Arrival of the Prophecy (10 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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, sir.” he whispered so that
only Anthony would hear.

“Where is he?” he asked. “Sky, you and Kayla take your time. I need
to tend to a few things before you ladies get back to the cabin.” Then he
kissed her and ran off into the forest with the other men.

Sky pulled the blanket up close to her chin, staring intently at the
way Anthony moved through the trees, jumping with accurate dodges, causing
muscles to glide and shift in ways she had never imagined. Waves of ripples
moved on his masculine back every time he leaped over the debris that covered
the earth, sending chills to her very core as his shoulders worked in unison
with his hips, gracefully leaping like a gazelle on a dewy morn. She watched
until he was completely out of site, that’s when she looked down at Kayla, who
was watching her.

“Just between us girls,” Sky smiled, “Boys got back.” They both
started laughing and headed back to join the others.


The bodies of Timothy, Tory, and the
who chose to follow them into death, had been taken to the ceremonial grounds,
where their bodies were being prepared for cremation. Meanwhile, the three
prisoners were bound in chains, and driven to the Michelle estate. There they
were placed in three separate rooms, waiting to be questioned by three of the
highest officials in the clan.
Martin, being one of them.
Anthony sat in a room with his remaining family going over the events of the
day, while Sky sat on the very bed where Anthony had infected her. The only
difference now was the chains were no longer around, the bedroom had a fresh
coat of paint and she wasn’t being forced to do anything. She picked up the
phone and
, praying she still sounded like the
same ole Sky.

“Yes? Hello?” Frank answered with panic in his tone.

“Daddy, it’s me.”

He didn’t reply.

“Daddy, I’m okay.”

“I thought,” he sobbed.

“Oh, Daddy, please don’t cry. I’m fine, I should have called. I’m so
sorry, I never meant for you to get so upset,” she started saying anything that
came to mind, trying to spare her father’s heart. “Please, forgive me.”

“I love you so much, baby girl, you’re all I have left,” he lovingly
explained then wept harder.

“I know, Daddy.” Then she too started crying.

“I’ve gone far too long without telling you how I feel. I’ve let
other people walk over you and it’s me that needs your forgiveness, baby, not
you, never you.”


“No babe, it’s true. You’re my little girl and I’ve let you down.”

“We just got a little lost Daddy, but everything’s going to fine

“Let me come pick you up. Where are you?”

“I’m fine, really. I’ll meet you at my apartment in the morning, I’m
going to try and get a good night’s sleep.”

“Okay honey, if you’re sure you’re alright.”

“I’m sure. I love you.”

“I love you too sweetie.” Then both hung up.

Sky wiped the tears off of her face, gathering her thoughts before
she stood and went into the bathroom to start the shower. She took off the
clothes that some of the men had gotten out of one of the trucks back at
Stack’s cabin. They looked ridiculous, but did the job. She stepped in, dousing
her head first, closing her eyes as the steaming hot water flowed over her very
tired body. She reached up running her hand over her other arm feeling the
slime that had dried on her skin after the change, come back to life as the
water soaked her flesh. In repulsion, she grabbed the liquid soap and filled
her hand to overflowing, lathering herself from head to toe, repeating the
process several times, and then doing the same to her hair. When she felt that
she was as clean as she could possibly get, she turned the water off and
stepped out.

She walked out of the bathroom with a towel on her head and one
around her body. She first went over to

dresser, digging around until she found a pair of suitable looking boxers that
she quickly put on under the towel. She then went into his huge walk-in closet,
seeing something that astounded her. “Talk about perfectionist,” she said
aloud, running her hand along the perfectly matched dress shirts that hung
perfectly in rows inside a small bedroom sized closet. She whistled when she
saw how many shoes he had and how high the shelves went up. She kept looking
around until she spotted the rack with the two things she wanted the most,
sweats and t-shirts. In seconds her hands were grabbing one of each. She
dropped the towel and got dressed. That’s when she started laughing; she had to
bend down and roll up the bottoms of the sweats.

“I hope you found everything you needed?” Anthony asked wearing
nothing but a towel. “Mind if I use the shower?”

“They are a little big,” she smiled looking up, and then blushed
looking right back down.

“You saw me nude just a few hours ago,” he laughed.

“I’ve had a few thoughts since then.”

“Have I offended you?” he asked stepping forward.

“No,” she replied standing up and walking by him. “Bad thoughts...I

“Sky,” he said taking her arm. “Is it about what happened earlier?”

“I can’t talk to you when you look like…” she turned around and
looked him up, and down. “Well, frankly, like this. Take your shower. I’m
go find something to eat.” Then she walked out of the
room before he could even open his mouth.

Sky knew where the food was being served, and headed out to the back
balcony that overlooked a landscape of a majestic array of
mixed with different types of shrubberies, pines, and oaks. The Michelle estate
was surrounded in the sanctity of the forest and the beauty of it gave them as
much comfort as it did privacy. Kayla was getting stitches on the wound over
her right eye by an older woman Sky had never met.

“Come join us, please. Bridgette, bring your Mistress a glass of red
wine,” the woman requested as she tended to Kayla. “It will help build your
blood back up...sit.”

“Thank you,” she replied without taking the seat.

“You must be tired child,” the woman said setting the needle on the
table. “There, you won’t even have a scar to brag about.”

The woman helped Kayla to sit up from the awkward position she was
in, and the first thing she did was run to Sky, dropping to both knees and
wrapping her arms around Sky’s lower body. Sky looked slowly back up to see
what the other woman was doing, finding she was walking towards them. ”Kayla,
get up,” Sky whispered gently pulling up on the sleeves on her shoulders.

“It’s unfortunate that we had to meet this way, my name is
,” the older women commented going down on one knee
and bowing her head. “I am Anthony’s grandmother and soon to be yours My

“I...I, “Sky stuttered not knowing what to say to the grandmother of
the woman she had killed.

“There is no need for you to feel shame on my account,”
smiled, getting up and taking Sky’s hand. “I will
mourn the loss of their innocence, but I will never forgive them for the
conspiracy to kill our king, and overturn the throne. Come let us eat. Anthony
has told the family all that was needed, even what you did on your first day as
our Queen. Your people will not forget such a brave act.”

“I killed your granddaughter,
,” Sky
responded sitting down. “How can you be this okay with that?”

“You put your life on the line to save the life of one of our
fledglings. What higher
can one give than their
self, young lady? My granddaughter gave her right up to be a part of this
family when she turned her back on us, just like her brother,”
explained, taking the chair next to her.

“This is all so new for me,” Sky started saying when Bridgette
stepped back in with a tray that held a decanter of red wine and four tulip
wine glasses.

“Once you
and move into the estate, we will have plenty of time to talk on the ways of
our people.”

“Bed my what?”

“I see you’ve met my beautiful and highly out spoken, Grandmother,”
Anthony exhaled noisily looking at
as he came
out onto the balcony.

“A grandmother can hope for great grandchildren! I wanted you and no
one complained.”

Sky blushed the whole time they jokingly argued about her private
sex life, as if she wasn’t there. She wondered what else they had in store and
what else, would pop up. Anthony joined them for an afternoon meal, talking
about Sky meeting
father the first time she
came to the home. Sky thought back thinking how impossible that had to be,
because he didn’t look much older than her own grandfather did.
on the other hand was giving Sky the most confusion.
She did not look like she could be any older than her own mother, if she had
lived, and yet she called herself Anthony’s grandmother.

was not your average grandmother in the least. She had long black hair that
hung down past her waist with two silver streaks in it, one on each side of her
temple. The skin on her face was barely marred with the appearance of time. Just
a few lines between her
shaped eyes, laced with
thick black lashes, below high arched brows. The crow’s feet that rested on her
high cheekbones, standing proudly next to her eyes, showed more about her
beauty than her age itself, and she wore them well with her fine sculpted nose
and ruby red lips. Sky watched as
stood up to
. She watched the way her petite frame
delicately swayed when she walked, the way the silky red robe flowed on the
floor, drifting around her bare feet, and most importantly, the way she exuded

“It was an utmost pleasure to meet you My Queen. I look forward to
the future,”
said taking hold of Sky’s hand
and kissing it, then closing her eyes and rubbing her cheek against the palm of
Sky’s hand.

“Why do your eyes look so familiar to me?”

“You will always recognize one of your own,”
replied, raising one eyebrow.

“Thank you,” Sky said wrapping her arms around
neck. “I hope I don’t let you down.”

back as soon as Sky released her and walked away at a fast pace. Sky looked
over at Anthony who looked like he was about to tear up, not having a clue at
what just went on. Kayla came up and stood beside her, taking her hand in hers.

“Don’t worry Sky, you just showed her the highest form of respect
that you can among the women of our clan.”

“She’s right, a queen reaches out and places her hand in response to
her people, the only time she puts her arms around them is when she considers
them her own. You have touched her in a way that I haven’t in years,” Anthony
glowed with pride.

“But, I saw her hug you,” Sky replied.

“Correct, but that wasn’t my doings.”

how much I’ve changed,” she
smiled, hitting him in the side with her elbow making him grunt. “Are you about
ready to take me home?”

“May I go with you? I can do the chores and fix your meals,” Kayla

“Kayla, you’re my friend not my servant, and I would ask you to
come, but my dad will be there first thing in the morning and I don’t want him
to know about the new me just yet,” she explained pulling Kayla into her arms.

“But, who’s going to take care of you?”

“Yes, who will watch over you? I have a meeting as soon as I make
sure you’re home safely,” Anthony added looking down at her.

“I’ve handled myself okay up until now, and with recent events I’m
definitely sure I’m able to cope with everyday life.” Sky laughed.

“You do have a point. Never the less, I will get you all the
enforcer’s numbers that are in your area if you have need of their services.”

Sky agreed. She was given thirty-seven numbers in all, none of which
she planned on using. She thought about telling Anthony that he would be the
only one she called, but thought he looked so cute engulfed in writing down the
numbers, that she decided to keep it to herself. When the driver brought the
car around, Anthony asked him to stay behind, because he wanted to drive Sky
home alone. On the way there they started out talking about Sky telling her
father about her predicament, and ended up talking about Anthony’s parents.

“Are your parents out of town?”

“No,” he replied with a long pause. “My parents along with several
others of our clan were murdered by another
called the
, back when I was sixteen.”

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