Arrival of the Prophecy (7 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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Sky was weak and nauseous, but not so much that she
didn’t notice that the driver was different from the one who picked her up the
other times. He drove without speaking, even when she asked him what his name
was. Dismissing it as he wasn’t the talkative type, she laid over, falling
asleep in the seat instead. She was back in the arms of the big man when she
woke up, but they were not at Anthony’s home. She asked where he had taken her
and got the same response as she did when she ask his name, absolutely nothing.

“I want you to put me down now,” she demanded, pushing at his

His gaze never faltered and his path stayed firm, until her hand
came up to claw at his face, which was the only time that he acknowledged her. He
dropped her legs and took her arm so fast that she barely felt her legs move,
before she was dangling by one arm in
. She
tried to kick at him, but the infection had drained half of her strength and
the pain was pulling on the rest. Her body swung back around like a rag doll,
causing her to cry out in pain at the awkward angle of her shoulder, and the
one who carried her that way paid her no mind. Her head dropped forward and she
would have blacked out if he hadn’t sat her down by the barred door that lead
into a place she didn’t recognize.

The man pulled out a set of keys, and unlocked the jail type cell
door and swung it open. He reached down and grabbed Sky by the back of the
shirt and dragged her into the
of the floor
before dropping her. She noticed the thick chain that was attached to the
corner at the back of the eight by ten
. Right
about then the driver reached down to pick it up. That was when she tried to
get up. She made it to her feet and past the entrance of the door, before she
was yanked back in by the back of her hair. She screamed, grabbing the hand
that was pulling her hair out by the roots, and back peddled with her feet as
fast as she could to keep up so he wouldn’t pull it all out.

He didn’t just drop Sky at the end of the
he slammed her down hard enough to knock the air out of her body. Sky curled
herself up gasping to take a breath, while the unbelievably cruel man pulled
her around by her bad ankle and clasped an iron clamp around it, adding a lock
that needed a key. He walked out locking the cell door and turning out the
lights, leaving Sky on a cold dark cement floor in the worse pain that she had
ever felt, without an explanation for any of it.

The big man then walked up the basement stairs where he left Sky,
and went into the office of Timothy’s club. He nodded at Timothy then took a
seat in one of the chairs next to Tory. Timothy finished writing in his ledger,
then set the pen down and leaned back in his chair.

“How long do you think she has?” he asked, looking down at his
finger nails.

“I’d say less than twenty four hours,” the man replied.

“He’ll come after us...all of us Timothy, you know he will,” Tory
interjected, rocking back in her chair.

“Let him, Tory, why do you think I took his bitch? He thinks he can
bring one over because he’s the almighty leader. If any of us made that mistake
we’d be punished, and more than
punished to the
death,” he stood going to the end of the desk.

“Haven’t you even once found a human so irresistible, that you
wanted to do more than just have sex, or eat them?” Tory asked.

“No, I find those that are not my kind, repulsive, filthy, and
something I wouldn’t even think about sleeping with,” Timothy replied,
stretching out his arms.

“You just don’t want him to
mate with his chosen, because it will secure his standing in the clan,” Tory

“But, you would eat them,” the big man added looking at Timothy.

“Shut up
, you’re always hungry,” Tory
winked, running her foot up the side of his leg.

“And your always horny, and on this
is correct,” Timothy added floppy back down in his chair. “Humans are very
tasty. Should I give her pain med’s?”

“Hum...I’ve never seen someone change without help and we all know
it hurts like hell your first time, even with the drugs,” Tory schemed, getting
up and pulling down her very tight and very short red spaghetti strap dress. “You’re
just going to kill her anyway, right?”

“After Anthony’s out of the picture and I’m running the show. But,
then again, she may come in useful on a cold lonely night, right
?” All three started laughing.


Two hours had passed and Anthony’s driver still hadn’t returned. It
was becoming more than apparent that something was wrong when the driver
wouldn’t answer his phone. Anthony ran upstairs to his room and changed out of
his evening wear and into a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of boots, then
ran down to the garage. He pulled out on his motorcycle, driving at a high rate
of speed all the way to Sky’s apartment. He took three steps at a time reaching
her door, just to be greeted by Annie the
from across the hall.

“She’s not home.”

“Do you know where she is?”

“Hi, my name’s Annie,” she said, fluffing up her hair.

“Please, Annie, just tell me what you know,” he asked in a firm
tone, taking her by the arm.

“I heard him knocking on her door,” she replied, looking straight
ahead. “Sky answered in her night clothes, I think. She was wearing a blue
sweat suit. He picked her up when she leaned on the wall like she was going to
pass out. She was as pale as a ghost.”

“Can you describe the man?”

“Oh my goodness, he was the biggest thing I’ve ever seen. He was
bald, and he was wearing a suit like those fellows do in gangster movies.”


“Excuse me?”

“Thank you, Annie, you’ve been a great help,” he graciously told her
then started running down the steps.

“Any time,” she called down, smiling like she just came home from
her first date. Then she called Sky’s father.



Sky sat up on the cold floor in the pitch black room, with pain
coursing throughout her body. Stabbing pain was building in her stomach, while
her bones felt like they were trying to pull apart. Her jaw felt like all of
her teeth just had a root canal performed on them, and the taste of blood came
up every time she coughed. She could hear the sounds of muffled music, but she
couldn’t figure out what direction it was coming from. The smell of her dank
cell was that of musty
, stale air and human
waste. She had been put it chains twice, once by someone who never meant to
hurt her, and now by someone who she knew wanted her to feel pain.


Anthony drove his motorcycle right through the front door of The
Blue Howler, crashing into the bouncer at the front desk. The music stopped as
Timothy and Tory, met Anthony in the middle of the dance floor, right in the
of fifty plus human shaped werewolves. Anthony
stormed Timothy, grabbing him around the throat and lifting him off of his feet.
Timothy took a hold of Anthony’s arm and kicked him in the stomach, taking both
men to the ground. Anthony managed to get on top of Timothy, hitting him across
the face with a closed fist, while still gripping his throat.

“Stop this Anthony! This is not the time, or the place,” Tory

“Where is she?” he demanded, pulling Timothy up by his throat.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Timothy lied, spitting
blood into Anthony’s face.

“You are a liar! I know it was
, and I
know you’re the one he listens too,” he retorted with a growl, hitting him so
hard that his head recoiled off the floor.

Anthony stood and stormed into the office, and then into every room
down the long hall, before he opened the basement door. Tory came running up
beside him, telling him she thought Timothy had
take Sky to the old homestead out by the ceremonial grounds, hoping he wouldn’t
continue to go down the stairs. He warned her that if she was lying to him that
she would no longer be welcome in the family home along with the brother that
he no longer considered himself as having. He gave her one last stare waiting
to see if she was going to change her story, then stormed past her, heading out
to the old homestead.

Tory helped Timothy back to his office, calling
back up from the basement where he’d gone when Anthony first came crashing in. Tory
sent one of the girls that worked at the club to get some first aid supplies,
so she could clean up Timothy’s bloody face.

“That was close,” she said, leaning over looking at the wounds that
her oldest brother had inflicted. “I think he may take you in a fair fight.”

“He just got lucky tonight,” Timothy replied, pushing her out of his
way. “What’s she doing down there?” he asked when
came into the room.

“Rocking back and forth.
I don’t even think she heard him when he opened the door,”
replied, taking the same seat he had before.

“Good, once the sun goes down, get her out of here in case he comes
back. Tory, I want you to gather up the rest of my men and have them meet me
out at Stack’s place, then call Anthony. Tell him that I popped you for not
taking my side, and that I had the girl moved somewhere by Oaks Ridge, he’ll
figure out that we have her at, Stack’s.”

The door opened without a knock and in walked the young girl with a
tray full of first aids supplies, as well as several different
silk shirts. As soon as she set the tray down on
the table, Tory backhanded her so hard she hit the floor and slid several feet
before crashing into the wall.

“You forget yourself fledgling. If you enter another door without
knocking, I’ll take off your hand,” Tory adamantly proclaimed, squatting down
in front of her.

The young girl got up trying to catch the blood in her hands that
was pouring out of her mouth, not wanting to get any on the carpet, too afraid
of the repercussions. As she was about to step out of the room, Timothy reached
over and picked up a roll of gauze. “Hold up.” She turned around and he threw
it at her hitting her in the forehead.

“You look like you need that more than I do,” he said, and then
everyone, except her, started laughing.

The girl left the room leaving behind the gauze where it laid on the
floor and them laughing at her expense. The first thing she did after she
cleaned herself up in the bathroom was take out her cell phone. She
and waited for him to answer.

Anthony pulled his motorcycle over when he felt his cell phone
vibrating and flipped it open, hoping for news about Sky’s whereabouts.

Kayla, we need to talk.”

“Do you have news about, Sky?”

“I think so, but I can’t talk. I’m in the bathroom at your brother’s
club,” she whispered looking out of the bathroom stall.

“I may know where she is. Tory...”

Kayla interrupted. “You can’t believe her Anthony, trust
me...someone’s coming, I have to go.” Then she hung up the phone and flushed the

“Son of a bitch!”
Anthony yelled, closing his phone. “Sky, where are you?”



Sky raised her head to the call of Anthony’s voice. She wasn’t sure
if she just heard him, or if she thought she had. Nothing made sense anymore,
and the pain was becoming worse by the minute. She heard a bang coming from
upstairs just like the one she had heard earlier, only this time she heard
footsteps coming down the stairs. The lights blared to life above her head,
making her close her eyes to the blast of pain that it caused in her head. She
covered her face with her hands and lay over onto the floor.

“So, how do you like becoming one of us so far?” Timothy
sarcastically asked, holding the bars of the cell door.

“Go to hell,” she replied, clutching her stomach.

“It may be a while. You see, we werewolves live a lot longer than
you humans do.”

bad you won’t be having that luxury,
unless of course Timothy here finds you a good enough piece after you change,”
Tory added, rubbing Timothy’s back.

“Looks like you got a little bump on your face, Timmy,” Sky said,
to look their way.

“Do you see this needle in my hand little girl?” Timothy asked,
holding up a syringe.

“So you’re not just ugly, you do dope too,” she tried her best to be

“This is what my people use to control the pain of our youths first
change. I say
our youth
, because it’s
unheard of to let your kind into our family of wolves.”

“You think I asked for this?” she retorted, pushing herself into a
sitting position.

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