Thoughtless Sacrifice

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Authors: Kam Carr

Tags: #romance, #love, #kamcarr

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Thoughtless Sacrifice KAM CARR




Fear is only in
our minds,
Taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our
but it's
taking over all the time.
You poor sweet innocent
your eyes and testify.
You know you live to break
gonna forget your name,
And one sweet day,
you're gonna drown in my lost

---Lyrics from Evenscene--





It seems
Georgina has secured a few new contracts for her clients” I snap,
as I speak in front of the board. I narrow my eyes and look over to
the opposite end of the table where my wife is sitting.

And we all
know how she managed that.” My eyes divert to her blouse with a few
buttons undone and the black bra visible to any prying

Georgina sits up in her seat
and fluffs out her long blonde hair. “What Mr Thomas is trying to
say....” she gives that girly grin that drives me insane. “He's
very proud of me.”

I tilt my head back and give
her my special knickers combustion smile. “Not really, Mrs Thomas.
What husband would be proud of their wife showing off his assets in
the return for money?”

Her eyes widen and she begins
to bite down on that rosebud lip. “Your assets?” She cocks her head
the way I do.

I shake my head, why does she
always do this? At this moment in time I want to bend her over this
table and spank that arse until its red raw.

She pushes out her breasts. “I
do believe I paid for this myself.” I look around the table. A few
people are uncomfortable with the floor show. Except a few males
who are getting a good eyeful of my wife and her assets.

I slam my fist on the table.
“We'll call it a day” I say, not once taking my eyes off that
beautiful frustrating woman. “I want all the reports on my desk by

Everyone gets up, leaving me
and my wife alone. Neither one of us speak, we just glare each
other from opposite ends of the table.

I need a cigarette. You would
think after 5 years I would have gotten use to her frustrating
behaviour. Somehow, she always manages to surprise me.

What’s your
problem?” She scowls, starting to pack her things away.

I slowly rise out of my seat
and stroll over to her. “You,” I say slowly.

Me?” She
laughs. “It's hardly my fault I had to negotiate with perverts. I
told you I didn't want to go, but no, you were far too busy to
escort me!”

I perch on the end of the desk
and place a finger over her lips. Immediately she falls silent,
looking up at me, her big blue eyes sparkling. My heart instantly
melts. Maybe I did overreact. I just couldn't stand the idea of
another man looking at what is mine. I lean forward and place a
loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Was I

A little smile springs to her
lips. “Very much so, Mr Thomas.”

I sit back up and rub my face.
“I'm sorry,” I sigh. “I'm just really tired. It feels like I
haven't stopped working in years.”

Yes, we’ve
noticed” she scowls again, her hand reaches out and she grabs my
leg. Even after 5 years her touch still makes an impact on my body.
“Will you be home for dinner?” She asks sweetly.

I let out a little air. “I
don't know.” She removes her hand and stands up. Straight away I
know she is pissed at me.

For fuck's
sake, Maxwell” She yells. “The kids are forgetting what their
father looks like and I'm forgetting what it feels like to sleep
next to my husband.” She grabs her bag. “Maybe when you have a free
spot in your diary you'll write us in.”

I grab hold of her wrist and
pull her towards me. I fully understand what she is saying. The
business has exploded here and in Oxford. I've spent every waking
moment working and I too am missing my family.


My hands reach out for her face
and I pull it down to mine. Our lips unite and I kiss her
intensely. I can feel my blood beginning to pump south. I pull away
and stand up, my eyes taking in her reaction. She is breathing
heavily and her eyes burn into me.

She drops her bag to the floor
and now all I want is to be deep inside her. To forget about my
business and the pile of work that needs to be done before

I slowly undo the buttons on
her blouse and remove it. Even after having Bailey, our child
together, she has a mesmerizing body. A perfect toned stomach and
not a single stretch mark. My lips trail down her neck, in between
her breasts and down her stomach.

My hands reach round to her
back and I unzip her skirt, sending it floating down to the ground.
Her fingertips tug gently at my hair. The overpowering craving for
her fills my body. She is still my sweet fix that I can't live

I gently place her down on the
meeting table and pull down my zip to reveal my most precious
possession. Instantly, she gives a wicked look and bites down on
her lip. I rest in between her legs and pull her underwear to the

In one swift movement I sink
inside her, air hissing from my lips. It feels so good, her arms
lock round my neck and her legs hook round my waist. She is wet and
grinding slow, swirling her hips as I moved in and out of her.

She is a beautiful woman, I
watch her perfect lips form in a perfect O and it sends me over the
edge. My fingers grip onto her waist and I began to pound a

Georgina meets me at each
thrust. The muscles in my legs began to contract and I can't last
any longer. Georgina grips around me and I feel myself explode deep
within her.

Once again we have broken my
golden rule....



Georgina Thomas


I step outside and my car is
waiting next to the curb. How life has changed? Jay, our driver
gets out of the car and opens the passenger door for me.

afternoon, Mrs Thomas” He gives a little smile, which instantly I
return out of habit. “Had a good day?”

Yes, thank
you” I lie, as I climb into the car. I hate my life!

We have money, a nice house and
I own fifty per cent of the business. However, I never get to spend
time with my husband. Olivia hates me (Maxwell's daughter from
another relationship) and my son calls the nanny “Mummy!” The only
pleasure I've got in my life is making my husband jealous.

My phone rings and I pull it
out of my bag. Riley is showing up on the caller ID. As soon as
Maxwell had given me the job I signed Riley. I sort of felt bad for
taking his limelight all those years ago. Plus, he didn't want to
live with Blake any more.

Riley's career has hit big! He
has starred in a few movies and now is a major star on his own TV
series. I hit the accept button.

Baby girl.”
He yells. “Where are you?”

I give a little smile
remembering what my husband has just done to me in the meeting
room. “I'm coming” I laugh. “Something just came up.”

Okay... I'm
at The Ivy. Be quick, I have a date at four” with that he hangs

Jay,” I call
out. “Could you drop me off at The Ivy?”

Jay looks at me through his
rear-view mirror. “Does Mr Thomas know about the change of

I roll my eyes. Maxwell is
still as controlling as ever. “Yes,” I snap. “He knows.” Jay shrugs
his shoulders.

I sit back in my seat and put
my phone away. Like he would even notice if I showed up to work
naked? All he does is work! Thank god I have Riley. An actual human
I can speak to. Once a week we meet up and chat.

He’s the only friend I have out
here in LA. I no longer speak to Amy. Last I heard, her and Blake
were getting divorced after only being married a year.

Guess I'm lucky in that way –
Maxwell and I have been together five years and we’re sort of
happy. Well, when I get to see him.

Jay pulls up outside The Ivy.
“Do you want me to wait, Mrs Thomas?” I shake my head, but there's
really no point. I know he will wait. Maxwell has probably given
him strict instructions, on the account he dislikes me associating
with Riley

I get out the car and make my
way into The Ivy. Riley is sitting at a table talking on his phone.
I know he's only chosen this place to check to see if any famous
people might show up. I think he's waiting for his début on E.

I sit down at his chosen table,
which is directly in the middle of the restaurant. I would have
preferred to of sat outside in the garden. Although inside is nice,
it feels very homely.

Will you be
having the usual, Mrs Thomas?” The waiter asks, I nod and he walks
off. I cringe at the thought the staff now know me. A few minutes
later he returns with my salad and spring water.

So,” Riley
smiles, finally putting his phone down. “What have you been doing

I pick up my fork. I feel
myself blush at the thought of making love to Maxwell on the
meeting room table. Wow... We haven't done anything like that for a
while. It felt like the good old days.

I shrug. “Same as normal.” I
place a fork of salad into my mouth. I suddenly realize right then
I’m starving.

Maxwell still
keeping tracks on you?”

I narrow my eyes. “Of
course.... That is just who he is. I really don't mind him
protecting me.” I place my fork down and feel my mouth turn
downwards. “I just wish we could spend more time together.”

What do you
mean by time?” Riley says in a seductive manner as he wiggles his
eyebrows. I pick my napkin up and throw it in his direction. He
really does have a one tracked mind. When you look as good as he
does, I guess that’s pretty much nothing else on the

I roll my eyes. “Not everything
is about sex, Riley.” I can’t help myself from smiling. “That is
something I really don't need to worry about.” I looked around and
no one is paying us any attention. I lower my voice. “We had sex
today on the meeting table.”

Riley gives a crooked smile and
his grey eyes almost pop out of his head. “Lucky for some.” He sits
back in his seat. “Why don't you just tell him?”

Why didn't I
think of that?” I laugh sarcastically. “I really miss my husband.
We had such a passionate relationship, full of surprises and

Riley raises an eyebrow.
“Games?” He mocks.

Yes games” I
insist, I look down at my glass and I’m suddenly filled with
sadness. I want us to be a family again, like we were when Bailey
was born. “I'm going to be thirty next weekend and I have a funny
feeling I’ll be spending it home alone.” There I had finally
confessed what had been eating me up all day.

Then you need
to say that to him” Riley says with concern. I look up at his
friendly face, I'm lucky to have him as a friend. “Tell him exactly
how you feel.” He put his finger to his lip and taps his mouth.
“Maybe suggest a trip?”

That was it. There was no way
Maxwell would choose work over a family holiday. Riley was a
genius, I could of kissed him all over.

I couldn't wait for him to get
home. This was exactly what we all needed. Maxwell so much more. I
had to get him away from the office and LA, and then maybe I would
finally get my Mr Golden Rule back.

Maxwell walked into our bedroom
and slumped down on the edge of the bed. He undid his tie and began
to take it off. I kneeled behind him and began to rub his
shoulders. I could instantly see he was exhausted and stressed. No
difference there then.

Ah,” he
groaned softly. I could feel every muscle relaxing under my touch.
“This is why I married you.” His head dropped forward and I carried
on de-stressing my man.

Have you

Yes, I had a
sandwich in between meetings” He replied. “How was your

Good. I was
talking to Riley today.”

Yes about
what?” He snapped, he really didn't like Riley and I had no idea
why. Even though I had assured him, Riley and I were just

Once in an argument he did
throw the whole Blake thing in my face. Blake was the man I was
engaged to when I met Maxwell. I and Maxwell had an affair behind
his back. Of course things ended messy. I hadn’t thought at that
for long time.

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