Arrested By Love (12 page)

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Authors: Kathryn R. Blake

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #spanking

BOOK: Arrested By Love
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Even so, Kyle never wanted Tiffany to be cowed by or scared of him, or anything he might do with her. He liked her spirit. He enjoyed her sense of humor and occasional spunk. Except, like most dominant men, he refused to tolerate defiance, disobedience or disrespect. He admired her mind, spirit and body, and made it his obligation to protect all three, equally. However, the manner in which he did so, totally depended on her.

Though Kyle never wanted nor expected Tiffany to be a biddable woman without a mind of her own, he was insistent that she at least listen to him. She was bright and intelligent, and he encouraged her to use her mind. But she was also young, impulsive and occasionally reckless, one of which she would eventually outgrow, while the other two required some active curbing on his part, and probably would until they were both old and gray.

Unfortunately, a head of gray hair was not that far in the future for Kyle, especially if his darling girl continued to test his patience, as she seemed so fond of doing now and again. Yes, he would also be willing to introduce her to erotic spankings if she seemed amenable, though so far Tiff hadn't found much pleasure in pain. However, like Kelly, she did like to cuddle close and kiss after a spanking.

Kyle had no doubt Tiffany loved and respected him. Kelly, however, was an entirely different matter. He needed someone to take her in hand and out of his before she created even more trouble for him. And that meant he'd have to break tonight's date with Tiffany.

So as Kelly knelt with her head bowed by his side in the station's interrogation room, Kyle used his Dom voice to order his defiant submissive home, then instructed her to meet him again, properly dressed, at the club at six. When she started to protest, he told her he wasn't giving her a choice, he was giving her a command.

Assuming the high protocol of a slave, she immediately dropped her head to the floor and said, "Yes, sir. Please forgive your wretched servant, sir. Though she knows she should be severely punished now for stepping out of line, she will wait for her master's pleasure at the club."

Understanding that her formal style deserved a reply that was similar in tone, he reached out and placed his hand on her head. "Though I cannot forgive what you did, until you are properly punished for your insolence, I still expect you to obey my orders and go home. I will also expect you to respectfully kneel before me again later tonight, and beg for my correction then."

"Yes, sir," she replied very meekly. "May I be excused now, sir, until later?"

"You may," he replied coolly.

She smoothly rose to her feet. She was a pretty sub and knew how to move gracefully. She bowed her head, and he gave her a nod, barely able to suppress his deep sigh of relief when she turned and left.

Next item on Kyle's agenda was a reluctant call to Tiffany. Kyle could tell just by her "Hello?" that Tiffany was terribly excited about something. He had no idea what, but he expected she intended something special for tonight. The night before his birthday.

In previous years, she'd left something at the station for him. Nothing really big. A cupcake with a candle maybe, or a new desk puzzle wrapped in sparkly paper and topped with a bow. And though he got some ribbing from the guys over the teenager that clearly had a crush on him, he took it good naturedly and sent her a cute card as thanks.

Recalling that made him feel like an even bigger heel for bursting her joy bubble. However, he needed to ensure Kelly could never come between them.

"Hi, babe," he said gently.

"Kyle! Oh, I'm so glad you called." It sounded like she was going up and down on her tiptoes like a little kid. "I've got a really neat surprise for you. Can I come to your place at six tonight instead of seven?"

"Um, Tiff...?"


"I'm afraid something unexpected has come up, and I need to cancel."

"Oh," she replied softly, and he could hear the happy bubble in her voice slowly deflate. When she said nothing more, he knew she waited for an explanation, which he had no intention of giving her. He didn't want to lie, and the truth in this case would cause her even more hurt. "Look, I'll make it up to you tomorrow. I promise."

"Tomorrow's your birthday, Kyle," she reminded softly. "Don't you have to work?"

"Yeah, sweetie, I'm afraid I do. But we can have lots of fun together when I get off--around nine P.M., since tomorrow's Friday. 'Kay?"

She didn't answer, and from the sinking feeling in his stomach, he knew she was upset. "Tiff?"

"Okay," she finally agreed--very reluctantly.

"That's my girl," he praised. "I love you."


There was no joy left in her voice at all when she severed their connection.

Not good. He was going to have to do some major sucking up tomorrow night for disappointing her so badly.


Chapter Eight

That evening Kyle entered Velvet Chains at quarter to six. Dressed in black pants with a black shirt, he headed straight for the bar. Normally, he didn't like to imbibe before a scene, but he was in sore need of a potent drink to get him through tonight's ordeal.

"Scotch on the Rocks, please," he ordered before he could think better of it. Then, taking a quick look around, he spotted Jim Evans, one of his fellow police officers, head toward the bar, and debated unburdening his current situation to the other Dom.

Kyle had seen Jim work with a sub a couple of times. Though he'd known him to be a strict Dom, he wasn't a sadist. And Kyle really didn't want to give Kelly to a sadist, even if that might be exactly what she needed. Time would tell. Kyle heard Jim order a glass of ice water and knew the other Dom intended to scene tonight. Kyle kept his gaze focused on his drink, feeling a little guilty for having ordered it, and not wanting the insightful Dom beside him to know just how upset he really was.

"Saw your sub come visit you at the precinct today. She in trouble?"

Kyle gave a nod, but didn't look up. "Yeah, you could say that."

"You intendin' to do a punishment scene with her tonight?"

Kyle sighed. Did he really have a choice? "Looks that way."

"Mind if I watch?"

Kyle gazed up at the other Dom then, and considered him carefully. "Not at all. In fact...."

"What? You lookin' to make a party of it?" Jim's suddenly erect posture showed he was definitely interested.

Kyle shook his head. "I'm looking to find her another Dom. Daniel tried to work with her and so did Greg, but I don't think they were strict enough to meet her needs."

Kyle saw Jim's eyebrow raise, and knew the other Dom considered that a challenge. "A bit of a hellion, eh?"

"She can be," Kyle admitted truthfully. "She can also be a very sweet submissive when she's mastered properly. It's just that.... I've met someone else."

"Got it," Jim answered, and Kyle knew the experienced Dom wouldn't ask him any more questions about Tiffany. "So, tell me a little about your sub, and when she gets here, I'll put her through her paces. Check how she responds to me. If I'm pleased, I'll most likely want to scene with her. I should know within a half-hour or so whether or not I think we'll click."

"Thanks," Kyle said, finally able to take a breath. "I really appreciate this, Jim."

When Kelly arrived dressed in an appropriately short black skirt with a top that left her midsection bare, she immediately sought out Kyle and knelt before him with a bowed head, as ordered. Kyle stared down at Kelly's bent head for a second, then looked over at Jim who promptly stepped forward to run his fingers through Kelly's long, blond hair. Then before she could even turn and look at him he gripped it tightly, and pulled her head back.

She winced, so Kyle knew Jim was hurting her a little, but she remained properly submissive.

"What's your name, sub?" Jim asked, using his Dom voice.

"Kelly, sir," she answered promptly, with a trace of apprehension in her tone.

"Well, Kelly, I'm Master James, and I prefer subs to address me as either Master or Sir. Do you think you can do that?"

"Yes, Sir," she replied back sharply, giving a tentative swallow.

"Very good. Master Kyle has given you to me tonight, so you and I are gonna go over by the cross for a few minutes, where you'll strip for me then properly present yourself for my inspection. If I am satisfied with your performance, I'll most likely chain you up for a bit while I do some further exploration. Then we'll see where we'll go from there. What's your safe word, Kelly?"

"Banana, sir," Kelly answered, clearly breathless and overwhelmed by Jim's agenda.

"Too many syllables, sub," Jim replied sharply. "I want you to come up with something shorter by the time I'm ready to put you in chains. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir," she answered back with a snap to her voice.

"Good, girl." Then Jim gave her hair a yank to pull her to her feet. Kelly gave a yelp then, and instinctively grabbed at Jim's wrists.

Jim gave a single shake of his head. "Hands down, Kelly, and eyes front."

"Yes, Sir," she replied obediently lowering her hands, but tears still filled her eyes when she risked a glance at Kyle.

Jim gave Kelly's hair another yank. This one looked much more painful.

"Oww," she whined, her hands immediately going for his wrists again.

"Hands down, sub. First and last warning for that. Do it again, and you'll be punished."

Though Kelly lowered her hands as ordered, she cried out with obvious pain, "You're hurting me, Sir."

"Am I now? And do you have a problem with that, sub?"

"I don't like pain, Sir."

"Really?" Jim asked. "That's most interestin', since I heard differently. I was told that you prefer a little rough handlin'. That you need it, actually. Have I been misinformed?"

Kelly clearly didn't know how to respond to that, so Jim gave her hair another tug, and she cried out. "I'm sorry, Sir."

"For what?" Jim asked in a soft growl.

"For disobeying and complaining, Sir." Kelly admitted on a little sob.

Jim released her hair and Kelly instinctively reached up to rub her tender scalp. Kyle thought Jim would call her on that, but he merely lowered his hand to her arm and said, "Come with me, sub."

Kyle suspected Kelly badly wanted to look back at him, but after her last warning, she didn't dare. Jim was being a little rough with her, though not exceptionally so. However, Kyle decided to stay and watch them for awhile. He wouldn't interfere, but he didn't want to leave Kelly until he was certain she and Jim would mesh.

When they got over to the chaining station, Jim crossed his arms over his chest and said, "Strip."

"Here, Sir?" Kelly asked.

Uncrossing his arms, Jim bent forward in a manner clearly intended to be intimidating. " Since we're just gettin' to know each other tonight, subbie, I'm gonna cut you a little slack. When I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed. Immediately. No questions asked. Hesitation will earn you a sharp reprimand. Do we understand each other?"

"Yes, Sir," Kelly answered, her voice sounding tiny and afraid now.

"Good," Jim answered, straightening to his full 6'6" height and crossing his arms over his chest, clearly waiting for Kelly to obey his last command without repeating it. When Kelly didn't move, Jim said, " You have until the count of five, sub, and if you aren't out of all those clothes and on your knees in a properly submissive presentation to me, I'm taking you over to the spanking bench and givin' you your first taste of Master James's discipline."

Kelly immediately scrambled to obey the Dom mastering her. She had stripped, gotten down on her knees, and had her hands placed in their proper position behind her head before Jim reached a count of three.

Jim nodded with approval. "Good, girl." He walked around Kelly, taking his time. "Very nice form, sub," he praised, then after a beat added, "Present your ass to me next, please."

Though Kelly winced at the command, she immediately shifted onto her hands and knees then lowered her front so she rested on her elbows and bent forward to touch her head to the floor. This served the purpose of lifting her butt high in the air for Jim's inspection.

"You do that very nicely, Kelly," Jim praised as he ran his hand over her buttocks. When she shifted in an instinctive reaction, Jim gave her a light smack on the butt, and she jerked with a tiny yip. "You are not to move without permission, sub. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," she answered in a slightly tremulous voice.

Kyle had made her kneel occasionally, but he'd never made her assume the slave positions. She did it sometimes on her own, so she clearly knew how, however, her quick obedience to Jim's commands actually surprised him.

Jim gave Kyle a look, then reached down and stroked Kelly between the crease in her buttocks, stopping to spread his fingers and expose the now twitching little puckered hole situated there. Despite Kelly's small gasp of surprise, she managed to hold her position.

"Good girl," Jim praised, "However, I expect you to remain silent unless I ask you a question or give you permission to speak."

Since Jim hadn't asked for a response, Kelly did not give one. Then Jim slowly moved his hand lower and slipped a finger into her vagina.

Kelly's head immediately came up with her gasp. Jim gave her a smack that was a bit firmer this time and Kelly yelped.

"What did I tell you, sub?" Jim asked leaning over Kelly.

"That I am not to move or make a sound, Sir."

"And what did you just do?"

"I moved without permission, gasped and then yelped, Sir. But I couldn't help myself. Your punishment really hurt, Sir."

Removing his finger, Jim straightened then just stood watching Kelly for a moment before he said, "Rise up on your knees and present your wrists to me, sub."

Though Kelly trembled uncertainly, she obeyed without hesitation. Jim gave a nod, then took her extended wrists and cuffed them with the leather cuffs he kept on his belt. She kept her eyes on him, though her trembling increased.

"Easy, Kelly," Jim murmured in a tone clearly meant to soothe as he ran his hands along her arms. Once her trembling stopped and she calmed, Jim said, "Good, girl. Now I want you just to stand at ease for me, Kelly," he commanded firmly without taking his eyes off her face. When she stood steadily before him, on her own two feet, Jim let her know she'd pleased him by giving her another nod of approval. However, when he lifted her arm to chain her wrist, she made a small sound of protest, so he stopped and took a moment to visually measure her. "Have you got your new safe word picked out yet, sub?"

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