Bed of Roses (15 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

BOOK: Bed of Roses
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“Hey, baby.” That voice was none other than Sandman.

“Hi…uh, Sandman. I was just, uh, going to the bathroom.” She turned to leave, but he caught her by the arm and spun her into him, greeting her mouth with his. When he pulled away, the dizziness she felt before had turned into total tunnel vision. Blackness seeped closer, threatening to eat her. His eyes immediately sought out the tattoo, skipping over the rest of her until he had been reassured of her standings with the club, and most importantly them. Much like Tonto, his eyes bugged out of his head. She stepped backwards, determined to escape before the immense humiliation segment of the evening took place but Raven spoke up.

“I took it upon myself to make sure she was inked with the proper tat. There’s no use in delaying the inevitable. Now you can skip the awkwardness and get busy making plans.” Raven propped her hand on her hip, ready for any comments they might come up with. “And before you both start in on your stupid ass macho bullshit comments, let me remind you that Rose is one of a kind. If you plan to keep her, you best start acting like it and get your heads out of your ass before one of the guys decides to take her off your hands. You obviously both love her, or you wouldn’t have bounced her in so fast.”

Rose had known their acceptance and her initiation had been way faster than the normal year probation period all other bitches had gone through, but figured it was due to them wanting to help her financially and give her a job at the Pit. She didn’t care if they sold human organs if the tips put food on the table for her siblings. She was pretty open-minded to everything but prostitution and drug trafficking at this point. They may not know that, but she did and would take any opportunity to provide for her family. The fact that she had fallen hopelessly in love with the troublesome duo was just a perk…okay, a major perk but still.

Tonto stepped forward and despite the situation, wouldn’t be out done. He branded her mouth with his own, locking his body against hers until she panted for air. When he released her from the panty-twisting lip-lock, he rested his forehead against hers. “You know what that means?” His words came out in a whisper. She nodded, unsure of what would come next. “You’re mine, little Rose. This—” he traced her tattoo, “seals your fate.” He sucked in her bottom lip, still angry at the situation but feeling excitement at the same time. He knew the tattoo was just that…a tattoo that any artist could modify or cover. It was the representation that she accepted and, without hesitation allowed, that had his heart bouncing against his rib cage.

She stood frozen in place, scared to speak for fear he might explode. When he didn’t, she turned slowly, needing to get some air and detangle the web of emotions and thoughts that cluttered her head. He slapped her on the ass as she walked away, waiting until she was out of earshot before he turned to Raven.

“You had no right, Raven. What the fuck were you thinking?” he growled. Sandman stood with his arms folded across his chest, his normal silence lingering around him.

Raven didn’t back down. Instead, she stepped closer, craning her neck to meet his stare. “I had every right. You two dipshits aren’t going to ruin this with your jaded pasts and fears. It’s time for both of you to let go and get on with your lives. You are my damn family and because of that, if pissing you off will get you both on track, then so be it. Don’t think for a minute I won’t kick your asses myself. Now, I suggest both of you go show some damn emotion and reassure that little hottie in there that you are on board before I spread the word she is on the market and looking.” Raven didn’t wait for them to pull some bogus excuse or comment out of their ass and spun on her heel to walk away. She heard them both shuffle in the opposite direction and smiled inwardly. Sometimes being known for her abilities to wield a gun and a blade had its perks.


Rose hadn’t thought to ask where the restroom was before she took flight. And found herself wandering down the back halls peeking in random doors. When she reached the fifth door, she noticed that unlike some of the others that were locked, it sat ajar.
Please let this be the bathroom.
She pulled it open, stepping inside the pitch-black windowless room and felt for the light switch. Halfway down the wall she felt it and flipped it on. Instead of a mirror, stall, and sink, she had stumbled into a huge storage room filled with wooden and metal crates. One of the lids had been slid partway off, so her curiosity got the better of her. Inside amongst the packing paper were huge assault rifles and automatic machine guns of some sort. Rose wasn’t a gun expert but had watched enough action films to know that although she couldn’t identify the weapons, they had to be illegal. She took a step backwards to leave. She shouldn’t be in here.

“How’d you get in here?” Rose’s heart jumped into her throat, restricting her airway. She slowly turned, coming face to face with a very pissed off looking Sandman.

“Blake. I…the door was open. I was looking for the bathroom and—”

“My name is Sandman. Remember that.” He glared at her, suspicion clouding his thoughts. Instead of questioning her more he pointed to the door. “The bathroom is two doors down. Don’t come back in here again.” Rose didn’t speak. She hauled ass out of the room as fast as she could, wishing she had driven her car so she could get the hell out of dodge. But, that’s why she was here. She couldn’t drive without gas, which took money. Something she didn’t have, and the reason she was here to begin with.

Sandman didn’t want to believe that Rose had broken into the storage room where the recent shipment had been delivered, but the evidence slapped him in the face. She hadn’t been expecting to get caught, and the way she stammered and ran was unnerving. Instead of seeking her out to confess what filled his heart, the world proved to him once more not to trust.


Rose managed to pull herself together and made her way through the crowd, delivering drinks and taking bets for the onlookers who screamed and yelled toward the octagon. Two fighters, both bloody and battered, relentlessly fought to step on the brink of death for the prize pot and title. Money was literally shoved at her, tucked in her boots or the front of her vest by perverts of all kinds. She should have been embarrassed or angry at being manhandled so brutally by total strangers, but the knowledge that nothing under a twenty was given made it worthwhile. The night was only a couple hours in, and she had already mentally calculated over three grand in tips. If things kept going like they were, she would have enough to catch all of the bills up with some leftover for the little things they so direly needed.

“Table twelve needs another round of shots. Watch the one on the end, he has more hands than a damn octopus,” Heaven yelled at her over the loud roar of the crowd as she passed. Rose rolled her eyes and took her tray up to reload at the bar. “Hey, Jake. I need another round of shots for twelve.”

“Sure thing, sweet cheeks.” Jake, the bartender who she had met this evening and immediately liked, flashed her a grin. He, like all the other patches, took it upon himself to watch over the girls working. She leaned against the cool wood bar, lifting each foot to relieve some of the throbbing in her feet while she waited. Her mini break didn’t last long. Her cell vibrated against her ass, being the only pocket her outfit contained, and she reached to answer. Not many people called, so chances were it was the kids, which meant something was wrong.

“Hello?” she answered, holding a finger in her other ear so she could hear. Ariel’s voice came through the receiver, sounding pissed and worried all at the same time. “You need to go get Lacey and Alice. I tried to stop them, but they ran out the door. That skank, Rachael, came to pick them up and was ranting on and on about some major
party. She looked like she was already half drunk, Rose.” Rose gritted her teeth, hating that the twins missed the common sense gene.

“Fuck. Do you know where at?”

“Yeah, it’s down by the old cemetery. There is an abandoned warehouse down the dirt road behind it.”

“Okay. Are you and the babies okay?”

“Yeah. Tired, and trying to sleep, but we’re fine. Please tell me you are going to beat the shit out of them for this. I’m so sick of their crap.” Ariel usually minded her manners and for her to cuss meant she had been shoved past her bullshit limit for the day. Rose felt lucky she was responsible, and didn’t fall prey to the example the two older girls gave.

“Go get some sleep. I’ll be home in the morning. I love you.”

“Love you too.” Rose heard the sound of the receiver click off and she sighed, hating her mother even more for never being there. She was trying her hardest to raise the kids, but dammit if something didn’t always happen to stop her from succeeding. The bitch should have been there to help.

Skillz, a new skank she had met tonight, came sauntering up, intentionally leaning where her strip of a blouse gaped open and gave Mick a full view of her tits, nipples and all. “Hey, table twelve is waiting on shots. I have a family emergency I need to deal with and will be back as soon as I can.” Rose handed the tab to her, her temper flaming when Skillz gave her a catty look.

“Not my problem. I have tables of my own to work.” She grabbed the bottles of beer out of the cooler and turned to walk away. Rose caught her by the arm, whipping her around hard enough she fought to keep the bottles from tumbling to the floor.

“I said watch my fucking tables, bitch. Don’t fuck with me.” Mick spun around with a bottle of booze in hand, his mouth twisting up into a huge grin. It was no secret that most of the skanks weren’t liked by anyone but the guys and even then, it was only while they sported a raging hard-on. After, they didn’t have a use for them and had no reason to be nice. Rose was in no damn mood for anyone’s shit, especially not now. Both Tonto and Sandman had kept their distance the entire night, watching her every move. She thought about asking them for help retrieving the girls just in case she walked into more than she could handle, but the way they were acting, she didn’t want to give them any reason to doubt her motives any more than they probably already did. She wasn’t in the club for help. Her only other option was Raven, and even then she dreaded asking for another favor after all the woman had done for her. Left with no other options, she found her and asked.

“Hey, I just got a call and need to leave. Something came up with the kids…can I borrow your car for a little bit? I promise to hurry, and my tables are covered until I get back.” She knew she sounded pathetic, and felt stupid for asking. “I wouldn’t ask…it’s just that I don’t have my car and—”

Raven knew something was up, and despite the whopping big fat nothing the guys offered when she asked what their deal was, she could feel the desperation radiating off Rose. Rose wasn’t one to ask for help—ever—so whatever was going on, she had no other alternative. “Sure. Don’t worry about it. Just take care of your family and come back when you can.” She handed her the keys, and said a quick goodbye as a crowd of rough looking Hispanic men yelled obscenities for her attention. Rose didn’t want to leave her to fend for herself, but didn’t have time to help her with the assholes.

On her way out, she stopped and told Bret to keep an eye on Raven and left. As long as the guys knew to look out for her, she knew they wouldn’t let the dickholes get too out of line and her friend would be safe.


Raven glared at the table of Diablos, mindfully watching them closely while she served them drinks. She had already told Chief the conversation she had overheard, and the men were conversant to the strategically scattered Diablos who were positioned through out the Pit. All of the guys had jumped, readying for anything that was about to go down. If they were going to get any information out of one of the slime bags and take down their leader, she needed to play it cool. Before she could take her leave, the first shots rang out. She hit the ground, upholstering the pistol that was secured around her thigh concealed under her skirt and pointed at the table. They had already reached for their guns on the signal but were slower than she was. The Diablos had planned an ambush but had been sloppy keeping it on the down low. She had walked past a conversation she wasn’t meant to hear—of three assholes bragging about what was gonna go down. If not for their carelessness, they might have been too late and lost lives. Without hesitating she pulled the trigger consecutively, dropping three of the men and leaving two to stare at her in shock. Chief and Bull rushed to her aid, demobilizing the remaining guys.

“Damn, Raven. Nice shot.” Bull grinned.

“That’s my girl.” Chief blew a kiss at her and punched his captive in the face. People began to flood out the doors in panic, creating enough distraction and chaos that the Diablos had a tiny opportunity to fight back and pounced. The distinct bang of weapons unloaded, echoing in the huge room. She heard Bree’s scream and ran to help. When she had fought her way through the trompling crowd she looked down, stepping in a puddle of blood. In the red pool lay Nic, one of the Prospects. A few feet away, Zeus was hammering down on the man responsible for his death, relentlessly pounding him to hamburger. Tonto and the others rounded up the survivors, popping a cap in the ones who attempted retaliation. With five Diablos still alive, they had plenty of leeway to get information.

Sandman worked at clearing everyone out, sending the boys on a full search for any stowaways who were stupid and hid instead of running. Once the place was cleared, he locked the doors and rounded up the posse.


Rose pushed the speed limit, praying she didn’t get a ticket as she wove in and out the back streets to the outskirts of town. When she hit the dirt road that ran behind the cemetery Ariel had spoken about, she was forced to slow to an almost crawl to keep from tearing up the little sports car on the rough, rocky road. When she got out of the city limits, she heard the faint sound of bad music drifting on the breeze and knew she was in the right spot. She let her hate fill with anger, fueling up to project at anyone who got in her way.

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