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Authors: Henry Stevens

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This all changed when it was uncovered that the Germans were actually developing a flying weapon code-named Schildkroete. This researcher as well as another researchers have found references to an offensive air weapon, called by the Germans, “Schildkroete,” and known to American intelligence. The exact nature of this device is, however, still kept secret. The government is uncooperative, even when presented with their own words on the subject and copies of their own reports. For instance in a Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee interrogation of Albert Speer, Reichminister of Armaments And War Production, report 53(b), Speer is specifically asked about “Schildkroete.” Only Speer’s reply is retained in the record, not the actual question. Line number 20 of that interrogation quoted here as the document from microfilm is difficult to read:

“20. Schildkroete he was not sure about, but he thought is might, conceivably be a jet fighter.”

By the time Schildkroete had come about, Speer had lost much of his standing and duties to officials of the SS. In this same set of interrogations Speer deferred a question concerning V-weapons to Dr. Hans Kammler as the one the Allies should seek as the expert. Speer was the only one raising Kammler’s name. There was no follow-up questioning by the Allied interrogators. It was almost as if Speer had uttered an obscenity, invoking the “K” word, which was a word simply too hot to be touched in that setting.

The next Allied reference to Schildkroete comes from the Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee, Evaluation Report 40, titled “Sonderausschus A-4.” Sonderausschus was an organization whose job it was to prioritize resources toward projects most needed to defend the Reich. These high priority programs were the Vierjahresplan, Vulkanprogramm, Jaegerprogramm, Lokprogramm, and the Notprogramm. Each had projects within these headings. Even though under pressure of law in the form of a request under the auspices of the Freedom Of Information Act, the Federal Government of the United States of America has responded with a “No Record” when asked for their files on some of these programs. This is true even when confronted with their own documents naming these programs. One project, project 8-162, clearly names Schildkroete as the code-name of this project. It is listed in association with a known project, the “Salamander” project, which resulted in the He 162A Salamander or Volksjaeger jet fighter.

The last reference to Schildkroete was found by Heiner Gehring in the Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Party 536 report on Underground Factories in Germany. This was classified as “Secret” and was a G-2 Division, S.H.A.E.F. report! In describing the large underground facility at Nordhausen, where the bulk of the V-2 production took place, tunnel divisions Mittelwerk and Nordwerk were said in this secret report to be producing “Schildhroete flak rocket components.” Although spelled incorrectly in the report, the intended word is very apparent.

Clearly, something is going on under the heading Schildkroete. A possibly is the connection of Schildkroete to the Italian “Turboproietti” mentioned by Vesco. In an information sheet, Klaus-Peter Rothkugel depicts a diagram for the Turboproietti. This design is remarkably similar that found in Swiss newspaper from the mid-1950s (16). This article credits the successful German saucer program and Georg Klein and goes on to describe another related design which is reproduced here. One can immediately see the relationship with the Turboproietti design. In this design the center of gravity is below the saucer surface adding stability. The pilot’s cabin is also below the wing surface. This is curiously similar to a turtle’s bony structure in which the head and neck emerge from under the turtle’s shell. Could this have been the Schildkroete design?

U.S. Goverrunent Documents Mentioning “Schildkroete”

Combined Intelligence Objectives Subconunittee (CIOS) Repmt items 21, 22, 31, File# XXX111-38 Underground Factories In Germany, page 19.
CIOS Report 40, Sonderausschus A-4, page
5. Bottom:
CIOS Report
(b) Interrogation of Albert Speer Reich Minister of Annaments and War, Page 3.

This design calls for the use of ram-jets but turbojets could have also been used. Fuel tanks are located in the rotating wing and so fuel is fed to the jet engines by centrifugal force. The two small wings have adjustable angles as do the jet engines themselves. Thus, the method of vertical flight is similar to the Schriever-Habermohl saucers.

The horizontal maneuvering is unique and warrants discussion. We have all heard reports of flying saucers in flight making seemingly non-aerodynamic turns instantaneously. In this article, Mr. Zollikofer proposes a simple method to accomplish this. It involves angular momentum. We all remember seeing a child’s top spinning on a smooth floor. Perhaps the reader will recall that when the top nears a piece of furniture and hits it, the top shoots off instantly in the opposite direction. This happens because contact with the furniture caused a change in the top’s angular momentum. The top’s momentum was braked on one side. A sudden slow down on one side caused an imbalance whose force drove the top to the opposite direction.

In this same way the intentional slowing of one engine (on one side) on this saucer design would cause the rapidly spinning saucer to instantaneously change course, shooting to the other side. Several of these course changes would resemble insectlike flight to the observer. The rapidity of the course changes is tied to the degree of slowdown or breaking of the saucer’s angular momentum and to the degree (revolutions per minute) of that momentum. Even when stationary, increased spinning would serve as a “bank” of angular momentum to be drawn upon at a moment’s notice.

Through out Vecso’s Intercept UFO the words “circular wing” are mentioned. Looking at this design yields a possible new understanding to that term. It is possible that this basic design is to be found in the foo fighter, (Feuerball, Phoo Bomb), as well as the mysterious Kugelblitz. It was hinted above that this design may be the basis of the Schildkroete but it could also be the basis for other German saucer projects.

Many writer attribute field propulsion to the foo fighter. This is because of its luminosity, its flight pattern and its alleged disruption of ignition based aircraft engines. Another possibility is that it was a jet propelled flying machine but with one addition. It is possible that a T.T. Brown-type of flame-jet generator was attached to its exhaust nozzles and the appropriate insulation added on the surface of the craft. With this addition, the exhaust gasses would become enriched with negative ions. So would the air in the surrounding vicinity. This would have resulted in the short-circuiting of the target aircraft’s engines should such variables as the wind have been just right. The fact that it apparently did not always work argues for the variables being in operation. More variables would have accompanied this means of disruption than a purely electromagnetic one since the electromagnetic field would have been present regardless of atmospheric conditions. It other words, the field propulsion vehicle should have always disrupted the bomber’s engines.

Another item is submitted for your consideration under the heading of “loose ends.” This is another F.B.I. report, Number 62-0-11328, which is reproduced here in total. A unique feature of this report is that it contains two “xerox” copies of a German saucer. These pictures were given to the F.B.I. but the negatives were retained by the informant whose name has been deleted. Also deleted is the last name of the German saucer designer. It is a remotely controlled device but the circular glass cockpit indicates a design ultimately intended for human pilots. Undulations on the saucer periphery resembling jet engines are noticeable in the picture. This report dates from July 8, 1967 but describes events from November, 1944. As with the other F.B.I. report, the fact that it was taken and kept so long attests to its worth.

There are some similarities between this report and Vesco’s description of the Kugelblitz. The encounter described in the F.B.I. report resulting in the “downing” of a B-26. Vesco describes the same or a similar incident involving the Kugelblitz and an American “Liberator” (17). Both saucers are surprisingly identical in description. In the F.B.I. report this secret project was set in the “Black Forest of Austria.” The Schwarzwald, the Black Forest, is in Southern Germany. Vesco says that toward the end of the war the Germans dispersed their remaining aircraft to improved air field hidden in thick pine forests (18).

Vesco specifically mentions the Schwaebischerwald and the Bubesheimerwald (19). Vesco goes on to say:

“It was from one of these improved fields that the first Kugelblitz fighter took off on its fantastic flight” (20).

The general description of the airfield hidden in a forest does seem to correspond with what Vesco described. Finally, the fuel used on this saucer was unlike that of the Me-163 or any other fuel known. Is this a variant of the exotic fuels Vesco says were considered for German saucers? (21).

Is this report confirmation of Vesco? Is the informant in the F.B.I. report describing a Kugelblitz? Is this fuzzy “xerox” copy really a picture of the Kugelblitz? It is not proof positive, but it is intriguing.

A request was made to the F.B.I. for a clear picture. The Bureau responded on March 22, 2001 saying that the Miami Field Office may have had a clearer picture but that the file was destroyed.

Here we have a real X-File, yet nobody saved the picture? Fox Mulder, where are you when we need you most? The F.B.I. did provide a somewhat clearer picture which is reproduced here.

Sometimes blind luck in needed when dealing with the government. This has proven to be the case regarding a very special compass developed by the Germans, possibly to use in their flying disc program. Actually, there may have been more than one type of compass for this purpose. The first inkling of this compass comes to us from the writings of Wilhelm Landig wherein he describes a “Himmelskompass” or heavenly compass (22). This device was mounted upon a flying disc and could orient itself using the position of the sun even in twilight or if the sun was below the horizon. The method given for its operation is that sunlight striking the earth is polarized and that this direction has a stronger electromagnetic field which can be detected with instruments (ibid). The magnetic fields emanating from the north and south poles are a similar situation.

William Lyne discloses, pictures and describes a German compass which he states was used on a German flying disc in his book
Pentagon Aliens
, the first edition which circa 1990. He bought the device as junk from a New Mexican junk dealer who got it on an Air Force base after it had apparently slipped though a security check.

“Turbopriette” and a Possible Successor

: Italian designed “Turboproietti” an anti-aircraft design which used left-over fuel as its warhead.
: Saucer design, ⅔/55, “Neue Zuercher Zeitung.” 1. Hub of the rotating winged-wheel. 2. Adjustable wings 3. Non-rotating cabin. 4. Lookout for the pilots. 5. Ram-jets 6. Air Intake7. Exhaust, direction changeable. 8. Angle of variation of the exhaust rudder. 9. Variable adjustment angle of the wings. Was this a Schildkroete? Kugelblitz?

Recently, mention of a German compass was encountered while searching for something else in a Freedom Of Information Act response. Called a “Mother Horizon,” the device recalls and may confirm the device first described by Landig. On the other hand, it may simply be a device showing the pilot the attitude of the aircraft in relation to that of the horizon. Whether or not this is the same device in the possession of William Lyne is not known at this time.

Turning to field propulsion saucers and pictures of them, it should be pointed out that the saucer pictures of Ralf Ettl and Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer are unique to them, that is, no pictures of saucers specifically identified as “Haunebu,” “Vril” exist outside of their presentation to my knowledge. As if preempting criticism, these writers counter with the proposal that all Adamski saucers are really German field propulsion saucers or originated from German wartime designs. Adamski saucers were photographed and witnessed world-wide in the early 1950s. In fairness, it should be pointed out that there also exists at least one source of confirmation of their thesis.

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