Beat to Their Heart (16 page)

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Authors: Whiskey Starr

Tags: #New Age, #Romance, #Erotic, #Contemporary, #Rockers

BOOK: Beat to Their Heart
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“This isn’t out until next month,” he said excitedly.

“Well it pays to have a dad who knows people. Told them you liked Mario and they gave me the newest version. Hunter said he would be over tonight to play with you after a nap.” Taking Sky’s hand, he pulled her into the kitchen while he got a drink. It had been a long flight, and he missed them both.

“So how are you, Mrs. Hart?” He loved saying that whenever he got a chance and it caused a sweet blush on his wife’s face.

“I am well, Mr. Hart.”

“Are you now?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

“Fine, I confess I was sick, but honestly, Joey, it’s nothing.”

“Really, baby, nothing?” He and Sky had been trying for a brother or sister for Milo for a few months, but hadn’t been lucky.

“No, Joey, not this time. But the doctor did say stress doesn’t help, and we need lots and lots of practice to make a baby.” He couldn’t help but feel disappointed she wasn’t, but he knew with the stress of the new record, the tours, and everything else was weighing heavily on them both.

“We have time, baby, but I think we might need to let Milo spend some time with his uncles at their house so we can work on practicing.” He kissed her neck just at the sweet spot he knew she had.

“Oh really, well that does sound good, and I did my math, and you came home at a good time, we gotta get busy this week, and take it serious for this to work.” She talked as if they were working on a business deal, but he knew what to do.

“Oh, baby, I know exactly what to do, and lots of ways, and we never did break in the pool, and the car, and the…” he went to continue but Sky covered his mouth with his.

“Joey Hart, your son could hear you. Hush now.” Not able to keep a laugh away, he threw his head back.

“That’s fine, baby, let me go shower and play with our boy before the guys come over for dinner. We can ask them to take Milo this weekend. Summer is right around the corner too, so we need to work out details for that as well.” Sky kissed his lips before heading to the kitchen to work on dinner.

This was his life now, rocker by talent, dad and husband always, but in the end, he was Joey Hart, a man who had never had anything and now was blessed with everything.


The End



Books by Whiskey Starr


Surviving the Dream


Beat to Their Heart


Book Two – Coming Soon


Love to hear what you think!!!





Excerpt from Sharing Freedom

Ops Warriors MC Book One

By Harley McRide


Freedom looked around the room. It was Friday night, the first time they had a party while she was here. She had no idea what to expect but she was ready to see if it was something she could actually do. Shady had told her what to expect, and even told her not to freak or be judgmental. She just had to keep an open mind, and understand that everything was the way it would be if she decided to stay. No one would change just because she had nowhere to go.

She looked down at the clothes Shady loaned her. They weren’t her normal clothes. The rich brown leather pants hugged her hips like a glove and the matching top was corset with black ties in the back. The outfit was something she would have worn to work at the strip club, not out to a party. When Shady had worn the outfit, it had showed her Warrior Bitch tattoo on her breast. Freedom looked down and even though her breasts looked perky in the top, it was lacking.

She stared at the boots she was supposed to wear. They were high heeled and she was certain she would fall on her ass. That would be embarrassing. With a sigh she sat down,
suck it up
, she thought. She needed to give this a shot.

Shady said they would go downstairs for the first few hours, then they would move back to their floor if they didn’t see anyone that interested them. The guys would come up if they wanted her. Shady wasn’t sure she was ready for a hookup tonight, so she told everyone hands off unless invited specifically. Creed had followed up with a warning at a meeting. It made her feel a little better about the situation though. She had been worried.

Now the time had come for her actually to make a showing. She looked in the mirror and smiled at the way she looked,
she did look hot
, she thought. Her hair cascading down her shoulders, curling by itself, and her make-up a little heavier than normal, but it made her eyes look smoky. With the outfit, she looked like a completely different person.

She slowly walked out into the main area and smiled at the guys that were sitting on the sectionals already drinking. Creed and Fork looked up and stared at her outfit; she almost turned around and went back to her room when they stared at her chest for too long.

“Damn, Free,” Numbers said slowly, dragging the words out as he walked toward her. He grabbed her around the waist and turned her, holding out her arms with his as he looked at her. “You are one hot piece. The guys are gonna be tripping over themselves to get your attention.”

She grinned and blushed, and said, “Thanks.”

As she turned, he slapped her on the ass and she jumped and laughed.
They were treating her like Shady
, she thought until she saw the look on Easy’s and Poke’s faces. They were frowning and staring at each and then her. She had no clue to what she had done wrong but they were pissed about something.

Creed nodded to her in approval and winked while Fork just stared at her. His look unnerved her and she shifted from foot to foot and finally said, “Uh, where is Shady?”

Rock snorted from the bar and said, “Downstairs laying claim already to men she wants to possibly f*** tonight. Everyone knows Shady gets first pick of the guys.”

Freedom frowned and then nodded. “Well, I will go and find her.”

“Sit down, Free,” Easy snapped at her. “Shady is doing what she does, and doesn’t need any help from you to figure out who she is gonna put in her bed tonight.”

Freedom felt her cheeks grow hot and looked at Creed who was just staring intently at Easy and Poke.
No, she wasn’t going there,
she thought and raised her head up. “F*** off, Easy.”

The room was silent and then Creed snorted and shook his head. “Yep, I think we need to get used to another Bitch being up here.”

Freedom shook her head and walked down the stairs in search of Shady. Damn them, she wasn’t going to be told what to do every second of every day anymore. She was a grownup woman. She had choices.


Creed stared at his friends who were watching Freedom leave and he leaned back. “That the way it is?”

Poke looked at their leader with a guarded look and Easy just glared. “Don’t know what you are talking about,” Easy finally said.

“Yeah, you do, and either you do something about it, or someone else will. She is too hot to be alone in bed. Someone is gonna fill that spot, and I would guess once they do, you are gonna have to pry them out of her pussy,” Creed snarled.

“Good for her,” Poke shrugged.

Fork laughed loudly and looked at Creed. “Cool, you don’t wanna a piece of that, leaves more for the rest of us.”

Easy growled, “She ain’t gonna decide tonight.”

“You think,” Numbers said, joining the conversation with a laugh. “I, for one, am gonna try to convince her that tonight is the perfect night. Magnum and I have already been talking about it, we think we would be the best to initiate her into the club.”

Poke and Easy looked at each other. Easy looked at the others with a stony expression. “Whatever.”

“Right.” Creed nodded and stood. “Keep telling yourself that.”


Excerpt from Big Dog

Burning Bastards MC Book One

By Ryder Dane


They were back, she felt them come in before she saw them. It was early in the afternoon, and she wanted to get things organized with Clementine before she went with the bikers. She knew they would find out she was the Oracle they were looking for and if she fought them, she might not get the chance to come back and resume her life here. If she went willingly, then they had to allow her to leave the club when she wished. Whatever they wanted from her, she wasn’t playing party tricks anymore, and she planned to tell them that too. The fact Crazy Charlie hadn’t recognized her yet was no surprise.

He never spoke to her back in the day, back when he was one of the hardcore biker life type of men, he still wore his old-school colors over his leather too. The denim vest with its cut off sleeves flying his patches and designation in the club, was now replaced with the leather vest newer clubs called their cut. Her father had been one like Charlie, old school and ready to ride. No matter how fucked up they were at the time.

She ignored them until she finished with Clem, and told her to give the rough looking sexy bastards at the end of the bar a message from her in five minutes. “Tell them to be ready to ride, I’ll be waiting in the parking lot.”

She hated the idea of going back, but every time she’d tried to fight her visions, or ignored their warnings, she had paid dearly. This time she planned to embrace them. The plus side to all this was she could finally put paid to the old nightmares and hopefully some of the pain of her past. She was twenty-seven years old now, and felt as if she’d lived a lifetime already, and was working on life number two. Her sleepless night proved to her that she had no other options but to deal with it now.

She went into the back room and hefted her kit onto her Heritage. The one thing she’d taken with her when she left the hospital, and she would not give it up to ride bitch on another bike for the long trek home. She opened the double doors that faced the parking lot and rolled the bike out before closing the doors and listening for them to lock. She patted the tank and didn’t feel in the least bit silly talking to it. “Hey, baby, are you ready to go home? Don’t get too happy on the road, we will be back here soon and you will still be as beautiful as the day I bought you.” She kicked the starter and revved the motor for a few moments making sure she was firing right, and drove around the backside of her building. The men were just coming out of the door and saw her waiting by their bikes.

Crazy Charlie saw her, stopped in his tracks for a moment, and started laughing. He held his sides, and finally sobered up enough to walk over to her, with the others a few steps behind him.

“I got it now, that black and pussy pink Hog, I remember when you got that one. We thought someone stole it or sold it when you didn’t come back with the others. Old Merlin was a fucking wreck, and Muffy refused to believe you were dead. I just figured it out, Future, Oracle, and even the name of this place.” He leaned in and clasped his hand onto her shoulder. “Well met, little witch. I can just see old Dorsey’s face when he finds out you lived. He’s gonna be lucky if someone don’t kill him. He came back looking like he’d been slapped by his bitch, when the rest of us looked like we’d been beaten by the schoolyard bully. He told us that you died when one of Lucifer’s Breed ran you over. He saw it happen. I got my head scrambled and we lost four people that night. You were one of them. You and Frenchy were the only ones we couldn’t account for.”

He looked back at the two men he was with and back to her. “After that night we patched over the Chiefs. That’s how we got these two and about fifty others. Things have changed since then. You’re going to be real surprised when you see what’s happened.”

She couldn’t talk, if she tried, she knew she would bawl like a baby after its momma’s teat. She locked arms with Charlie and nodded. She knew the two handsome men wanted an explanation, but she didn’t owe them one fucking thing, and until she wanted to talk about it, they could get their information from Charlie. She didn’t wait for them, they knew which way home was, and she left them standing on the blacktop as she drove away. It felt good to be going on a run again after the past years of only taking the bike out at night to blow the carbon out of her pipes. The Heritage had rear suspension and it rode like a dream. As soon as she hit the highway, she opened her up and stayed on it until she had to find an exit to get gas and use the bathroom. After filling the tank and grabbing a candy bar and a slushie, she strolled around the parking lot while she finished her snack, and it was back on the road for her.

Demon and Knight were both pissed when they heard Charlie’s explanation. “Are you fuckin’ kidding me? Why didn’t they say this Oracle was a woman? And what does she have to do with that asshole Dorsey?”

“Dorsey swore to the whole club that she was dead. He saw her buy it. You two know we don’t leave our dead if we can get them out. He made some big story about trying to get to her but there were too many of them for him to try, and she was dead anyway, so he couldn’t save her, he saved himself. I hope Big Dog hasn’t told anybody that you found her yet, ‘cause if he has, Dorsey will be looking to get to her before she shows up at the crib.

“As for the bike, that flashy bitch sat outside the clubhouse for almost a month. It was gone one night and no one knew what happened to it the next day. I should have recognized her when we walked into this place, but you know my wings are not as strong as they used to be, especially after that night she went missing. She warned us, but that fucker Dorsey cut through what she was saying and challenged us all, calling us pussies and shit.” He kept talking while Knight called Big Dog.

“It’s too late, Dorsey is nowhere to be found, and he was at the club when you called in earlier, so he knows we found her. Dog has Poppa and Butch looking for him. I’m no Oracle, but my money says he’ll either try to discredit her to the club as a rabbit. Or do his damndest to make sure she doesn’t get there to talk. He’s got a lot to lose if she can prove he lied. Hell, her being alive is proof that he lied.”


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