Back-Up (39 page)

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Authors: A.m Madden

BOOK: Back-Up
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“How are you, Jack?”

“I’m great Malcolm. Fucking great.”

Malcolm throws him a patronizing grin and turns his focus back to me. “So have you given our last conversation any thought?”

What the hell? This guy is pushy and I don’t respond well to pushy.

“No, I’m good, thanks.”

Jennifer slinks an arm through Malcolm’s and takes on a very territorial stance. She can just r
elax. I want no part of her boyfriend. Thankfully Malcolm clarifies his statement to Jennifer and Jack.

, Malcolm. She’s been a member of Devil’s Lair for all of five minutes. Can you back off please?” Jack looks pissed as hell.

“I merely pointed out to your talented back-up singer that she is too talented to be a back-up singer.” Shrugging he adds, “S
he’s not ready. But I’m patient and I’ll wait.” Focusing on me he says, “You have my card. You know where to find me. I can make all your dreams come true.”

Jack mumbles an epithet under his breath, which Malcolm ignores. “Jen knows how competitive I am, don’t you baby?”

Jennifer doesn’t look upset in the least that her sleazy boyfriend is trying to take one of her clients. That makes me wonder if this is a little plan she hatched up to get rid of me. She hasn’t liked me since day one. “I know baby. You’d steal a client from your own mother. I’m not offended.”

She smiles at her man and he bends to kiss her lips.

This is beyond ridiculous. Ignoring them I turn towards Jack and ask, “Do you want to go get a drink?’


He drapes his arm around my shoulders. See you guys later. Malcolm, stay away from my band member or I’ll hurt you.”

Giving them his CCDS smile
, he steers me towards the bar.

looks down at me. “He’s right, you know.”

“Jack, I’m not going anywhere. I have no idea what I’m doing. This is all so new to me. I really want to tour with you guys. I believe in you and you’re about to explode. I want to be part of that.”

He skims his thumb along my cheek. “I would never hold you back. I just thought we could enjoy you for a while. But I would never stop you from excelling in your own career.”

“I know.”
I lean in closer and add, “I love you.”

He smiles warmly. “Me too. Let’s celebrate.”

The room has been set up with food and drinks. The boys take advantage and head right to where Jack and I are standing at the bar. Hunter orders a tray full of shots and I feel a little uneasy when I realize i
ts tequila. Jack laughs at my expression and holds one out for me to take. “Do you want me to order a girly shot for you?”

He winks and downs one
in a single quick motion.

.” I down mine effortlessly.  I’m actually getting used to tequila.

Raising his eyebrows, Jack smiles cunningly. Leaning in, he whispers, “You said you loved me the last time you had tequila.”

“I did not.” His mention helps me to vaguely remember that. “Oh my God.”

“What? It was hot.”

Our friends end our conversation by piling in. My dad is the first one through the door.


I look up to see him smiling from ear to ear. I run towards him and can tell he’s been crying when he catches me in mid-air. He hugs me so tightly that I can barely breathe. “You were so amazing tonight. I am so proud of you.” 

Evan embraces me next. “You were awesome up there.
You guys rocked this place.”

“Thanks Evan. I have never experienced such an adrenaline rush in my life.”

“I’m sure. This tour is going to sky-rocket you right to the top.”

Lori and Alisa grab me
next. Lori says, “Oh my god Lei that was so fucking hot. You and Jack should totally do it.” I let out a nervous laugh while catching Evan’s eye.

As the night progresses,
our guests are having a great time. Evan and Lizzy are already attached at the hip. As he is introducing her to my father, he sees me watching and winks. I blow him a kiss. I’m happy he is coming around. Lori and Trey are attached at the lips. Matt, Gina, Logan, Alisa and Joe are all drinking and mingling. Matt introduced me to Gina, and she’s a sweetheart. That will
work out.

Jack has been by my side most of the night. “Your outfit has me throbbing.”

If we were alone in this room, I would have him naked by now. Huffing out a breath, Jack looks at me deviously. “You ok? You look a little flushed.”

I mutter
under my breath just as his parents walk over.

“Hi guys.” Jack
greets them with a tight hug. His dad whispers something and pats his back while his mom grabs his face and kisses both cheeks.

, stop.”  He says as he pulls out of her grasp. It’s so cute and funny. Rock star or not, he’s a momma’s boy.

Jack’s dad pulls me into a warm hug. “You are the perfect addition to this band
, Leila.”

“I’m flattered. That is really a nice thing for you to say.”

Renata grabs me away from her husband and hugs me tight. “Leila I can’t wait to get to know you better when you guys get home. You’ll come to the house, and bring Evan?”

“I would love to.” She smiles and kisses my cheek. I can see where Jack gets
it. It’s heartwarming to know that he comes from a very affectionate family.

“Ok, stop man-handling Leila.” Jack says
scolds. She gives him a look and hugs me tighter.

Our party is going strong. I am having so much fun mingling with my friends, reliving our performance on stage. My face
is nearly splitting in two from all the smiling and laughing. That is, until I spot Jack frowning at his cell phone. Hunter is beside him, holding Amanda’s hand and shaking his head. Amanda looks very uncomfortable. Jack says something else and Hunter shrugs. Their conversation looks like an argument. I wonder what’s wrong.

My dad calls me over
and forces my attention away from Jack. As I walk over, I worry over what just happened. No sooner do I turn towards my dad, than a gorgeous brunette walks into the room. She looks around, spots Jack, and seductively strolls right over to him. This woman is stunning. She has a tall, killer body and hair like a black, silk curtain. I watch Jack’s facial expression change when he sees her and he meets her half way. He looks upset as he grabs her arm and yanks her into the hallway, while many of us watch. Who the hell is she?

His parents exchange a few words just as L
izzy makes her way over to them, and immediately begin an animated discussion. A weird hush fell over the room that’s hard to ignore. Plastering a smile on my face, I try desperately to ignore what just occurred, and I’m failing miserably.

I really need to use the bathroom, but I don’t want Jack to think I’m following him. I decide to wait a few minutes before I walk down the hall hoping not to
run into Jack or the brunette. I’m so lost in thought that I barely hear Dylan calling my name. Smiling wide, Mr. Harvard walks towards me and is clearly a bit tipsy.

“What so funny.”

“I’ve been wanting to get you alone all night and it figures it’s when we both have to pee. Go and meet me back right here.” He says and takes off. He is most definitely drunk.

A few minutes later I come out of the ladies room to see Dylan leaning against the wall waiting for me. As I walk over to him, he turns his body so I am now against the wall and he is in front of me.
I’m really not in the mood for Dylan right now.

“Dylan, I want to get back inside.”

He doesn’t speak. He just bends and kisses me. It’s soft and sweet and I instantly feel guilt.

I’m so confused and annoyed, it takes me a few
seconds to realize what’s happening before I push him away.

Dylan, I thought I made it clear I don’t have feelings for you.” He steps back and nods. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry.
I really shouldn’t have done that. I was so overwhelmed with pride and, I don’t know I just got caught up in things.”

“I value our friendship and would
n’t want anything to ruin it, but…”

He cuts me off. “No need to continue
.”  Shrugging, he adds, “Leila, I’m dense. It was really a stupid move on my part. I’m really am sorry.” He smiles at me and his eyes are full of longing.

“I need to get back in there.” He nods and motions for me to go first.
As soon as we get back into the party room, Dylan heads right for the bar.

I finally see Jack come into the room alone like fifteen minutes later. My heart sinks as I see the look on his face. Where was he? Did he see us? He moves to Hunter and starts talking to him in the same agitated
state, as he was earlier.

I continue to search his face but he doesn’t make eye contact with me.

I’m unable to enjoy myself any longer. Something happened to cause him such pain. It’s written all over his face. Our eyes meet when he starts to walk towards me. I close the distance between us.

Are you ok?” I ask hesitantly. I want nothing more than to ask him who that girl was, why was she here and what did she want. But I need him to want to tell me. I need to trust he will.

“I am now.” He steps a bit closer so our arms touch. My skin tingles instantly
from his touch. “Is everything ok with you and Dylan?” He looks down at me anxiously. He must have seen us in the hall. Is that why he’s so sad?

“He kissed me again. I set him straight.”

Jack’s posture immediately changes as his gaze flies to Dylan across the room. His glare is cold as ice and his fists clench automatically. He looks livid until he looks at me, and then his eyes soften immediately.

“Do I need to kick his ass?”

“Please don’t. I don’t want you spending the night in jail. I have plans for you.”

“I love you.” He whispers, so only I can hear him.

“I know.” I squeeze his hand and walk away. I’m disappointed he didn’t open up to me. He may need time. As the party winds down, I’m consumed with theories and speculations.

aying goodbye to my dad and friends distracts temporarily. I’m exhausted from the continuous goodbyes so I decide to end the pattern. I tell them so, as I hug everyone I love and say that I would see them soon. No more tears.

My dad surprises me and says, “Ok kiddo…see you later.”  He hugs me, kisses my head and walks out. Evan and I look at each other

Evan kisses Lizzy and says he’ll see her next week. Lori and Trey try to get months and months’ worth of good-byes in before they separate. Hunter and Amanda are whispering in a corner. Scott is holding a sobbing Patti. Jack is hugging his parents.
The merriment we were feeling a short time ago now completely gone.

Once everyone leaves Dylan comes over and says he’ll be meeting up with us in Boston. He reminds me to call him or Cathy if I need anything.

He runs his hand down my arm and offers, “If you change your mind...”

move away from his touch. “Sorry, Dylan.”

He nods, and walks
over to Jack. He says something and Jack’s jaw clenches at whatever it is. Dylan looks back at me and leaves the room.

Jack is very quiet
as we make our way to the bus. The guys start sitting around the bus reliving highlights from the show. He takes my hand and walks straight to the back. 

“I want to get out of this sauna suit and shower. I’ll be a few minutes.”

“Ok…find me when you’re done.”

As I’m getting ready for bed, I can’t shake the feeling of dread that is coursing through my body. Something is very wrong.
My concerns are confirmed when minutes later I find him in his bunk staring into space.

“Hey.” I say

“Hey” he says back. “Did you have a good time?”

“I did. Are you ok?” I ask.

He shrugs and says “Not really.” I walk over to his bunk and look up at him.

“You were awesome tonight
, Jack.” I say.

He leans forward and caresses my face. “So were you.”

Sitting up he takes my hands in both of his. “Can I talk to you?”

Bile rises, making me feel sick to my stomach. He jumps off his bunk and takes my hand leading me to the bedroom. Once inside, he closes and locks the door.

“Leila, I need to tell you something.” His words cause my knees to give out, and I heavily sit on the edge of the bed.

“Is this about that girl?”

“Yes. She’s my ex.” He says watching my face. I wasn’t expecting him to say that.

Pathetically, all I can say is, “Oh.”

I try to shake the thoughts that immediately come to mind. I remind myself he loves me and he wouldn’t do that to me.

“Babe, we need to talk.”

I feel I’m about to have my heart broken.  Panic takes hold and it leaves me ice-cold and shaking.

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