Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (150 page)

Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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Only when the third stroke descended, did she understand the true nature of the belt. The warmth from where he'd first connected leather to skin exploded as the blows overlapped. It wasn't enough to bring tears to her eyes, but it did hurt more than his hand had.

“Three,” she gasped, her back and side quivering. Her breast stung from where the end had met her flesh. She couldn't hold back her whimper as the next lash wrapped further around, the tip meeting her nipple. “Four, fuck.”

“I think we need something a bit more harsh for this last one, after all, you did lie. Twice,” his voice lowered, took on a dangerous note. “Brace yourself.”

He said the words but didn't give her a chance to react. Time seemed to slow as her body and mind processed what had happened. The leather strap came up between her legs, first coming in contact with her swollen lips, heating them instantly. The last couple inches curved up around her, ending with direct contact on her sore clit. Not even a second had passed between the blow and her reaction, but it stretched out for what seemed like years. Agony and ecstasy mixed, rocking through her, and she shrieked, knees buckling. Yet, in all that, some part of her mind managed to force out a single word. “Five!” She crumpled to the ground, dragging air into her lungs with wordless sobs as her entire body convulsed with the force of her orgasm.

“Shh.” He crouched next to her. “You did so well, Court. So well.” His hand brushed over her hair.

She let his words wash over her, a strange sense of pride chasing away her embarrassment at having come from being whipped, soothing the sharp pricks of pain still shooting up through her body. Her skin tingled, hummed and she knew that even the lightest of feather touches would carry the heaviest of weight. Her pussy burned with a not-totally-unpleasant heat and her clit throbbed, feeling swollen to nearly twice its normal size.

His hand slid from the top of her head down to her chin, tipping her face up to look at him. “How many times did you come?”

“I don't know, Sir.” The truth lifted a weight with it and her shoulders sagged with the almost physical relief. She would take her punishment with gratitude. “I lost count.”

Vance sighed and stood. He held out a hand to help Courtney to her feet. She took it, unsure if she'd be able to stand any other way.

“You disobeyed a direct order, however unintentional, then lied about it twice. If you'd intended to disobey, your punishment would have been quite severe. Had you been honest from the first, it would have been less so. As it stands, you must bear the consequences of your actions and you need a reminder, something you will keep in mind should you be tempted to lapse...or lie.”

She swallowed hard. Her knees were still weak, the muscles in her legs trembled as she shifted her weight. She was only vaguely aware that she was still naked. What once would've been cause for her to blush now seemed tame in comparison to what she'd just been through.

“I keep a few things in here, but the majority of” He paused to choose a word. “Are in a different room.” He threaded his fingers through hers. “Come with me.”

Refusal never crossed her mind. She obediently followed him down the hallway to a door.



Courtney could hear the steady beating of his heart beneath her ear, feel his deep rhythmic breathing. Her head rose and fell with his chest, his skin softer beneath her cheek than she'd have thought possible. She'd touched him before, of course, but after this night, somehow she thought he would feel different, as if his physical being would've altered with her shift in perspective.

She wasn't sure if Vance was awake; she didn't look to see. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. She didn't want to talk to him. Her head was already a mess and conversation would probably just make things more difficult.

Her feelings about what had transpired in the last few hours were mixed and she couldn't determine which was dominant. While it was happening, she'd felt as if she'd been in a bubble, as if everything outside of this house had disappeared. It was only her and Vance. Nothing else in the world existed but them and what their bodies did to and for each other. She didn't know when it had started, if she'd already been lost when he had arrived or if it had been when she hadn't stopped him from using his belt. Had she given in the moment she stepped foot inside the house or not until she followed him into the basement? She didn't know, and that not knowing bothered her more than the actual experience.

Then there were the physical consequences. Her entire body ached and pulsed like one giant bruise. Even now, she couldn't breathe or shift without a twinge and she didn't want to think about how stiff and sore she'd be in the morning. Her pussy felt raw and the mere thought of another orgasm made her want to whimper. She'd never experienced that many climaxes in a single month, let alone a day. In a space of one night, Vance had changed everything. This wasn't some theoretical “follow the rules or be punished” scenarios. He'd actually followed through. There were very real consequences that she wasn't likely to forget any time soon.

Courtney flattened her hand on Vance's stomach. A part of her wanted to slide it lower, slip beneath the blanket and grip his cock, marvel in the feel of it swelling beneath her touch. The velvet skin stretching to accommodate the growing steel beneath. She would stroke him from base to crown with firm, even movements designed to bring him to the edge as quickly as possible. One final twist would be all that was needed for him to spill over her hand, his seed warm and sticky on her skin.

But another part of her, growing louder all the time, wanted to know what she was doing, lying here with this man who had just put her through one of the most grueling nights she'd ever experienced, caused her pain and confusion, made her question everything she'd ever believed in. Granted, the pleasure had been outrageous as well, but was any amount of pleasure worth what she'd gone through to get it?

She had no idea what she was going to do.



Yesterday, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about Courtney all day, imagining her sitting on his couch, legs spread wide, fingers in her pussy, rubbing her clit. He'd been hard from the moment he'd given her the instructions, and the drive home from work wasn't helping. At every stop sign or light, images flashed through his mind, at one point nearly making him miss the change to green.

Courtney's head fell back against the couch, her ash blond hair fanning out across the blue-gray material. Her full breasts heaved with every breath and her fingers rolled her rose-colored nipples into hard pebbles. Her pussy gleamed in the dim lamplight, her fine curls damp.

Her fingers slowly trailed across her folds, fingertips ghosting oversensitive flesh. Her skin glistened with sweat, air puffing between parted lips as her orgasm built once more.

She cried out his name the moment she touched her clit, her other hand going to work between her legs. Her fingers slipped easily between her folds, instantly slick with her copious juices.

By the time he was halfway home, his fantasies had changed from what he knew Courtney was doing to what he wanted to do to her, what he'd been wanting to do to her for years.

Her pale flesh was criss-crossed with red stripes and still he brought down the cane. The wood whistled through the air, the sound making him impossibly hard, and when the loud crack mingled with a sob, he nearly came in his pants.

He tugged on the scarves that held her to the bedposts, making sure she couldn't pull free. She stared up at him, dark gray eyes wide and frightened. His eyes felt on fire as they met hers and she read everything there.

He thrust into her, fingers tangled in her hair as he drove as deep as her body would allow. She pleaded with him, but never said the one word that would stop him. He didn't pause; his hips never faltered. Her breasts jiggled, swaying beneath her and he reached down to squeeze one.

His cock rubbed against the damp cotton of his boxer-briefs as he walked up the stairs to his front door. He'd been seconds from coming most of the day and the sight of Courtney's clothes on the floor, his floor, nearly undid him. He kicked off his shoes and slipped out of his jacket. Then he heard her—the panting breaths, the unmistakable slide of flesh against wet flesh. He'd fully intended to stroll into the living room the moment he'd arrived and assume power, but now, something held him back. He kept to the shadows as he approached, angling himself so he could see what she was doing without her seeing him.

Her eyes were closed, head back like it had been in his fantasy. Her nipples were a darker pink than usual, the tips elongated and swollen, and he knew she'd been playing with them. Her legs were parted and both hands were between her thighs. He couldn't see precisely what she was doing, but his imagination was good enough to picture at least two fingers in her cunt, pumping away, while her other hand worked at her clit. Her face was contorted in a combination of pleasure and pain, and he knew she'd done as she'd been told. She must have climaxed a dozen times based on what he knew of her responsiveness and how long she'd been at it. Her clit would be so tender that even the least bit of friction would feel like ten times more. Her body would be begging for her to stop, that it had had enough.


The near agony lacing the word as it spilled out of her over and over again was too much and Vance shuddered as he came. He choked back a groan as his cock pulsed and twitched, emptying. Fuck. He hadn't come in his pants since he'd been a teenager and had caught a glimpse of Courtney's pale green panties on a windy day. Shit. It all came back to her, didn't it? He put one hand on the wall and took a deep breath, fighting for control. After a moment, nerves still humming, he took a step out of the shadows.

“One more time and you can stop.”



It didn't matter if she chose the cane or the belt, he was going to think of a reason to use the cane. He wanted to see her writhe, see if she'd break. He normally had more patience, but his pants were damp and clammy, irritating his re-growing erection, and it was all her fault.

“Whatever will please you, Sir.”

What the fuck had made her say that? Vance was momentarily taken aback. It didn't take him long to regain his external composure, but his mind was spinning. He tried not to acknowledge the elation that wanted to well up inside him. She wanted to please him. That thought alone was enough to make him change his mind. He put down the cane and reached for his belt buckle. After all, leather had its advantages too.

He watched her as he spoke, her face an open book. He was going to be wearing this belt a lot after tonight and an idea formed in his mind. He watched her walk to the couch and position herself exactly as he'd asked. Anyone with experience in this area would be nervous having their legs parted while waiting for a lashing of any kind. Courtney's naivety turned him on all the more. Anticipation bubbled inside of him as he delivered the first four. He'd been watching her juices trickle down her thighs from the moment she'd stood and now he wanted his belt wet. Every time he touched it, he would remember this moment, would remember how hard he was. The scent of leather would forever be linked in his mind with hers.

“Brace yourself.”

He gave her the warning but no time to process. He wanted a pure, unadulterated reaction. Over the years, he'd perfected his underhand swing. Hard enough to hurt, but not so hard the pain didn't trigger an orgasm. Enough to make her feel it for a day, but not so much that she was damaged. Her wail made his stomach tighten, but it was the fact that she still called out the last number that nearly did him in for the second time that day.

When he crouched beside her, it took all of his self-control not to unzip and shove his cock between her tear-coated lips. This wasn't the time or place. Now, he had to complete the lesson. He suppressed a smile when she confessed that she'd lost count of her orgasms. It hadn't been defiance or forgetfulness. She'd just gotten lost in the moment. Understandable. But still, she'd lied and, technically, disobeyed. He stood. It was time to give her a true taste of what it meant to be a submissive. Spanking and whipping were just two very small ways to mete out punishment.

The door at the end of the hallway was as nondescript as the rest. He took a key from a nearby hook. The door wasn't locked to prevent theft or make it difficult to get into. Vance just didn't want a guest wandering down into the basement looking for a bathroom or out of curiosity. Legal and accepted were two different things. He didn't exactly hide his preferences, but he didn't want them advertised either.

He heard Courtney's intake of breath as they reached the point in the stairs where she could see the entirety of the room. He paused at the bottom of the steps, giving her a moment to take it all in.

It had taken Vance several years to get everything exactly how he wanted it. At the center of the room stood a large four poster bed and a cushioned bench at its foot. Rich crimson silk was in direct contrast with the rest of the house's décor. Two full-sized antique wardrobes and three trunks lined one wall. A large wooden ‘X’ stood against the other. The far wall had been covered by hooks, from each of which hung a different item. Ropes and chains of varying sizes. Handcuffs, a few metal and at least one set lined with black fuzz. Leather straps of differing widths. Studded collars. A spreader bar. Floggers and canes of myriad lengths.

Vance glanced over his shoulder at Courtney, amusement playing over his lips as she worked to conceal the shock on her face. He could only imagine her reaction if she saw what lay in each of the trunks. The wardrobes just held clothes. Granted, nothing that could be worn in public, but they were clothes nonetheless. The trunks, however, contained toys. Ball gags, strap-ons, dildos, nipple clamps, ass plugs...he had quite a collection. And he intended to use a couple tonight.

Courtney shivered and he saw that her eyes were fixed on the far wall. A need to reassure her swept over him and he found himself doing just that. “We're done with that form of discipline for the time being.” He forced his voice to lower, become more about lust and less about compassion. “There's a whole new world of punishment I'm going to introduce you to tonight.”

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