Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series) (34 page)

BOOK: Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series)
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"Want some company?" He liked the way she shivered in anticipation of the things he would do to her body. Hell! He loved what she did to him.

"Someone has to watch Harper. After I get out, I will watch her so you can shower." With a grin cast over her shoulder, Andy headed for the bathroom. He sighed, somewhat disappointed. He looked at Harper, who looked right back at him. Those blue eyes spoke volumes. He chuckled and pulled her out of her seat.

"Who's my pretty girl?" He cuddled her little body to his chest and carried her to the couch. Sitting down and taking care to prop Harper up with a couple of pillows, he palmed the remote. "Let's watch some football. I'm sure there's something on."

Harper just watched him as she lay half reclining against the battlement of pillows.
He smiled down at her and wondered what she would say if she could speak.


Both Matt and Andy waited for something to be said about the wedding, but things did go on as they were planned to. Nora said very little and they weren't going to ask. Matt had packed them all into his truck and shuttled them to his parents' ranch house. It was designated as the central hub of orders and activity. As Andy suspected, Lacey took over almost the second they stepped foot into the house. There were final preparations. Flowers were going to be right on schedule. There were now enough chairs for the guests thanks to Matt and Garrett's late run to Rapid City. The preacher had been called to do last rites, but should make it before the wedding started.
That bit sent everyone into orbit.
The wagons were ribboned and blanketed for the passengers. Andy remembered her camera and as requested, she popped off a few candids in the chaos.

An hour before the wedding was to take place, the guys drifted out of the house and retreated to Lord knows where to get ready. Andy tried to find her own corner to stay. Harper had made it easy on her. After dressing her in a frilly lace gown Nora had found her, Harper had passed out in her car seat. Reaching down to pull a light blanket up over her daughter, Andy couldn't help but look to where Nora was sitting. A hair stylist had come to do all the ladies' hair. Nora's short hair was incredibly short and so it was only pinned in a couple of spots. Shiny stones sparkled in the light overhead.

"Your turn, Andy." Nora announced as she got up out of the chair. Andy was sure she looked a bit like a deer in the headlights. Lacey had to put her two cents in as well.

"I hung your dress up over there. It's strapless like Nora's gown. Maybe Marlene can put your hair up? It will make your neck appear longer."
Longer? What am I, a giraffe?
Andy tried to shrug that thought off. They had made a truce and she would honor it. Besides, it was Nora's wedding and Andy would definitely try to make it as she wished.

"Okay, but nothing too fancy, please." Andy directed it more to Marlene, the stylist, than the other ladies. A slight grin and a nod from Nora was all it took to set her mind at ease. Nora didn't really like anything too fussy either. She liked daring, unique, and she didn't mind making a statement. Surprisingly, Nora's wedding hadn't seemed to be any of those things.

As her hair was brushed, curled, and pulled in a hundred different directions, Andy watched Nora put her makeup on and begin getting into the undergarments necessary for such a beautiful dress. Nora's wedding dress was a strapless silk satin gown with an artfully draped bodice and a full skirt. The chapel train would be perfect for the outdoor ceremony under the crossing pines. Lacey zipped her up and hooked the top to make it look like one seamless piece. The white silk satin fairly shimmered in the light. The amazing dress seemed to take on a life of its own and it only added to Nora's ethereal beauty. Andy felt butterflies hatch in her stomach as she anticipated her own wedding.
Maybe one less involved than this one.

"Mom, could I have a minute to talk to Andy alone, please?" Nora's request caught everyone off guard, but Lacey was very gracious about being dismissed. She took Marlene with her. Andy got up from her chair when the women left the room. Nora walked over and handed some jewelry to her. "Could you fasten the necklace, please?" Nora asked her as she turned and gave her her back. There was some tension in the room and Andy couldn't take it. The question burned her tongue.

"Did you talk to Randy today?" Andy didn't want to go further in case Lacey was listening. Besides, they both knew what she was asking. Clasping the silver chain around Nora's neck, Andy waited for her to turn back around.

"I know what you and Matt did this morning after you left me." Nora's voice was soft and surprisingly, there was no malice in the tone. Andy blinked, trying to find the right words to say. She wasn't sure if she was sorry for telling Matt or telling Randy what questions Nora had. She wasn't sure if she could apologize and mean it.

"I hope he was able to put your mind and heart at ease, Nora. He loves you and I know you love him. Why waste this chance to make it all complete?" Andy gestured softly as Nora turned around. A gentle smile was reflected back at her. Nora took the two diamond stud earrings from Andy's hand and began putting them in. The rest of her earrings were gone.
Definitely not like Nora at all!

"If you hadn't told him, I probably would have chickened out again. He understood what I was feeling. Randy wants to have children and he wants to be a father figure to Drew." Nora raised her eyes and shook her head. "Surprisingly, he and Drew have already talked that over. Drew loves Randy and has only ever known him in my life. One day I'm sure he will ask questions about his real father, but I will have to cross that bridge when I get there. A five year old wouldn't understand the ins and outs of it right now anyway." Nora turned back towards the floor length mirror and smoothed her skirt. Andy stepped to the side. She felt a touch of jealousy as she stood there.
It's funny what things you want when you finally let yourself want them.

"We are both lucky to have such wonderful men in our lives. I never expected to find mine." Andy pushed back a stray curl from her face. Nora nodded in agreement.

"I'm lucky to have a new friend in my life too. I want you to know that I already think of you as my sister, Andy. I'm glad you are marrying my brother." The smile that passed between them was special and cementing. Both of them felt it. Stepping forward, Andy helped clasp the silver filigree bracelet and then the picture was complete. Nora was a beautiful bride.

"I should get ready to go. We have a wedding to get you to." Andy smiled and went to find her dress. Thankfully, it was simple. A strapless cream lace dress and she had just the boots to match. All at once, she was feeling excited for her friend and welcome to a new family in South Dakota.


The October afternoon was generously embraced by warm sunshine and the dying grasses of the prairie whispered in a slight breeze. Horses snorted in the distance as they waited with the wagons. A happy group of family and friends sat listening to the vows of Randy White and Nora Johnson. The bride handed off her bright bouquet of roses to Andy and settled her hands into the groom's. Both of them looked into the other's face filled with promise and anticipation for the future.

"I, Randy, promise to be your husband, your best friend, and above all, your one true love. I promise to pray for sunshine while we weather the storms and I promise to hope for peace as we take on the hard times. I promise to be your confidant, your light in the darkness, and your champion in the midst of danger. I promise to encourage your dreams, celebrate your successes and honor your sacrifices. I promise to travel every road by your side and to spend every day as if it might be our last together. I promise to be true to you until our final days are over." Randy's clear tone rang in the autumn air and behind him, Matt kept eye contact with Andy. As the pastor directed, Randy slipped his wedding ring on Nora's finger. Nora took her cue to speak her vows.

"I, Nora, promise to be your wife, your best friend, and above all, your one true love. I promise to pray for sunshine while we weather the storms and I promise to hope for peace as we take on the hard times. I promise to be your confidant, your light in the darkness, and your champion in the midst of danger. I promise to encourage your dreams, celebrate your successes and honor your sacrifices. I promise to travel every road by your side and to spend every day as if it might be our last together. I promise to be true to you until our final days are over." Nora's voice choked once on her tears and a couple slipped down her cheeks. Andy felt the overwhelming emotion as she conveyed her own feelings to Matt across the way. Nora slipped her ring on Randy's hand and after a slight pause, they kissed. In that one kiss all was right with the world. There was peace, love, and above all, a cleansing of all past worries.

"Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Randy White." The pastor's booming voice proclaimed. Nora and Randy turned to the standing applause. Greetings and well wishes came in the form of kisses, hugs, handshakes, and winks. Good natured teasing spoke most eloquently of the jovial group.

Once Matt and Andy had extricated themselves from the throng of people getting ready to move on to the celebratory dinner and dance, they found themselves beside the pond that had captured their interest only a couple nights ago. Andy couldn't help but blush at the remembrance of what had occurred and how embarrassed she had been to face Lacey after it. Matt stopped her and pulled her into his arms. There could be no air between them. Their bodies fit as expertly as if they had been cut from the same whole. She stared up into his blue eyes, marveling at how the water reflected in them.

"I saw us up there today." Matt raised her fingers up to his lips and pressed soft kisses to them. Andy smiled, endeared by the sweet gesture.

"I want that to be us. I want our happily ever after." Andy shared, entranced by the warmth and passion that danced around them. Matt's lips twitched into a smile and he bent to kiss her. His lips moved over hers in sweet temptation. He nipped the bottom of her lip as he pulled back.

"You, my angel, made happily ever after possible. Anything from here on out is just icing on the cake." He caressed her face, cupping her cheek in his hand. The emotion that swelled in her chest made it impossible to say more. She wanted to feel. She never wanted to stop feeling with Matt. As his lips descended on her again and before her thoughts were scattered to the winds, she held onto what he had said.
His angel, huh? 
Andy sighed into his mouth and leaned against him. She couldn't think of a better name for him either.

About the Author



A. C. Wilson is a pseudonym for Amanda Wilson Cornell. She lives in Abilene, Kansas with her husband, Jesse, and two sons, Hunter and Ty. Each day is a new adventure with little boys! She started writing as a teenager, filling books and books with poetry. Today she continues her passion for writing in her historical romance novels and reading as many books as she can find spare moments. Besides writing and wrangling little boys, she enjoys being outdoors, meeting new people, and learning new things. (We should never stop learning, should we?)


Thank you for taking the time to read, Black Hills Angel (Black Hills Series, #1). Please feel free to connect with Amanda!




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