Beat to Their Heart (14 page)

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Authors: Whiskey Starr

Tags: #New Age, #Romance, #Erotic, #Contemporary, #Rockers

BOOK: Beat to Their Heart
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Joey quickly made work of the dishes before he and Milo went back to their planning to surprise his mom.


Sky really didn’t want to leave home, but the boys seemed okay for tonight. Normally she would get excited about work and the rush she got about the unknown, but lately she just didn’t have it anymore. She loved spending time with Milo, helping Joey and the band out, and having the time to do other things. But here she was, changing yet another bedpan, with Dr. Hudson working tonight too. Yeah that was something she didn’t miss at all. Casey had been a real pain to her since she accepted Joey into her life. But in the end she needed to do what was right for her and for Milo. Joey made both of them happy.

“Hey, Sky, can you help with a patient coming in. Some kids got dropped off at a firehouse with knife wounds in lower abdomen and defensive wounds as well,” Daisy stated while carrying some blankets.

“Sure, what room?”

“Trauma two.” Sky headed over there and started to set up several trays for sutures, monitors, and so on. The big ambulance doors opened with a very combative patient who was screaming about killing someone. She didn’t really care what they wanted, because as soon as they came through the door, they were in charge. She was tied down to the stretchers, and already she had scissors out cutting the ties while they moved her to their beds. The woman continued to scream and yell up a storm. It didn’t take long to see she was on some type of drug. The doctors started pushing meds to try to sedate her, but before the medication could take effect, the woman screamed before a loud bang went off near her head.

Looking at the patient, Sky’s skin went cold as she was no longer moving and had a bullet wound in the middle of her head. All sounds in the ER died except for the machines as everyone turned at once to see the man with a gun standing at the foot of the bed. Daisy started to scream, and even though she wanted to do the same, it wouldn’t do any good.

“Shut up you bitch,” and backhanded her, sending Daisy flying onto the ground.

“Look, we don’t want any trouble, the cops are on their way, and if you leave now you can still walk out without someone else getting hurt.” Sky knew to talk slow and calmly with the man. Treating him almost like someone would a child, she didn’t want to spook him and have the gun go off hitting something else. Her main goal was to get him away from the patients and the staff.

“You shut up too. I did what I came here to do. Now just leave me alone before I do something stupid.”

“Okay, okay, no one is moving. Why don’t you just calm down and we can figure this all out. We don’t want anyone else hurt. How about you tell me what it is you want.”

“Calm down, bitch, you out of your fucking mind. I’ll calm down when I get the hell out of here.” Deep breaths, Sky needed to take long deep breaths. She needed to get out of this alive. She had so much to do, so much life to live. Not only with Milo, but with Joey. Those two were her men, and when she got out of here, she was quitting. Yes, she liked her job, but a few days ago Joey said she didn’t need to work and could stay home with Milo and do whatever she wanted to do. Now she really wished she had taken him up on his offer. She could be home playing Mario Cart with Milo and Joey, or helping with bedtime, reading, anything besides being held at gunpoint.

The sounds of the sirens could be heard in a distance and the guy in front of her looked panicked. She took a small step forward as he moved closer to Daisy, who was crying on the floor. She didn’t want him to get her, or hurt her.

“Don’t move,” he yelled at Sky.

“Please let me make sure she is okay, we have patients that need us.” He seemed to think about it and waved the gun in the direction to indicate she could move. As she did several cops busted through the ambulance bay doors and the sound of gunshots went off.


Joey had just made sure Milo was asleep before he went downstairs to watch some news. He wasn’t going to bed until he got a text from Sky on her break. As he hit the bottom step his phone started buzzing in his pocket. Smiling, he pulled out his phone to see it was only Booker.

“Hey, man, shouldn’t you be tucked away in bed sleeping?”

“Seriously, you need to shut up and turn on the fucking news, like now.”

Walking over he clicked on the TV looking for the local station, but then someone began beating at his door.

“What the hell is this, Grand Central Station? Seriously it’s fucking late, just tell me?” Leaving the TV on the news station on a commercial, he answered the door with a panicked Mickey and Hunter.

“Did you see the news?”

“No, I hadn’t, Booker is on the phone now, what the fuck is this about damn it.” He was starting to lose his patience.

“There was a shooting?”

“So there was a shooting, shootings happen all the time.” He turned as the news anchor came on the screen.

“A shooting at Malibu Hospital happened only moments ago. Police arrived on scene when a patient inside the emergency department claimed a black male came into the ER with a gun and shot one patient before holding nurses and doctors hostage. It has been said that another shot had gone off while police had detained the suspect. There is one confirmed dead, and no report on the other one. It was said to be a female nurse, but no word on her condition. Stay tuned as we bring the information live to you on Channel Nine News.” Joey had dropped to the floor. Skylar.

“I got Milo, Mickey is driving you. You can’t drive like this, come on, man, go check on Sky.”

Joey was frantic, he was a mess when he lost Nikki and their daughter, but it would be so much worse if he lost Sky. What would happen to Milo? Shit, so many thoughts. He would die if she was gone, what would Milo do?

“Joey, shit, man, calm down, we will get to her. She will be fine. Sky is smart and will do anything to stay alive. Look, we are almost there.” As they pulled into the parking lot, cameras and cops were everywhere. Mickey stopped at a barrier as a cop asked for some identification. Both produced it quickly.

“We are looking for my fiancée, Skylar Morgan, she is a nurse in the ER. Can you tell me anything?”

“Sorry, Mr. Hart, I don’t know anything, but you need to wait over there.”

“Fuck that.” The cop looked at him and he walked away from the car leaving Mickey alone, and turning left after turning the car off.

“Sir, you need to stay back this is a crime scene.”

“It sure as a hell is, but I can make it easy or harder for you. Do you even know who the hell we are?”

The cop looked a little pale faced before nodding.

“Good, so you know that all I have to do is start fucking yelling that my girl is inside and all hell with break loose that Chasing Tail is at this hospital and nothing will get done. It will make you look like a fucking idiot when your happy ass gets dumped down to paper pusher.”

“I could lose my badge if I let you through.”

“You will lose more than that if you don’t.” Joey had never been one to push his fame to get what he wanted, but in this case, he would use any manner he deemed important to get to his woman.

“Fine, go to the back doors, there is someone helping with patients and getting statements. Just don’t say I let you in. Good luck, Mr. Hart.” He did a single nod and turned around to face the crowd. Joey started to take off in a run, but Mickey pulled him back.

“Dude, chill the fuck out, you don’t want to draw attention to yourself for real, do you?” He agreed and slowed down, but he walked with purpose. When the doors opened he saw a flurry of people moving round and round. He soon found some people who he recognized. Candy, Cathy, no Casey. He called her name making her turn.

“Shit, Joey. Glad you’re here. Come with me.” The small woman grabbed his arm and pulled him along to a small curtained area. She pulled the curtain to the side and a doctor was wrapping something around a patient. Skylar, his Sky.

“Oh God, baby,” he said and she moved, wincing.

“Joey, it’s okay, it’s just a graze. It burns, but I’m okay.” He ran to her, wrapping his arms around her body holding her close.

“Thank God you’re okay,” Mickey said, standing guard looking around. “I’m calling the guys, they were freaking out some. Sky, honey, glad you’re okay, but I think Joey might have some words for you. Hey, doc, she done and good to go home?”

“Umm, I guess, but she needs to be aware of infection. And she might need help with her son, does she have family?”

“We’re her family. I got our son, and the guys got us.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know Ms. Morgan was married.”

“I’m not,” Sky blurted.

“What she means is not yet, but I am going to fix that, and soon.” He focused on her and Mickey chuckled, following the doctor out and trying to get her released.

“You okay, baby. Really okay?” Even though the doctor had checked her out, he still ran his hands over her to make sure nothing else was wrong.

“Joey, I’m fine, just ready to go home.”

“We will, baby, I promise. Mickey is taking care of the paperwork. But there is something I need to tell you before I lose another moment.” Sitting down he took her face between his large hands holding her gaze steady.

“Skylar Morgan, I want you to know that I love you, I love you so much, baby. More than I thought a person could ever love anything. You make me want to be a better man. Both you and Milo are the beat to my heart, without you it’s at a standstill. And I know Milo and I talked about doing this whole romantic thing, but I can’t wait. Sky, will you marry me. Be mine, you and Milo.” He held his breath and waited for an answer, but all he saw was tears.

“Well you gotta wait, buddy. Cops are here for her statement.” Mickey just happened to pick the worst time to interrupt.


Chapter Seventeen


Sky was still shaking from the incident and now Joey was asking her to marry him. Her world had come circling around her in techno-color and she was in some serious need of sleep now. Everything she had wanted in life was now in her grasp. Joey Hart loved her. And not like he loved to sleep with her type of love, but love her as in death do us part. Could she take that leap with him and see if it would last. What about Milo, would he understand? He was okay with them dating, but would he be okay with Joey being his stepdad, was Joey okay with that. So many things, not enough brain power.

“Ms. Morgan, can you go over what happened step by step to when you got shot,” Detective O’Malley was asking her. Joey had sat down with her, holding her hand. She honestly had to think to recall what happened. Slowly she began to remember what happened that night. As the words left her mouth, Joey stiffened when she recalled what he said and did with the gun. She could still feel the burn, and the sickening smell of burnt flesh. Even though the bandage covered her wound, she would need to think of something to tell Milo.

“Well, Ms. Morgan, seems you were lucky. If you can think of anything else, or have any questions, here is my card. That is my direct line.” Before she could take the card, Joey reached out taking it for her and providing them with the house and his cell phone number.

The cops left her, Joey, and Mickey alone. Mickey had given her a hug and a simple kiss on the cheek, like one would a sister. The thought that he was concerned, warmed her. As they left the hospital Joey sat her in the front passenger seat while Mickey happily took up the backseat. Joey seemed to have calmed down. She was bouncing in and out of sleep while hearing Mickey talking to Booker about her. It seemed even he was concerned about her. It was a nice feeling to have someone, or several someone’s concerned about her. Normally her sweet son would take a couple minutes to make her a feel better card when she was sick. The pain medication the doctor gave her before they left was now having its desired effect.

The sound of a male voice stirred her. Blinking up, she could only smile at the sweet childish grin of Hunter.

“She lives. Hey, honey, how you feeling. Milo is still sleeping, and Mickey and Joey are talking shop in the office with Scarlett. I was given the job of making sure you’re okay.” He sat down on the coffee table and that’s when she realized she was laying on the couch.

“How long have I been out?”

“Not as long as you think. About two hours give or take. Joey comes in about every twenty minutes. He just left.”

“Oh, okay.”

“How you feeling? Can I get you anything?” She sat up as a certain bathroom need was necessary.

“No, I’m good, but I need to use the bathroom.” Standing slowly, she was a little unsteady on her feet, but managed. Hunter just nodded and flicked on the TV watching some type of classic cartoons. Taking care of her needs, she walked past the office door. She couldn’t help but overhear part of the conversation going on.

“Joey, you need to think long and hard about this. If she agrees, it’s going to be a lot of work. Milo would demand a lot of attention, and the last thing you want to do is disappoint the boy.” It was a female’s voice. That must be Scarlett. She hadn’t really met her before. They had only spoken over the phone.

“I understand, and you’re either with me or without me, it’s that simple.” Joey was giving them an ultimatum.

“We're a band, man, but it’s a lot of work.” Her heart was twisted. They were talking about her son. Was it because he was autistic that made it a lot of work. Here she thought that Joey loved her, and Milo. Unable to take anymore, she pushed open the door.

“Skylar?” Joey looked up with papers in his hands. A very beautiful woman in a tight fitting black dress and killer red pumps smiled at her.

“I have an answer for you, Joey.”

“You do?” He turned and looked at both Mickey and the others, “Can you give us a second?”

“No, they don’t need to leave. I got it, Joey. I know Milo is a lot, but I got him, okay. Thanks for everything, and I promise not to make you look bad to Milo. I’ll say it was all me. If you could just let me pack and I will head out with Milo so we won’t be any work for you.”

“Wait, what are you talking about?” Joey was now standing in front of her looking mad, angry, hurt, and confused. “You’re leaving me?”

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