Arrival of the Prophecy (15 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“When Grandmother?”

“It must have been two hours ago. I should have said something.”

“It’s not your fault, there’s too much going on. Go Mike, now!”

The three men took off without hesitation, and Anthony stepped up
his pace, with more than just a mere meeting on his mind. The moment they got
to the bottom of the hill that led to the rim of the meeting grounds, Anthony
held up his hand and his people made a long line on both sides of him and Sky. Together
they made their way to the top. Once there they could see the group of
bordering the other side, almost matching them
perfectly. Some stood in their animal form. That in itself was a creepy sight
to see. Large heads that looked just like that of the wild boar, with massive
tusks jutting out the sides, and
standing straight up from the middle of their foreheads to the middle of their
backs. Some brown and black, while others were white and brown spotted. Very
few of the
stood in human form, but those
that didn’t stood on wide hoofs, and had hands with two huge, claw-like fingers
and one small thumb. The one thing that all the werewolves noticed the moment
they reached the rim was the horrid smell that all
carried, and the sacred ground was coated in it.

Four men stood in human form in the middle of roughly fifty shape
shifters. Beside the four men was a crate that came up to the men’s thighs. Anthony
began to take a step thinking he knew what was in the crate, when Sky and
grabbed his arms. “Let them speak,”
said. She dropped his arm and stepped back. The two
men in the middle began walking down to where there was a twenty by twenty
circle of stones, with smaller lines of stones pointing to the four corners.
North, south, east, and west, and one large flat stone in the middle, that was
round and covered in stains from sacrifices of the past.

Anthony looked to his left, then down to his right at Sky. He smiled
then stepped forward followed by two of his men. They walked down and stood
facing the
men on the other side of the
circle, and waited for their leader to speak.


“Your brother forfeited our deal, wolf leader,” one man called out.

“I have no bidding with you,
Anthony yelled back.

“A deal is a deal. You must
brother’s word.”

“My brother gave up his rights when he made that deal, and you know
it. Why are you here, and what do you really want, boar leader?”

“Your land, of course, but I see you have found the light in your
new mate. Prophecy can be wise after all, I see,” he laughed. “But, can it
stand up to human nature?”

raised his
hand and the two men in human form lifted the cover off of the crate, and
Tiffany, Sky’s step sister began screaming at the top of her lungs. It was
apparent that she had been hidden from the true identity of her captures, and
now not only was she witnessing the site of them, she could see the shape of
other beasts on the rim of the round opening across from her. The distance was
too far for her human eyes to see Sky, but Sky saw her with ease and began
running down the side of the embankment, stopping only when Anthony ran to the
side and grabbed her before she could cross the stone circle.

“Let me go, they have Tiffany…Tiffany!” she yelled.

“Sky…Sky, help me!” Tiffany screamed back, getting jabbed with a
stick by the man at her side.

“I’ll kill you, you piece of shit,” Sky cried, trying to break free
from Anthony’s grip.

“Calm yourself,” he said, but it was too late.

Sky’s body twisted in his arms until her amber eyes glowed into his.
“Help me,” she pleaded as her body shifted in his arms. Anthony ordered his men
to forcibly take her back up to the rim and to hand her over to the care of
. It was then that Kayla came running down the side
of the rim in her full red gear, and wrapped her arms around Sky’s wolf waist. She
shifted right along with her queen, ripping her clothes to shreds, leaving them
next to Sky’s.

“Stay with her, and thank you,” Anthony said, kissing Sky’s fur paw.

Kayla nodded once, and held firm as she and the other two men forced
Sky back up to the others. Anthony stood alone, showing his leadership, while
the other side brought more down, fearing that Sky would break past the sacred
stone and provoke a battle.
was more than
hoping for it, and the disappointment showed on his face. Tiffany had seen Sky,
and knew it was her when she came running down,
had watched in horror as her body ripped apart and her beast tore through. The
next second, Tiffany passed smooth out.

“You owe me, wolf leader, and I want what’s coming to me or she
dies, along with the girl’s mother.”

“You’ve made your challenge, and you know where to meet. If she’s
harmed, either of them, my people will not stop until your blood line is wiped
from the face of the earth.”

“You couldn’t do it when my father killed your parents, so, what
makes you think you can do it now?”

“And you still crave the land, do you not,
Anthony yelled back, then turned and started climbing up to his mate.

“Five nights, then we change them both. Seventh day they die!”
went back
to his people.

Anthony found Sky in the clutches of
who was now in her beast form also, with Kayla, and all three were sitting down
on the ground. He bent down in front of them laying his hand on
shoulder with one hand, and reaching with the
other to smooth the fur next to Sky’s eye, wiping away her tears. “They will
not harm them for five days, by then we will have them back,” he explained.

Sky sat up and growled out the word, ‘them’ tilting her head,
thinking about her father, then began trying to get up.

“They have the girl’s mother,” he quickly added, and Sky fell back

“They said nothing of your father, but we will find him and bring
him here, where he will be safe.” Then Anthony looked around searching for his
enforcer that worked at the police department.

He ordered that Sky’s father be found and brought home, just as he
had explained to Sky. He gave the order to tell him nothing other than his
child needed him, and he must hurry. Several werewolves stayed behind to make
sure that the
left their land, as the
others made their way back to the estate. Sky had calmed enough to change back,
but it had drained her to the point that Anthony now carried her, after putting
his shirt on her.
, and Kayla, walked without
problem, wearing the shirts of other people. They had made the change for the
better part of their lives, especially
, who
was more comfortable in her animal skin, than human. Sky too would become
accustomed to her new body and the effects of the change would soon stop taking
its toll on her. She would soon be able to withstand the transformation from
one form to the next.

After making it back to the estate, Anthony had Kayla draw Sky a
bath, and left the two alone to go and make sure his land was free from the
likes of the
. Several of his men were returning,
dragging two of the
, in beast form, between
their much taller wolf selves. Both of the boars were bleeding. One of the men
in the werewolf clan had changed back and was walking beside the four that
carried the prisoners, holding his bloodied arm.

“These two were hiding on the other side of the grounds after the
rest left. We approached them and they attacked before we could even ask why
they were still on our land. Carter pulled that damn pig off of me, or he would
have ripped my arm right off. They have a mean bite, boss,” the nude man
explained, matching Anthony stride.

“You did well, Mike. Get these two secure, then get a head count on
everyone. I want a meeting with my top enforcers in the next hour.” Anthony
stopped in front of the men carrying the
. “Drug
them. I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.”

“Yes sir.”

Sky was sitting at the long table in the dining room when Anthony
came back. She was wearing his long blue robe, and a pair of
slippers. He was about to lean down and
her when they heard, Henry, her father telling someone
to take their hands off of him. Sky looked up with concern on her face. Anthony
just smiled and gave her the kiss. He then took her by the hand, and waited for
them to bring Henry into the room. The door opened and Henry paused in
mid-sentence when he saw Sky standing beside Anthony.

“Daddy,” she said stepping closer, dropping Anthony’s hand. “Are you

“What’s going on, baby girl? These guys told me you were in trouble
and then dragged me in here like some common criminal.”

“I can explain, sir,” Anthony said, fixing to move forward.

“No, please,” she said going to her father. “Daddy, have you heard
from Bonny today?”

“I left her at the house after our meeting, honey. But I was on my
way home when I was pulled over by these…gentlemen. Why, do you ask?”

“I have so much to tell you, Dad, but I don’t know exactly where to

“Why don’t we sit down and discuss this over dinner? There’s no need
to upset your father
than he already is,”
Anthony suggested, placing his arm over her shoulder.

“I want to know what you know about,

“I tried to call the house today and got the recording. After our
talk she was supposed to be having one with Tiffany. I let her know if things
didn’t change that it was either her daughter or mine…” he paused. “You don’t
think she chose and left me, do you? Is that what you brought me here to tell

“Oh Daddy,” she cried. “I’m so sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for, honey. I’m the one that should
have never shut you out.”

“You don’t understand.” Sky lowered her head then looked back up at

“Please, come let us relax. There’s no need to go through this again.
It’s not good for either of you…please, come sit with us,” Anthony said,
holding out his hand.

Sky walked her father back to the table, wrapped in his arms, she
could tell he was still confused as to why he was there, but was content to
have his daughter safe and by his side. They had a lengthy meal, with
and Anthony senior, joining them. Sky didn’t touch
much of anything on her plate, thinking too much about Tiffany, and the woman
that she had wanted to kill many times herself, the all-knowing,
Gold Digger
. But they had made their
peace, something she had secretly wanted for a very long time, and now she knew
who and what she was dealing with.

Anthony kept putting his hand on her knee
under the table, every time she would space out, bringing her back to the
conversation at hand. He made sure Kayla came in several times with a bottle of
wine, refilling the glasses, and to gently touch Sky’s back as she passed. He
knew the more of his people that made contact with his queen, the calmer she
would become. Anthony looked at Kayla and gave a small nod. The last time she
came in she had a tray with mixed drinks on it, handing one to each of the men.

“Scotch on the rocks,” Anthony said lifting his glass.

“Yes, it is my
,” Henry replied
taking a large drink. “Now that’s a fine Scotch.”

After a few drinks from his glass, Henry began putting his hand to
much like Sky had done the night that
Anthony had drugged her. Soon after, Henry sluggishly said, “I must be far too
tired. Having a drink has never made me feel…” Then his head dropped hard on
the mahogany table, causing Sky to leap from her chair and rush to his side.


“He’s fine, love,” Anthony said, standing and going to them both. “He’ll
wake in the morning, thinking he drank too much.”

“You drugged my dad? Why?”

“So he doesn’t start asking questions that we’re not ready to answer
right now, Sky,” he explained going down on one knee next to her, better to see
her father.

“I will
take care of your father,”
standing. “They await you in the lower levels, and there is no time to waste if
you wish to get your family back.”
one statement stopped Sky from arguing any further. She moved the things around
her father’s head, and then repositioned him, so he looked more comfortable. Anthony
told Kayla to have two men come and take Henry to the guest room, where he
would be safe, and also a prisoner of sorts if he were to come around before
they got back. Anthony kept the last bit of information to himself. He knew Sky
would be up in arms, if she knew her father was being held against his will, no
matter the circumstance.

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