Alleyn, Fredrica (15 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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With renewed courage, Nicola moved to take Cassandra's place against the pillows, little realising that whilst her behaviour would please the baron, her motivation and the reasoning behind it, would not. Although none of them knew it then, it was her first mistake.

Cassandra handed Nicola a new vibrator, exactly the same as the one she'd used except for the fact that the pointed tip was silver and not gold. The girl held it awkwardly at first, her legs splayed out inelegantly on the bed. The baron rearranged them, and the touch of his hands on the soft flesh of her inner thighs helped excite her sufficiently to begin.

The baron noticed that it was easier for Nicola to part her outer sex lips; her own secretions had not been as copious as Cassandra's and he was surprised because watching the other woman having such intense climaxes should have been highly arousing for the girl.

After a moment's delay, Nicola's finger found the button to start the vibrator and then she moved it hesitantly around the general area of her opened vulva, but without any clear idea of precisely where she was going. The feelings were nice; more intense than when she'd played with herself using her own fingers, but they weren't anywhere near as good as those caused by the baron.

He and Cassandra watched her carefully. Her breast tissue failed to expand, her dark nipples remained flaccid and there was no tightening around her belly or movement of her hips to signify any real degree of arousal.

'Move it closer to your clitoris,' suggested Cassandra helpfully.

Nicola felt a moment's dislike for the other woman; she'd wanted to do this on her own, but knew that it wasn't working nearly as well for her as it had for Cassandra. She wasn't quite sure where her clitoris was located but remembered that Cassandra's moments of peak excitement seemed to come when the vibrator travelled high up the inner channel and so she moved the vibrator in that direction, but pressing down more firmly than was helpful to her cause.

The baron watched the soft pink inner tissue of the girl and realised that it wasn't darkening in colour or swelling. She clearly had no idea of what she should be doing, or what would give her the greatest pleasure. With a small exclamation of annoyance he told her to stop. Immediately Nicola complied, glancing uncertainly from Cassandra, whose expression was sympathetic, to the baron who stared blandly at her.

'You can't have watched carefully enough, little one,' he said quietly.

'I did! Perhaps this vibrator doesn't work as well.'

He laughed. 'A bad workman always blames his tools! It rather looks as though Cassandra and I will have to show you more precisely what you need to do.'

'No, I'll try again. It's only that I can't relax very easily, I . . .'

'You've had your chance, Nicola, and you failed. This is the penalty. Lie down flat on the bed. Cassandra, remove all those pillows from behind her head.'

Within seconds the startled Nicola was lying flat on her back, and then she heard the door opening and Peter had joined them in the room, pulling her arms up above her head and fastening them with a pair of padded leather handcuffs that he proceeded to fix to the previously concealed metal rings at the side of the bed. He moved very fast, whilst at the same time the baron had spread her legs so wide that she was afraid of hurting her muscles, and then Peter went through the same procedure with her ankles so that by the time he left the room she was spread out in the shape of an X, with her arms and legs unable to move.

'Put a pillow beneath her hips,' said the baron, taking hold of the vibrator that she'd tried unsuccessfully to use on herself. As the pillow slid beneath her, Nicola's hips lifted and the tops of her legs trembled at the strain as the chains on her ankles tightened.

She was totally open and exposed to him now, unable to close her legs even a fraction and when he switched on the vibrator she felt her heart jump as it seemed to lodge in her throat, so great was her mixture of anticipation and fear.

He knew it would be easy for him to bring her to the climax she'd been unable to achieve for herself. All he had to do was move the tip of the pencil slim vibrator around the clitoris without actually touching it and she immediately began to swell. Her nipples came erect, her flesh lips enlarged and turned a darker shade of pink and the clitoris itself stood out hard and tight, a mass of needy nerve endings, already stimulated by the aphrodisiac drink she'd taken earlier and now frantic for release again.

'You see,' he whispered. 'Isn't that good? Doesn't it feel nice? Tell me exactly what it's like when I do this,' and he shifted the head a fraction of an inch so that it stimulated one side of the clitoral shaft.

Nicola could hardly breathe. 'I just want . . .' She tried to move her hips, to thrust upwards towards that peak of delight she so urgently needed. 'I'm so tight and you're making me ache. Please, everything's aching, I want . . .'

'What?' he teased, still letting the head drift from the shaft back into slow circles around the damp throbbing nub of excitement.

'I want to come!' she shouted, nearly in tears from the pulsating burning desire that was scorching her flesh between her thighs and spreading upwards through her entire body, lancing her sensitive breasts with sharp pangs of need.

'Then remember how to achieve it next time you're required to give a demonstration,' he said softly but as she prepared for the final touch that would let her body shatter into thousands of tiny pieces he moved the vibrator down her inner channel and around the entrance to her vagina.

'No! Not there, I want it back where it was before,' she cried despairingly.

For the watching Cassandra the words were astonishing. Even now she would never dream of telling her lover where to move or what to do to her. He was so expert at these games, so clever at prolonging the pleasure that it never crossed her mind to demand a different rhythm or tempo. In any case, if the baron made love to her he did it his own way.

'You think that would make you come?' he asked in a silky tone.

'Yes! Yes, it would,' shouted Nicola, her breasts aching for the touch of his hands even as her swollen nub ached for the caress of the vibrator.

'What a pity you didn't realise that earlier, when you were pleasuring yourself for us,' he commented and continued to let the vibrator play around her opening and then went even lower so that it crossed the tender membrane between her front and rear openings.

This was something entirely new for Nicola and her body jerked convulsively, then she caught her breath as she felt the delicate vibrations circling her rear entrance. 'Please, no!' she shouted, remembering what she'd seen in the pavilion.

'Perhaps not today,' he murmured to himself, before sliding the tiny machine back up between her by now thick and flattened outer lips to the place where her body needed that final touch.

As with Cassandra, when the vibrations became intense and Nicola's climax grew very near, the clitoris retracted. This time it was Cassandra who pulled upwards on the protective hood and at last the baron let the silver tip move steadily against the tiny shaft until Nicola felt her drum-tight abdomen swell even more and then she was rearing up off the bed as far as her bonds would allow as she seemed to burst with the force of the sensations rolling over her.

'Keep the hood back,' said the baron. 'I think it's time Nicola learnt that in my chateau I'm the one who decides exactly what pleasure she gets, and precisely how much.'

Between Nicola's thighs everything felt so sensitive that all she wanted was for the baron's hands to release her and to be left alone in her room to sleep and recover from all that had gone on since he had returned.

However, his words made it clear that her wishes counted for nothing.

She felt Cassandra's hand move up her stomach a little, drawing back the fold of flesh that normally covered the mass of sensitive tissue that gave such exquisite pleasure. Then the baron licked the middle finger of his right hand and let it brush over the top of the hard bud. Even this light, moist caress was more than her flesh wanted and a searing pain tore through her, far harsher than the pleasurable climaxes she'd just experienced.

'How did that feel?' enquired the baron.

'It hurt,' whimpered Nicola.

'Surely not. A more intense sensation perhaps, but not real pain.' He bent his head and his tongue swirled around the hard little knot that was frantically trying to retreat but could find no place to hide because Cassandra was keeping its covering too far away. The sensation was soothing, almost cooling and Nicola relaxed slightly. As soon as he felt her muscles loosen the baron's teeth nipped at the underside of the clitoris and this time Nicola screamed and wrenched at her restraints, causing pains in her arms and legs that combined with the dreadful red-hot blaze of agony that was searing through her thighs and abdomen.

The baron studied her carefully, his eyelids heavy. Despite her screams and struggles her nipples were harder than at any previous time, her pupils dilated and when he let his fingers stray to her secret opening she was more damp than ever before. It was as he'd suspected, she might not know it yet but her pain was an aphrodisiac.

'Release the hood,' he murmured. Cassandra obeyed, and now the baron was massaging Nicola's aching, swollen bud through the covering skin, feeling its tightness as he worked. Soon tiny sparks of pleasure began to flicker deep within her and she realised that she wanted to feel that all-consuming pleasure again.

He massaged steadily, pressing and releasing, circling and then switching to an up-and-down movement, and soon she was shivering with anticipation and need as her body began its ascent to another orgasm.

He let her follow her instincts, let the pleasure mount and the skin tighten and then nodded to Cassandra. Once more she eased back the hood and watched in total silence as the baron took the swollen nub between a finger and thumb and slowly started to squeeze.

He had done it to his mistress many times, and she knew very well how at first the pressure was glorious, exactly what you wanted, but then as he continued it became too much, too harsh and the pleasure turned to a strange, red-streaked pain that shamed you at the same time as it drove you to new and different heights of excitement.

For Nicola it was a terrible shock. After the first bursts of pain there'd been nothing but pleasure through the slow, careful massaging and now just as she was poised on the edge of another earth-shattering explosion of glorious release he was hurting her once more.

She moaned, protested quietly deep in her throat, but he took no notice and simply squeezed the mass of screaming tissue more fiercely between thumb and finger as though he would never let it go, and now she felt the first terrifying burst of red-hot pain engulf her and this time she cried out aloud, begging him to stop.

The baron ignored her. She was still fully aroused, and lubricating heavily. Her protests, her pitiful attempts at freeing herself from the cuffs, were meaningless compared with the signals her body was giving out and so he continued to contract his fingers around her most vulnerable spot until at last he saw the tell-tale flush of arousal suffuse her breasts and lower neck, and heard her groans change to a more eager gasping as her body crossed the pain barrier and took perverse pleasure in what was happening to her.

For Nicola it was an unforgettable moment as the pain darkened, changed shape and toppled over into the most intense, consuming pleasure she could ever imagine experiencing. Then the climax rocked her whole body and for a moment she lost all sense of time and place and was nothing more than a sobbing, gasping mass of stimulated nerve endings and wrenching muscular contractions.

Cassandra let go of the girl's skin and watched her writhing with her eyes closed as her body continued on its ride of newly discovered dark eroticism.

'It seems there is some of her father in her after all,' the baron commented softly.

Cassandra looked down at the girl and wondered if this made her more dangerous or less so. Whilst the baron liked nothing better than the dark side of things there were times, times that since she'd moved to the chateau with him seemed to have become more frequent, when he seemed to relish the other side of his sexuality too. The more tender, caring side when sex was less experimental and more personal.

It seemed that Nicola, even if she resisted on the way, would in the end be capable of doing whatever the baron demanded of her, and would do it willingly because she wanted him as much as Cassandra did. Cassandra could do it too, but she also needed the other part of him. He knew that; it was never discussed but he knew it. She wondered if Nicola needed tenderness as well, but suspected that the answer was no. In the end the result might well be decided by what the baron himself wanted long-term.

There was also obedience. As yet Nicola had escaped punishment for arguing with the baron, but such leniency would not continue, and taking punishment in front of others was not the same as being given the kind of dark pleasure Nicola had just received. No, Cassandra felt that when it came to obedience and acceptance of punishment Nicola might well fail the test.

In fact, it was to be Cassandra who was the first to suffer the baron's displeasure. It happened quickly and unexpectedly, that very evening when they all came together for dinner after taking a siesta following their afternoon's excitement.

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