Bloody Broken (A Bloody Series Book #2) (14 page)

BOOK: Bloody Broken (A Bloody Series Book #2)
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    “Well you’re free now. What will you do now that the job is over?”

    “But the job isn’t done yet. Far from it.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “Well, Dante still had women trafficked out as early as last month. We need to find them all and bring them home. And we need to find out who his allies were and question them. I know the Alpha from the Mexico City Pack was involved. And some Russian and Japanese Packs.”

    “We’ll figure it out. Don’t worry about it just yet.” He pulled her head down to his shoulder again. He caressed her curls until her breathing slowed. He waited a few more minutes, and then dug his phone out of his jean pocket. He texted Ethan one handed and told him when they arrived to check in and find Dominic first to get updated. He wasn’t moving from this bed until Vic decided to get up. No more than ten seconds after he put the phone back into his pocket it buzzed in answer. He fished it back out and snapped it open impatiently. The message said that Ethan, Alex, the King and Brena had arrived a half hour earlier and were just leaving the consulate for the Hotel. The King requested his and Vic’s presence. He texted back that they could kiss his ass and wait until tomorrow. He knew how that answer was going to go over, but he’d be damned if they were going to disturb Victoria while she rested. He stared down at her while she slept. Her tiny fingers grasping his shirt and her legs intertwined with his. It was perfect. Until, the front door flew open. He slid away from Victoria, moving Vampire quick into the front room. He herded everyone trying to walk into the room back out into the hallway.

    “What are you doing?” Ethan asked. Adam moved down the hall to Dominic's room. He opened the door and motioned everyone inside. Everyone turned to face him once they were all congregated.

    “Vic is asleep in our room, and I don’t want to wake her up. She’s had a hard weekend. I’ll be damned if she doesn’t get the rest she deserves. I told you this could wait until tomorrow.” He looked at Ethan accusingly.

    “I told you,” Claude said smugly. Adam realized most everyone there was staring at him in varying degrees of disbelief.

    “What?” He asked impatiently.

    “Since when do you keep a woman around all weekend, much less care for her enough to make sure she gets a good night’s sleep.” Ethan asked, clearly stumped.

    “Since now.” Adam shot back. “I’m serious, I'll explain everything tomorrow evening. I’m sure it can wait until then.” He opened the door and motioned for everyone to go. He was impatient to get back to bed. He waited but no one made a move.

    “I bet Claude my entire stable of horses that he was mistaken about you, but I reckon I’ve lost this bet.” Ethan looked to Alex for her agreement. She nodded slowly, head tilted to the side still looking at Adam. Like he was one of her damn experiments.

    “You have abyssmal taste in horseflesh Ethan, so no loss there. What the devil are you all staring at?”

    “You love her,” Claude answered.

    “Victoria?” He asked, taken aback.

    “No, Paris Hilton. Of course Victoria. You’ve obviously taken up with her, but taking care of her? The way you reacted tonight at the consulate? You’ve got it bad man,” Dominic said. Adam opened his mouth to deny it, but he couldn’t. He frowned at the thought. Did he love her? The thought of her being injured tonight had sent him into a frenzy. If he were truely honest with himself he would admit to Dominic being right. Not just about being in love with Vic but about being almost Broken. He didn't feel that restlessness he usually felt anymore, that need to fill a gapping hole in his life. It seemed as if Victoria had filled it already.

    “I’ve known her less than two days,” he said in response. The women smirked at him.

    “I think maybe Adam has met his match,” Alex said.

    “Oh yeah. Victoria is one formidable Were. She’s perfect for you, Adam. I’m so glad you found each other,” Sarah, or Brena as she was known now said, smiling at him. They hadn’t always gotten along, but she seemed genuinely approving. He had forgotten that she would have remembered Vic from the peace group.

     “You really love her, Adam? I mean if you break her heart, you could make a mess for the relations between Orleans and I.” The King said.

    “I think I do. And don’t worry about my breaking her heart. If anyone gets dumped here it’s going to be me.” He looked at everyone. They all seemed to be approving. He smiled back slowly, liking the idea of being in love with Vic. Yes, they would do well together. He found he was even more eager to get back to his room.

    “Thanks for giving me some things to think on everyone, but if you’ll excuse me, I think I’d like to get back to my room now.” He turned to go.

    “You know she’s got six older brothers, right?” Gloria had to put in before he turned the knob. He flinched, remembering that little tidbit. But he’d cross that bridge when he came to it. “See you all tomorrow.” With that he strode back to the room, back into bed with Vic. She sighed, curling her limbs around him in her sleep. Yes, he’d weather anything to have this every night.



Chapter Eleven


    The next day found Vic in Adam's rental, driving to destinations unknown. After they had woken up for the day, that is to say after they had wished each other a very good morning, they had gotten everyone together and she and Adam had explained everything. Even the Were’s had shown up, except her father, who refused to come. Dom admitted to thinking that Vic was leading them into an ambush, right up until Dante had confessed his evil scheme Dr. No style. He apologized to Vic and Adam both. Cora and Colin were reunited, and she had explained how she had gotten involved. She had found out about the kidnappings from the computer in Dante’s room. It seemed she had taken a postion as a secretary in the consulate a year ago and it didn’t take her long to figure out some things didn’t add up. She was a whiz with technology, so when she put two and two together and realized Colin was probably helping Vic, she found the email and decided to write. Colin was ecstatic that he didn’t have to hide anymore. Devin got a call from the Master half way through the meeting, saying he wanted Devin to come back to Boulder for an Absolution. Vic hoped her father gave him his job back. He might even give him the Beta position. Devin was more than capable and someone had to take the job. There were discussions on how to proceed from there, now that Beta Orleans was dead. Surprisingly, or maybe not, the King saw no problem letting Vic head the collection of the kidnapped females. She did have the most experience. She was in a hurry to be on the way but before they were to leave Massachusetts, Adam had a surprise for her. They were heading out of the city. She had a pretty good idea of where they were going when they started heading north. She smiled, looking over at Adam. He was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel at a song on the radio. It was such a normal scene she had to laugh.

    “What?” He asked smiling. She grinned back, probably looking like an idiot.

    “I’m having fun.” She answered.
Go figure.

    “Me too. Nights not even over yet,” he hinted. She practically bounced in her seat. It had been so long since she had really let go and had fun with anybody. Yeah, she had been more herself since she left the Pack, not as stifled, but the carefree side of herself had been buried as well. Looking over her shoulder had become second nature. She didn’t have to live that way ever again. And with Adam she not only had found a guy who was capable of protecting her, he could stand back and let her take care of herself as well. It was amazing. As the night slid by mile by mile, she couldn’t stop thinking about how happy she was. If only her father would forgive her for running off. It wasn’t as if she had a choice at the time. She did try to warn him about Dante. If he had listened, she wouldn’t have almost been killed. He had to see her eventually. She was his only daughter. She couldn’t wait to see her brothers either. Donnie and Al had already called and talked to her. The others were out and probably didn’t have the news yet. They were all excited to meet up in Boulder in a few days. Adam pulled off onto a small exit, one she knew well. She looked up and smiled a goofy smile again.

    “Have you figured it out yet?” He asked.

    “Yep. You remembered.” He was taking her to Middlesex Fells Reservation to run. She couldn’t wait. As they pulled in, she started taking off her clothes. By the time he parked she had all but her jeans off. He raised an eyebrow at her state of undress.

    “What? I’m not stripping out there. It’s twenty degrees.” She lifted up to slide her jeans off and he stared.

    “No complaint. I’ll leave you to it. Best to get out now before we get distracted.”

    “You mean before
get distracted. You have a one track mind,” she teased. He growled and leaned over to nip at her shoulder. She actually giggled while she play fought him off. “Stop, I want to get out there. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

    “I know what else would be fun,” he said nibbling her ear. But he did eventually pull away. His gray eyes smoldered. She sighed.
All mine.
He opened the door and stepped out.

    He leaned down. “I’ll be waiting by the trees.”

    “I’ll be right out.” She smiled. He grinned back. This was the best night ever. And it hadn’t even started. He shut the door, and she wasted no time crawling into the backseat. She opened the door a crack so she could hop out after the shift. In no time at all she was head butting the door open and jumping out. She nudged the door shut behind her and leapt off after Adam. Following his scent into the trees was easy. He waited just inside the border. 

    “Would you like to race?” Before he even turned to look at her, she was off. “Hey! Cheater!” He called behind her, but was soon running beside her. She knew he was of course much faster than her, but it was fun to pretend. He laughed when she darted off to the right, trying to lose him in the bush. But her feet kicked up snow in her wake, and he easily followed her tracks. For all she knew, he could see as well as her in the dark. She would have to remember to ask him some pertinent questions when she shifted back. Like how he was able to be out in the sun yesterday. She still didn’t know what was up with that. She realized her thoughts had slowed her down when Adam caught up with her and tugged on her tail. She turned and nipped his wrist and he let go. She dove and rolled through the snow as he moved to grab her by the scruff. He laughed at her antics. She jumped up, tail waving as she bounced to and fro. He just stood there grinning at her. She yipped and took off again. They played a game of sorts of hide and seek, though it was almost impossible for two Others to hide from each other in such conditions. She guessed Adam won when he practically flew up a tree and wouldn’t come down until she started howling. When he did finally come down she marveled at his grace. She lowered her head in the wolfy version of a bow. He walked over and knelt in the snow and kissed the top of her head. She nudged his knees and whined, not wanting him to get wet in the snow. He laughed

    “What? You think I’m going to get a cold?” He asked. She thought about that and then wolf shrugged. Maybe they did get colds. She wasn’t an expert. He rubbed his hand down her neck, massaging the muscles. “I can’t get sick. And I don’t plan on wearing these clothes for much longer.” She gave him her best “Oh really?” look.

    “You ready to go to the cabin?” He got a cabin? Oh, this just kept getting better and better. She jumped up and bounced around, waiting for him to show her the way. He got up, laughing at her again, but then took off towards the west and she was hard pressed to keep up. When the they broke the trees he slowed down. He pulled a set of keys from his pocket, checking the number. He headed for a cabin marked twenty-eight. They walked inside when he unlocked the door. She looked around admiring the rustic feel of the place.

    “I’ll run and grab our things while you change. Be back in a jiffy,” he told her, and she snorted at the phrase. She shifted back and found a blanket to curl up with. The fire place was stocked up but not lit. She found some matches on the mantle and lit the fire, making the cabin fill up with warmth. Adam came back minutes later. He slid a seductive smile at her before dropping off her clothes and bag.

    “Could this be any more romantic?” She asked him. He came to sit by her in front of the fire.

    “I can’t think of anything more perfect,” he said softly, tucking a curl behind her ear.

    “Thank you for this. I needed to have some fun.”

    “Long overdue?” He asked.

    “Yes, definitely. And romance. That’s been missing too. Matt’s idea of romance was getting me liquored up before sex.” He yanked on her hair for the reminder of her previous lover. She smiled at him.

    “Well, I shall endeavor to be a better lover. A little romance goes a long way I hear.”

    “Oh yeah. Too true. And you’re already a better lover.” She told him truthfully. He stared into her eyes for a moment.

    “If I asked you to marry me, would you say yes?” He asked abruptly. She couldn’t help her reaction. She burst out laughing. It kept coming, deep belly laughs rolling out so hard she had to grasp her sides. “Well don’t be afraid to tell me how you really feel,” he said dryly. She held up a hand, trying to pacify him.

    “I’m sorry. That was just so unexpected.” She wiped a tear away from her eye.

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