Bed of Roses (13 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

BOOK: Bed of Roses
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Soft moans escaped her lips, matched by those of both Sandman and Tonto. She glanced over and saw Tonto stroking off to the same pace Sandman took her. His features were intense; his lethal stare burrowing through her with so much passion her body went rigid. Tingles shot through her, spiraling from her womb to every muscle. She let out a scream, unable to hold back.

“Damn you are squeezing my cock like a glove, baby. I’m not gonna last.” She felt him tense and he let out a strained roar, pulsing his seed into her, rolling to the side, sandwiching her between him and Tonto.

“Fuck!” Tonto growled, and something warm shot over her ass, coating her tender skin in squirts. As her body continued to ride each wave, Sandman ground into her, allowing her to float down, then reluctantly he pulled out.

The room was filled with heavy breathing, and Rose was emotionally and physically drained. Her body was sore in all the right places as she stretched, wrapping herself around both of the men beside her. They may be dominant hard asses, but deep down, she saw the softer side of them. And there was a tiny part of her that wonder if she was the only woman to have witnessed it firsthand. She really hoped so. She relaxed between their warmth and as they gently stroked her bare skin, she drifted off into a deep sleep.

Sandman got up and shut the door, locking it. There was no way in hell anyone would see her naked. Not now. She was theirs. When he returned he pulled the blankets up over her and smiled when she snuggled into his chest. It felt odd at first, but a good odd. For the first time, he felt his heart again.

Tonto shot him a knowing look over her head and smiled. For men who were supposed to be two of the toughest son-of-a-bitches on the planet, this little rose between them had turned them both into lovesick pussies.


Chapter Eight


Rose woke the next morning and looked around disoriented. “Shit! The kids!” She leapt up into a sitting position, realizing she was alone. Her heart sank. Had they left last night? Fogged memories drifted back to her. She half awoke sometime before daybreak, incased in strong arms and bodies. No, they stayed at least part of the night. So, maybe they had work? Or was this just the way things went down after? The loneliness shook her. There was something about the feeling of being totally and utterly safe with them that had changed her. She would never be the same again without them.

As she scooted out of the bed in a hurry, her hand pressed down on the pillow beside her that had been covered with her blanket. The familiar sound of paper crinkled under her hand and she flipped back the blanket, gasping. A hand written note lay beside a single rose bud. She picked up the paper and read:


The guys took the kids to school and Raven has the little ones downstairs. We’ll be back later.


Her heart did a little flip-flop in her chest. Not the dream love letter one would hope to wake up to, but the thought was there, and the rose said it all. The same delicate pink bud he had stocked at the flower store for his mother. It was simple, yet held a heavy meaning. She pulled the flower up to her nose and inhaled its sweet aroma, sighing.

Thirty minutes later, she was showered, dressed, and headed down to rescue Raven from her younger siblings. As much as she liked the woman, she still felt a twang of uncertainty for them being in the care of anyone associated with the club. But it was better than the babysitters her mother had used, when her mother had remembered to get one. Rose had spent many days alone at ridiculously young ages and left with random men who weren’t responsible enough to take care of a gold fish much less a small child.

The sight that met her in the main living area warmed her heart and shocked the shit out of her. Two of the patched members were on their hands and knees with a kid perched on their back making horse noises. She couldn’t hold back a giggle when her eyes met Raven’s who sat perched on the arm of the sofa watching on. Both women laughed as Rose made her way over to stand beside her. “Being head ol’ lady has its perks. Rose, meet Sledge and Digs,” she said pointing to each massive man horse.

“Hey,” Sledge said over his shoulder before bucking wildly at the encouragement of Isabella who spurred his sides.

“No time for formalities, we have a rodeo going on here.” Digs grinned.

“Nice to meet you both.” Rose watched Sledge, who wore the signature Devil Savages cut over a black tee, as did Digs, who had soft brown curls that draped down his neck, held in place by a red bandana. His features were the handsome boy band type, complete with a dimple in each cheek. With piercing green eyes, he was a heartthrob to say the least. The only thing that kept him from looking out of his element was the scar that ran down the side of his face.

Sledge was the exact opposite with jet-black straight hair that reached the middle of his back, tied down with a matching bandana. His high cheekbones and long nose showed his Native American heritage. When he spun around and caught her gawking, she saw the perfect white teeth he flashed in a sexy smile. His eyes sparkled; appearing black they were so dark in color.

“You wanna ride next?” Sledge flirted.

“Back off, Sledge. She’s spoken for,” Raven snapped.

“I don’t see a mark on her, and she isn’t wearing a cut…so as far as I’m concerned, she’s fresh meat.” He raked his eyes over her, churning her stomach. Where Sandman and Tonto came off cold and lethal, this man was that and so much more. He flat scared the fuck out of her, where her men had that mysterious roughness that intrigued her. He inhaled deeply, as if he could smell her fear.

“One more word and you’ll be choking on lead. She’s mine.” Rose’s head whipped around to see whose voice roared through the room. Sandman stood with his shoulders squared, glaring at the two men on the floor.

“Didn’t know you had staked a claim, bro. I must have missed Rumble.” He continued to glare at her, leaving little of his intentions if ever given the opportunity to act upon them.

“It’ll be official in an hour. Don’t fuckin’ be late.” Sandman strolled over to where she and Raven were, the anger chiseled in his features. He grabbed Rose behind the neck and plastered his mouth to hers, marking his territory for the two men to see. Sledge snickered, the intensity fading from his expression. Digs ignored them all, carefully holding Matty’s chunky little ankles so he wouldn’t fall as he crawled around. Matty held onto a handful of hair, which had to hurt, but Digs didn’t flinch. He made silly noises, keeping her brother laughing.

When Sandman finally released her, she was gasping for air. “Hey, babe. You up for working tonight?”

Rose shook her head. “Of course. I didn’t know there was a fight scheduled tonight. I’ll have to get the girls to watch the little ones, but it’s no problem.”

“That’s because it isn’t at Devil’s Den.”

Rose’s eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. “There is another arena?”

“Yep. The Pit. What happens in the Pit stays in the Pit. Understand?”

It didn’t take more than a moment for her to understand loud and clear. “Got it.”

“This also means you are in, Rose. For good. There will be no backing out, on
” His voice was low, sending a shiver up her spine. She knew what he implied, but the idea of him offering her something even remotely permanent or exclusive seemed too good to be true. She fought to speak but her voice caught in her throat. All she managed was a nod, her eyes reflecting the amount of disbelief in his words. “Good. Raven, see to it she is taken care of. I’ll see you in a few hours.” He dropped a peck on her forehead and left, leaving her frozen in shock.

As soon as he left the room, Raven turned to her and squealed, bouncing up off the couch to hug her. “Do you know what this means?”

“Uh, that I’m part of the Savages?” Rose said with her mouth still gaping open.

“Yes but the other part! Sandman and Prez have claimed you! That’s about the equivalent of proposing, Rose!”

“No…no…I don’t think…I mean we’ve only spent a few nights together,” she stammered. Deep down, hope sparked. As much as she tried to snuff it out, like all other females in the world, that little piece of her where a dream of a real love and happily ever after that she kept under the toe of her shoe illuminated ever so slightly. She wasn’t one for false hopes and promises, and refused to read more into it than what met the eye. But maybe…

“Rose. He just staked his claim, so you better figure out if you want this because like he said, there is no turning back,” Raven spoke with some attitude in her voice but Rose knew friend or not, the club and its members came first, as she would have to do. There was no thinking. She knew her heart belonged to the two badass bikers, and despite the fact it went against everything she had ever believed in, there was no way in hell she could walk away. It wasn’t about the jobs or the money. It was about her, falling head over heels in love with two men with whom were out of her league and world—or so she thought until now.

“There’s nothing to figure out. Where do I sign?” Her face lit up in a huge smile and she threw her arms around Raven, allowing the excitement to show.

Raven hugged her and pulled away, laughing. “Across your tit.”

Rose’s nose wrinkled up. “Huh?”

“You sign across your tit—in a matter of speaking. Come on. I hope you aren’t afraid of needles…” She took her hand and started to lead her away when Rose stopped her.

“Matty and—”

“Will be just fine. Sledge, Digs—watch the babies. If anything happens to them, it’s your ass.” Raven continued, not giving Rose a chance to protest.

“No problem. They aren’t allergic to ice cream are they?” Digs hollered out.

“No but sugar makes them bounce off the walls!” Rose yelled back while still being tugged down the hall toward the back door.

“They will be fine. It’s good for those two to have someone to play with. And don’t worry. Sledge raised all of his siblings when their parents died when he was sixteen. Digs was raised in a big family, so he can handle diapers and food duty too.” Raven opened the door, walking over to her car that sat parked in the first parking place with a sign that had her name on it. Rose smiled inwardly. Raven had her own parking spot.

“Still…I feel bad they have to babysit. I can’t pay them nearly enough.”

“Good, because you won’t pay them at all. You do understand that once you are voted in, we are all family, Rose. We take care of our own.”

“I’m not a user. And, I’m not here for that reason. I—”

Raven cut her off and said, “Love two assholes who are too stupid to voice their feelings. I know. Why do you think I like you so much? You aren’t like the other sluts that come through the doors, who either are looking to fuck around or wanting something. You work your ass off and ask for nothing in return. You belong here more than you realize, Rose.” Raven hopped in the car, waiting for Rose to do the same. Rose climbed in and fastened her seatbelt, unsure of what to say. Was it that obvious that she was falling for them? Hell, she was going to get a tattoo. Something she had never considered, and unlike most rebellious teens, didn’t beg for the tramp stamp or the other piercing fads that most of her peers had. Raven started the engine and backed out. As much as Rose should have felt nervous, it was the contrary. She felt excitement and relief. If some ink sealed her fate, than so be it.


Chapter Nine


Tonto propped his feet up on the desk in front of him, gripping a cold bottle of beer. “Rumble is now in session. Our first order of business involves Rose. You've seen her around and seen what a good worker she is. I want to announce that she is off limits, and put to motion a vote. She would be a good asset to the Pit, and from what I can tell is as trustworthy as they come. All those in favor say ‘aye’.”

“You mean she is an asset to your cock,” Digs joked with a bouncing Matty on his knee. Normally, no one was allowed in a meeting, including the ol’ ladies. But given the reason they were babysitting, it was overlooked. Matty babbled, smacking Digs in the face.

“Get the kid a cut. He just bitch-slapped yo’ ass.” Tonto laughed. The room busted out in laughter, finally settling enough that they all voted in Rose. A few minor issues were discussed, including the financial report from Tonka and an update on the recent activity from the Diablos. Retaliation was coming for their little ‘friendly’ visit, and they would be ready. Security teams were tasked and the meeting was adjourned. Normally, a party followed Rumble. But tonight was fight night, and they were on high alert. There were plenty of skanks who would be by that could work their cocks after without having an official party and a breach in security.


Rose glanced in the mirror, her face as white as a ghost. She had expected the bitchs' mark, but not this. The Savages bitches signature tribal heart stretched across the globe of her breast with a stunning rose woven in, showcased in a light pink and shaded with darker hues to make it appear as if it were a real rose. Along the black tribal swirls were two sets of initials—T.W. and B.R. for Tony Walkingstick and Blake Tenkiller, the same tattoo Raven had, but the initials were different. The tattoo artist huffed impatiently, taking offense to her lack of reaction. “Listen, this is what I was told to tat. If there’s a problem take it up with them.”

“No. It’s perfect, thank you.” She couldn’t peel her eyes away from the beautiful markings. Her shirt remained half open, and she didn’t think well enough to close it even when other customers began to pile in the door. Raven walked up behind her, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Isn’t this…”


“But I’m not…”

“Not yet, but why make two trips when it’s gonna happen sooner or later? I love those two, but sometimes they need a swift kick in the ass. This is my way of giving them the shove they need. Come on. We need to get you clothes for tonight.” Raven looped her arm through Rose’s and led her back to the car, still lost in a state of shock. The tattoo she had was the same as the one only the ol’ ladies were permitted. Since she wasn’t technically an ol’ lady, and the whole situation unorthodox given she wasn’t exactly a bitch either, she didn’t quite know how to feel. What if it pissed them off and they thought she was the one who suggested it? Rose didn’t want either of them to think she was jumping to any conclusions. How could she tell them without tossing Raven under the bus?

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