Alleyn, Fredrica (11 page)

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Authors: Cassandra's Chateau

BOOK: Alleyn, Fredrica
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'She's very tight,' he murmured to Cassandra. 'Tomorrow, before I take her, she must be very well prepared. You and Peter had better spend the day ensuring that she's ready for me. Release her now.'

Cassandra let Nicola's outer sex lips close and the baron promptly spread his hand over the entire area, pressing carefully until her hips began to move more urgently and then he stopped. When she was still he repeated the action, pressing down harder until she was instinctively thrusting upwards, whereupon he again let the pressure ease.

For Nicola it was bewildering. Jagged sparks of pleasure would shoot through her, a strange glow
would fill
her lower stomach and then just as it all
and built towards something she sensed
wonderful, it stopped.

The baron let his finger tease the entrance to her
again. It felt a little less tight and was certainly well lubricated. 'Constant arousal will work well,' he muttered.

Cassandra, who was longing for the baron to take her properly herself, felt a pang of pity for the restlessly moving body on the couch.

'Time fox bed, Nicola, I think,' he said calmly, moving away from the girl. 'Remember what I said about the nipple chain, and although I have nothing against self-satisfaction in the normal scheme of things, I wish you to leave yourself alone tonight. Do I make myself clear?'

Confused, swollen with thwarted desire, poised on the edge of total satisfaction, Nicola could only nod dumbly. She climbed off the couch and bent to pick up her dress.

'Leave it,' said Cassandra. 'Sophie will show you back to your room. She can carry the dress for you.' The baron smiled.

Nicola stared at Cassandra in horror. 'I can't walk naked to my room, not with this . . . this chain, and . . .'

'I assure you Sophie is used to such things and would not dare to make any comment,' the baron assured her. 'Cassandra, ring for her please.'

Appalled, Nicola waited until a tap on the door heralded the entrance of the dark-haired maid. As the baron had said, Sophie showed no surprise or indeed interest in the naked newcomer. Instead she picked up the dress from the floor and following Cassandra's Wstructions led Nicola out of the small, overheated
«om into the cool passageway.

Nicola shivered at the change of temperature and felt her nipples grow erect with the cold. The silver chain moved slightly and a mortified Nicola thought of removing it, but the baron's warning sounded in her ears and she thought better of it.

When she was finally alone in her room she pulled on a fine cotton nightdress and climbed swiftly into bed. It was only when she turned on her side to sleep that she realised that every movement she made during the night would cause the silver chain to move and stimulate her nipples. Helplessly she wondered how much rest she would get.

It turned out to be very little, and when she did sleep she dreamt of the baron doing strange, unspeakable things to her.

Chapter Five

hen Nicola had gone, looking dazed and vulnerable r V which greatly excited the baron, he drew a bottle of champagne from an ice bucket in the corner of the room. 'What do you think of her?' he asked Cassandra.

She thought carefully about the best way to answer him. 'I think she's rather pretty, amazingly innocent and possibly less compliant than I'd expected.'

He nodded. 'Yes, she is all these things. She is also possible to read. Unlike you, her eyes quickly betray her.'

'Unlike me?' queried Cassandra, taking the fluted crystal glass of champagne from his hand.

He gave her one of his rare genuine smiles and touched her naked breasts lightly. 'I do not believe I understand you even yet,' he said softly. 'I know your exquisite body, I can usually gauge its reactions, but as to how you think, what you feel inside your head, there you escape me.'

'You can't possibly understand Nicola yet. She's only
een here a few hours.'

True, but already I know that I
understand her.' Cassandra sipped the champagne.
you like what you see so far?' she asked casually.


The baron sat next to her on the chaise longue, dipped a finger in his drink and then outlined her left breast with the liquid. 'She has possibilities that excite me. I like to understand my women.'

Cassandra knew better. He might believe that, but once he totally understood a woman he tired of her. That was why she was so careful to keep part of herself locked away; the part that loved him, that meant she'd do anything to keep him, she was determined never to let that show. He was a hunter by nature. While she still intrigued him, remained in part an enigma, she was safe.

If he was right and Nicola proved easy for him to understand, then Cassandra should be safe, but she'd sensed a core of steel in the girl that might prove dangerous. Nicola could be determined enough to take the baron away from Cassandra if she wished, especially if she turned out to have an aptitude for the dark side of his life. But she had a flaw. Cassandra had already noticed that she was not averse to arguing even at this early stage, and that was something the baron would not tolerate.

'Cassandra?' his voice was low.

The champagne had dried round her breast and felt sticky.


'Do you want me to make love to you?'

'If that's what you want too,' she said calmly.

He gave her a look of resigned amusement. 'Why will you never ask?'

'Perhaps because I dislike disappointment.'

He pressed her down against the length of the chaise longue and began to nuzzle her neck and breasts. 'It is what I want,' he murmured, his hand teasing the inward curve of her waist, her navel and over the tender skin of her hipbone.

She wriggled luxuriously. When it was like this, when he was as careful of her pleasure as his own and she felt emotionally close to him, then all she wanted was for it to last this way for ever. But she knew that, like him, she was deceiving herself. She too needed the variety, the dark humiliation of the other ways they explored their sexuality, and only he could provide those experiences for her. Without him, she wondered how she would survive.

Feeling her slender suppleness press against him, the baron finally stripped off all his clothes and then turned her face down, pushing her up onto her knees so that he could enter her from behind while at the same time manipulating her clitoris.

As Cassandra's climax approached and he felt her inner walls contract around him, his hand stopped moving and he ceased thrusting until the tightness eased and her tingles died away, then he began again. He brought her constantly to the brink until she was almost sobbing with delirious excitement, but it was only when this excitement proved too much for him that he allowed them both to be engulfed by a racking climax that left them in an exhausted tangle on the chaise longue.

That night the baron slept in Cassandra's bed, his arms around her all night, but in the morning when she awoke he'd gone, leaving a note on the bedside table reminding her of what she and Peter were to do that day.

At the same time as Cassandra was reading the note, Nicola was finally waking from her disturbed night's sleep. She stretched beneath the bedcovers, and at once felt the tug of the nipple chain against her nightdress. Without thinking, her hands went to her breasts and she cupped them both, squeezing them softly and revelling in their sweet aching fullness.

She kicked off the covers and still without thinking, one of her hands began to stray to the hem of the nightdress, edging it upwards so that she could touch herself between her thighs where the baron had touched her so lightly the night before and where even now a steady throb was beginning to pulsate.


Cassandra switched on the monitor in her room just in time to see what was happening. Immediately she rang through to the kitchen and told Sophie to hurry and take coffee to Nicola. A part of Cassandra wanted Sophie to be too late, so that she could report this act of defiance to the baron, but another part of her realised that the girl was only half-awake and scarcely conscious of what she was doing.

Luckily for Nicola, although Sophie took quite a long time, she herself came to her senses just as her fingers began to edge up her soft thighs. She suddenly remembered the baron's words and quickly withdrew her hand. She couldn't imagine how he would know if she disobeyed him, but at this early stage she didn't dare take the chance of risking his disapproval.

No sooner had she drunk the coffee that Sophie brought her than she heard a light tap on the door. 'Come in,' she called hesitantly, wondering if it was the baron back to explore her body once more.

Cassandra entered, and noticed the hint of disappointment in Nicola's eyes. It seemed that her experiences the night before hadn't put her off the baron despite her protests at the time. 'I thought I'd better take off your chain before you had your bath,' she explained.

Nicola flushed. 'I can take it off myself.'

'That isn't allowed. The baron's instructions for the day are quite clear, and this is one of them. Did you sleep well?' she added.

'Yes thank you,' lied Nicola.

Cassandra could see the dark rings beneath the girl's eyes and knew better, but she was surprised that Nicola felt it necessary to lie to her. A disturbed night would not have been unusual in a strange bed. It could only mean that the disturbance had been due to erotic dreams and sexual frustration that she was unwilling to admit, even to herself.

'Take off your nightdress then,' she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Nicola hesitated, and for a moment Cassandra thought she was going to refuse but then she pulled it over her head. The older woman saw how heavy and ripe the girl's breasts looked, and how tightly the miniature handcuffs were fixed to the erect nipples.

Cassandra crossed the room to where there was a small washbasin and let the cold water run over her hands. She then returned to the waiting girl and let her fingers stimulate the areolea as she unfastened the clips. The coldness of her touch made the nipples grow even harder and Nicola gasped at the sensation.

'Are my hands too cold?' asked Cassandra with apparent concern.

'A little,' replied Nicola, wishing that her breasts wouldn't keep swelling and responding to every kind of stimulation they received.

'Never mind - you can have a warm bath now, that will help. I'll get Peter to run it for you.'

'Who's Peter?'

'The chauffeur who collected you from the airport. He's really the baron's personal servant and can turn his hand to most things.'

'Can't I run my own bath?' asked Nicola hesitantly.

'Didn't your servants look after things like that for you in England?' asked Cassandra in surprise.

'Sometimes, but never a man.'

'You'll have to get used to Peter, you'll be seeing
lot of him during your stay here,' said Cassandra with a smile. The smile disturbed Nicola. 'Come along,' she continued. 'He should have it nearly ready for you by now.'

Nicola went to put on a silk housecoat but Cassandra stopped her. 'There's no need for that. You have to learn to take pride in your body.' She hustled the naked girl out into the corridor and then down the single step into her old-fashioned bathroom with its large cast-iron bath now over half-full with water. When Nicola saw the well-built young chauffeur wearing only a brief pair of shorts waiting in the room, she tried to back out but Cassandra was behind her and swiftly locked the door then pocketed the key.

'I'm not bathing with him here,' said Nicola, trying vainly to cover her nakedness.

'The baron has requested it, and later we're all to use the outside pool together. It's a beautiful pool, and a real sun-trap during the morning,' responded Cassandra. 'Honestly, Nicola, a lot of girls would envy you such a handsome personal attendant!'

Nicola knew she had to do as she was told. She lifted her right leg over the side of the bath and immediately Peter's hands were round her waist, steadying her. His fingers were broad and pressed firmly into her skin. Hastily she sat down in the water, her eyes lowered.

'You may wash her now, Peter,' said Cassandra.

Nicola didn't even try to protest this time. She simply let the young man soap her arms, neck, back and breasts with a soft sponge and tried to ignore the way her blood coursed through her veins and her nipples swelled.

'Your breasts are very sensitive, aren't they?' commented Cassandra. 'It's so much nicer when they are. You've probably got a lot more unexpected erogenous zones too. Dieter will enjoy discovering them.' She leant over the bath and gently tickled beneath Nicola's left armpit, sending shivers of pleasure over the girl's skin. 'You see, I'm right! Stand up now.'

Mutely, Nicola stood, and this time Peter used his hands on her, soaping between her buttocks and high up her legs to the soft furry triangle, but he left her sex itself alone. When she sat down again, Nicola became conscious of the heavy bulge in Peter's shorts.

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