Beat to Their Heart (12 page)

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Authors: Whiskey Starr

Tags: #New Age, #Romance, #Erotic, #Contemporary, #Rockers

BOOK: Beat to Their Heart
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“No. I’m still sleepy. Joey, are you and mommy dating?”

“Well, buddy, that’s kinda hard to say. You see, mommy and I like each other, so even though we are kinda dating, I’m not sure how she feels about me.”

“Mommy loves you. I know. She is happy when she talks about you. When you were away she was so sad. She cried. Please don’t leave mommy, Joey.”

“I won’t leave mommy.” He could make that promise, because even if Sky didn’t want him, he would always be there for her and Milo.

“Okay, I want to sleep now.” Joey tucked him back in, handing him the walkie-talkie before kissing him on the cheek. “Love you, Joey.” Joey couldn’t help but hold back the small tears that threatened. No one had ever said that to him.

“Love you too, buddy.” Joey had to leave that room. A small little boy loved him, and suddenly he felt like he could conquer the world. But the first thing he needed to conquer was winning the love of his mommy.


Chapter Fourteen


Sky had returned with a bag of clothes for her and Milo, along with some other small items. However, grocery shopping was different. She had found everything on her list, plus some other sweet items at a bakery she found across the street that she thought the guys would like.

With a trunk full of food, she called for the men to come help her unload. They all laughed, but came and helped because she had promised meatloaf for dinner if they did. Once she had everything out, they all helped her, asking the occasional question of where she wanted certain items. It was like a happy little family. She got busy making dinner, and the men went to check on Milo, who wanted to come downstairs. Joey had smiled the whole time carrying him down in what looked like a new outfit. Milo seemed happy and talking about some type of Lego system he had seen on TV. Not wanting to stop his hounding time, she got busy peeling and cutting the potatoes for the mashed potatoes for dinner.

Lost in what she was doing she floated around the kitchen. It was like a dream to her. Her kitchen in the apartment was small, and she turned around and the counter was right around her. Here she had to walk down to the fridge, and over to the sink or stove. The small island was perfect to work on while she started cutting and chopping everything for a salad. The kitchen started to fill with the delicious aromas of dinner and Mickey came in asking how much longer because he was starving. Laughing at his childish antics she told him a few more minutes, but he could help set the table. He looked lost at what she wanted. Then she realized that Joey had said they all grew up in the same apartment complex, and didn’t really know about home cooked meals or setting a table. Smiling at him, she took pity and showed him how to set it up. Once he got the hang of it, she poured the gravy into the small bowl and sliced the meatloaf putting it on a platter she bought at the store.

Mickey helped bring the rest of the items before she announced dinner. Joey carried Milo over to them as he sat between her and him. The gesture was sweet. Getting up real quick while the men dished up, she poured a small glass of milk for Milo and brought a bottle of wine and a glass for herself, while she grabbed three beers for the guys. Placing them all before them, they moaned while they ate.

“Damn, woman, this is great. You sure can cook.”

“Mommy cooks really good. But you have to eat all your vegetables or no desert.”

“Shit, there’s desert too?” Hunter looked up as he piled potatoes into his mouth.

Laughing, she answered, “Yes, I found a small bakery, and bought two apple pies. So save some room. And, guys, no cussing around Milo, they’re little sponges.”

“Sorry, Sky.” All three men said together and they lowered their heads. That did make her laugh. All the men finished and waited patiently while she brought out the pie, which she had heated in the oven, so it was nice and warm, and vanilla ice cream to go with it. Joey had taken the dinner plates to the kitchen while she started to cut everyone a piece. The sounds of moaning and groaning filled the air and even Milo licked his lips in joy of the sweet desert. It was rather good. She would have to look into the bakery more and find little treats here and there for the guys.

With everyone full from dinner and sweets, Milo started getting sleepy. Joey carried him upstairs for her. Helping Milo wash up was interesting, but with her being a nurse and his mom, it didn’t take long. With PJs now on, Sky picked up Joey and put him into bed with some pain medication. She read him a story before he finally fell asleep on her. Kissing his head she left his room, shutting the door behind her. She was startled when Joey stood there.

“Oh, you scared me.”

“Sorry, I just wanted to see if you needed any help getting him down. But seems I am a little too late.”

“It’s okay, he washed up, teeth brushed, story done, and the guys were gone. Thank you for watching him today while I went to the store. I knew you had work and things to do. Hopefully he wasn’t a problem.”

He took her hand holding it close to his heart. “You and Milo are never a problem. You’re both mine to take care of, and I enjoy doing it. Plus, Milo had some fun. When he gets a little better and moving around some more, we can set something up downstairs for him.”

“Well, thank you either way. You have been very kind to take us. I know I can be a pain, and I’m still mad at you, but I’m starting to see there is always more to the story.” Joey took her hand and went down the stairs to see the table was all cleared and the kitchen cleaned.

“Um, what happened?”

“Well we figured you cooked and we should clean. I think we put everything away correctly. If not, you can yell at me later.” He kissed her head before sitting her down on one of the patio seats, handing her a glass of wine.

“The guys will be back in the morning, but they got tired. We’re not used to eating a home cooked meal, but I promise, you made fans for life with them.” He watched as she chuckled.

“It wasn’t anything fancy, but I’m glad you all liked it. I’m used to only cooking for me and Milo, and sometimes just him. I admit it was nice to cook for more people.”

“Well, baby, the house and kitchen is yours. You want to cook, bake, or even break something, have at it. I won’t stop you.” They sat in comfortable silence just watching the night sky.

“Skylar, do you want to go into the hot tub with me?”

“Oh, Joey, as much as I would love to, I’m tired, can I take a rain check for another day?”

“Sure, baby, let's head to bed okay.” He grabbed her glass of wine and took her hand as they walked into the house. Setting her glass and his beer on the counter they headed up the stairs. As he got to her room, she turned to look at him.

Reaching up, he put his hand on her cheek, and to his surprise, she leaned into his touch. Bending slowly he kissed her lips slightly. A sweet tender kiss goodnight. As much as he wanted to deepen the kiss, or share a bed, he knew she was still mad at him. He would have to earn her trust back. And sadly, that meant a lot of cold showers, and jacking off for him.

“Goodnight, baby.” Kissing her one more time, he turned and headed to his room. He wanted to turn around and see if she was there, but he had to play it cool. He had never in his life had issues getting laid, but relationships were different. Even when he was with Nikki, he had to admit that he was only going to marry her because of the baby. He loved her, but he wasn’t in love with her, not like he was with Sky. She and Milo consumed his every thought now. He was determined to have them, and if that meant he had to sleep in his own bed, then he was willing to do it, for now.


It had been a week since she started to forgive Joey. Each day she would clean the house, doing whatever odds and ends needed done. Play some Wii with Milo, and make lunch and dinner for the guys. Then in the evening, she and Joey would talk about anything and everything. He talked about his life and how he started to play the drums. She talked about her boring childhood with older parents who had passed away already. Then he would walk her to her room and kiss her goodnight. But each time he started to kiss her, she wanted more, so much more. She started to crave his touch and wondered what it would be like to sleep next to him.

However, today was going to be a challenge. She was going back to work, and Milo went back to school. Joey had bought an SUV because he didn’t like her car. However, that ended with him saying it could still be his, just as long as she drove it, at least until she was staying with him. Milo had been practicing with the crutches and hated them with a passion. But Mickey had worked something out so they were more comfortable to use. All the men dropped everything to help her son.

Milo didn’t want to go back to school as she pulled up to the front. Joey had even come. Joey wasn’t too happy with the school to begin with and was worried he would say something. But he promised to be good. As the three of them walked into the school, she ran into one of the teachers.

“Oh, Ms. Morgan, Milo, welcome back.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Harrison. I have some incident reports to sign and get back to class.”

“Of course. Milo, why don’t you have a seat and color while I talk to your mommy and umm, I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”

“Hart, Joey Hart,” he said with an authoritative growl.

“Oh, okay. Please if you follow me to the principal’s office.” Both she and Joey followed leaving Milo to color at a small desk in the front office. As they entered, a small chunky man, known as Principle Green, stood and held out a hand for her and Joey to shake. Both she and Joey shook his hand before sitting in two chairs opposite of the principle.

“Thank you for coming in and talking with me. It seemed that we had an incident with Milo last week. I am sorry about the outcome. How is he feeling?”

“Better thank you, though he isn’t a fan of crutches. Can you tell me what happened? No one has given me a straight answer.”

“Well, it seemed he wanted to go out during playtime. We had another child who had an issue, anyway, he went out without an adult and asked one of the other kids to play with him. The kid said no, so Milo went to another aid, who was in the middle of something. Milo took it upon himself to start climbing the monkey bars without supervision. Needless to say, he slipped and landed wrong.”

“That just doesn’t make sense to me, Mr. Green. Milo is strong enough to handle the monkey bars, and had on many occasions. Why did he slip this time?”

“I don’t have an answer for you, I’m afraid. But some of the children said they were wet from the lawn getting watered from earlier. The aid didn’t wipe them down.”

Sky’s mind was racing. How could the aid not see that? It’s their job.

“I’m still not getting it, Mr. Green, please explain to me why they weren’t wiped down, or told not to go on them. Milo is a good kid and will listen. There are two aids and one teacher. I’m just not sure about this. Something isn’t right.”

“Ms. Morgan, our aids were busy with something, and it just happened. Accidents happen.”

“Yes, accidents happen. I’m a nurse, but this is why we pay to have our kids come here. We need that extra help with our children. So tell me what was so important that my son was injured because they couldn’t watch him.”

“I don’t think that matters.”

“Well I do.”

“The two aids were planning a surprise party for the teacher. They were setting up while the children played.”

“What?” she screeched. “A party was more important than my kid.”

Before she could yell anymore, Joey had stood and started yelling.

“What type of fucking school do you run here? An aid who is PAID to watch the children, spending their time laughing and having fun planning a party, which should be after the kids are out of school, and now Milo is hurt.”

“Mr. Hart, it isn’t something we do on a regular basis. It wasn’t our intention to take anything away from the children. We are truly sorry Milo got hurt.”

“Damn right you are. You’re lucky I don’t sue your damn asses. Milo won’t be coming here anymore. He deserves better than this shithole you call a school.”

Sky’s mouth fell open trying to stop Joey from making things worse.

“Come on, baby, our boy deserves better than this.” Grabbing her hand, he stormed out of the office. Milo looked at them both and looked worried at Joey’s expression, but before Milo could ask what was wrong, Joey scooped Milo in his arms and headed to the car. Sky knew that Joey was right, but now she really needed to find something for Milo, and fast.


Chapter Fifteen


Joey hadn’t been this mad in a long time. Sure, he had gotten pissed from time to time, but not so fucking mad that he wanted to punch the shit out of something. He needed to calm down and not just for him, but for Milo as well. Sky knew he had issues, but Milo didn’t need to see him like this.

“Joey, we need to talk about this.”

“Skylar, not now. Please. Let’s get home and then we can.”

“I don’t think I want Milo to hear what I have to say.”

“Fine, I can solve that issue.” Looking behind him real quick, he noticed Milo was listening to everything they said. “Hey, buddy, why don’t you go hang out with Uncle Mickey today? He said he needed help setting up a fish tank, and maybe you could even help pick some out. What do you say?” He really hoped Milo would want to. Mickey was really going to work on it, but it was after they dropped Milo off and they got back from the studio.

“Sure, I love fish. Mommy, is it okay if I go to Uncle Mickey’s house?” Sky looked at him, and he wasn’t sure if it was the look of she was going to skin him alive, or the look of thank you but now we are passing Milo off. But soon she agreed and Milo cheered making him laugh some. It was amazing how much that sweet little laugh eased some of his frustration. He quickly sent a text to Mickey asking him to take Milo for a short time and he would owe him.

With Milo dropped off, Joey made the quick trip home where Sky jumped out of the car before storming up to the door and inside.

“Sky,” he yelled.

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