Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order (16 page)

BOOK: Armageddon Rise Of The New World Order
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A few minutes later Nathan and Anthony pulled into the service station. Nathan could already see the group getting restless; he only hoped their patience would last a little while longer before going their own way. While the group was ransacking the service station Nathan and Anthony were topping off anything that could hold fuel by siphoning through a couple of garden hoses.

Anthony spat then calmly said. "This is disgusting." Nathan looked to his friend and laughed. "That’s because you’re using regular, you should try premium it’s much better." Anthony was about to respond when Alexia yelled to them. "Hey guys come check this out." Nathan and Anthony walked over to the suburban where everyone else seemed to be congregating. Everyone was crowded around the TV that was receiving some sort of broadcast.

"Good morning, I am Kacie Stewart and this is World One News. President Garrett will be addressing the nation shortly."

Everyone around the suburban tensed up, this was the first information in nearly a month. Nathan tensed nervous of how his group was going to respond to the illuminati propaganda.

A short while later the President came on and addressed the nation, he sat this time in a replica of the oval office in Mt. Weather. "My fellow Americans, a great tragedy has befallen the world. A terrorist group calling itself Tahara has attacked many nations with their deadly virus and has nearly destroyed the populations of South America and Africa." The President paused to once again put on the most sincere expression of regret he could. "Casualties are estimated to be over five hundred million...."

Everyone around the suburban gasped in shock, some inadvertently covering their mouths.

The President paused for a long moment then continued. "Along with our allies we tried to produce and disperse as much vaccine as we could, unfortunately we were not able to get the vaccine to all of these countries in time. Due to the extreme nature of this threat a new world alliance has been formed, one that will hunt down these terrorists and ensure retribution is paid for the atrocities they have committed. I will represent North America in this alliance until the world is once again safe from this threat.

Until that time I ask that you please follow the instructions of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and their agents as they are here for your safety and protection. Food, shelter and information will be provided in the designated safety areas. We are also in the process of bringing items that will make your stay more comfortable such as books, computers, better food and recharging cells for your portable electronic devices. So if you have not yet registered please do so as soon as possible for the safety of you and your families. The new world alliance is working to gather as much information as possible we will do everything that we can to keep the public informed... Let us pray for the safety of our world."

The screen immediately cut to the New World Alliance broadcast. Everyone old enough to comprehend what the President said turned to Nathan.

Nathan spoke through what seemed to be a never ending silence. "Let’s go."
As Nathan turned around a man shouted. "You said there were no terrorists; you said there wasn’t a virus!" Before Nathan could respond the fifty-two year old lawyer with the hairstylist wife responded. "He also said this would happen, didn’t you hear the President a New World Alliance. Listen to the President, go to one of those ... prisons if you want to but I'm not giving up my right to be free."

Nathan turned to face the man and the rest of the group. "I don’t have all the answers but I know the men behind that attack were from no terrorist organization. No terrorist group has the funding or capabilities for an attack that large" Nathan could see he was getting a mixed reaction from the crowd. "When we find a safe location I'll answer more of your questions, as for now we need to get off the road."

Nathan headed towards the driver seat of the suburban signaling the end of the conversation. Slowly everyone made way to their transport. A short while later they were on the road and moving. A few moments later Nathan heard light specks of ice start falling on the roof.

Alexia stated her confusion. “Hail?". Hail didn't fall very often in the south but more peculiar was that the sun was out just five minutes prior. Nathan radioed his brother. "Darion are you guys alright?" Jason returned. "We just pulled off a small dirt road; it has some overhanging trees that are giving us a little shelter." Nathan asked "Where at?"

Jason came back. "About two miles up on the right, you should be able to see us from the road."

Nathan advised Darion and Jason to stay put. A moment later the hail had stopped. Nathan pulled off by the dirt road Anthony driving behind him. Nathan got out and went to speak with Darion. "This looks like a good place to turn off; we crossed a small bridge earlier that creek should run this way." Darion nodded. "We went about half a mile in before the hail hit, it closes up pretty good." Nathan surveyed the small road as he spoke "Good I want you two to block the entrance as best you can. Use trees, shrubs and whatever else you can find that looks natural. Depending on where we setup I'm gonna send you back later in the jeep to wench a few trees down over the road." Darion asked," Are you taking off?" Nathan moved to the Suburban. "Yeah, but we'll be moving slow you guys should catch up pretty quick, just conceal the road as best as you can." Nathan got back into the rugged Suburban threw it in four wheel drive and began to expand the small dirt path by rolling over almost anything in the way. After a few minutes Darion and Jason caught up. As soon as Nathan noticed them he cut off the trail and through the woods towards where he thought the creek should be. After three hours of slow going and about six miles Nathan came to the creek, this one a little deeper than the one at the old campsite but still a fresh water source. Nathan disembarked and surveyed the area. Anthony walked up beside him. Nathan pointed. "Over there."

Anthony looked to a clearing on the other side of the creek then looked to his friend. "You would pick the other side.”


                          *  *   *                             


There was more than one group moving north on that day. Reyes and his team were well on their way to where he and Franks were stopped by Nathan. For Reyes tracking down Nathan was more of a personal pride issue than anything else. As they approached the approximate location Reyes told his crew to lock and load. The small convoy then pulled over to the side of the road. Once there the team began to investigate the area. Reyes and his team were no special forces unit, a few Army rangers, but mostly just general infantry; still they were skilled enough in tracking.

Reyes spoke to a couple of soldiers."I want you two to stay with the vehicles." Then he spoke to the rest. "Everyone else fan out and head straight in, call if you see anything of interest and feel free to shoot anything that looks like its holding a weapon."


                        * *  *                                             


After a while the group found a spot in the creek shallow enough to drive across. Nathan had sent Darion and Jason back to close off the entrance from the dirt road while everybody else set up camp. As the afternoon passed Jason and Darion returned so too did the group’s interest in Nathans explanation. The lawyer that defended Nathan earlier approached him. Nathan was standing by the creek."I hope you’re not thinking of drowning yourself." Nathan looked over. "Not yet." The lawyer moved next to Nathan looking somber and said. "Well there's a time for everything." Nathan enjoyed the levity. "I'm sorry, what was your name?"

"Marcus Hanesworth you can call me Marc." Nathan put out his hand." Nice to meet you. Thanks for earlier." Marcus shook Nathans hand." I know there's something wrong, I don't know what exactly but when I look at you and the way your friends follow you without question, well let’s just say I believe you. That's a lot coming from a state prosecutor." Nathan looked at Marcus. "A lot more than if it came from a defense attorney." Marcus beamed. "I thought you might feel that way, being an FBI agent and all." Nathan shook his head." I never could understand how someone can defend some of the crap I bring in, knowing full well their guilty but playing the system to their advantage." Marcus thought of his time as a public defender before moving over to the district attorney’s office. He thought to himself how much he really liked Nathan. "As I said, I think your right, something is happening and I think the Government knows more than their telling us but I don't speak for everyone .You need to give them more than just your instincts, you need to talk to them." Nathan looked back towards the group wondering what he would say. Marcus saw Nathans inner struggle and tried to encourage him. "You have to tell them something, if you don't they'll leave and if your right that could mean their deaths."

Marcus patted Nathan on the shoulder then went to join the others. Nathan looked at the fast setting sun hoping he would find the words. He then walked over to the group and sat on his silver chest. "I will try to answer your questions as best as I can."

Marcus was the first to ask a question."What exactly is the New World Order?" Nathan looked at a group of faces eager to learn what was happening to their world. "Everyone get some food, move close to the fire and get comfortable." Nathan stood up opened his chest and pulled out several books from within. “It’s going to be a long night.”


                      *   *  *                                                               


After hours of traversing through the woods Reyes and his team had come across Nathans previous campsite. "Franks" Franks moved to his sergeant. "Yes Sarge" Reyes spoke with agitation in his voice. "Radio the two privates and tell them we’re camping here tonight we'll check back in the morning." Franks nodded and went to radio the soldiers guarding the JLTV’s. Reyes pulled his men in.

"They left up the creek, there are several tracks leading in along the beach that means they had to come out somewhere. We'll stay here tonight; tomorrow we’ll pick up their scent, they won’t get away."Several yells came from the soldiers, unfortunately they had no idea what they were up against, if they had they might not have been so eager.


                      *   *  *                                                                  








Journal #4

Every one of us has pondered the meaning of life. For many increasing their wealth and financial standing gives them meaning, for some creating and building gives them meaning and for many more the lust to attain and keep power is the meaning of life. We all know the true meaning of life though, unequivocally it is love. Love of our family, love of our friends, our country and our faith. We love for those we leave behind and for those who die and leave us behind. 

I have often wondered how many people die meaningless deaths; to die in a car accident, fire or drowning. Even worse is to die for no purpose other than to satisfy another’s hate because one person feels another is inferior. One of the greatest fears I've ever known was the fear that I would be unable to find the proper words to explain what was happening and that those I first liberated would leave and possibly die. In those first months I questioned myself often. I questioned if it was right just to free these people or to take their lives into my hands. Later as the Illuminati lies slowly came to light and as people were tortured and killed by the thousands the citizens of America realized they had no choice but to fight. We helped to give them that choice, sometimes I felt as if we were giving them the choice of the Illuminati "Conform or Die", Later I realized the choice was much broader Conform, Die or fight for liberty. We gave them the choice to fight. As long as we love we will always fight, for or our families, our friends, our country and our faith.

                                                       Nathan Turner                                                                                                                       

                  "Is it better to die free or to live in a prison of conformity?"              



                       *   *  *                                                          


Chapter 8: Beneath the Surface

The princes' plane touched down at Mt.Weather Virginia to a welcome of security that could only be for the leader of a new world. As the Private jet stopped six men in suits exited and formed a protective wall three on either side then came the Prince. The sixty year old was garnished in the robes a modern Roman Emperor might wear .Right behind him was a cloaked figure with a low cowl shadowing his face.

Garrett stood in the center; Deshad on his right and FEMA director Thompson on his left all bowing their heads as the Prince approached his welcome party.

Garrett looked behind the prince to Deshads look alike, smiled and then looked to Deshad. "So that’s how the Prince’s shadow is everywhere."

Deshad responded coyly. "How do you know he's not the true shadow and I am the imposter? I did fail to gain entrance after all." The Prince cut in as he placed a fatherly hand on Deshad’s shoulder. "Which is exactly why I have come." He looked to Garrett." If you can keep him out no one will get in." Deshad spoke with a calm certainty, "I would have found a way if I had more time my lord." The Prince smiled. "I do not doubt it."

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