Alleyn, Fredrica (8 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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The baron teased the maid mercilessly. He licked, sucked and flicked with his tongue until her sex lips were swollen and red and when he drew her clitoris into his mouth her hips bucked and she shouted aloud as her second climax washed over her.

Again the baron checked his watch. Three minutes fifty seconds. How well you're doing.'

Cassandra brushed the maid's nipples with the palm of her hand and Monique arched upwards gratefully.

'Now lie face-down,' instructed the baron. Somewhat reluctantly, Monique obeyed. 'This time you will have only three minutes so we will allow you a brief rest,' he informed her. As Monique buried her head in the bolster the baron drew Cassandra onto his knee and stroked her all over her body as he watched the still motionless Nicola on the screen.

'When is it my turn?' whispered Cassandra, wriggling as his teeth nipped at her bare shoulders.

'Tonight,' he answered casually.

'Tonight!' Cassandra couldn't believe him. 'But I thought

'I want you very ready when we give Nicola a demonstration of what lies ahead of her. Our session with Monique should ensure that you're in the mood when the time comes.'

'Why Monique then? I thought we were all going to have pleasure this afternoon.'

'Monique is practice for me. Whilst scarcely an innocent I can work out some of the exercises that Nicola will be required to do within the next week. If only the girl would do something!' he added irritably as Nicola continued to lie on her bed staring up at the ceiling with her arms at her sides.

With a sound of impatience he looked back at the waiting maid. Running a finger down her spine he felt her flesh tense. 'Enough rest I think. Remember, you have three minutes. This time I shall attempt to find your elusive G spot again.'

Monique's heart sank. This had never worked for her, and she knew that this was why the baron had chosen it. As soon as she failed she would be punished, and her punishment would complete his afternoon's enjoyment. She didn't think that her mistress was enjoying herself very much though, and wondered why she wasn't being allowed to take her usual active part in the proceedings.

The baron spread a little lubricating jelly onto two fingers and then slid them beneath the maid, caressing her vulva for a few seconds before inserting the fingers into her vagina, pressing down against the front wall of the opening as he tried to locate the tiny raised gland that could cause such ecstatic reactions from many women, although never as yet in Monique.

The maid shifted uneasily, trying desperately to get some feeling from the baron's attentions, but although it was pleasant enough there was no suggestion of the magic tingles that always heralded a climactic build-up.

Cassandra went to attend the girl's breasts, reaching beneath her to softly finger the squashed globes, but the baron stopped her. 'She is to come by this means only,' he said curtly.

Monique tried her hardest to conjure up some kind of fantasy that might help her. She pictured herself lying in the grounds of the chateau, alone with her master as he fondled her with love and whispered endearments and praise. It worked up to a point, and her lubrication increased so that the baron's fingers could move more easily around her opening. Then, at last, he located the tiny swelling and when his fingers skimmed over it it seemed to enlarge and Monique's legs twitched as she felt a strange new sensation deep inside her.

'Very good,' the baron encouraged her. 'At last we seem to be getting somewhere.' He continued to manipulate the front vaginal wall, tapping lightly at each side of the spot and noticing how her hips had now begun to squirm against the bolster. He was pleased; it boded
ell for the future and yet it had also taken her too long to get this far for her to climax within the permitted three minutes.

Monique didn't realise this and began to let the excitement build. She felt herself growing tight and warm and small sounds of enjoyment rose from her throat.

Then, as the darts of quicksilver pleasure began to spark, the baron withdrew his hand. 'Time, I'm afraid. What a pity when you were doing so well. However, the rules are the rules and you have failed. What happens when you fail?' he added lightly.

Monique turned her head to one side. 'I have to be punished,' she muttered.

'Have to be?' His tone was deceptively silky.

'I want to be punished,' she said quickly. 'I need to learn total control of my body.'

'Good. Then we will oblige you. Cassandra, ring for Peter.'

As soon as Peter entered the room, Monique was told to undress him. Although she had no choice but to obey she knew that Sophie would be furious when she found out. When Monique pulled down his mini briefs his erection sprang free, swollen and purple-headed.

The baron laughed. 'Something seems to have put you in the mood already. Could it be young Nicola, I wonder?' He gestured towards the monitor and then when he saw Peter's expression, turned for another look himself.

Nicola was running her hands tentatively over her ribcage and stomach, letting her fingers wander slowly over her flesh and he could see that her breasts were definitely firmer than before, the dark nipples swelling even as he watched her.

Cassandra and Monique watched too. Monique had never seen anyone on the monitor before and found herself trembling with a strange excitement. It was the fact that Nicola didn't know she was being watched that made it so erotic. After a few minutes Nicola's hands strayed towards the undersides of her breasts, but then suddenly stopped and after a slight pause she rolled onto her side, facing one of the cameras, cushioning her cheek in her right hand and letting the left rest at her side again as she closed her eyes.

All four people in Cassandra's bedroom let out an audible sigh of disappointment and the baron's face was dark with thwarted pleasure. 'Fetch the extender,' he snapped at Cassandra. Monique tried unsuccessfully to stifle a whimper of fear as her mistress moved to the cupboard, but Peter looked delighted.

The baron seated himself on the side of the bed and placed the bolster across his thighs, then motioned for Monique to lie across it face down so that her head hung to the floor on one side of him while the tips of her toes just kept contact with the carpet on the other.

Her body trembled as the baron absent-mindedly squeezed her buttocks, while Peter pulled on the strapless penis extender handed to him by Cassandra. It was at least six inches long and a secure fit was ensured by pumping briefly on the attached air bulb. Once it was in place, Monique knew that Peter could keep going for as long as the baron ordered.

'I think a little lubrication will be required,' he said as he attempted to insert a finger into Monique's tightly clenched anus. Within seconds Cassandra had handed him a tube of lubricating jelly complete with a long, thin screw-on plastic nozzle for application.

It was this that was first eased into the protesting maid's back passage. She automatically tightened her rectum against the invader but only succeeded in drawing the nozzle in. Once it was in place the baron squeezed the tube and a cool jelly-like substance was forced around Monique's rectal walls. She moaned in protest and Cassandra bent down to play with her breasts to distract her.

She rolled the nipples between her fingers and then extended them until the very tips began to draw inwards. This made Monique's breasts ache while her stomach churned as the jelly irritated her sensitive inner tissue.

The baron ignored Monique's muted protests. He withdrew the tube, parted the shaking buttocks and ordered her to push down. When she obeyed her rear entrance opened a little and Peter let the tip of his penis extender press against this opening. The tip was thick and Monique trembled even more violently.

'Please, do not do this!' she whimpered.

'You asked to be punished,' the baron reminded her. 'Could it be that working here is no longer to your liking?'

As he'd expected her protests stopped immediately. Slowly Peter circled his hips, carefully opening her a little more as he eased his way in, but then the jelly covered the head and he found himself sliding in more rapidly than he'd intended until a frantic cry from the prostrate maid stopped him.

'That will do,' said the baron. 'Now move back and forth briskly.' Peter obeyed.

Cassandra sat on the floor, her face on a level with Monique's and continued playing with her breasts, watching the maid's eyes growing wide with the strange red-hot pain that she knew from experience would finally turn to addictive pleasure.

However, the baron delayed this moment. Whenever her body began to tense with rising sensations of pleasure, every time her leg muscles shook with anticipation of sweet release, he would get Peter to change his pace or make him withdraw, re-apply the jelly and force her through the initial intrusion again.

By the end even Cassandra felt sorry for the red-haired maid being forced to endure the ordeal for so long and she murmured words of comfort when tears of frustration and humiliation ran down Monique's face.

Finally the baron tired of the punishment. He let Peter continue thrusting as Monique's body began to gather itself into a tight knot, and just as the tearing pleasure spread through her whole pelvic area he slid a hand beneath her and rotated it over the top of her pubic mound so that her clitoris was stimulated as well.

Cassandra watched fascinated as Monique's eyes glazed and then closed, her head went up and the tendons of her neck stretched tightly as she uttered a strange harsh cry of shaming dark satisfaction while her body heaved and the baron had to pinion her to the bolster with his hands.

As soon as she was still, Peter withdrew. The extension was taken away and at a sign from the baron he picked up the now limp form of the maid, placed her on the bed and within minutes was thrusting inside her vagina until he had obtained his own satisfaction. He found Monique's submissive passiveness erotic when compared with Sophie's more overt sexuality.

The baron didn't even bother to watch them. Instead he went to Cassandra's wardrobe and began to choose her outfit for dinner that night. When Peter and Monique had left swiftly and silently, he pulled the still nude Cassandra to him.

'You want to come, don't you?' he whispered, seeing the need in her eyes.

She nodded, allowing herself to hope that he might allow her just one climax after all they'd watched.

He smiled his most innocent smile. 'Good, then do as I ask and you shall have one as soon as dinner is over.'

'What do you want me to do?' she asked.

The baron explained.

Chapter Four

t hadn't proved easy for Cassandra to carry out all of the baron's instructions, but by the time the gong went for dinner she had accomplished everything. The hardest part had been persuading Nicola to wear the right kind of dress.

When she had started looking through the newcomer's wardrobe with her it quickly became obvious that Nicola liked to dress conservatively. All of Cassandra's suggestions were met with anxious looks followed by a shake of the head.

The baron had been quite explicit: Nicola must be easy to undress, at least as far as the waist, but Nicola preferred high-necked dresses with short sleeves that would have proved almost impenetrable without a lot of co-operation from her - co-operation, Cassandra felt, they were unlikely to get.

Just when she was losing heart, Cassandra had noticed a soft coral pink dress with a full skirt and strapless top, very lightly boned beneath the breasts. She'd taken that out and held it up for Nicola's inspection.

"This is fantastic!' she'd enthused, already able to picture the baron peeling the top down over the girl's heavy breasts. 'It's such a glorious colour, and very feminine. You must look lovely in it.'

'I've never worn it,' admitted Nicola. 'Actually it's one of the few dresses I chose on my own, but once I got it home I went off it. I did show it to Lara one evening and she said the colour would make me look washed-out.'

'Jealousy,' said Cassandra crisply.

Nicola stared at her. 'Why would Lara be jealous of me?'

'Because you're a natural beauty. She owes most of her looks to excellent makeup, designer clothes and a certain type of sexuality that appeals to a lot of men.'

'Including my father,' said Nicola bitterly.

'Yes, but not the baron.'

'No?' asked Nicola, just a shade too eagerly to disguise her own interest in him.

'No, he wasn't at all impressed. Do wear that tonight Nicola, it will make a very good impression on Dieter.'

Nicola tucked her hair behind her ears, a gesture that Cassandra had come to realise was a sign she was feeling uncertain. 'I don't know . . .'

'Well I do. Believe me, you'll look stunning and anyway, don't you want this to be a new start for you? A chance to develop and mature away from your father?'

Nicola remembered the baron's earlier words and wondered just how much she would be expected to mature before she was allowed to return to London. After an afternoon spent lying on her bed thinking over what she'd learnt she'd decided that there was a definite attraction in what had been arranged. She'd been so shut off from everything, so isolated from the real world, that she knew she was completely unprepared for the realities of life, especially in matters of sex. If she was going to learn, then how much better to learn from a man as attractive and charming as the baron, rather than some less sophisticated and uncaring young man of her own age. She also felt sure that her father would have chosen carefully; there could be nothing to fear from the baron and his mistress, even if their way of life was alien to her. She didn't yet appreciate how little she knew of her father's true nature.

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