An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy 1917-1963 (138 page)

Read An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy 1917-1963 Online

Authors: Robert Dallek

Tags: #BIO011000, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Presidents, #20th Century, #Men, #Political, #Presidents - United States, #United States, #Historical, #Biography & Autobiography, #Kennedy; John F, #Biography, #History

BOOK: An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy 1917-1963
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pp. 573-74: NSK’s motives: May and Zelikow, 668-71.

Chapter 17: New Departures: Domestic Affairs


p. 575: JFK’s image: Dean Acheson to JFK, Oct. 29, 1962, Box 27, POF; Harriman memo of conversation with James Reston, Oct. 30, 1962, Box 588, Averell Harriman Papers, LC; Pierre Salinger to JFK, Oct. 30, 1962, Box 65, POF; Gen. Lauris Norstad to JFK, Nov. 1, 1962, Box 103, POF;
Nov. 12, 1962.

p. 576: For JFK’s medications during the crisis, see Dr. Janet Travell medical records, October 1962, JFKL. For the Stelazine, see the Dec. 11-13, 1962, records.

p. 576: JFK on physical fitness:
PPP: JFK, 1963,

pp. 576-77: On the Stevenson flap: Stewart Alsop and Charles Bartlett, “In Time of Crisis,”
Sat. Eve. Post,
Dec. 8, 1962;
PPP: JFK, 1962,
FRUS: Missile Crisis,
134, 137-38, 145, 567; Schlesinger,
A Thousand Days,
835-38; Lawrence Freedman, 220. Also see JFK to AES, Dec. 5, 1962; AES to JFK, Dec. 8, 1962, Evelyn Lincoln Papers, JFKL; Clayton Fritchey to Salinger, Dec. 10, 1962; Stevenson to Salinger, Dec. 10, 1962; Stevenson to John Steele, Dec. 10, 1962, Box 65A, POF.

p. 577: Legislative record: Henry H. Wilson Jr. to Larry O’Brien, July 9, 1962; “Kennedy Legislative Boxscore,”
Congressional Quarterly,
Nov. 14, 1962, Box 31, POF. Larry O’Brien to JFK, Sept. 10, 1962, Box 64, POF. James M. Burns letter to Editor,
New York Times,
dated July 30, 1962, published Aug. 5, 1962.

pp. 577-78: “were talking quite honestly”: McGeorge Bundy to JFK, Aug. 20, 1962, Box 405, NSF.

p. 578: “The President is just”: HST to JFK, Aug. 11, 1962, Box 33, POF.

p. 578: Worked behind the scenes: JFK to Charles Bartlett, Aug. 21, 1962; Martin S. Ochs to JFK, Aug. 30, 1962, Box 27, POF.

p. 578: Speak “over and over”: Lou Harris to JFK, July 26, 1962, Box 30, POF.

pp. 578-79: For JFK’s campaign speeches, see
PPP: JFK, 1962
for May-Oct., and specifically 414-16, 643-44, 722, 734-35, 739-40, 745, 763-64, 799-800.

p. 579: JFK’s hold on the public: Schlesinger,
A Thousand Days,

pp. 579-80: The congressional elections: Gallup, 1786-88; TCS [Sorensen], “It looks as though we might gain in the Senate and lose in the House,” Nov. 6, 1961, Box 66A, POF; Lou Harris to JFK, “Analysis of the 1962 Elections,” Nov. 19, 1962, Box 30, POF;
PPP: JFK, 1962,
834-35, 891; Richard Reeves, 429.

p. 580: Approval rating: Gallup, 1793.

p. 580: hailed as “your excellent”: Lou Harris to JFK, Nov. 19, 1962, Box 30, POF.

p. 580: The housing order:
PPP: JFK, 1962,
831-32, 835.

p. 580: “see the editors”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 316.

p. 581: On Monroe and the Kennedys: Thomas C. Reeves, 317-27; and Schlesinger,
A Thousand Days,
590-91, who quotes Lawford.

p. 581: JFK’s health care: Parmet,

p. 581: “physically impaired”: Statement of Dr. George Burkley, Mar. 2, 1964, Box 14, Lincoln Papers.

p. 581: “that if I ever”:
New York Times,
Dec. 4, 1972.

p. 581: “that if Dr. Travell”: Lincoln Diary, Dec. 29, 1962, Box 4, Lincoln Papers.

p. 581: “potential threat”: Quoted in Leamer, 545.

p. 582: Jacobson made occasional: Richard Reeves, 242, 364, 684-85, 689-99.

p. 582: Her records indicate: Travell medical records.

p. 582: According to Dr. James M. Young: Conversation with Dr. Young, Nov. 27, 2002.

p. 582: “robust health”: Dr. James M. Young, handwritten memoir, Nov. 23, 1963, which he allowed me to read.

pp. 582-83: “The Congress looks”:
PPP: JFK, 1962,

p. 583: Heller asked him: Heller memo to JFK, Oct. 16, 1962, Box 6, Walter W. Heller Papers, JFKL.

p. 583: “The economic conditions”: Philip L. Graham to JFK, Oct. 17, 1961, Box 30, POF.

pp. 583-84: “The lesson”:
PPP: JFK, 1962,

p. 584: Mills’s opposition to a tax cut: Henry H. Fowler, Conference with Mills, Nov. 15, 1962, Box 88; Larry O’Brien to JFK, Dec. 5, 1962, Box 64, POF. Douglas Dillon, Notes of conversation with Mills, Dec. 6, 1962, Box 38, Douglas Dillon Papers, JFKL. “Why a Tax Cut Is Unlikely in ’63,”
U.S. News & World Report,
Dec. 17, 1962, 42-45.

p. 584: “a reduction in revenue”: Sen. Albert Gore to JFK, Nov. 15, 1962, Box 90, POF.

p. 584: “we are in serious danger”: Robert G. Baker to Sen. Mansfield, Dec. 27, 1962, Box 52, POF.

p. 585: State of the Union Message:
PPP: JFK, 1963,

p. 585: “not going to pass”: Naftali and Zelikow,
Presidential Recordings,
vol. II, 337.

p. 585: JFK on educational needs:
PPP: JFK, 1963,
38-39, 69-70, 105-16, 238, 877-79.

pp. 585-86: Education spending: Ibid., 215-16.

pp. 586-87: JFK and health reforms: Ibid., 140-47, 188-204, 338-39, 823, 849; JFK to Anthony Celebrezze, May 6, 1963, Box 68, POF; Bernstein,
Promises Kept,

p. 587: On the tax cut: M. J. Rossant, “The Economic Education of John F. Kennedy,”
The Reporter,
Feb. 14, 1963, 22-25.

p. 587: “a lot of willingness”: Heller to JFK, Dec. 21, 1962, Box 5, Heller Papers.

p. 587: Dillon to JFK, Nov. 20, 1962, Box 34, Dillon Papers.

p. 587: “highly desirable”: DDE Statement, Sept. 8, 1963, Box 29, POF; also see Charles S. Murphy to JFK, Sept. 10, 1963, Box 33, POF, for HST’s view.

pp. 587-89: Wilbur Mills and federal spending: Tel. Convs., Dillon and Kermit Gordon and Dillon and Larry O’Brien, both February 1, 1963, Box 38, Dillon Papers.
PPP: JFK, 1963,
27, 57, 59-60, 68, 210-212, 332, 351, 384, 393, 403-4, 576, 637-38, 662-63, 822, 863. JFK-Walter Heller, July 25, 1963, Audiotape 101.3; JFK-Wilbur Mills, July 29, 1963, Audiotape 101.4; JFK-Martha Griffiths telephone conversation, Aug. 7, 1963, 25A6, 25B1; JFK-Douglas Dillon, etc., Sept. 12, 1963, Audiotape 110.3; JFK-Dillon, Fowler, Sept. 30, 1963, Audiotape 113.5, JFKL. Bernstein, 157-59.

p. 589: “the most precious”:
PPP: JFK, 1963,

p. 589: “an end to racial”: Ibid., 71.

p. 589: “legal, economic”: Ibid., 159-60.

pp. 589-90: Special Message to the Congress on Civil Rights, Feb. 28, 1963,
PPP: JFK, 1963,

p. 590: Had been “appointing”: Ibid., 239.

p. 591: JFK-Katzenbach telephone conversation, Mar. 7, 1963, Audiotape 11A.5, JFKL.

p. 591: “Could you discuss”:
PPP: JFK, 1963,

p. 591: JFK’s civil rights record: Dallek,
Flawed Giant,

pp. 591-92: The voting rights bill: Berl I. Bernhard to Lee C. White, Feb. 21, 1963, Box 30, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.

p. 592: RFK and LBJ:
Flawed Giant,
30, 32-33, 35-36.

p. 592: “fussed and interfered”: Burke Marshall OH. Guthman and Shulman,
Robert Kennedy,

pp. 592-93: May and July CEEO meetings: Dallek,
Flawed Giant,

p. 593: RFK-LBJ personal differences: Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy,

p. 594: Birmingham demonstrations: Bernstein, 85-90.

p. 595: Hoover’s allegations: Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy,
352-54; David J. Garrow, “The FBI and Martin Luther King,”
Atlantic Monthly,
July/August 2002, 80-88.

p. 595: JFK press conference:
PPP: JFK, 1963,
372-73, 378.

p. 595: “It seems clear to me”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 490-91.

p. 596: King’s letter: Branch, 737-40.

p. 596: took issue with JFK’s assertion: Ibid., 787.

p. 596: The negotiated compromise: Bernstein, 90-92.

p. 597: The explosions and rioting: Ibid., 92-93; Branch, 791-96.

p. 597: “The passivity”: Quoted in Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy,

pp. 597-98: Wallace: Carter, chap. 3.

p. 598: JFK’s discussion of the dilemma: JFK conversation with RFK, Burke Marshall, Nicholas Katzenbach, Ed Guthman, McNamara, Army Sec. Cyrus Vance, and Gen. Earle Wheeler, May 12, 1963, JFK Tape 86.2, JFKL.

p. 598: On King’s intentions: Ibid.; Branch, 796-800.

p. 598: “leaned too much”: Quoted in Branch, 800.

p. 598: JFK statement and telegram:
PPP: JFK, 1963,

pp. 598-99: RFK survey: RFK to JFK, June 4, 1963, and Lee White to JFK, June 4, 1963, Box 97, POF.

p. 599: RFK and Wallace: Carter, 117-23; Guthman and Shulman, 185-86.

p. 599: JFK and Wallace: Carter, 128-29. Pierre Salinger memo of conversation between JFK and Wallace, n.d., given to me by Sheldon Stern with Stern to Author, April 19, 2002.

pp. 599-600: The prospect of race wars: Burke Marshall OH.

p. 600: May 20 and 21, 1963, meetings: JFK, RFK, John Macy, Marshall, O’Brien, O’Donnell, Sorensen, and Lee White, JFK Tapes 88.4 and 88.6.

p. 600: Reporter asked:
PPP: JFK, 1963,

pp. 600-601: RFK meeting in New York: Guthman and Shulman, 223-26; Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy,

p. 601: ”How long”: Guthman and Shulman, 64-65.

p. 601: JFK and Gov. Jimmie Davis, June 3, 1963, tel. conv., JFK Tape 21A.

p. 601-2: Conversations with Davis and Thompson: JFK Tapes 21A.1, 22A.3 and 4; 22B.1 and 3.

p. 602: On LBJ and the civil rights bill: Dallek,
Flawed Giant,
36-37; LBJ-Sorensen tel. conv., June 3, 1963, Vice Presidential Papers: Civil Rights, LBJL.

p. 602: RFK request to Harriman: TELCON, May 29, 1963, and RFK to Harriman, June 17, 1963, Box 479, Harriman Papers.

pp. 602-3: The confrontation with Wallace: Guthman and Shulman, 185-98; Carter, 142-51.

p. 603: Preparation of the televised evening speech: Guthman and Shulman, 198-201.

pp. 603-4: Televised evening speech:
PPP: JFK, 1963,

p. 604: The civil rights bill: Ibid., 483-94. On Evers: Carter, 153-54.

pp. 604-5: Bipartisan support: JFK to DDE, June 10, 1963; DDE to JFK, June 14, 1963, Box 29A, POF.

p. 605: “He always felt”: Guthman and Shulman, 176.

p. 605: “I suppose that civil rights”: JFK-Carl Albert telephone conversation, June 12, 1963, JFK Tape 22A2.

p. 605: Dirksen quoting Hugo: Dallek,
Flawed Giant,

p. 605: JFK told Hodges: Luther Hodges OH.

p. 605: More than moral considerations: Guthman and Shulman, 392.

pp. 605-6: “Kennedy will lose”: Fred R. Travis to Charles Bartlett, May 20, 1963, Box 28, POF.

p. 606: “the most sweeping”: Martin Luther King, June 20, 1963, Box 97, POF.

Chapter 18: New Departures: Foreign Affairs


pp. 607-8: December 17 interview:
PPP: JFK, 1962,
896-903. Also see Schlesinger to JFK, Dec. 15, 1962, Box 62A, POF.

p. 609: On Berlin: Beschloss,
Crisis Years,
FRUS: Berlin Crisis,
510-11, 544-46.

p. 609: JFK’s view of alliances: Theodore Sorensen, Foreword, in Brinkley and Griffiths, xiii.

p. 609: On Skybolt and the Bermuda meeting: Schlesinger,
A Thousand Days,
856-66; JFK, Background Briefing of the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF.

p. 610: “the riot act”: Lincoln Diary, Dec. 22, 1962, Box 4, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.

p. 610: Richard E. Neustadt’s report was later published as
Alliance Politics
(New York, 1970).

pp. 610-11: Relations with France and Germany: John Newhouse, “De Gaulle and the Anglo-Saxons,” 32-48, and Roger Morgan, “Kennedy and Adenauer,” 16-31, in Brinkley and Griffiths.

p. 611: “if Germany developed”:
PPP: JFK, 1961,

p. 611: “What is your judgment”: JFK-Macmillan tel. conv., Jan. 19, 1963, Box 127A, POF.

p. 611: “There is always the argument”: JFK, Background Briefing of the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF.

p. 611: “Well, I am going”: Quoted in Schlesinger,
A Thousand Days,

p. 611: “not possible to persuade”: Dean Acheson to JFK, Feb. 20, 1963, Box 27, POF.

p. 612: Malraux and JFK remarks at the National Gallery:
PPP: JFK, 1963,
4-6. Also see
FRUS: Western Europe and Canada,

p. 612: On defense spending, see
PPP: JFK, 1963,
15-16, 18-19; JFK, Background Briefing of the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF.

pp. 612-13: Rename foreign aid: David Bell Memo, Dec. 22, 1962, Box 28, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.

p. 613: NSK to JFK, Nov. 12, Dec. 14 and 19, 1962:
FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev,
205-6, 233-34.

p. 613: On Israel, see Cohen and chap. 6 of Bass.

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