Boone: A Biography (76 page)

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Authors: Robert Morgan

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The figure who most enduringly embodies
” Annette Kolodny,
The Land before Her
, 28.


Enjoyed the lonely vigorous, harmless days
” George Gordon, Lord Byron,
Byron’s Don Juan
, Eighth canto, stanza 5, lines 64–65.

An organization for boys
and “
a kind of no-man’s land
” Richard Taylor, “Daniel Boone as American Icon,” 518, 522.


The figure and the myth-narrative
” Slotkin, 22.


Boone’s stature, paradoxically, was largely unaffected
” Nelson L. Dawson, “Introduction,” 1.


But if a man would be alone
” Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Nature,” in
Emerson’s Prose and Poetry
, 28.


teams it
, farms
, peddles
” Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Self-Reliance,” in
Emerson’s Prose and Poetry
, 132.


Prayer is contemplation of the facts
” Emerson, “Self-Reliance,” 132.


Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm
” Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Circles,” in
Emerson’s Prose and Poetry
, 181.


The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon
” Emerson, “Nature,” 31.


[A] fact is true poetry
” Emerson, “Nature,” 54.


In the tranquil landscape
” Emerson, “Nature,” 29.


In each case, the image of Boone
” Slotkin, 313.


I love to be alone
” Henry David Thoreau,
, 135.


I wish to speak a word for Nature
” Henry David Thoreau, “Walking,” in
, 161.


I believe that there is a subtile magnetism
” Thoreau, “Walking,” 175.


The future lies that way to me
” Thoreau, “Walking,” 176–77.


I should be ashamed to think
” Thoreau, “Walking,” 183.


The West of which I speak is but
” Thoreau, “Walking,” 185.


I believe in the forest, and in the meadow
” Thoreau, “Walking,” 185.


When I would recreate myself
” Thoreau, “Walking,” 190.


I found my account in climbing a tree
” Thoreau, “Walking,” 210.


There was a child went forth
” Walt Whitman, “There Was a Child Went Forth,” in
, 491.


Alone far in the wilds and mountains I hunt
” Walt Whitman, “Song of Myself,” in
, 196.


The fur trapper, or Mountain Man
” Henry Nash Smith,
The Virgin Land
, 88.


The Open Road goes to the used-car lot
” Lewis Simpson, “Walt Whitman at Bear Mountain,” in
Selected Poems
, 119–20.


[Bartram’s] record bears the distinctive markings
” Slotkin, 325.


Boone was a living example
” Maurice Manning,
A Companion for Owls
, 125.


an uncouth place like Kentucky
” Manning, 128.


I knew a man, a common farmer, the father
” Walt Whitman, “I Sing the Body Electric,” in
, 252–53.


From this hour I ordain myself loos’d
” Walt Whitman, “Song of the Open Road,” in
, 299–300.


The earth never tires
” Whitman, “Song of the Open Road,” 302.


Allons! the road is before us
” Whitman, “Song of the Open Road,” 307.


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