Always You (24 page)

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Authors: Kirsty Moseley

BOOK: Always You
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"Come on then Riley bear, lets go get married" Clay said excitedly. I swayed along behind him to a little wedding chapel, I wanted Elvis to do it but they didn't have him so we settled for a normal boring minister instead.

"You really gonna get married?" Tom asked laughing his ass off.

I nodded "Yep! Lets get this done so I can go back to my room and shag the life out of my husband" I said kissing Clay deeply and grabbing his crotch making him moan into my mouth.

"Rach you want to be my bridesmaid?" I asked with a big grin.

"Hells yeah I do" she said jumping up and down on the spot. "Oh shit what's the rhyme? Wait wait you need some stuff, Oh what is it?" she said frowning holding my hand. "Oh! Something bold, something new, something borrowed, something true" she sang extremely pleased with herself for remembering.

"Something bold?" Jenna asked, "Like what like bold colours or something?" she asked confused.

I just waved my hand in a whatever gesture and went back to kissing Clay. God he really is an incredible kisser, I can't wait to make love to him I thought.

"I can't wait to make love to you either" he whispered in my ear biting my earlobe. I blushed and giggled, did I just say that out loud? I could hear the others all talking and laughing.

"Ok Riley look we got it, that old lady told us" Rachel said pointing to a middle aged lady behind the counter who looked extremely pissed off to be called old. I giggled and smiled apologetically at her as Clay walked off to sort out some licence or something that we needed before we could get married.

"Ok so it's something old and something borrowed, well you can borrow my bangle it was my grandmothers, something new can be your dress that's new right? So we just need something blue" she said looking round. She gasped and ran over to the table where they had a fake flower arrangement grabbing a little plastic blue flower and shoving it roughly down my cleavage. "There! Perfect and I am the perfect bridesmaid" she declared proudly. "Clay, Who's best man? Because you know the bridesmaid and the best man have to have sex right? It's tradition" she asked Clay nodding her head in the direction of Tom obviously giving him pleading eyes.

Everybody laughed and Clay nodded "Yeah I was gonna ask Tom anyway" he said throwing the two blue ring boxes at Tom with a wink.

He got the third box out of his pocket and got down on one knee in front of me opening a red velvet box.

"Riley Jane Thomas, I have loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you 12 years ago, and I will love you forever, I promise to do my best to make you happy everyday, will you marry me?" he asked looking me straight in the eyes the whole time. Boy would I, jeez I wish we were married already so I could be back in that hotel room now consummating it.

I nodded "Yes" I said giggling. He jumped up lifting me up and spinning us round in a circle before plopping me back down and slipping the ring onto my finger. I didn't even get a chance to look at it because the lady called us through to the chapel the minister was ready for us.

We went into the little chapel, it was completely white inside with little white chairs, Clay and Tom walked up to the front and Rachel and I stayed behind, everyone else went to take seats giggling and chatting. The music started and Rachel slowly staggered up the aisle, I couldn't help but laugh as she shot Tom a wink that said he was in for a good night.

When she got to the end it was my turn, I kept my eyes firmly on Clay as I walked up the aisle he was so handsome and perfect. I was having trouble walking in my shoes so I stopped halfway up to slip them off. "Jenna!" I called as I threw them to her making everyone laugh. Clay grinned and motioned with his head for me to go to him so I skipped the rest of the way and slapped his ass as I stood next to him. The minister didn't look too impressed.

The ceremony passed as a blur, and to be honest I wasn't listening to much of what she said, I was lost in Clay's beautiful green eyes, eyes that I hoped my children would have when we decided to have kids. He nudged me when it was time to say my lines, excitement and happiness clear in his eyes making my heart beat way too fast.

I repeated the lines after the Minster, "I Riley Jane Thomas take you Clay Richard Preston, to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as we both shall live" I said clearly with a smile. When he said his lines he was beaming with pride and joy.

The best bit by a clear mile was 'you may now kiss the bride'. I threw myself at him with so much force that I nearly knocked him over, we were both panting by the time we pulled away. Everyone was clapping and cheering, and taking photo's on their camera phones, I heard Ben say that he'd filmed it. We signed the register and staggered back to the hotel laughing our asses off.

"Celebration drinks! Newly weds over here" Ben shouted as we entered the bar pointing to Clay and I, making me giggle. Everyone in the bar clapped and cheered as Clay kissed me deeply making me so horny I could jump him right here in front of everyone.

"Ooo newly weds! Come up here" the host of the karaoke completion said from the stage. I giggled and hid behind Clay who shook his head laughing mouthing 'No' to the man. "Come on, I'm not taking no for an answer, newly weds up here now or I'll have security come and bring you up" the host man shouted again.

Ben and Tom were pushing us towards the stage "NO! I don't want to" I said laughing.

Clay turned and picked me up threw me over his shoulder but being careful to make sure my skirt covered my ass, his hand lingering on my inner thigh making me moan and bite my lip. He carried me onto the stage laughing his head off, he plopped me down in front of the host and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"So you two have just got married? Mr and Mrs...." the man asked trailing off smiling.

"Preston" Clay said squeezing my waist with a big grin.

"So Mr and Mrs Preston, we're gonna let you have your first dance" he said with a wink, "What's your song?" he asked turning to the computer. I looked at Clay, we didn't have a song.

"James Morrison, you make it real" Clay answered immediately. I gasped, holy crap he's right that is our song! He always makes me dance with him when that song comes on and he even has it as his ring tone on his phone for me. I swallowed a sob at how sweet he is as the man tapped on the computer and the song started. Clay laughed and pulled me into his arms as we slow danced to it, people were ooing and ahing at us but I couldn't focus on anything other than Clays eyes which were radiating love and passion. When the song ended he kissed me lifting me up off the floor slightly so he didn't have to bend and everyone clapped.

"So would you like to take the newlywed challenge?" the man asked thrusting the microphone in my face.

I looked at him confused, "What sort of challenge?" I asked quietly not willing to commit to anything.

"Well you've had your first official dance, now it's time for the unofficial first dance, if you do it here on stage you win 4 bottles of champagne" he said with a wicked grin.

Our friends were jumping up and down howling and chanting 'do it! do it!' loudly making me giggle. "Unofficial first dance? So what does that entail?" I asked sceptically, I could hear Clay laughing behind me so I turned and slapped his chest playfully.

"Well it's a lap dance" the host said giving me a wink.

Oh my God is he serious? "I'm not giving you a lap dance for 4 bottles of champagne! I just got married, are you crazy?" I cried outraged making everyone in the room burst out laughing.

Clay was almost on the floor laughing, "Not for me! For your husband" the host cried in hysterics.

I blushed, holy crap that's embarrassing. "Oh! Well if he wants one I will" I said giggling and looking at Clay giving him a flirty wink.

He looked more than up for it and nodded eagerly "Hell yeah" he said his eyes flashing with excitement.

The host disappeared and came back with a chair which he set in the centre of the stage and tapped on the computer, a couple of seconds later a song I had never even heard of came on, I giggled and blushed.

"You're not allowed to touch her the only rule, otherwise you lose the challenge" he said slapping Clay on the shoulder giving him a good luck smile. I pushed Clay roughly into the chair gave him my best sexy smile and began giving him a lap dance grinding on him and rubbing my hands on my thighs seductively.

I heard him groan, he quickly sat on his hands to take away the temptation as I ground hard on his now prominent bulge in his jeans breathing deeply in his ear. I bent over so my ass was near his face and rubbing my hands down his legs seductively. His face told me he was really enjoying it and to be honest so was I. I was so drunk I forgot everyone else was there and was quite happy grinding against his erection getting myself off in the middle of the bar. Luckily the song finished and everyone was cheering other wise I think I would have carried on until I climaxed.

When I went to get up Clay jumped up quickly and pulled me to him to hide his erection making me giggle as I discreetly rubbed against him on purpose making him moan breathily in my ear. "Well you definitely won the challenge, I don't think we've ever had a couple get so into it before, you're a lucky man" the man said slapping Clay on the back with a chuckle. "Sam! Four bottles of champagne for this couple for the newlywed challenge" he shouted to the barman who just winked at me with a smirk.

"Thanks" I said blushing as I made my way off the stage to our friends who were rolling around in their seats laughing.

"I got that on film man, that was the hottest damn thing I've ever seen" Craig said giving me a wink.

"Yeah I'm gonna need a copy of that" Clay said laughing and squeezing my ass. He pulled me onto his lap as the champagne came over trying to cover up his still prominent arousal. I sat there deliriously happy drinking champagne chatting and laughing for about another hour before I fell asleep with my head in the crook of his neck.

Chapter 15

Oh my God my head is pounding I thought as I laid there with my eyes squeezed shut, I felt Clay tighten his arms around me so I turned my head in his direction making the room spin slightly. I opened my eyes but the room was so bright that I squeezed them shut again. Ahhh! How much did I drink last night? I rolled over and pressed my hands to my temples as another wave of pain shot through it making me groan. I heard Clay laugh next to me.

"Good morning my beautiful girl, are you suffering today?" he asked rubbing his hand on my back affectionately.

The sound of his voice was so loud that it made my ears ring, "Shhh baby please" I muttered groaning again and burying my face in a pillow.

He laughed quietly and climbed out of the bed, "Here" he whispered holding out his hand which contained two aspirin and a glass of water. I rolled over to look at him, he was still dressed in the same clothes as last night and looked so handsome. I took the pills he was holding out to me and swallowed them with a big gulp of water wincing as it burnt my dry throat. I looked down I was still wearing my dress, oh so we hadn't had sex. Oh thank God, I am so glad I thought I didn't remember it! That would have been bad not remembering my first time. I smiled excited that I still had that to look forward to.

Clay smoothed my hair away from my face with a smile, "You feeling ok?" he asked looking in my eyes, I frowned no way I was not feeling alright I had the hangover from hell.

"Not really, you?" I asked burying my face into his chest.

"My head hurts a bit but not as bad as yours by the look of it" he said laughing quietly and laying back down.

I laid down next to him putting my head on his chest, my face felt itchy and tight. I rubbed at it roughly, I felt something hard brush my nose, I frowned and looked at my hand, on my ring finger I had two rings. A beautiful gold diamond ring and a plain gold band next to it. What the hell? Why am I wearing two rings? Who's are they? Suddenly everything came flooding back, the jewellery store, the wedding chapel.

OH MY GOD, WE GOT MARRIED! I started to panic, crap, we got married? I'm only 17! Not that the thought of being married to Clay scared me but we were so young, and still in school for goodness sake and oh shit my parents are gonna go crazy! What If Clay is regretting this and thinks that I wanted to trap him or something, he could break up with me. My breathing was coming out too fast as the thoughts flew through my mind.

Suddenly Clay rolled on top of me and kissed me deeply, nibbling on my lip slightly, I opened my mouth and felt his tongue slip in and massage mine. I forgot everything I was worried about when he kissed me making my body burn with love and desire for him. But shit we were married! Did he know? I mean crap if he was as drunk as I was last night, which from what I can remember he was, he probably wouldn't remember.

I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back "Clay last night we" I said but he shook his head and interrupted me.

"No don't worry we didn't have sex, you were so drunk you fell asleep down in the bar, I had to carry you up here" he said with a chuckle. Ok that was good but not what I was trying to say. He kissed me again running his hands down my body slowly, I had to stop him before I forgot what I needed to say.

I pushed him completely off me and sat up, he looked confused "Clay seriously, we need to talk" I said rubbing my temples where the sitting up movement was making my head pound again.

He sat up next to me looking at me curiously. "What's up beautiful girl?" he asked rubbing my back gently. I looked at him, he had no idea what I was going to say, he definitely didn't know we were married.

I took a deep breath how the hell am I gonna say this? Direct approach is best I think. "Clay look" I said holding out my left hand, he looked at it, his eyes went wide and his mouth opened slightly, staring for a few seconds before some recognition came across his face.

"Oh shit! That's right we got married" he said still shocked but a smile pulling at the edge of his mouth. I didn't say anything I just watched as a smile slowly spread across his face. Ok what the hell is he smiling about? Does that mean he's not angry? Oh God please don't let him break up with me I begged internally.

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