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Authors: Henry Stevens

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The differences between the media and the government itself are becoming more and more blurred. Politicians rely of instant polls, conducted the night before by the media, to plot today’s public policy. The results of these polls are whatever the media says they are. In the meantime, the media itself is doing everything it can through “news,” through entertainment and through movies to influence the results of those polls. The media and the government are so closely intertwined that for all practical purposes they can be considered as one. The C.I.A. spends a large portion of its budget in an effort to frame public discussion on issues it deems sensitive. The point here is that “truth” is not the goal of the government and in accomplishing their ends they use the methods of the mass media if they are not in partnership with the mass media itself.

For almost sixty years this government/media has been telling us through their propaganda machine, “Hollywood,” that all the ideas of the Nazis were meritless, if not dangerous. “The Nazis never had a good idea” seems to be their simplistic mantra. Of course government, at some level, know what you now know about the origins of UFOs. In fact, they know that there is much more to this still-secret high technology than just UFOs. In the past, they have no trouble using captured German scientists when it is in their interest to do so, but they hate to admit it. The problem they face is that they have boxed themselves in a corner. They can not admit the origins of UFO technology without a re-appraisal of other ideas which they have succeeded in putting to bed. If they were to admit one good “Nazi” idea, the question might arise as to if there is another good idea. The elite media has already preempted this question rhetorically, calling any re-appraisal of the Second World War “Revisionism.” They use this word disparagingly. Using a sort of “new-speak” they have kept the genie bottled up for almost sixty years.

What does this all mean to the researcher or truth seeker? With enough evidence could this information ever be acknowledged officially? With what level of proof could this elite media/government power axis acknowledge the fact that Germans working for Hitler built experimental flying craft that we could not even touch? The simple answer is that they can not do so, period. Not with “all the proof in the world.” Why should they? What is the upside for them? There are no good Nazi ideas. There is no need to know. There is perhaps a technological breakthrough behind the mystery. This is a loose-looseloose situation for them by any reckoning.

Perhaps we can crystalize this nightmare for the power elite in an image. Suppose that tomorrow a highly technically advanced flying saucer landed on the White House steps in front of full, live, media coverage. Their nightmare would not be a little grey alien emerging from the saucer saying: “Take me to your leader.” Their nightmare would be a former SS scientist emerging from the flying saucer saying: “I have an appointment.”

The implications are obvious. For over forty years the UFO community has been saying that we are on the verge of full government UFO disclosure. For the reasons outlined above, we are not now nor will we ever be on the verge of full UFO disclosure by the government.

This means that it is up to us to do the “disclosure.” Anyone interested in doing research along these lines will be encouraged to know that there is plenty of room in this field. It is not necessary to be a scientist. It is not necessary to live in Europe. It is not necessary to read German. The most important ingredient in this research is interest. If you are interested, there are mountains of government files which remain unexplored. The censors did not edit-out everything. They made mistakes which can be caught and pieced together. If each researcher could contribute just one fact to this growing body of knowledge, our trouble would be over quickly. In short, “Disclosure” isn’t going to happen unless we make it happen.

These scientists and technicians who built these early flying sauces may have been the very best and brightest of their time but they got up each morning and put their pants on just like the rest of us. In fact, they are us. Now that we know that we earthlings are capable of manufacturing objects we call UFOs, should we not use these facts we possess in explaining this phenomena rather than ignoring this information altogether? Should we not cease creating a new and superfluous mythology, if not an outright religion, to explain this phenomena which is completely devoid of a factual basis? Real truth is usually quite simple. In this case the real truth is that the origin of UFOs and many more technological secrets are resting in the grave of Nazi Germany, simply awaiting our rediscovery.

This book has not been “The Complete Book of UFOs” or even “The Complete Book of German Flying Discs.” Within each topic touched upon in this book lie worlds within worlds of details and additional information. It is for the reader to use the references cited as a starting point to root out what is of interest. This book was designed to get you started. It was only a guide.


Vesco, Renato, 1976,
Intercept UFO
, page 96, Pinnacle Books, New York, NY.

Thanks & Credits

Most everyone who has ever looked in to the matter of German flying discs has come to the conclusion that there is at least some truth to it. Still, opinions and interpretations within this group differ with the individual doing the research. Nobody can know or find everything. This certainly is true of the study of German flying discs. Many researchers in this field have set up a circle of correspondence or exchange with others interested in this topic. Even the brightest, most hard working individuals have benefitted from an exchange of information.

I have written up this book by doing some research and receiving a great deal of help, input and information sent to me by my friends. My deepest thanks and appreciation go out to those individuals who have shared their findings with me, explained their research to me and/or shared the counsel of their wisdom. This is true even in cases of disagreement or in cases of differing interpretations. In all cases, they have gone much beyond their published material. These include: Michael Blaeser, Joseph Buckley, Rainer Daehnhardt, the late Joseph Andreas Epp, Dr. Gordon Freeman, Heiner Gehring, Friedrich Georg, Dr. Milos Jesensky, Kadmon, Mark Kneipp, Robert Lesniakiewicz, William Lyne, Thomas Mehner, Theo Paymans, Richard Ross, Klaus-Peter Rothkugel, Horst Schuppmann, Vladimir Terziski, Milos Vnenk and Michael Watson. I would also like to thank my daughter, Lisa Stevens, for her work in proof reading and editing this text.

Addendum To Second Edition

Were German Flying Discs Put Into Mass Production?

t has been claimed that during the final days of World War Two assembly line production of one type of German flying disc actually occurred. This was to be an operational manned aircraft, not a model or unmanned, ground controlled saucer. Could this have been true?

Researcher/Writer Klaus-Peter Rothkugel presented a truly astounding conversation in his book
Das Geheimnis der deutschen Flugscheiben between
Georg Klein and Dr. Hans Kammler. In a completely independent research effort writers Dr. Milos Jesensky and Ing. Robert Lesniakiewicz add another layer to this story. In a final twist, an old UFO legend serves to flush out a surprising comment by a member of the Wernher von Braun rocket team regarding German flying discs. What will be done here is to recount those statements coupled with an attempt to get to the factual basis of those statements by digging a bit deeper into those sites and companies alleged to have been involved.

The first hint that assembly line production of German flying discs may have occurred comes to us via Mr. Rothkugel and his citing of an article from the
Hambuger Morgenpost
Hamburg Morning Post
) or “
” as it is sometimes called (1). This was actually a twelve part series of articles beginning in February of 1953. The articles heavily relied on the words of Georg Klein who the reader will recall ran the three conventional saucer programs, the Miethe, Schriever and Habermohl projects for the Luftwaffe. What is most important in this instance is his self-reported conversations with Dr. Hans Kammler.

Kammler, as the reader will recall, was a Doctor of Engineering and rose rapidly through the SS ranks eventually becoming number four or so in the SS pecking order. Kammler came to notice because he seemingly worked magic in bringing underground facilities from the drawing board into existence in an unheard of span of time. In addition, Kammler was the sharpest pencil in Himmler’s drawer, understanding every technology and exactly how to bring that technology into practical existence in the shortest possible amount of time.

The conversations in question fall on a backdrop of Kammler’s recent promotion, (March 27, 1945), to Special Plenipotentiary for Insertion of Jet Aircraft. In reality he was in charge of all secret and wonder weapons as well as their entire chain of production. Klein was an engineer but nowhere on the level of Kammler. Kammler was the intellectual and educational superior, the ranking officer, member of the SS, a Himmler and Hitler favorite and a man who wielded tremendous power. He was coming to visit Klein on Klein’s home turf, probably at the Ambassadeur Hotel in Prague which Klein had converted into his home and working offices. Essentially, Kammler came to review Klein’s work. This could not have been a pleasant interview for Klein.

We can only imagine that prior to this change of management, so to speak, Klein ran a very cool but obscure project in Czechoslovakia. He used local companies and suppliers and pretty much let his three inventors have free reign. During the early Blitzkrieg stages of the war nobody saw much need for flying saucers so it was only during this latter stage, when new air defenses were needed, that Klein might have entertained ideas of his project’s importance.

Kammler, on the other hand, was used to squeezing the last drop of sweat out of his underlings and then refining that last drop for another additional drop of sweat. In our first brief conversation between Kammler and Klein we get a glimpse of Kammler as a motivational speaker. Since these passages are so brief they will be first presented in German with an English translation following. “Frank” in this context is Karl-Hermann Frank, Reichsprotektor of Czechoslovakia who succeeded Reinhard Heydrich.

“Hoeren Sie, Klein, Staatsminister Frank ist soeben aus dem Fuehrenhauptquartier zurueckgekehrt. Hitler denk nich daran, das Protektorate, die Ruestungskammer des Reiches, aufzugeben. Und was habe ich Ihnen gesagt! Hitler beabsichtigt die Entscheidung des Krieges in den naechsten drei Wochen herbeizufuehren.

Als Frank ihm, wie er mir gestand, zaghalt fragte: “Mit politischen Mitteln?”

Da antwortete der Fuehrer: “Nein. Die neuen Vergeltunswaffen, voran die Luftscheiben, werden das Ende des Krieges aufhalten; die entscheidende Wendung steht bevor.”

“Listen Klein, State Minister Frank has just gotten back from the Fuehrer’s Headquarters. Hitler is not thinking about giving up the Protectorate (Czechoslovakia), the arsenal of the Reich. And what have I said to you! Hitler intends to bring about the determination of the war in the next three weeks.

As Frank timidly asked him (Hitler) as I understand, “with political means?”

There answered the Fuehrer: No. The new retaliation weapons, foremost the air-discs, will delay the end of the war, a decisive turn is imminent.”

Kammler has put Klein on notice that it is the very weapon and program that he runs which will be pivotal in changing the course of the war for Germany. Hitler, himself, is depending on him (Klein). Kammler thereby has verbally slapped Klein out of all traces of lethargy, should he have harbored any. Exactly how all this change in the course of the war was to happen is touched upon in a later passage.

This is all very interesting but the most interesting passage, from my point of view, was to come next. This interaction describes a decision in unexpected detail and yet it is not in the military-speak or bureaucratic jargon we might suppose but an armchair discussion between two men.

“Und welche der drei vorhanden Luftkreiselkonstruktionen kommt fuer den Einsatz in Betracht? General Kammler senkt die Stimme. Die entscheidende Frage war gefallen. Und waehrend Oberinginenieur Klein noch einmal die Vorzuege und Nachteile des Mietheschen Diskus und des mokkatassenaehnlichen Kreisels von Rudolf Schriever abschaetzte, hatte er laengst die gewuenchte Antwort parat.

Es gab nur eine Konstruktion, die in aller Stille von ihrem Schoepfer Otto Habermohl in den umgewandelten Raeumen eines Gasthauses in Slany, etwa vierzig Kilometer von Prag, erstellt wordern war.

…Er (Kammler) wusste, dass es eine bessere Konstrucktion gab, und legte eine Akte, die mit dem Geheimzeichen VM 2233 versehen war, demonstrativ auf seinen Schriebtisch.

“Das grosse Wunder ist nicht mehr fern. Unter meinen Haenden liegen die Plaene fuer die Luftscheibe des Konstrukteurs Ottor Habermohl.”

“Wenn ich morgen,” fuhr er sinnierend fort, “eine fertige Flugscheibe abliefere, die von der Luftwaffe in den Himmel gejagt wird, dann haben wir eine Schlacht gewonnen, ohne ein Menschenleben zu opfern, dann erzeugt unser geheimisvolles Fluggebilde eine Massenhysterie in der ganzen Welt, dann ist die Wunderwaffe des Fuehers da und an den zurueckweichenden Fronten blickt man unr einmal in den Himmel und hat den Glauben zurueckgewonnen.”

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