Arrival of the Prophecy (34 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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Anthony took the first step into the circle where all agreements
were made.
Life or death.
raised his foot then slowly lowered it on the soft dirt on the other side,
immediately feeling the power of the land race up his leg. He held his breath
and walked out onto the darkened earth, meeting Anthony in the middle right

“I offer you my hand in friendship, Anthony Michelle, and ask your
forgiveness for all the wrong doings that my people have done to you and your
held out his hand.

“I also offer you my hand in friendship, and ask your forgiveness
for the wrong doing of my people,” Anthony replied, taking his hand.

As soon as the two men’s hands touched the men surrounding them went
wild with joyous yelling, howls, and squeals. Then the ground began to glow and
rock like an earth quake.
fell back and
Anthony reached out and grabbed his shirt. “Run!” Anthony yelled as a bright,
white light shot up between them throwing them both backwards. Then just as
quick as it came it vanished back into the ground. Anthony rushed to
side, thinking his forefather’s had taken his
life, because the ground had been known to make up its own mind, when a treaty
or war was called on.
looked up and began

“I felt it go through me, and thought I was dead for sure. But, it
was warm and tingly.”

“It means they are pleased with what we have done here this night.”
Anthony smiled helping him to his feet, bringing another cheer from the crowds
of both beasts.

Anthony lifted
hand over their heads and walked around in a
circle, showing everyone that they were now one as a group. The two walked over
to the werewolf side where Parker had made his way down. He waited for them to
step back over the sacred stones,
walked up to
his brother. He said nothing. He lovingly embraced
getting arms wrapped around him in return.

“Anthony!” Kayla yelled running up the trail. “Anthony!”

He heard her and rushed up the hill to meet her on the top, with
and Parker close behind him. “It’s Sky, she needs
you right now,” she said trying to catch her breath. Anthony didn’t wait for
her to explain. He took off in a speed that was hard for anyone to match
including, Carter. He burst through
where Sky was staying, and found her covered in sweat with Bonny and Henry
holding each other, while
sat by her side.

“What’s wrong? Is she alright?”

“Kayla has sent for the doctor. Her water has broken and the baby is
on his way,” she explained, wiping the sweat off of


“Where is he? What do I do?” he said bouncing from one side of the
bed to the other.

“Calm yourself and take her hand.”
snapped, grabbing him by the elbow.

He nodded and went around the opposite side of the bed that
was using.

“Hey you, how
doing?” he asked in a
soft tone.

“I’m scared. I think I need to go to the hospital,” she said then
started crying.

“What did you say to her?”

He was about to say that he hadn’t said anything to make her cry,
when Thomas, Parker and
came bursting through
the door.
was about to yell get out when she
, then smiled. “Thomas, show our guest to the
study. We may be a while.”

He nodded, looking in at Sky, then to Anthony and closed the door. Tiffany
was in the study when they walked in and she began cursing
out, until Parker told her to close her mouth.

“You can’t talk to me like that,” she said, turning to go out onto
the balcony.

said. “Would you mind?” he
asked, looking back at Parker.

“Not at all, I wish you luck.” he replied, making Thomas who had now
joined them, and Carter, start laughing which caused Tiffany to continue out
and close the balcony door.

stepped out
and also closed the door behind him. “May I say something to you?” he took a
few steps with both hands palm out.

“I swear if you touch me, I’ll push you over the edge,” she shook
her head backing up.

“I’m sorry for the way that I treated you.”

“And turning me into…” she couldn’t finish saying the word.

“Would you think of forgiving me? It’s the only thing I can ask. I
cannot reverse what I’ve done.”

“Why did you make me think you liked me?” she asked, as she began breaking
down. “I was so mean to my mother, because I thought I loved you and would do
anything to have you in my life. All that I ever wanted was someone to love me

“I can explain it all, but it won’t change anything, Tiff. You’ve
been on my mind so much I thought I would go mad,” he admitted walking closer
to her.

“Stay back. I don’t want you to touch me.”

“Okay, I understand.”

“I hate you so much right now,

“I know, but maybe one day you’ll find it in your heart to forgive
me, and perhaps in time come see how your people truly live. Meet my grandparents,
my sisters,” he said stepping even closer.

“I met your mother, remember,” she coldly,
at him, stopping him in his tracks.

lowered his
head. He didn’t know what else to say, and the words she said cut through him
like a sharp, hot knife. She was right, he had asked her out, and then told her
he wanted her to meet his mother, on their second date. Only later to be beat
down, and slice opened with his claws to become one of his
her permission.

He shook his head once then turned around to walk back in.

“I do forgive you,
. I’m just
be angry for a while, okay?” Tiffany said, right
before he opened the door to enter the house.

“Thank you. That means more to me than you’ll ever know.”

Three hours later Sky was gripping Kayla’s hand on one side and
Anthony’s on the other, clenching her teeth together, and calling Anthony a low
life piece of shit, as she was bearing down.
was putting her fingers in around the baby’s head. They found out the doctor
was ill, and
didn’t want him anywhere near the
baby. The first thing she noticed when the baby crowned was a faint glow coming
from the top of his little head. But she said nothing to keep from upsetting

“Push, Sky, push with the pain”
said in a soft purring tone.

“Okay, I’m trying. It hurts so
!” she
cried, getting ready for the next contraction. “I’m sorry I called you an
asshole, honey, it just comes out when it hurts.”

“Baby, you do whatever it takes to have this little one. I love you
so much,” he smiled, kissing her hand.

“Okay, here comes another one…Oh, this is a really bad one.” She
screamed turning purple in the face.

“Breathe, Sky,”
ordered as the
baby’s head popped out and Sky fell back.

“Come on sweetie, one more, hard push…one more,”

Sky gripped the hands of Kayla and Anthony, and gave it all she had.
She pushed and out came the most beautiful glowing baby boy they had ever laid
eyes on.
laid the baby on Sky’s stomach, as
she tied and cut the cord. She then picked the baby back up and gave it a good
swat on the backside, just like they use to in the old days, and the baby let
out his first little Michelle howl. He screamed until she put him back down
into his mothers’ arms. Anthony was speechless, and Kayla was a bawling mess.
kept working on Sky, as she and Anthony admired the
newest member of the family. His glowing flesh began to dim, until his skin was
like every other new born baby;
, pink, and
extremely soft to the touch.

“I want to name him in
of the
treaty, after our great father’s,” Anthony said, leaning down and kissing him
on top of the head. “Anthony
Henry Michelle.”

“I love it, but we’ll call him, Tony. We have way too many Anthony’s
running around already.” Sky smiled up at him,
looked back down at the baby that would one day look very much like his father.

Later that night, Anthony walked down the stairs with
at his side, carrying little Tony in her arms,
because she did not trust anyone else to take him down the long staircase and
introduced him to all of his people that were waiting to hear the news.
and Parker were standing close to the door, with
Carter and Thomas, looking back at Anthony, who was waving them over. He and
stopped on the fifth step from the bottom, so
everyone could see.

“This is my, son,” he said as
handed him the baby. “Anthony
Henry Michelle
named after three great men. I hope that you, King of the
Pack, do not mind if my child carries your father’s name?”

“It is the greatest
ever given to my
people. We thank you, King of the Werewolf Clan.”
and Parker both bowed their heads and took a knee to the newest member born under
the peace treaty. The one spoken about in every book that told of the coming
prophecy, known to every shifter kind.

Anthony lifted his son over his head and the
room took a knee to their future King.
cut their hands three nights later, laying them
side by side on the parchment paper that held the peace treaty which
a celebration that went on for a solid week.
people came to the Michelle estate to join the
gathering. Anthony and Sky, along with twelve other
couples were married during that week, under the moon of the forefathers and
the truth of their words. The
clan showed
their respect, and then returned home with Parker at their side.

The two King’s had begun a new counsel to protect and unite all
breeds, knowing they were about to step on toes that would bite back. But the
prophecy had spoken, and the golden child of light had been born, to a true
King and Queen, that had sparked life back into the land. When Tiffany had
calmed down it was clear to all that
found the other half of his soul, and Parker was grateful to be free of his
promise to care for her. Soon after the
returned home, the werewolves were invited to the wedding. Three months later
they were invited back to celebrate the birth of four sons and three daughters,
with Tiffany swearing she would never do anything remotely like it ever again.

Cara and Tara matured every day and became the driving force behind
raising their nieces and nephews, teaching them the ways of the clan and the
love and joy of having a true king and queen to lead their people.

Thomas and
were seen in
each others
company at every gathering, enjoying the
comfort of being with a person their own age that loved their mate so much that
nothing could make them sway. But neither saw anything wrong with having a good
friend who understood the others need to have a companion, not of flesh, but of
the mind.

Anthony had his grandfather
write an oath in the book of prophecy, for all the
generations to read. The words read that he would protect his seed to his death
and even from the grave, at all cost. He cut his hand and smeared his blood
over the bottom of the page, then leaned down and kissed his grandfather’s
forehead. He walked into the study and little Tony ran and jumped into his
journey has just begun.


The end






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