Arrival of the Prophecy (5 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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“I have a little confession,” Anthony announced.

“Why is it when someone says “little”, they mean something huge?”

“I don’t think this is a very big deal, but you might not find it so
amusing,” he admitted, smiling a bit wider.

“Okay, just tell me,” she said leaning on the service counter with
her arms crossed.

“I’ve known Dorothy for years, she’s one of my clan, but I didn’t
have the heart to tell you when I saw the look on your face. You thought I
couldn’t pull in a lesbian.”

“That’s wrong on so many levels,” she replied going back to the
microphone and calling Dorothy back down.

About that time Dorothy came around the corner carrying two cold
bottles of water. “I’m sorry, the cafeteria downstairs was already closed so I
brought you these,” Dorothy said taking a knee in front of Anthony, causing him
to look over at Sky and shrug his shoulders.

“Dorothy, why are you on your knee?” Sky asked, looking down at her.

“Because,” she paused looking up at Anthony, and continued when he
nodded. “He is my King, the leader of our clan.”

“And what type of clan would that be?” Sky asked with a smirk,
re-crossing her arms.

“The best of course.

Anthony placed his hand on
top of Dorothy’s head, then reached down and took the bottles of water,
excusing her with just his eyes. When he turned back around he could tell by
the look on Sky’s face that things were finally starting to sink in. He walked
over and put the water on the counter, then took Sky by the shoulders, looking
her directly in the eyes.

“My people are all over the city, yet it’s very easy to not know
about us. We’ve been very careful for thousands of years and only a few of my
kind have been sighted for what they really are.”

“Is your world like what the movies make it out to be?” she asked,
putting her hand on his waist.

“In part yes, and in others, no.
Would you mind if we finished this conversation after dinner at
your place?” he asked, caressing her upper arms.

“That’s fine, but I’m still not sure that I believe all this mumbo
jumbo werewolf business.”
I give you a ride home?”

“Sure, but it will be a while, I have to close up.”

Anthony waited out in his limo while Sky finished up. She and Dorothy
passed each other a few times, smiling at one another. Sky was seeing her in a
whole new light. When they closed up they were walking side by side laughing
about something. Anthony watched from the backseat of his shiny black vehicle
amused by the two women. Dorothy stepped up and opened Sky’s door then closed
it once she was inside.

“I see you and Dorothy have become friends,” Anthony said, pulling
her closer to his side.

“I had no idea she was so cool.”

“What were you two laughing about when you came out?”

“The only reason that I’m going to tell you this is because I know
you’ll just ask her. She told me that you must be good for me, because I looked
super-hot today,” she paused turning her head to see if he was looking at her
and he was. “Then I told her...that she was just reading the thoughts that I
was having about you, ‘cause you looked so damn good in those jeans and it just
made me look more appealing.”

“You told her that I look fine in these,” he said turning his whole
body in the seat. “What sort of things were you thinking?”

“I’m not going to tell you, that’s not how it works.”

“I see. So, I have to get you to show me what you thought of in
regards as to how I look in these jeans?” he asked, wiggling his eye brows at

“Would you stop?” she replied pushing him on the leg. “I have no
intention of showing you anything of the sort.”

He leaned his head back and let out a full belly laugh, causing her
to join in whether she wanted to or not. They continued to joke and play all
the way to her apartment. His playful nature had her blushing most of the way.


The driver pulled over in front of her apartment complex and opened
the door and the two of them stepped out. Once they got to her apartment, she
fumbled with the keys trying to get the right key in the lock. Anthony could
tell she was nervous, so he gently took her hand in his and slid the keys from
her, placing the first one he chose in the lock, opening the door.

“Lucky try,” he said, holding the door open for her.

The first thing she did when she walked in was pet Doc, who was
asleep in his
spot on the back of the chair.
The one thing that was different about this afternoon was the fact that she had
a visitor with her, making the cat sit up and take notice. As soon as Anthony
looked at the cat, the cat hissed and took off to Sky’s bedroom, going straight
under the bed.

“I’ve never seen him act like that before,” Sky explained, as she
turned on the kitchen light.

“I would bet that he has never met a werewolf before either,”
Anthony replied, following her into the kitchen.

“You really believe that you’re really an actual werewolf don’t you?
I know what we talked about back at my work, I even believe some of it, but
aren’t you taking the whole turning into a big wolf thing a bit too far?”

“Here I thought we had an understanding,” he said walking up behind
her as she put coffee grounds into the coffee pot. “Is this better?” Then he
growled a deep guttural sound that could only be made by a wild animal.

She jumped spilling coffee grounds everywhere, letting out a small
surprising yelp at the same time. He suddenly took her in his arms from behind,
holding her in a tight embrace,
started a slow
growl right next to her ear. He could feel Sky’s heart speed up, and smell the
fear that radiated from her as he snapped his teeth together. She trembled in
his arms not only from the fear of the unworldly presence at her back, but from
the fact that she was finding what he was doing, seductively arousing. She
turned in his arms and looked up at him. He then sat her up on the counter
spreading her legs, and pulling her as close to him as he could.

“I’m pleased to see this look in your eyes,” he said massaging her
thighs. “I am sorry about the dramatics that I used at my home.”

“Boy was I pissed about that. I wish you would have tried to explain
things first, but to be honest, after I had time to calm down, I was a little
flattered that you would want someone like me,” she explained, lowering her

“I find you more beautiful every time I look at you,” he said
smoothing his hand closer to her hip. “Why wouldn’t I want you?”

Sky pushed him back and hopped off the counter, excusing
to use the bathroom. Anthony cleaned up the mess
that he caused her to make and finished making the coffee while she was in the
other room.

Sky stood in the bathroom pacing every few minutes, thinking about
how his hands felt going up her thighs, giving her chills all over her body.
She looked in the mirror,
wiped off the lipstick
that had smeared when he kissed her back at work. “All this time,” she thought.
She sat down on lid of the closed toilet and took off the boots that were now
killing her feet. She pulled out the sweats from the hamper that she’d worn the
night before. Once she took off the skirt, she slowly pulled the knee high
stocking down over the wound that had gotten progressively worse throughout the
day, then decided it might be better to put something else on so that Anthony
could take a look.

She got up and looked out the
bathroom door then snuck into her bedroom down the hall, wearing only her shirt
and panties, and grabbed a pair of shorts out of the dresser, putting them on as
well as changing into a tank top. She then went back to the kitchen where
Anthony waited, setting at the table.

“I need you to take a look at this if you will?” she said sitting in
the chair next to Anthony. “I think you may have scratched me with something

The wound had turned blackish in
with red spider web type lines crawling up her leg to mid-thigh, coming from
several areas of the wound. Anthony took her leg, lifting it up he
it across his lap. He ran his hand over her upper
thigh where the red lines ended and traced them to the place where they began,
stopping right before his hand touched the initial wound. He circled the wound
with the tips of his fingers, closing his eyes, remembering the taste of her
slowly opened them turning his head
slightly in her direction.

“Is it painful?”

“Not too much, it itches more than anything,” she replied, reaching
down to scratch.

He took her hand before she could touch her leg and raised it to his
mouth. He kissed the back with his lips at first, and then with a quick dash of
his tongue, he licked her flesh. He turned her hand palm up, running his cheek
around her delicate touch until she gripped his face in response. He lowered
her leg back to the floor while going to his knees as he did so, placing one of
his hands on each of her knees. He shuffled forward, spreading her legs slightly
until he was touching his chest to hers. She sat there allowing this intimate
action to play out, not knowing what to do other than wait with nerve racking
anticipation to see what he was going to do next.

“I’m going to teach you so many things,” he said, nuzzling his nose
into the hair that was lying next to her neck, while gently running his thumb
under the edge of her shorts on the top of her thigh.

“Anthony.” Sky took a deep breath and rolled her head to the side.
“I can’t...I mean...please, wait.” She suddenly stood and almost fell trying to
get out of the chair.

“Why? I can feel your desire for me,” he seductively concluded
standing up and backing her into the corner.

“Yeah, well my morals are stronger than my feelings right now,” she
quickly added putting her hand on his chest.

“You’re so intoxicating that I find myself becoming drunk off your
essence,” he said leaning into her hand.

“They call it something else where I come from.” She slipped right
under his arm and into the living room.

Anthony knew that it was her denial that drove him mad with desire. He
had never been turned down by a mortal. It was a moment he had been waiting for
his entire adult life. When he was a young teen, having whatever woman he
wanted was something that all males, human and wolf alike, couldn’t get enough
of. But, when a wolf boy becomes a man, they look for their one true mate, the
mate that stays with them until death and carries the half of their soul that
makes them complete. The earth mother that gives all unnatural creatures that
belong to her, the gift of life, breaks the souls in half at the time of birth
and that broken soul searches throughout their life until it can be mended and
made whole. Anthony could feel them becoming one, even if she didn’t realize it
yet. Though he couldn’t stop thinking how hard it was, and would be for others
to believe that a young human had what he needed to make him the true king of
his people. The guilt of laying the mark on her, weighted heavy on his heart as
his mind recalled the reality and importance of why he did what he had done.

He pulled his shirt out of
his pants, unbuttoning it, then taking it off and tossing it over the back of
Doc’s chair. Afterwards he walked over and sat down on the couch and removed
his boots, as Sky watched him from the
of the

“Why are you getting undressed?”

“I’m just getting comfortable while you start our dinner,” he
replied, reclining, putting his arm over the back of the couch and his feet up
on the coffee table.

“You’re too damn spoiled for your own good. You can call for a Pizza.
I’m going to go put something on my leg.” She walked down the hall, shutting
the bathroom door with force.

“Her leg,” he murmured, then got up and followed her to the bathroom.
“Can I come in?”

“You had your chance, I’ll do it myself,” she called out with anger
evident in her voice.

“Sky, I can’t help that touching you made me forget. Please, I’m
sorry, can I come in?” he pleaded.

The doorknob turned and she opened the door looking up at him. She
was wearing her housecoat, deciding not to take any chances with him being able
to see her body. She really, only wanted help with her leg.

He walked into her very girly, very small bathroom, and told her to
sit up on the counter so he could get a better look. She nodded, letting him
help with the understanding that he would be a gentleman and tend to her wound
and nothing else. He took the peroxide that she had sitting beside her, then placed
her leg over the sink and poured a substantial amount over the wound. She
hissed out in pain as the liquid started to foam and sizzle. He looked in her
medicine cabinet for some gauze, not finding any, and when he asked if she had
a first aid kit, all she said was, “sorry”.

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