Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order (15 page)

BOOK: Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order
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Nathan nodded. “Somewhat, we’re actually going to travel in a northwesterly direction but your right in actuality we will be closer. Anthony and I surveyed the compound and it looks like more of a holding area where people wait to be transferred to a more permanent location. We’re going to stop by one of these out of the way small towns for supplies but our ultimate goal is to liberate that camp.” Both Darion and Anthony’s jaw dropped, the normally composed Anthony questioned his closest friend’s sanity. “Nate, we’re not ready for that yet.”Nathan simply said. “We will be.” Anthony asked his friend. “How are we going to support that many people?” Nathan looked to the ground as he shook his head. “I’m working on it.” Nathan moved towards the group then turned to Anthony and Darion. “You guys coming?”

As Nathan moved away Darion turned to Anthony. “That’s your crazy ass friend.” Anthony rebutted. “Your brother.” Darion lifted his eyebrows to Anthony. “Yea, but I didn’t have a choice.” Anthony chuckled. “True.”

Nathan walked around the large group who were all looking at him wondering who he was and what he was going to do with them. The majority of the group didn’t understand or even care about what Nathan had said, what they did hear was “come with me and you’ll be free.” Nathan took a breath and tried to explain a bit better.

“Hello, as I said I am Nathan Turner, the others you see standing around you are my family. We have elected to live free rather than be slaves to the New World Order. Soon enough you will see the threat that is upon us, we will all do our best to help you understand these people and their motives as best as we can. Tomorrow we will leave this place, it is not safe anymore. As for tonight I would like for us to get to know each other a little better.” Nathan paused for a moment, and then continued. “I was a profiler in the FBI, have a master’s degree in psychology, was in the Marine Corps and have trained in various combat arts as well as years of survival training. Over there is Anthony, a former US Marshal and Army Ranger, he holds a degree in criminal justice and is an exceptional marksman not to mention a very wise man. My brother Darion was supposed to graduate next year with a double major in world history and religion. Don’t let his age fool you he is wise in the history of our world and” Nathan hesitated to say enemies. “And to those who are doing this; he will be able to answer many of your questions. My sister Alexia while only seventeen is one of the finest fighters you will ever see and Jason is an exceptional archer. Everyone here has skills and abilities that can help the group. Whether a teacher, a farmer or a homemaker everyone has knowledge and experience that can help.” 

A man in his early fifties raised his hand to get Nathan’s attention. Nathan noticed the man. “Yes sir.” The man said. “Well, I’m a lawyer and my wife is a hairdresser so I’m afraid we’re completely useless.” Immediately the man’s wife slapped him on the arm. Everyone laughed.

Nathan replied immediately out of pure gut reaction than rational thought. “I have a list it goes car dealer, rapist, murderer, child molester, politician and lawyer. Without the lawyer there wouldn’t be so many molesters, rapists and murderers.” Nathan winced as soon as the words left his mouth, the man and his wife looked shocked at Nathans proclamation. Nathan truly detested lawyers, the thought that someone could defend a child molester under the pretense of “It’s my job” left a very foul taste in his mouth; he did not however want to seem like the asshole he most certainly sounded like.

The man leaned into his wife in a mock whisper loud enough for Nathan to hear. “What does this guy have against car salesman?” The man then turned to Nathan with a wry smile and winked. Nathan couldn’t help but to smile back almost laughing. “I could definitely benefit from a haircut though.”

The rest of the evening was spent around the campfire talking and laughing; a much needed break from the stress. Later on Nathan, Anthony, Darion and Jason prepared for the mornings departure while Alexia and Beast, who just happened to outweigh her by about 40 pounds kept watch.


                        *   *  *


Deshad slowed as he closed in on the outskirts of Mount Weather. He wanted to test every facet of Weathers security, to do so he had to prepare appropriately. Deshad was dressed from head to toe in a black body suit similar in texture to a wet suit but specially designed to conceal body heat from inferred sensors. In a tactical holster on his right leg was a silenced Sig pistol, on his back was a silenced sc340 assault rifle with scope. Strapped to his left leg were several throwing knives and strapped upside down under Deshads arms were his signature daggers. Each dagger about ten inches in length was engraved with a serpent on the blade and the all seeing eye at the end of the handle. Deshad had a few more tricks of the trade but didn’t expect to need them. As Deshad got closer he noticed half a dozen or so sensors, some infrared, some motion. Thanks to his suit Deshad didn’t have to worry about the infrared, he assumed the motion sensors were tripped hourly do to wildlife and falling foliage, so as long he was careful he should be able to pass them arousing little suspicion. Deshad stealth fully made his way through the last mile till he finally saw a fence. The fence was about 100 feet from the treeline. Besides having cameras every 100 feet the fence was barbed, lined with razor concertina wire, electrified and very well lit. Deshad could see guard shacks about a football fields length away. Deshad moved silently to the edge of the treeline removed his rifle from his back and an EMPD(Electro Magnetic Pulse Disrupter) from a pouch on his belt. The EMPD would shut down the fence until the backup was engaged, that gave him 4 to 10 seconds to clear the fence. Once the fence was down the guards would be alerted. Deshad picked up his rifle aimed in on a camera about 400 yards away closed his eyes and took one final breath. Deshad opened his eyes and shot the camera. As soon as he let off the trigger Deshad sighted in on a motion detector in the same area and shot it as well. With a distraction 400 yards away Deshad made his move. He ran dodging motion detectors and trip wires when he got 10 feet from the fence he threw his EMPD into the fence and retrieved his cutting tool, the whole fence electrified with life and then shut down.


Deshad quickly began to cut the fence only to find that it was made of some strange metal that wouldn’t cut.


Deshad dropped his cutter and quickly threw himself as high on the fence as he could and latched on.


As he climbed through the barbed wire Deshad received several cuts and scrapes but his primary concern was getting through before the fence reactivated. 


Deshad tried to stand on the top of the twelve foot high fence so that he may jump over the razor wire on the ground but found the sling of his rifle hung up and was holding him down. Deshad quickly cut the strap and made as far a leap as he could just barely clearing the razor wire and rolling on the ground to absorb the fall.


The fence returned to full power, Deshads rifle sparking at the top of the fence as it hung from its sling clearly marking his location. Even worse the alarm was sounding and a 15 foot steel wall was rising just within the parameter. Deshad flew with the speed of a cheetah towards the closest cover, a hanger about three hundred yards away. Deshad managed to reach the hanger without being seen but he knew it wouldn’t take long for the guards to find him. Out of options Deshad ran for the entrance of the compound hoping his speed would give him advantage over his pursuers. The entrance to the compound itself was built into the side of Mt. Weather. It was a large archway with steel doors guarded by two gun turrets on either side and two guards. Deshad stopped and hid between a quartet of joint light tactical vehicles while he assessed the situation. Normally Deshad would have surveyed the base for a longer period of time to ensure he entered undetected but he was on a strict timeline and had to work quickly.

Two guards manning turrets..... Deshad needed a distraction. The assassin looked around and spotted a chock block behind the wheel of one of the JLTV’s. He grabbed it, opened the door to the lead truck pressed the ignition switch, put the chock block on the gas and threw it into gear. As the JLTV flew in front of the base entrance Deshad flew along the mountain side until he came to the side of the archway. Both guards watched with M 4D rifles drawn as the JLTV crashed into a guard shack. Deshad edged around the corner to see the backs of the guards. In a blur of motion Deshad snapped the closest guard’s neck and quickly closed the distance to the other. As the guard was turning Deshad brought his left foot across the front of his body to kick the guards rifle out of his hands, as that left foot hit the ground Deshad's right swept up to land on the side of the guards head. The guard twisted to the ground, and was finished with a knife to the neck. Deshad quickly moved to the door ensuring to stay behind the turrets. A retinal scanner and hand print analyzer were on a podium next to the door.

"Easy enough." Deshad grabbed the closest guard who wasn’t dead yet but certainly would be in a matter of seconds. Deshad removed his knife from the still flowing neck wound and moved the guards head and hand to the scanner. A moment later a screen came up that said. "Access denied, tandem screening required."

"Tandem screening?" Deshad looked around but only saw one screen, that combined with the seven or so vehicles driving straight for him convinced him that maybe Mt. Weather was secure enough for the Prince. As the vehicles stopped all the guards within jumped out and sighted in on Deshad who stood calmly arms at his side. A call came from one of the guards.

"Drop to your knees and put your hands on your head!"

Deshad calmly removed his hood. A figure stepped from the center vehicle and moved forward, two armed guards shadowing him, he began a slow applause as he moved forward; through the blinding glare of the headlights Deshad recognized him.

"So you beat me here, no one’s ever made it this far, but I would expect no less from you."

Deshad moved towards President Garrett but stopped abruptly at the sound of every rifle aiming in. Garrett turned to address the guards. "Return to your posts." All but Garrett’s personal illuminated Secret Service left. Deshad moved to Garrett then asked. "Where’s the other scanner?" Garrett smiled "Through twenty feet of steel my friend." Deshad lifted his head as the statement clicked. "Inside."

Garrett nodded. "Yes, there are two guards there as well. It takes the one inside as well as the one outside to open the first door." Deshads eyebrows rose. "First door?" Garrett smiled again. "Let me give you the full tour."


                            *  *  *


0300 Kiesler saftey compund, south Mississippi.


Staff Sergeant Reyes and specialist Franks sat in the Major's office. As soon as they arrived they immediately reported the "hijacking" of citizens to their First Sergeant who had them wait in the Majors office, whom the First Sergeant had to wake. The office door opened, in walked the First Sergeant and the Major, Reyes and Franks jumped to attention. "At ease." the Major groaned before the soldiers could even offer a greeting. The Major then told the men to take a seat. The First Sergeant stood off to the side. "The First Sergeant tells me you were hijacked, is that right?"

Reyes being the senior of the two spoke. "Yes sir, this maniac stopped the bus and took seventeen of our people, he and his militia were heavily armed. Franks and I took a bit of a beating but managed to get away,"

Franks looked at Reyes then looked away wondering what the Staff Sergeant was up to.

The Major asked. "How did these individuals get you to stop Sergeant?" Reyes explained. "One of the group was a young girl who was standing in the middle of the road, we thought she was lost. When we stopped to help we were ambushed."

The Major took a breath. "Did he give any reason for the kidnapping, any demands?" Franks spoke coyly. "He didn’t really kidnap them sir." The Major still waking up rubbed his eyes and temples not sure if he understood correctly. He looked from Franks to Reyes. "They went willingly?" Reyes answered. "Well sir, he conned them by telling them there was no virus and that he was there to liberate them from our control." The Major paused for a moment to think. "Did he identify himself?" Reyes nearly growled as he answered the Major. "He said his name was Nathan Turner." The Major sat back to think. Being a soldier all his life he truly thought the government was helping these people but they did leave on their own. The Major looked to the First Sergeant. "What do you think we should do?" The first Sergeant thought on the situation. "Well sir part of me says that if they are dumb enough to follow some stranger into the woods then oh well, but he might try this again and if he gets enough people believing what he's saying then we might have a much larger problem and that dog don’t hunt sir."

The Major rubbed his brow as he thought of the next course of action. Reyes spoke up. "Sir I'd like to lead a team to apprehend him and his crew before they cause more trouble."

The Major met eyes with the First Sergeant who gave his opinion. "I think we can spare a small team sir." The Major looked at Reyes. "I'll give you ten men. You can take Franks as well."

Reyes stood up. "Yes sir."


                        *  *   *


At 7am Nathan already had his group on the road and moving north. The Suburban was loaded down. Ammunition weapons and supplies in the rear, tents and food in the overhead carrier; eight adults including Alexia sat in the large Suburban with children on their laps. Anthony drove Darions jeep that was similarly loaded with people, and of course Beast. Darion and Jason rode point on the four wheeler. Nathan told them to stick to the back roads heading in a northerly direction and to keep a roughly slow pace. Nathans goal was to get at least thirty miles from their last location. Mississippi had more than enough woods to set up a new camp. Also moving north put them closer to the Jackson compound, Nathans next target. At around 8:30 Darion spotted a service station and radioed in. "Bravo this is Alpha come in." Nathan responded. "This is Bravo go ahead." Darion continued. "There’s a decent size service station up here, looks abandoned, thought it might be a good place to resupply." Nathan passed on the brotherly instinct to be a smart ass and say duh it’s abandoned. "Good idea. How far ahead are you?" Darion answered. "About five miles." Nathan informed his brother. "We'll be there shortly."

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