delivers, isn't that so Giovanni?'

The young Italian's tanned face flushed. 'I regret the fact that I have not always pleased you in the way you wished,' he said politely. 'However, girls do not usually complain.'

'I'm sure girls don't,' murmured Frangoise. 'The trouble is, women want rather more. Perhaps you can show him what I mean, Cassandra. Come along, Nicola. If you don't want any more to eat we might as well go and have our little siesta together, You won't be needing the bedroom will you, Rupert darling?'

'I know better than to intrude at times like this,' commented her husband. 'You go ahead, but remember what Dieter said; no spoiling her for the rest of us.'

'It's going to be fun, that's all,' Fran^oise assured Nicola taking her by the hand and drawing her slowly across the cobblestones. Cassandra watched them go and knew that Nicola's body would be tested to its limits before the afternoon was out; Franchise was expert at arousal, and at keeping that arousal at a high pitch without giving satisfaction for hours at a time. At least it should mean that Nicola would be receptive to whatever the baron had in mind for their evening's entertainment.

With a smile she too got up from her chair, holding out a hand to Giovanni. 'It seems we're not wanted here,' she said lightly. 'I think I need a rest, the sun's so warm. Perhaps you'd care to join me?'

He leapt out of his chair so fast that it nearly toppled over, and then taking Cassandra's hand in his went eagerly into the chateau with her.

'I hope she manages to teach him a little self-control,' said Rupert. 'He's full of energy of course, and those young jet-setting girls don't want anything more than he's willing to give, but Franchise says he definitely needs some tuition in the subtleties of lovemaking.'

'I'm sure Cassandra will be more than happy to oblige,' remarked the baron. 'Come, it is time for us to


'Don't you mind?' asked Rupert as they drove away from the chateau.

'Mind what?' asked the baron.

'Leaving Cassandra with Giovanni.'

'It was my idea if you remember. I can hardly wait to see the tape of what goes on in her room during the afternoon.'

'Still the same Dieter; not a jealous bone in your body/ commented his friend.

'Of course I can be jealous, but not over an immature boy! They will both have fun and the video may turn out to be one of my finest. I wish them well.'

Chapter Nine

or Giovanni the unexpected opportunity to be alone with the baron's mistress was almost unbelievable. He'd imagined having to wait a long time, had even accepted the fact that for once he might not be able to sleep with a woman he wanted, and yet here she was being handed to him on the first day he met her.

Now though, standing hesitantly in her bedroom, he couldn't help but remember Franchise's words earlier, and he recalled too her mocking laughter when he'd failed to control his own climax for as long as she'd required. It had been the first time in his young and rather spoilt life that he'd ever received anything other than adoration, and he hadn't liked it at all.

As Cassandra began casually unfastening the front of her dress and stripping naked before lying down on the enormous bed, he wondered if she'd laugh at him too. He hoped not, and intended to make sure that he did everything to the best of his ability. Even so, he was intelligent enough to realise that what pleased the girls who pursued him with an eye to marriage was possibly not enough for women like Frangoise and Cassandra. Their experiences with older, far more practised men, had led them to expect more.

Cassandra watched the doubts flicker across his face and smiled at him. 'Don't look so worried; I'm sure we're going to have a wonderful time. I hope I'm not the only one who's going to undress though; that might make for a rather difficult few hours!'

He blinked, and swiftly removed his dark blue jeans and pale blue, short-sleeved open necked shirt. Cassandra moved round on the bed so that Giovanni, in order to look at her, would have to stand directly in front of one of the concealed cameras. She knew very well that the baron expected a good video from their afternoon together.

Giovanni's body was very muscular, without an ounce of spare flesh on it, and thick dark hair bushed between his thighs and then spread upwards in a thick line along the middle of his stomach before spreading out across his chest. He looked exactly what he was; a supremely fit, virile and enthusiastic young man in the prime of life.

When he was naked Cassandra patted the bed. 'Come and lie down with me. Did you find your ride tiring?'

He quickly lay beside her, his erection already nearly complete, and shook his head. 'I do not tire easily, as you will find!'

Cassandra liked him; she liked his open face and even his tendency to boast she guessed covered an underlying anxiety about his ability to please her. 'I'm not tired either,' she murmured. 'Perhaps we'd better try and amuse ourselves rather than rest?'

No longer able to resist the temptation, Giovanni reached out and gripped Cassandra's naked breasts with both hands, his fingers harsh against her skin. She shifted slightly. 'Touch them more lightly,' she whispered. 'It's better to start slowly, don't you think?'

He'd never really considered it, but was willing to do anything she suggested and so loosened his grip and let his fingers knead tenderly at the small globes that promptly began to swell beneath his touch.

'You see,' murmured Cassandra, relishing being the one in charge for a change. 'Most women respond better to that kind of caress.'

Giovanni's hands continued to fondle her breasts tenderly while at the same time he lowered his head and she felt his designer stubble graze softly against the side of her neck. It was an entirely new sensation for her and almost without realising what she was doing her arms had gone up above her head and were wrapping themselves round one of the bedposts, so that her upper body lifted off the bed and pressed more firmly against his.

Feeling her response, Giovanni released her breasts and slid his hand beneath her armpits so that he could pull her breasts against his chest while at the same time moving his head higher until his tongue could slip into her ear and swirl delicately around before he withdrew it, only to nibble on her earlobe.

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