Beat to Their Heart (10 page)

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Authors: Whiskey Starr

Tags: #New Age, #Romance, #Erotic, #Contemporary, #Rockers

BOOK: Beat to Their Heart
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“No! The time to talk to me about this should have been when you went out and got drunk. Instead of calling for help, you hung out and got into trouble. Guess it sucks getting your dick stuck in the zipper, huh, Joey. It’s the rocker way. Goodbye, Joey.” She leaned up and kissed him on his cheek. “I hope you do find happiness again where you don’t need the comfort of a bottle to do it.” And then she left. She had been right. When he didn’t get what he wanted he drank, it was his way of dealing with issues. He didn’t say he was a drunk, because he could go days, weeks even, without a drink if he wanted. But when shit hit the fan, instead of dealing with the issues, he washed them away. Sitting down on one of the small chairs he put his hands on his head. It was his fault, he just needed to grow up and fix it, and promise to never let it happen again.


It had been a week and she had had several voicemails and texts from Joey. She didn’t want to forgive him, but really, he didn’t do anything wrong. It was the rocker persona. All of them were players, women draped all over them like second hand clothes. She wasn’t really in a relationship with him, though she liked to pretend she was. He had acted like a devoted boyfriend would when they were together or even apart. He had texted her, called, and spoke when she was awake. Hell, he even saw her at the hospital, so what went wrong.

It didn’t take long before the word spread she was back on the market and Dr. Hudson started asking her out again. He liked to point out that he would never do to her what Joey did. Yeah, he wouldn’t because he was at least smart enough to stay out of the paper.

She didn’t want to dwell on Joey Hart any more than she had to. It was her day off and with the house cleaned, she decided to take a bath and soak her troubles away with some music and a large glass of lemonade. She would have preferred wine, but it was too early and she needed to pick Milo up. Sticking in some earbuds, and adding the girly bubbles, she rested trying to not think about anything. However, it seemed her iPod had different ideas as one of her favorite Chasing Tail’s songs came on. It seemed no matter what she did he was always in her mind. Forgetting her bath, she got out and made a sandwich while finding a book to read. But that didn’t seem to make her feel better. Looking at her phone she saw she had a missed call from Milo’s school. Listening to the voicemail, she instantly freaked. Milo had fallen at school while at gym and hurt himself. They were taking him to the hospital. Grabbing her keys she ran to her car to get to him. However, when she put the keys in nothing happened.
Shit, don’t let this happen now.
Panic started to fill her.

Pulling out her phone she called Trudy but got her answering machine. Casey was working. She could hop the bus, but she didn’t know the schedule. There was only one person she could call. Holding her breath, she dialed.

“Sky?” The husky tone of Joey’s voice filled her, but she could wait another time to reflect on missing him.

“I need your help.”

“Shit, you okay, Milo alright?”

“I’m fine, but Milo isn’t.”

“Of fuck, baby, what do you need, what’s he need?”

“My car won’t start, and Milo fell. They don’t know too much, and I need to get to him.” She was in tears now.

“I’m on my way. I was already out, tell me your address and I’ll come get you.” She rattled off her address quickly.

“I know where that’s at. I can be there in ten minutes, seven if I don’t hit the red lights. Just sit tight, baby, he’s going to be okay. I’m coming.” She heard his car accelerate before he hung up. She did her best not to panic, but the school didn’t say what he hurt, if anything was broken, if he was bleeding, nothing. It drove her insane. Getting out of her car she started pacing up and down the sidewalk, but before she realized it Joey was there. He parked, jumped out of the car, and enfolded her in a hug, which she welcomed. He kissed the top of her head.

“I got you, baby, let’s go check on Milo.” She nodded. He led her to his car helping her in before he shut the door and jumped in the driver's side taking off to the hospital.

“Thank you for coming to get me.”

“Anytime. I’m glad you called me, and that I was close enough to get here quickly. So tell me what happened.” Sky went on about the call she got from the school, and how the school had no information.

“I don’t like that school already. We need to find him something better. But right now let’s park and find out what’s going on.” He pulled into a parking spot before the two of them walked into the ER. Nurse Bennett was sitting at the front desk.

“Skylar, honey, you okay?”

“Yes, Liz, but Milo is back there, and I need to see him. I can fill out the paperwork when I’m done okay?” She nodded and pressed the button to let her in the back while Liz told her the room. As she walked back, she heard her sweet boy sobbing and calling for her. She couldn’t stop her feet as she took off in a run. As she rounded the corner she saw Dr. Hudson trying to calm her son with stickers, but she knew what would work.

“Sky, glad you’re here. Can you help me with this one? He seems to be a little unstable and not all there.” She was about to snap at him, but Joey had the doctor up against the wall with his hand around his throat.

“You ever speak about a child like that again you will regret it, but you speak about Sky’s son like that again and I will kill you, do you got me. And yes I know the people to make sure they don’t find your sorry ass body.” Sky was shocked as the doctor nodded and held on to Joey's arm. Sky already had Milo in her arms as he cried.

“Joey, it's okay, he doesn’t understand. Dr. Hudson, can you tell me what’s wrong?”

“The school said he fell, so they sent him in. His ankle is swollen, and I need to get an x-ray, but I think it’s broken. He wouldn’t hold still to do one. I could give him something for the pain too.” It seemed the good doctor changed his mind moving his eyes back and forth between Joey and her.

“That’s fine, give me a minute to calm him down and send someone from x-ray to get him.” The doctor nodded and left while she calmed Milo down.

Joey watched as the prick of a doctor left them. He was still shocked Sky had called him. But he didn’t like why. Milo was hurt, and that was the last thing he wanted. He was such a cool kid. He would even go so far as to say he missed him, even though he had only met him one time. Sky started to hum to Milo trying to calm him down and it wasn’t working. Sitting on the other side, Joey did something he never thought he would ever do. He started singing. Softly so not to disturb anyone, he started tapping his legs to a rhythm that he knew Milo liked and sang the words. Almost instantly Milo slowed down and listened as he moved his head to the rhythm. He had noticed when Milo sat on his lap at his drums that he had a fondness for repetitive beats.

Milo’s big brown eyes looked at him, all red from crying. “I like that song.” And then his smile returned. A big tech came to take him to get an x-ray and he freaked out some. Milo grabbed his hand and squeezed, and Joey knew that Milo needed him, just as much as he needed his mom.

“I’m right here, buddy. Let’s go get some pictures done and then they can make you all better, okay.”

“You won’t leave me will you?”

“Never again, buddy, never again.” Joey didn’t know why he made that promise, but he would do everything he could to keep it, not only to Milo, but to Sky as well.

“Good, because mommy misses you. I don’t like her sad. Make mommy happy again, Mr. Joey, please.” His eyes met Sky’s and he would do everything in his power to win her back.


Chapter Twelve


Milo fractured his ankle, it was put in a cast, and he would be out of school for a couple of days. Joey had already seen her talk to several people at work about making arrangements to get off work to take care of him. But he needed to make sure someone took care of her. While Milo slept in the small bed next to him, Skylar had gone to do paperwork, he sent a few text messages. He too had a plan.

Sky came in looking tired as she said they could go home. He hated to wake poor Milo, so the nurse let him carry Milo to his car, which Sky had pulled up for them. She opened the back door and he placed him in. Joey went to the back and found a sweatshirt, which could act like a blanket to cover Milo. Even though it was warm outside, he knew as a kid he slept better with a blanket on. Once in the driver’s seat he started to head home.

“Um, Joey, we live the other direction.”

“I know, baby, but I live this way.”

“Did you need to get something from your house?”

“No, you and Milo are coming home with me.”

“Joey, I can’t. We can’t, we broke up, I mean we aren’t talking, crap, I don’t know, we just can’t.”

“Skylar, listen to me. Milo is not a baby, you can’t go carrying him up and down the stairs in your apartment. What if you slipped, then you both get hurt. Look, just come stay with me for a couple days. I can help. Yes I have to work, but it’s all done in the den area, the guys said they would come over and work there. Milo might even like it. He could practice with me when he feels up to it. Please, Sky. I know you’re still mad at me, and you have every right to be. I was an ass, I acted on poor judgment, and let myself blame the booze. But it was me. Please just stay. I have plenty of room. I have a bed already set up for Milo. You can stay with him, or in one of the other guest rooms. I will leave it up to you.”

Joey knew he had her when she started to bite her lip while looking down. She did that when she wanted to find a way around something, but his logic was sound, and there was no way she could say no.

“Fine, but just for a few days. I don’t want to chance it with Milo. Plus I need to talk to his school. I’m not too happy with them.” Joey had to agree. If things worked out the way he really hoped they would, Sky and Milo would live with him permanently, and he would make sure Milo went to the best school. One that would help him get into college, and not treat him like he had an illness. In the short time he had known Milo, he grew to care for him, and it broke his heart to see him in pain. Then that prick of a doctor made that comment. He was still seeing red.

“Good, and I want to be there too when you talk with them.” She didn’t comment, just turned and looked at her sleeping child in the back. It did make him wonder about his father. Was he a deadbeat dad, did he know about his son? So many questions he didn’t know and now wanted the answers to.

Pulling up to his house he saw Mickey and Hunter opening the door. He was really happy they were here to help him with this. Booker said he would come, but he couldn’t leave yet. Both his band mates, well more like his brothers, came out to greet them.

“Hey, you guys made good time. How’s little man doing?” Hunter looked in the back seat at a sleeping Milo as Sky got out of the car looking at all of them again.

“Umm, pretty good considering what happened. The doctor gave him some pain meds that made him sleepy,” she explained to them. They both nodded.

“I broke my arm as a kid and it totally sucked, but people signed my cast. We will have to make sure to pick up some stickers and permanent markers to sign it.” Joey reached into the back and unhooked Milo, lifting him with ease. Poor kid, he really was out.

“Joey, we have a room all set up to what you asked. We couldn’t find everything, but we did the best we could considering the time,” Mickey said as he held open the door.

“You planned this all along.” Sky looked at him.

“Yes, I did, but you know why. Come on, let’s put him to bed and then have something to eat.” Again she didn’t say anything, just followed him to the room, which was now Milo’s. As the door opened he hear her gasp. He had asked Mickey and Hunter to try to find bedding with Transformers, and all the toys they could find of each one. A toy box filled with Legos, and a movie poster. If he had time he would love to have done more, but you can only get so much done in two hours.

“Joey, this is too much.”

“Not for him it’s not. I want him comfortable here. I was going to have a TV put in, but I wasn’t sure how you would feel about that. So if he wants one and you say it’s okay, I’ll get it installed tomorrow.”

“Joey, really, he would have been happy just staying here.”

“Please let me do this, Sky. I never had anyone to do things for me growing up. I know it’s over the top for you, but it’s just things and money. The look on his face when he wakes up will be worth it.”

Sky felt railroaded. She knew Joey's background, he had told her about it, and this was important to him. It would mean a lot to Milo too. All she did was nod as Joey walked over to the bed. She pulled the covers back and Joey placed him down, while she took off his shoes. Joey pulled the covers over Milo before placing a single kiss on his forehead. A sweet gesture, but the look on Joey’s face was one of concern and love. He really did care for Milo. She quickly did the same, moving the hair off his face before leaving and shutting the door. Milo would be out for the rest of the night.

Following Joey downstairs to the kitchen, the two other men were making sandwiches. She had to laugh, it seemed they didn’t cook very much.

“Again?” All of them looked up with food in their mouths. Hunter smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

“Unless its simple things on the grill or an egg, this is about all we can do. Still learning everything.”

“Okay, I get it. Alright then, since it seems that I will be staying here a few days.” She shot a glace right at Joey who winked at her, sexy bastard. “I will make meals. I can cook, but baking is something I don’t do too often, so don’t ask too much in that department okay.” They all nodded excitingly.

“I knew I would like you.” Hunter came over and patted her head before grabbing beers from the fridge passing one to everyone. “Sky, you want one? We don’t have anything else but soda and some juice. Joey didn’t say to shop for food, but I can bring over muffins in the morning.” She agreed and grabbed the beer, chugging the bitter drink down until half the drink remained. Looking up, she saw all of them looking at her.

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