Arrival of the Prophecy (31 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“I’ll go first.” Carter grabbed his arm.

“It was my people that placed the danger here. I’ll go first.” He gave
Carter a hard stare then pulled his arm
He then
turned and slowly continued moving into the shadows.

Carter stayed close to his back, watching the dirt walls, waiting
for anything to
flying out. Parker stopped and
pointed his torch at a fine piece of thread that was running just a few inches
above the ground, a few feet in front of them. He stepped over it,
put the light behind him so Carter could see to do the
same thing. Carter bent down and picked up a handful of dirt and sprinkled it
across the line to make it show up better, hoping that whoever, thinking mostly
about Anthony, would see it before they tripped over it. They found two more
before entering a small room filled with boxes that were about two feet by two
feet. When Carter opened one he flinched, thinking a bomb might go off, and
then started laughing when he saw what was inside. “Liquor…all that for booze,”
he laughed even harder.

“She really was crazy,” Parker added with his own laughter, picking
up a bottle of the whiskey. “This must be how she controlled the men.”

“Let’s get out of here, before someone else gets hurt over nothing,”
Carter said, leaving the small area.

They were coming out as Anthony was about to go in. They told him of
their findings, getting a shake of his head, and then explained that they felt
there was nothing of importance, and no reasons as to why the boars had just
packed up and moved on. Anthony thought it would be best if he brought most of
his people on to his land, just in case the boars were making plans for battle.
He told Carter and Parker to ride with the others so that they could go
directly into town to get things going. “Make sure to have a few men shut this
cave down so there isn’t an accident later on.” Anthony then got in with his
pouting wife, and drove back in utter silence.

Once they arrived back at the estate, Anthony did everything in his
power to calm Sky down. It wasn’t that she was ranting or throwing a fit. It
was completely the opposite. She was totally quiet, but he could tell she was
fuming, because she wouldn’t answer anything that he asked her, even when he pleaded.
He followed her all the way up to the room she was now staying in. He had
stopped talking by the time they reached the door and was about to close it
behind her and leave, when she grabbed her stomach.

“What’s wrong?” He rushed in and dropped to his knees In front of

“I think the baby just moved,” she smiled. “There, it did it again.”

He gently placed his cheek and one hand on her partially swollen
belly, looking out into the room when a little push of her flesh pressed up
against his hand. He laughed, raising his head, putting his other hand on her
stomach, then kissing her all over her stomach. The baby moved again, and a
single tear fell down Anthony’s cheek as he looked up at his mate. “Does it
really matter how the life grows inside you? Our child lives because of you,
woman. I love you more than I could have ever thought possible, you have
completed my world.”

“Oh, Anthony,” she slid down into his lap. “I’m so sorry for being
such a bitch. I’m just afraid. Not of us. I know most will think we’re crazy
for being a complete family in such a short time. I can hear it now. ‘You knew
him how long, a week before you confessed undying love’,” Sky half laughed,
half cried. “No one will believe that now, or they’ll think you took me
pregnant with another man’s baby. We sure can’t go around explaining that I’m a
werewolf and this is all natural.”

“We’ll be fine, because we have each other. And who cares what other
people say. Was it even a week?”

“Make love to me, please,” she whispered, biting at his neck.

Anthony didn’t need any more persuasion than that, and had her on
her back in seconds. They were feet from the bed, and nowhere near the rug in
front of the fire. He kicked back, smashing his foot through the panel of
very old dresser. Neither seemed to notice, as
they managed to get out of their clothing, knocking over the small table by the
door, that held a small statue of a nude woman holding one hand to the sky with
a small bird perched on her finger. The statue tumbled to the floor and smashed
to bits. They wasted no time. He entered her as she locked her mouth around his.
The two worked up a brilliant light that sank back into

abdomen while to two made love, neither taking notice of anything but what each
other held in their embrace.

“I love you.” Sky whispered, as Anthony lay panting on top of her.

“I love you too.” he replied, lifting his upper body. “Did I hurt

“Not in a bad way,” she smiled. “My butt and lower back’s a little

“Oh,” he said, rolling over, pulling her on top of him. “This floor
is hard, not to mention, pretty cold.”

“You have the most beautiful lips that I have ever seen,” she said
giving him a light kiss.

“That’s only the allure talking,” he smiled, pushing her hair behind
her ear.

“Yeah right,” she laughed.

“Then why are your hips moving like they are?” he asked, grabbing
her thighs, pressing his new growth deep inside of her, causing her to take in
a sharp breath of air.

“It’s your body that drives me wild, not your voice,” she proudly
admitted, sitting up, riding him in a slow rhythmic back and forth movement. “I
just can’t believe that I have been missing out on this all my life.”

Anthony opened his mouth to speak, but said nothing as she took him
under with the power of her own body as she worked her hips more rapidly. The
orgasm was overwhelming. Sky fell down on his chest, covered in sweat. Anthony
took in heavy deep breaths as he rubbed her back. Neither spoke for several
minutes. Even then, the only thing that Anthony could muster was, “Thank you.”

knocked on
the door, before opening it, finding them right where they had fallen asleep on
the floor, with her precious statue in a hundred pieces at their feet. She
walked in and slammed the door, waking them up in such a shock that Anthony
jumped up with his fist doubled, ready to fight. Sky scooted back by the bed
pulling her knees up, not knowing what to think. “Anywhere in this house, you
two have any place you want. But, in here you would think one would have enough
control to use the bed. My mother gave me that statue,” she firmly spoke,
pointing back at it.

“We broke that?” Anthony looked back at Sky, who was still sitting
on the floor.

“I suppose someone else came in and shattered it into so many pieces
that it could never be mended, and all the while you slept through the
makes perfect sense to me.”
put her hand on her hip. “It’s my fault,
,” Sky
admitted, getting to her feet, and putting on the robe from the foot of the

“I don’t blame you child. You’re the reason I came up this morning. Carter
told me what he said to you, and I thought you might want to talk,” she said,
stepping over the broken pieces, and around Anthony.

“I almost forgot about that,” Sky replied, giving her a concerned

“No need to worry, it’s very much the same. Only our babies grow
much faster in the womb. The good side is we do not become pregnant as soon as
a human after the birth of our children, so you will be safe for a good two,
maybe three years, then you will stop your cycle altogether after you have had
a few children. It is the way of our world. I believe Mother Earth made it so,
so that we would not over run ourselves.”

“Wait just a minute.” Anthony interrupted. “You were about to bite
my head off, but everything’s okay because,” he paused, “why?”

“Go take a shower, breakfast is being served.”
waved her hand at him. “We are having girl talk.”

“To tell you the truth, I’m starving,” Sky added. “And I am happy
. I just want to know if it’s normal to already be
feeling the baby

“You would be close to four months to a human’s cycle, so yes, you
should feel the baby a great deal more each day.”

left the two of them to get cleaned up and went to join the rest down in the
family dining room. Bonny and Henry sat next to Parker and Tiffany. Anthony
Senior and
sat next to Carter and Mike, across
the table. Anthony came in and took the seat at the head of the table, and Sky
sat down at the other end. Sky sat there for a few minutes then picked up her
plate and walked down and stood by Anthony Senior. “Would you mind having the
other head of the table seat, Grandfather? I would really like to sit by
Anthony from here on out. Besides, don’t you think that’s where you belong?”

Anthony Senior stood up and did a small nod, then picked up his
plate while pulling out the chair so she could sit down. “It would be an
My Queen.”

“You old fool! You know you have always liked sitting there.”
snickered, taking a drink from her juice glass.

“This is very true, but it was My Lady that asked it of me. No one
can say that I have ever denied the order of my leaders,” he replied, nodding
his head at Sky.

“I wanted us all in here so that you will all know that the house
will soon fill with others like ourselves.
Other than human.”
Anthony nodded at Henry. “I have asked my people to gather on the land. All of
the older women will stay in the estate. We have a lower level and a side wing
just for them.”

“The lower levels?”
Sky asked with a mouth full of food.

“It’s nothing like what you have all seen. There is an area much like
the rooms on this floor and upstairs. I would never allow our elderly to live
in that state,” Anthony added looking at Sky, reaching over and touching her

“And this is why you keep me locked in the attic?” his grandfather
interjected, pouring himself a shot of blue tonic.

“It was your idea to remodel the attic, Father, and we only lock it
to keep others out.”
said, moving the bottle
away from him.

“Well, still remains that I can’t take a stroll in my own yard in
the middle of the night anymore. Offer the lady a drink,” he wiggled his
fingers at, Bonny. “She has taken a liking to my homemade tonic.”

“Oh, no, thank you. I don’t think that I’ll be drinking anymore,
ever.” Bonny said, turning a few shades redder.

“Why is everyone coming here? I mean like what’s the big deal
anyway?” Tiffany asked, reaching for the toast. “I mean, like, don’t they have
their own homes?”

“Don’t be such a bitch, Tiff. You’re here,” Sky added, slamming her
fork down on the table.

“They come because I asked them to, and she is here because they are
in as much danger as we are. How can the two of you expect me to bring peace to
a world of breeds, if you two can’t even get along at our table? And
Grandfather, since when did you start drinking tonic this early in the day?”
Anthony loudly asked standing up.

“I’m sorry.” Sky excused herself from the table.

“It was just a question,” Tiffany added, sticking a piece of bacon
in her mouth.

“Leave it alone,” Parker spoke low glancing up to look at the rest
of the people setting around the table.

“Does it seem ironic to anyone else that I’m eating bacon?”

“Would you just shut up?” Parker snapped
excusing himself from the room as well and quickly walked out.

“Oh my God.
No he
did not,” Tiffany sternly pushed her chair back and stormed out right after

“Anyone care for more coffee?” Henry asked, getting up and pouring
himself another cup.

“Why does everything have to be so complicated?” Anthony muttered
more to himself than anyone else. “How am I going to handle hundreds?” Then he
too walked out of the room.

Anthony senior stood up, picking up his bottle of blue tonic, and
poured himself another shot. “And he wonders why I drink before eleven,” then
he turned the bottle up.

and the
others finished their breakfast then relaxed while waiting for the crowds to
arrive. And arrive they did. One by one, families drove in, parking their cars
in every free spot they could find, even on the perfectly manicured lawn. By
the time they quit arriving, vehicles went from the beginning of the driveway by
the entrance, all the way up the curve of the hill, spreading throughout the
lawn, and parked three deep in the wide driveway up next to the house. Hundreds
filled the house, as tents popped up along the view from the back balcony. Sky
stood and watched in awe, at the speed in which the people were putting up what
was now looking like a small town. Flaming lights on the end of poles lit up the
night, as people moved about making their meals on open fires and chatting
amongst themselves.

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