Alleyn, Fredrica (25 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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There was the sound of a quiet laugh from Rupert. 'That would be a miracle, Frangoise!'

'There's no harm in trying,' she responded coolly. 'Start now Nicola, before Dieter distracts you again.'

Realising that this might give her a moment's respite from the baron's manipulations, Nicola hastily moved to obey, but again this was something new for her and her tongue was soft and hesitant against the Brazilian woman's breasts.

'Harder than that,' complained Frangoise. 'And suck on them as well. Remember how yours like to be sucked?'

Nicola did, and the simple pressure of the hard couch beneath her breasts, coupled with Frangoise's words was sufficient to start them throbbing again. She wished that she hadn't been given more of the green cordial to drink; it seemed to have this effect on her, making even simple movements feel like sensual caresses and keeping her in a constant state of arousal and need.

As she tongued the tanned breasts in front of her, the baron got Cassandra to slip a long thin cushion beneath and across the prostrate girl, positioning it so that it rested at the base of her stomach, maintaining relentless pressure on her bladder.

Once it was in place, Nicola tried to shift her lower body in order to ease the sparks of discomfort, but the baron's firm hands pressed down against her back and this made the sensations worse. 'Lie still or I'll strap you in place,' he said dispassionately. 'Even the maids have learnt how to cope with this; surely you can do as well as they can?'

Nicola wasn't sure, but she tried to distract herself by working more feverishly on Frangoise, whose breasts responded with gratifying speed. 'Very good,' murmured Rupert's wife. 'We must spend more time alone together.'

The baron took advantage of Nicola's distraction and pointed to something on the trolley. Cassandra's eyes opened wide and she looked at him questioningly. He nodded, and realising that she shouldn't be trying to spare Nicola any of these trials, Cassandra gave in, handing over what she had always considered was the most cruel of his toys, particularly when the recipient was in the state that Nicola was in.

The large shiny black vibrator was designed to stimulate every possible nerve ending. The thick head of the imitation phallus curved slightly to knock against the G spot as it entered, two tiny paddle shaped extensions coming from the front of the base vibrated against the clitoris in turn, keeping up a rhythmic pressure that was heavier than normal. Even worse, from Nicola's point of view, in order for the phallus to be inserted completely her rear opening would have to accommodate the slim curved extension at the back, whose softly rounded end would then tap against her highly sensitive rectum with every vibration.

Nicola was finding that her ability to stimulate Frangoise was arousing her, and she knew very well that despite her fear and discomfort she was now damp between her thighs. The baron knew it too and he slid a hand beneath both her and the long thin pillow, pressing upwards until Nicola's bladder felt ready to burst and she had to raise herself up from the couch no matter what the punishment was.

As she lifted, the baron inserted the head of the imitation phallus into her vagina, pressing it quickly deep inside her and she gasped as her G spot was briefly brushed. Then, as her internal passage expanded to accommodate the vibrator she suddenly felt the anal stimulator slipping inside her still inflamed rectum and, even worse, her clitoris was assailed by a series of soft drumming sensations that very quickly caused her body to tighten as all her tormented nerve endings began to launch her towards an orgasm.

Giovanni watched Nicola's head fall away from Fran-goise's breasts and begin to twist and turn as she made increasingly loud moaning sounds, while her outspread legs twitched violently on the couch. For the Italian it was too much to watch and he moved to stand behind Frangoise, who had now left her stool and was leaning over Nicola, studying her flailing body with interest.

He put his arms round her from the back and she opened her legs, at the same time bending forward with her arms resting on the side of Nicola's couch so that Giovanni could take her from behind. As he slid into her she gave a sigh of contentment. She liked to be full when she was watching something like this.

Unaware of what the rest of the onlookers were doing, Nicola began to thrash helplessly as the baron increased the speed of his toy, and her swollen clitoris was so over-aroused that it retracted beneath its hood.

Cassandra knew what to do when this happened and as Nicola's helpless cries of crazed excitement dulled a little she began to move the cushion beneath her up and down a fraction so that the hood was moved and the pressure against the bladder increased at the same time.

Nicola no longer knew what was happening to her. She was nothing but a screaming, thrashing body as startlingly intense lines of incredible pleasure tore through her stomach, down her thighs, seared along the nerve endings between her rectum and her vagina and threatened to totally consume her.

The baron got ready to apply the final touch. Nicola, suddenly aware that she was losing control of herself, twisted her head round to face her tutor and tormentor. 'Stop! Please stop!' she begged him. 'I can't do what you want. I can't bear it any longer, please!'

'It's nearly over,' he murmured, 'and you're doing very well. Just two more minutes and this will be turned off.'

She knew that at any moment a huge climax was going to crash over her, but also knew that if it did she would lose control of her bladder which was sending screaming signals of a delicious dark pain that was beginning to seem more like pleasure to her overwhelmed body, and so she fought against it for the final two minutes.

She tried everything she'd learned so far. She slowed her breathing, she attempted to think of other things, but it was hard and just as her body's contractions eased a fraction the baron leant down and swirled his tongue in the cleft at the base of her spine where her buttocks began. He used the very tip and let its moist-ness tantalise the very nerve endings that were most in danger of betraying her.

Cassandra, who knew the sensation very well, felt her own stomach muscles contract and her breasts swelled with dark excitement at what would happen now.

What happened was exactly what the baron had known would happen. The English girl's body arched up into the air, Cassandra pressed it down against the cushion, the vibrator continued its remorseless arousal and with an ear-splitting scream Nicola's long awaited orgasm burst through her and as every muscle went in paroxysms of release her bladder gave up the struggle and she felt the hot wetness flooding from between her thighs so that even as she screamed with pleasure she began to sob with humiliation.

'What a shame/ said the baron quietly when she was finally still. 'You so nearly managed it. Never mind, let's get you over onto the reclining chair and then Rupert can have his turn at last.'

As he helped Nicola from the couch, the baron put an arm round her and turned her to face him, his eyes holding hers. 'Tell me the truth,' he said quietly. 'Did any of that give you pleasure?'

Nicola opened her mouth to say no, to tell him that she'd only felt humiliated and used, but she knew that she would be lying and that the baron would know it too. If she was to find a place for herself here, to remain with him as she so desperately wanted, then she realised that it would always be better to tell him the truth.

'Yes,' she murmured.

'Which part?'

She remembered the myriad sensations that had coursed through her body; the strange, painful pressure of a body swollen by need and the incredible shattering moment of relief when she'd finally allowed her orgasm to sweep through her. 'By the time it was over, I'd come to like most of it,' she murmured, ashamed to realise that this was the truth.


'Yes, because in losing control, in letting my body take over, I was giving myself to you,' she whispered.

The remark was calculated to flatter him, to show him that she enjoyed it when he took total control of her, but inside the baron's brain a warning light flashed. He liked women who enjoyed the same things as he did for their own sake; women whose appetites and desires matched his and were not simply a reflection of what they thought he'd like them to do. Also, Nicola didn't seem to be holding anything back. She was giving him great pleasure, but he was suddenly afraid that he would get to know her too easily. He wanted more resistance, more of a challenge than she had offered so far, but he smiled at her as though she'd pleased him and comforted himself with the thought that she still had a long way to go.

The couch was made up of three separate sections, all of them adjustable. When Nicola climbed onto it, it was level, but after Rupert positioned her carefully on all fours with her hands on the top section of the chair that section was lowered until her hands slid down to the padded end, which acted as a barrier to prevent her from falling off.

Her breasts were now hanging down, her body curved from the waist and he could position himself behind her with easy access to her tight rear opening, where she was about to lose what the baron had teasingly called her second virginity.

Giovanni, who had finished making love to Franchise, was already hardening again at the sight of the young girl crouched so uneasily on the strange leather covered chair. He sat on the floor beneath her head and reached up for her breasts. Forgetting what Cassandra had taught him that afternoon he began to knead them enthusiastically, but Nicola didn't mind that his touch was less than subtle. She was beginning to enjoy hands that were hard on her body and her highly sensitive nipples hardened immediately.

Behind her, Rupert was getting himself ready. After a short delay he dipped two fingers into a jar of lubricating jelly that contained a trace of aphrodisiac properties and then inserted them into the puckered opening.

Nicola's hips shook a little but she kept her body in place as he spread the jelly just inside the opening. At first it was merely cool, but then she felt a peculiar warm sensation spreading and suddenly she longed for him to enter her, to plunge inside her and spread the delicious sensation deeper into her back passage.

Rupert was in no hurry though. Now he used three fingers to insert more of the lubricant, and three fingers caused her to catch her breath and make a tiny sound of protest. The baron, who was standing behind Cassandra watching her face from the opposite side of the room, put his arms around his mistress and very lightly teased the undersides of her creamy globes that were already full and heavy.

Rupert moved his fingers around, spreading the lotion everywhere until Nicola felt as though she was on fire and now her hips were rotating furiously as she tried to assuage the sensation that had become too intense. Rupert grasped her hips to keep them still, let the head of his protected erection press against the entrance for a few seconds while Nicola gasped and groaned at the fire that was raging inside her and then he pressed himself hard against the opening and thrust in savagely.

Despite the anal expander and the extension on the vibrator a little earlier, Rupert's long, thick penis filled Nicola as she'd never been filled before and she started to protest, her muscles pressing against him in a desperate attempt to force him out.

Giovanni, his eyes huge with excitement, tugged on her nipples and then pinched the tips sharply. Red-hot tongues of fire now shot through her breasts as well and she heard herself start to whimper.

It was Frangoise, realising that her husband was going to make the most of this moment, who decided that Nicola needed help if it was to prove pleasurable for her too. She took a small solitary love ball off the trolley and reaching beneath the whimpering girl pressed it into her front opening.

In the position she was in, this proved easy to accomplish, and once inside the vaginal walls, that were contracting as a result of Rupert's harsh thrusts, the love ball was activated and began to vibrate. These vibrations travelled along the by now over-stimulated nerves that led to her clitoris and as Rupert continued to plunder her from behind, Nicola felt a glorious swelling sensation between her thighs and her clitoris stood out from its fleshy hood.

Cassandra could hardly breathe as she watched Nicola struggling to cope with Rupert's technique. He was lunging more fiercely than she ever remembered seeing him before, and it crossed her mind that as yet the girl was nothing to him except a novelty; a toy to be used and then discarded.

The baron's hands slid down her stomach and she caught her breath as he teased the flesh down the sides of her body, making circles over her hip bones and pressing his erection against her buttocks as she leant heavily against him.

Nicola's eyes were wide and frantic now as Rupert continued on his own journey to pleasure. She felt as though she was being forced to take pleasure when her body could no longer manage it, and despite the warm darts of excitement mounting steadily deep within her, she still wished that he would finish and leave her alone to recover from the evening.

Frangoise, who was watching carefully, saw Rupert's top lip draw back from his teeth and knew that he was very near. Once more she reached beneath the girl, who was now uttering a despairing keening sound that was half pleasure and half pain. She drew a small black swan's feather lightly round the swollen clitoris, and allowed it to continue to play on the girl even when her climax approached. At the moment that Rupert finally lost control and groaned with pleasure Frangoise let the feather flutter directly over the top of the little nub so that Nicola's hips slammed back against Rupert as she was jolted into yet another tearing orgasm that seemed to go on for ever until finally she slumped exhausted onto the chair as Rupert slipped out of her and Giovanni was forced to release her blood engorged nipples.

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