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Authors: Henry Stevens

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Confirmation of sorts comes from a new book by a conspiracy writer, George Piccard, who cites similar information to that of Ettl and Juergen-Ratthofer as coming from his informant, a man calling himself “Kilder” (24). Piccard states that he believed the name “Kilder” to be an alias. Kilder was a clerk working in British intelligence and allegedly came to Piccard through a mutual contact shortly before Kilder died of lung cancer. During his years of service, Kilder had allegedly filed away many classified documents which he committed to memory. This book is interesting reading, of that there is no doubt. It is too bad, though, that Piccard could not elicit the real name of the dying Kilder, because, as has already been pointed out, there is nothing reliable about an unnamed, secret government source and, hence, there is no reason to spill much ink in discussing the matter.

More evidence that the Germans produced something truly strange comes from the Polish researcher Igor Witkowski. Mr. Witkowski is considered by the Eastern European sources already cited, the engineer Mr. Robert Leiakiewicz and Dr. Milos Jesensky, to be the foremost authority on German saucers in Poland. This is no small title considering the mountains of research through which they have tunneled, both figuratively and in reality. According to his interviewer, Nick Cook, the Aviation Editor of “Janes Defense Weekly,” Mr. Witkowski was shown classified Russian documents through an unnamed contact. In those documents was described German research on a device called “die Glocke” (the bell). This device was tested underground, at Der Riese, at the Wenceslas mine near Ludwigsdorf(25) under the German code-names of “Laternentraeger” (“lantern carrier”) and “Chronos” which obviously refers to time. This was done under the auspices of a heretofore unknown SS organization, the Forschungen, Entwicklungen and Patente (Research, Development and Patents) or FEP. This was Kammler’s group according to Mr. Witkowski (26). Could this be the true name of what has been referred to up until now simply as the “Kammler Group”? Mr. Witkowski maintains that this group was independent of the Reichsforschungsrat, the Reich Research Council, which is significant. Heading the research on the Bell was none other than Professor Walther Gerlach (27) who was among the very top tier of German nuclear scientists. A metallic liquid, violet in color and resembling mercury, was stored within the bell in two cylinders. These cylinders were spun in opposite directions for test lasting for a minute. The effects included a pale blue light emitted from the bell, electrical equipment failures, as well as deleterious effects on animals and people (28). To his credit, Mr. Witkowski did not try make more out of this than is in evidence. He is of the opinion, however, that the bell was a very powerful engine (29). Of course, we all can jump ahead of the facts slightly and wonder if this engine was not to be used on a very large German atomic saucer or field propulsion saucer, the very kind described by Mr. Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer.

A Second F.B.I. Report on German Flying Discs (Three pages and best possible picture)

A Second F.B.I. Report on German Flying Discs (Three pages and best possible picture)

A Second F.B.I. Report on German Flying Discs (Three pages and best possible picture)

A Second F.B.I. Report on German Flying Discs (Three pages and best possible picture)

Weighing into the German field propulsion controversy is Dr. Axel Stoll. Dr. Stoll is a Geophysicist, that is, a real scientist. Dr. Stoll names no sources in his book but states that they exist and must be protected for the common need as opposed to that of serving an individual purpose as a citation (25). Dr. Stoll supports the assertion that field propulsion vehicles were being developed during the Third Reich. But unlike what has transpired before, Dr. Stoll gives us the theory and the mathematics behind the theory, citing and translating Maxwell and Bearden. Besides the mathematical support for his thesis that the Germans built field propulsion vehicles, he states something about his suspicion concerning a spin-off of this technology which may have been further developed by the Germans (26). It is what was stated by Mr. Juergen-Ratthofer over ten years ago in his video films. It is what was indicated by circumstantial evidence at Jonastal and recognized as such for at least five years by some of the researchers there. It is that the Germans were interested in the manipulation space and time itself. It is said that time and space can be manipulated or time and space can be created or obliterated through the use of am electromagnetic longitudinal wave (32). Normal electromagnetic waves, such as light waves, are transverse. This brings us right back to the production of quadropolar waves (transverse and longitudinal waves in cycle) as discussed in connection with the Schappeller device. Could this lost technology provide us with a window into time or into another dimension? Would our scientists of today be able to unlock this technology given their restricted scientific outlook? Has the reconstruction and piecing together of this puzzle occupied our scientists since the end of the Second World War?

Turning aside for a moment, as stated, this book was written as a guide to German flying discs. As such, the reader should be cautioned about at least one pitfall. This pitfall consists of a series of technical diagrams of alleged German field propulsion saucers, prominently displaying a date of November, 1944. In some of these drawings mention is made of a “Thule-Tachyonator.” This word “Tachyonator” obviously has its origins in the word tachyon. This word bothered me for years but I loved those “old” drawings so much that my nagging doubts were put aside. What bothered me was the fact that this word never arose in my introductory physics course in the 1960s. This ate at me until I called the Physics Department at the University of California at Los Angeles for their opinion as to the origin of this word. An old physicist said from his memory the word was not even coined until the mid-1960s, thus casting doubt on the technical drawings. He gave me a reference and his memory proved correct. The word “tachyon” was coined by Dr. Gerald Feinberg in 1966 (33). This means that there was no word “Tachyonator” in 1944. Unless better evidence surfaces, the veracity of these documents must be questioned. It hurts to admit that I count myself as one of the people taken in by this deception.

“Mother Horizon”

“Mother Horizon” was possibly a device used on a German flying disc.
: “Information Obtained from Targets of Opportunity in the Sonthofen Area” BIOS Report #142.
: Entry in microfilm obtained via FOIA.

Sources and References

  1.  Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 158

  2.  Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 137, 156-157

  3.  United states Strategic Air Forces In Europe, Office Of The Director Of Intelligence, 1944, “An Evaluation Of German Capabilities In 1945”

  4.  Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice File Number 65-57183, “Patent Verwertungs Gesellschaft Espionage,” American Embassy, London

  5.  Hogg, I. V., 1970, page 48,
German Secret Weapons Of World War 2
, Arco Publishing Company, Inc., New York

  6.  Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice, File Number 65-57193, “Patent Verwertungs Gesellschaft Espionage,” American Embassy, London

  7.  Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 156-157

  8.  Vesco, Renato, 1976, pages 134-135

  9.  ibid

10.  Moore, W. L., date unknown, page number not specified in publication, “#4510 Research File Project “y” and the ’Avro’ Flying Disc,” W. L. Moore Publications, Burbank, California

11.  Campagna, Palmiro, 2000, pages 74 and 75, “Nazi UFO? Released documents increase speculation that Nazis did research disc technology,” Article from
UFO Magazine
, United Kingdom

12.  Luftfahrt International, 1975, page 1366, “Deutsche Flugkreisel Gab’s die?

13.  Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 145

14.  Lyne, William R., 1999, pages 206-207,
Space Aliens
, Creatopia Productions, Lamy, New Mexico

15.  Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 157

16.  Zollikofer, Otto, February 3, 1955,"Die Fliegenden Teller Ein Deutungsversuch,” an article appearing in the Neue Zuercher Zeitung

17.  Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 134

18.  Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 158

19.  ibid

20.  ibid

21.  Vesco, Renato, 1976, page 145

22.  Landig, Wilhelm, 1971, page 27, Goetzen Gegen Thule, Volksturm Wilhelm Landig, Vienna, Austria

23.  ibid

24.  Piccard, George, 1999,
Liquid Conspiracy JFK, LSD, The CIA, Area 51, And UFOs
, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, Illinois

25.  Cook, Nick, 2001, page 188,
The Hunt For Zero Point One Man’sJourney To Discover The Biggest Secret Since The Invention Of The Atom Bomb
, The Random House Group Limited, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 2SA

26.  Cook, Nick, 2001, page 195

27.  Cook, Nick, 2001, page 194

28.  Cook, Nick, 2001, page 192

29.  Cook, Nick, 2001, page 198

30.  Stoll, Axel Ph.D., 2001, page 12, Hochtechnologie Im Dritten Reich Reichsdeutsche Entwicklungen und die vermutlich wahre Herkunft der “UFOs,” Amun-Verlag, Schleusesiedlung 2, D-98553

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