Beat to Their Heart (6 page)

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Authors: Whiskey Starr

Tags: #New Age, #Romance, #Erotic, #Contemporary, #Rockers

BOOK: Beat to Their Heart
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“Kinda, he goes to a special school.”

“For like gifted children?” Joey asked.

“Not exactly.”

“Okay, I don’t get it. What type of school?”

“Milo has Asperger’s.”

“Okay, you lost me, what’s that?”

“It’s a high functioning autism,” she answered. She wasn’t ashamed of her son, not one bit.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Hunter said as he put the toy down.

“Don’t be, Hunter. I’m not. He’s a brilliant little boy. He just has a different way of thinking that’s all. He loves his Transformers and Legos.”

Joey watched as Hunter engaged Sky into talking about her son. The more he knew about her the more he started to admire her dedication. Not only was she a single mother, but she was doing it with a child who was gifted with special needs. That thought clinched at his heart. He grew up in a shitty neighborhood and he knew kids like Milo. He did his best to try to protect the one kid, but it didn’t matter when he had crappy parents and they didn’t care about him. Poor kid was now locked up in some type of jail all because he started hanging around the wrong people who talked him into things.

“You’re going to get off at the next exit,” Mickey woke him up out of his thoughts. Taking his eyes off Sky he watched as several large houses came into view. Joey was still getting used to his life with money. Sure it was nice to be able to buy a six-pack of beer, pay bills, and get to eat out all within one paycheck. He listened as Mickey told her which house and pulled up to the gate letting Mickey enter a code before it swung open to his house. Well, house was a small term. Mickey sure didn’t waste money when he got his home.

“Wow,” Sky said as she drove up the drive to the front. Joey had only been here twice so he too was still shocked when he saw it. She parked her small car and turned off the engine. “Here you guys go, home sweet home.” She smiled and unlocked the doors. Mickey and Hunter tried opening the doors but seemed to be stuck.

“Oh crap, sorry, guys, child locks. It makes sure Milo can’t open the door from his side. Here," she jumped out of the car helping Hunter, while she let Mickey out. When both men stood they stretched.

“Thanks for your help. It means a lot.” Joey watched as Mickey walked over to her then handed her some money. “Here you go, for your trouble. Just if you could keep it out of the press.” Sky took a step back with her hands on her hips.

“I don’t want your damn money, Mickey. I’m not someone's groupie. I can make my own money. I helped you guys out because it was the right thing to do. Have a good day.” Mickey looked at her dumbfounded. Not wanting her to leave upset he walked over, but she threw her hands up.

“I don’t think so, Joey. Listen, if you honestly need help, I’m here. I didn’t do it for the money.” Joey turned and glared at Mickey who was still holding a wad of cash in his hand.

“Thank you, baby, I hope we didn’t get you in trouble with work. Do you want to come in?” Joey was really hoping she would. He didn’t want to see her go.

“I’m fine, Joey. I’m good at what I do, and I never call out. But I can’t stay. I have to be there when Milo wakes and get him off to school.”

“Okay, I will call you later?”

“I need some sleep, Joey. I just worked a twelve-hour shift and have another one tonight. So if I don’t pick up just know it’s not your fault.”

“You got it. Maybe I will see you at the hospital. After all we need to check on Booker.” He turned to see that both Mickey and Hunter had already gone inside to give him some privacy.

“We’ll see.” That wasn’t the answer he wanted, but he would take it for now. Knowing she was starting to head to her door he grabbed her, shocking her once again before kissing her passionately. God, he couldn’t get enough of her.

“Just something to think of me by.” Kissing the tip of her nose, he then watched as she got in her car and drove off. Walking into Mickey’s house he followed the sound of voices coming from the kitchen. It looked like the guys were making some sandwiches.

Sitting down on a stool he listened to them talk about the next step to get rid of Marty. He was happy to see Mickey and Hunter were serious about this as well.

“So, Joey, you really like this girl, huh?”

“Yeah, she’s different,” he confessed.

“So was Nikki,” Hunter jabbed.

“We don’t talk about that Hunter and you know that. So leave the past there. I am seriously trying not to be an ass here.”

“Okay, Joey. Just watch it, we don’t need the press getting wind you're screwing the hospital staff.”

“Fuck you, Hunter. I haven’t slept with her, and she’s not like that. She didn’t even want to go out with me.”

“She’s got a kid too. You just need to be careful that’s all he’s saying, Joey.” Mickey tried to smooth the tension out. But he did have a point. As much as he wanted Skylar, could he honestly say it wasn't just a fascination that would end when he slept with her, or would it be more. God, he was all sorts of messed up in the head.

“I got it.”

They spent the rest of the time trying to figure out what to do about Marty, but it seemed they were well within their rights, though Marty might try to fight them. Joey had called their lawyer and started the paperwork going, but the bigger issue was who was going to represent them.

“You know Scarlett Quimby is available now. She dropped the boy band after they started causing trouble and ended up in a nasty battle with another band. She’s tough, but she knows her shit.” And there was Mickey, always coming up with a plan.

“Do you think she could take on Chasing Tail? Isn’t she normally doing pop music? That’s not our thing, man.”

“She did, but she has a good ear, she approached me while on tour asking if we were happy. She originally started with rock, but took up the pop bands because the other band she had split because of creative differences. So what do you think?”

Joey thought about it, and it seemed like Hunter was waiting for him to answer as well. “I say let’s do it. She might be the wakeup call we need.” And just like that, Chasing Tail was going to have a new start.


Skylar made it home just a few minutes before she normally did and was greeted at the door with Trudy and a large cup of coffee. She loved this woman. Her elderly neighbor didn’t have any children of her own, but she always took on odd jobs to keep her busy, but Milo seemed to connect with her better than a younger sitter. Plus she worked around Sky’s work schedule.

“Morning, dear. How was work?”

“Oh you know work, nothing too crazy. Toothaches and so on,” she joked.

“Really? That’s too bad, I did hear on the news that one of those band guys you listen to went to the hospital. They mentioned yours, but I’m sure with their money and fame they have doctors on call. It’s a shame though, such talent and youth wasted on drugs. Someone should smack the stupid out of that boy. Anyway, I’m off, dear. I will see you tonight. Milo drew you another picture, it’s on the fridge.” Trudy gave her a pat on the cheek before heading out the door.

She had about thirty minutes before Milo was supposed to wake up. Walking into her bathroom she removed her scrubs while she waited for the hot water to warm. Climbing in when it got to the temp she wanted, she allowed the hot water to soothe her sore muscles. Quickly washing her hair and body, she allowed herself to think about Joey. She hadn’t seen him in eight months, yet he still had the same effect on her as he did back then. Then he kissed her. As much as she wanted him to take her, she was at work, but it didn’t stop the ache between her legs from surfacing. Letting her hand drift down her body, she let her mind wander imagining it was Joey doing it. Pulling her nipples until they distended she moaned softly, trying not to wake Milo early. Making the journey south, she went over the small swell of her stomach that was the result of Milo to her pussy. Imagining it was Joey on his knees kissing her with his mouth. She started to rub her clit as if it was his tongue flicking it back and forth. It wasn’t enough for her. Pushing two fingers in, she moved in and out while hitting her clit. She could see him going down on her worshiping her pussy with his wicked mouth until she came. His grey eyes looking up at her. And just like that she came calling his name in a silent prayer. Calming her breathing, she quickly rinsed off, removing the reminder of her orgasm, before grabbing a towel.

Now dried and dressed, she was ready to get Milo to school before she went to sleep. Picking up her phone she had hoped that maybe Joey would call or text her, but it was just a dream. What would a rock star see in an ER nurse with a kid? Heading down the hall she opened Milo’s door and did what she did best, being Skylar.


Chapter Seven


After getting some sleep in one of Mickey’s spare rooms, he started to feel better. Grabbing his phone he saw it was only two o’clock. He had hoped Sky would have called him, or texted to let him know she got home okay. Rubbing his hand over his face he scowled until he found her number and sent a text asking if she got home okay. He knew she couldn’t answer because she would be sleeping, so he sent another one to say how much she helped him out this morning and would make it up to her.

A growl from his stomach let him know it had been a while since he ate. Heading down to the kitchen he found Hunter with two boxes of pizza.

“Hey, bro, right on time. I got two meat lovers.”

“Awesome, I was just coming to find something to eat.” Pulling a slice out from the box he started to eat. After having two more slices and a can of soda he sat down next to Hunter eating the last one slower. “Have you called the hospital yet about Booker?”

“Yeah, they said he is starting to wake up, but going in and out. So he is out of the woods, but they are going to keep him another night until he is alert and they are also running several tests to check if any permanent damage was done. But the kicker is they are doing a psych evaluation on him. So we might want to look at getting a manager sooner than later. Mickey has already talked to Scarlett and then he will meet us at the lawyer’s office about four.” Well it seemed Mickey and Hunter had been busy while he slept the day away.

“Good to know. Okay, well I’m gonna head home and shower and change first. Can you give me a lift? I left my SUV at the hospital.”

“Sure, I’ll drop you off then head home to clean up too, then come get you and Mickey. No need to take so many cars.”

Mickey had joined them shortly after and between the three of them the two large pizzas were gone. He really wanted a beer, but right now with crazy business shit he couldn’t afford to go at this buzzed. When it was time to leave he climbed into the passenger seat of Hunter's BMW convertible before he raced down the road. Pulling his cell out of his pocket, he looked to see if he missed any calls, or texts. He had several texts from Marty asking why he was needed at the lawyer’s office. He just deleted those. No need to cause drama before he had to. But nothing from Sky.

“Checking on your girl?”

“Yeah I wanted to make sure she got home okay.”

“You really are into her, aren’t you?”

“I think I am. Shit, it’s been so long since I thought of someone other than myself, or finding someone who can scratch an itch.”

“Well I won’t lie and say I’m not nervous, but with all the shit that happened to you, man, you deserve to be happy after what happened to Nikki, even if it might be short lived. But be careful, she doesn’t just have a kid, but one that is special. They take a little more care than playing mommy’s friend, if you know what I mean. She seems nice.” This was the most Hunter had said about anyone. He knew about Nikki, and at the mention of her name, there was still an ache that would never go away. Looking out the window he sure hoped he knew what he was doing.


Sky woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. God what she wouldn’t give for just another ten minutes of sleep. She didn’t mind the night shift, but she had Milo to worry about, and she could only sleep while he was at school. Slipping out of bed, she pulled on some sweatpants and t-shirt before grabbing her phone off the charger. At the door she put on her flip-flops and grabbed her keys before heading downstairs and to the bus stop. While waiting for the bus to arrive she checked her voicemails. One from Casey asking if she was actually dating Joey Hart. Blah, she knew that was going to happen. But she had two missed text messaged. Both were from Joey. One asked if she got home okay, and the other thanking her and promising to make it up. She wondered what he meant by that. She had a few minutes before the bus showed up so she sent a reply that she got back okay, and he didn’t need to make it up to her.

It seemed right after she sent it she got a reply asking what time she worked tonight. The small banter went back and forth with small questions about favorite foods, and flowers. What she liked to read and listen to and so on. She made sure to ask questions about him as well, so that way it wasn’t a one-sided conversation. She couldn’t help the smile on her face. He was flirting with her via text messaging, that even included a winking smiley face. Looking up from her phone she saw Milo’s bus pull up. Milo came running up to her his arms wide open.

“Mommy, Mommy.” She loved this part so much. It didn’t matter if he had seen her that morning, he acted like he hadn’t seen her for days. Hugging her sweet boy she felt so good. Everything she did in life was for him, and she would do anything to keep him this happy. Grabbing his hand, they walked up to the apartment talking about what happened at school. Apparently today one kid decided that it was okay to put glue in another kid’s hair, but when the girl tried to get it out, she ended up cutting off part of her hair. God, she could only image what that must have been like. Setting him down to color yet another picture of a Transformer, she set a snack of yogurt and juice down.

Looking in the fridge she started to figure out dinner. Pulling out her iPod she started to listen to some music. Lost in the sound, Milo came and tugged her shirt.

“Mommy, I want to listen too.” She smiled at her son wondering if this would be a good idea. But his bright eyes told her he wouldn’t let up.

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