Breanna (24 page)

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Authors: Karen Nichols

BOOK: Breanna
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Chapter 33

Brea had her kitchen in order after a nice family dinner. Her parents talked about the new classes they were scheduled to begin teaching in the fall; Jase and Nick answered questions about the new office and the applicants they would be interviewing the next day and Brea watched them all with a contented sigh.

She wasn’t alone anymore. Those words echoed through her as she went to the laptop on the kitchen table and worked on her order list.

She’d been with Jase and Nick for over two weeks now. Her shop would open again in another two weeks. She was placing orders for supplies from the various places she used. She was recreating her personal cookbook for the shop when Jase came up behind her.

They hadn’t really spoken since they dragged her back from her grandfather’s villa. She honestly wasn’t sure how to make them understand how much it meant to her. Both their concern and her grandfather.

“Nick sent me to see if you’re speaking to us,” he leaned against the table at her side. The corner of her mouth twitched and he knew he was on level ground. For now.

“And why would Nick sacrifice you like that?”

“He figures it’s my fault for lifting you off the floor.”

“It’s part of your nature,” she said casually, trying to keep focused on her list. But she knew she’d be losing that focus. She could smell his hunger and it only served to 295

make her own body aroused. She fidgeted in the seat, forcing herself to concentrate.

“You think so?”

“Hmm…..that’s not a bad thing.” Brea almost groaned. Nick came around the corner. She figured he was checking to see if Jase was making progress. “You guys never told me what was bothering you the other morning.” She made a few more taps and closed the file and then the laptop. They were too close and too sexy. Her brain wouldn’t co-operate. Especially when other parts of her were over-riding the thinks bits.

When the silence stretched out, she looked up at Nick and then at Jase.

“It’s not like you both to be so quiet.”

“Are you happy, Brea?” Nick spoke quietly, his smile soft at the puzzled look on her face.

Brea really was puzzled and stood up, crossing the room and standing against the arch that separated the room from the main open area where their office and the living room was.

“Do you believe I’d be with you if I weren’t?”

“I just want to be certain I didn’t…” Jase ran a hand through his hair before rubbing his neck. She was beautiful. Sweetly curious, loving and sexy as hell. “That I didn’t make…”

“I don’t understand. You think you made a mistake?” She felt her heart plummet along with the strength in her voice. “Have you changed your minds?” Brea straightened. She wouldn’t show weakness, she shouted inside her head. She saw their 296

eyes immediately darken, immediately fill with denial of her question.

“Changed…..fuck no, Brea….that isn’t….”

“I’m going to bed. I’m not in the mood to be confused. You can either join me, or not. Your choice,” she said firmly, turning a shoulder to them and going to her room.

Brea knew she slammed doors. And drawers. And threw her shoes into the closet. She didn’t care as her parents had moved into the apartment the day their bed had been delivered. She knew how sensual she was because of her mixed natures. So it only stood to reason, that they were still hot for one another. Not something a daughter liked to think about, but…..

Idiots. Men were pure idiots in human form or wolf.

She’d give them five minutes before she started seriously throwing things.

Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait that long before they cautiously opened the bedroom door, both watching her warily.

“Do I really come across as so weak willed that you…either of you….or both of you….could force me into something I didn’t want?” Flashing amber eyes demanded an answer at the same time her palm was flung up, one finger raised in warning when their mouths opened to speak. “Just don’t even answer that.” Nick laughed and Jase scowled.

“How the hell are we supposed to straighten this out without talking?” Brea decided showing them was the best, safest answer. She wasn’t about to let them shove her aside. Never taking her eyes from his, she stormed to stand before Nick, her hands up and pulling his shirt open, ignoring the buttons flying around. While 297

he was still gaping, her hands opened his belt and then the buttons down his cargo pants.

“Brea…” Laughter edged his voice even as she pressed against him, guiding him and turning him until she was walking him back to the bed. His pants pooled at his feet when she gave a shove and straddled him, her hands spearing the dark hair at the back of his head and her mouth hungrily over his.

Losing herself in a hard, deep kiss meant she only jumped a little when another pair of hands came from behind and began opening her jeans and shoving them down her legs.

Brea groaned into Nick’s kiss, his hands tugging her shirt up and their eyes locking when he pulled it over her head and tossed it aside. Thick lashes fluttered when his palms cupped her face, fingers teasing down her throat when his mouth covered hers, once, softly, before settling and spearing his tongue into her mouth, taking what she wanted to hungrily give them.

Nick sat on the edge of the bed, his hands sliding down her sides and his mouth leaving the sweet kiss to capture the puckered pebble of one nipple thrusting against his chest. Her fingers tightened against his head, her teeth bit her lower lip and her body arched demandingly for more.

“Oh, god….you two make me nuts…..”

Jase bit down on the hollow of her throat, his lips moving to her ear while his hands pulled her hips back against the hard length of his cock pressing between the cheeks of her ass.


“And it only takes one of you to make both of us insane,” He whispered hotly before nipping her ear and turning her chin for his mouth to capture hers.

Brea shivered, his free hand moving between them and sliding through the damp gathering for them. She moaned softly into his kiss as his fingers slid into her, stretching her before sliding lower, further back and opening her for him. So many sensations!

Nick lifted his head, urging her closer as he lay back on the bed, her long legs sliding over his thighs and his fingers taking over where Jase had begun. His thumb stroked her clit as his fingers parted the swollen petals. He could smell her crème, taste her in the air of their room.

Their room, he shouted inside his head. They’d never be able to give her up!

Nick groaned, her insides clutching at his fingers while her hands moved to his shoulders, thick pale lashes half open as she let the waves of pleasure build around them. She moved over him, his growl low when her fingers curled around his cock and guided him to the crème slicked opening.

They were hungry. All of them. Play time another day, Brea thought, that crystal edge she wanted just out of her reach.

Her voice pierced the silence. Surprise and more as Nick’s thickness spread her, spearing deep and holding her still while her breathing returned. She always thought she was prepared. Always thought she was ready when the pulsing heat took control.

Satiny tissue surrounded him, stroked him with a pleasure he’d never known before Brea. His mate. His mouth moved over the mark he’d placed on her, licking, 299

biting and sending her body shuddering against him. He laid back slowly, letting Jase continue to stroke and stretch before he joined them.

“Easy, baby…” Jase whispered, shifting and pressing the head of his cock at the puckered opening, feeling the crème of her heat; the wild pleasures to come for them.

A groan was torn from inside him, his balls tightening as Brea arched, pushing herself against him. Making her silent demand for the pleasures they’d discovered together. A wild pleasure that rippled from one to the other without pausing or warning.

Slowly the entrance parted, those taut muscles gripping him, rippling around him as he continued easing forward, impaling himself. The erotic sight laid out before him, beneath him, her small heart shaped ass opening to him was almost enough to take his control from him. The visual of seeing himself sink into her heat sent fire coursing from nerve ending to nerve ending and igniting it in the others.

Heat surged within them, ripped and torn through their systems as if they’d always been one being.

Nothing but pleasure, Brea whined, wanting it all and more. Always more.

Jase listened to the sexy mewls from the woman between them, his hands on her hips, making a weak attempt to slow her as they began moving, her own muscles flexing and tempting them past the edge.

Nick began to move, a slow easy rhythm that wouldn’t last long, not with Brea demanding more.

Jase gripped her hips, their movements caught between rocking, plunging; a deep hammer felt thrust inside her that she shouted for. Quick, blinding strokes when 300

Nick lay still and let Jase give Brea what she screamed for. Pure hunger and pleasure ripped through his brain and body.

Brea felt herself carried along the heights; her skin tingling, her body craving them, needing them. Hungry for them. Every part of her was alive, sensations washing over her and through her. She felt Jase thrusting, the nerve endings sending ripples to the swollen clit rubbing against Nick.

She couldn’t last. She never lasted. But there was always the next time, her brain shouted as they cascading powers burst from inside, sending all those muscles clenching them into wild, uncontrolled convulsions.

“Fuck!” Jase shouted loudly when her body erupted.

The woman had muscles that grabbed them both, suckling and pulling them, forcing them to move. Her body tightened on their surging cocks, gripped them hotly and then further tightened her hold, squeezing, rippling along them and sending them following her over that deep, deep edge.

Thick, scalding hot jets bursts within her, triggering another orgasm. Her teeth bit into Nick’s throat, trying to stop the shrill scream she knew her parents would hear!

She heard her men. That feminine core in her relishing their pleasure, knew she was the cause of it. The center that made them all whole, all one. Each giving to the other and more.

Brea slowly let her mind free-fall, her body warm and caressed, even when she felt Jase slip from her and lie at their side. His palm stroked over her back, onto her behind, his sigh as thick and contented as Nick’s.


“That’s the very best communication ever,” she breathed when Nick turned, letting her curl on her side before pulling blankets up over them.

“I think she might be mellow enough to listen without storming around the house,” Nick held her snuggled back against him, his hand around her waist. Jase had moved slightly forward, his mouth caressing over hers ever so lightly before leaning up on one elbow.

“And she thinks we’ve changed our minds…..”

“You’re our mate, Brea. We could no more change our mind than we could change our hearts,” Nick told her, the intensity in his tone making her open her eyes in the dim light of the room. “I love you.”

“I think maybe the incident in town…” unusual for him, Jase heaved a sigh of frustration. With himself. “I never wanted you exposed to idiots like that, Brea. I never knew I could love someone as strongly as what I feel now.” Brea lifted a hand, slim fingers stroking along his face tenderly.

“I can handle people in town. I can handle their small minds and derisive tones.

I can’t handle it if I lost either of you,” she whispered honestly. “I saw the sadness inside my grandfather. He loved her so much, he wouldn’t…maybe he couldn’t…heal.”

“Our mate,” Jase whispered, kissing her again, their foreheads touching.

Brea snuggled down on her stomach, thighs pressed tightly together and the lingering effects of their lovemaking coursing through her. As usual, one of them was draped over her shoulder, the other lay on his side, his face pressed to her throat. She was never cold, that’s for sure, she thought before drifting off to sleep. There was time 302

to talk. Lots of tomorrows to talk.


Chapter 34

But she dreamt of the villa high above the coast of Greece and soon found herself standing on the empty wide, bright patio. Bare foot, she looked down quickly, breathing a deep sigh of relief that she had the unconscious decency to put on clothing, a pair of cotton shorts and tank top.

She stopped in the arched doorway, the glass doors wide and opening inward.

She stepped onto the cooler tiles and wandered through the large open area.

She loved the dark colors mixed with the stark whites. Doors opened in both directions, so she went to the left and found a huge kitchen, all stainless and shining.

She wondered if her grandfather cooked. She saw a few cook books and opened one, laughing. It wasn’t in English. She put it neatly back in place and went in the other direction.

To the right was another door, the wide patio stretching along the length of the gorgeous flat villa. An office, she realized. One wall built in shelves that housed easily hundreds of books. But it was the photos that drew her closer.

There were some of her father when he was younger. One of him with her mother. And several of a woman she guessed was her grandmother. She had pale hair that was streaked from the sun, long and flowing. Brea felt the tears, unable to stop them when she saw the photo of her grandmother gently patting the small, swollen belly. She felt her knees weaken and slid to the floor. She could feel her emotions; she 304

could feel the absolute joy, her own hands going to her stomach and resting there.

Sullivan Moore returned to his home with a shocking jolt of powerful emotions.

He shoved the door inward, long legs crossing and standing in the center of the huge open space only long enough to focus and turn to his office.


He went inside to find her curled into a small bundle on the floor, her shoulders moving and sobs ripping into him with a pain he’d never known before. He dropped down, gathered her against him and let her cry. He reached into her mind, felt the raging sadness, saw the photos she’d looked at and the sensations that were hers because of her genetics.

Everything that Regana had felt, Breanna now experienced. It had been so long since he’d felt that powerful surge of love that came from the small woman now sobbing against him, her fingers curled around the edge of his suit coat.

“Child….what am I to do with you?” His palm moved lightly down the free hanging, feathered hair, stroking soothingly, grateful the sounds had slowed.

“I…I don’t know how to stop the emotions from things…..we’re working on shielding it….I’m learning….just not quickly enough,” Brea told him jaggedly, supping in gulps of air that were needed after a bad cry. “I’m sorry. She loved you so very much.

She always wanted to do things to make you laugh.”

“She always found a way,” he admitted softly, glancing at the photos and sighing.

“I just wanted to see you. Talk to you…..I didn’t mean to intrude. Maybe I should ask for a cell phone number,” she sniffled and shuddered, pushing against his arms and 305

accepting the white hanky he offered her. “Thank you. I forgot the time difference.”

“Up, child, let’s find you something to drink. Are you hungry? I’m sure my housekeeper left food in the fridge for me,” he stood up, his hands helping her stand, those wide, red eyes his undoing.

“I’m alright, thank you,” Brea straightened her shoulders and dragged in a long breath. “Better.”


“I am,” she blustered, peering up at him.

“Where did you vanish the other day?” He walked her toward the kitchen, pulling a high stool free and gesturing to it.

Brea winced. “I kind of drifted in my office at the new shop. Jase and Nick…found me…..”

“Ahh….your pets….and it disturbed them because they guessed where you’d gone.”

“They are not my pets,” she waggled a finger at him. “And when you see them again, please don’t antagonize them,” but she smiled at the chuckle from him. He would enjoy antagonizing her mates as much as her father did. She sighed. Males were so difficult to understand sometimes.

His palm went beneath her chin, tilting it up. “You love them. Deeply.” Brea could only nod.

“Then it’s a grandfather’s task to make certain they are worthy of you,” he teased, winking and rewarded with a smile. He placed a glass of juice before her.



She did as he said, sighing. “Father says they’re after my blood. For spells.” Brea watched a pair of pale blue eyes darken considerably, his jaw set.

“I should have realized that sooner myself. Believe me, child, I’ve made it known there won’t be a place for them to hide if you are harmed,” he informed her, a rigid control on emotions he’d kept contained for too many years.

Brea set her elbows on the counter, her chin in the center.

“I’ve got four guys bent on mayhem to protect me…..and I should be happy about that, or at least a little bit thrilled, but the thought of any of you being hurt because of me….” She stopped abruptly, her head back and eyes wide when he gripped her shoulders and jerked her forward, their noses touching.

“I have your attention, child?” He waited until she nodded quickly. “Do not think to brook my patience where your safety is concerned. Perhaps your pets or your father tolerate your independent streak, but where this is concerned, there is a strict limit.

Should you go against anything I say with regards to this, I promise you, you will be turned over my knee for punishment only a grandfather can administer. Have I made myself quite clear?”

“Yes, sir,” Brea whispered fervently, finally breathing when he released her. She watched the color slowly replace the fathomless black in his eyes.

“Do not launch into a lecture about females being capable of looking out for themselves,” he said in the silence, pacing over the floor and pulling his tie free with a savage pull. “It’s genetically ingrained in us to protect you.” 307

“Yes, sir.”

Pale lashes narrowed, his gaze on her steady. “You sound like your grandmother.”

“But you loved her,” Brea said softly, grinning at him. “Even when she made you crazy.”

“Especially then,” he admitted with a sigh, his head shaking. “What element do you possess, child?” He watched the animation instantly on her face.


“My son hasn’t taught you your heritage?”

Brea heard the smallest growl in his words, her head shaking.

“Mother has been teaching me hers. Someone tried to kill them…..about eight weeks ago, now,” she saw the surprise and concern in his eyes. “The police said it was a home invasion…..and then the house blew up. But they said they couldn’t find how the fire started. They only just….just found me again….I thought they were dead,” she hated that she couldn’t control the emotions wafting through her and inhaled raggedly.

“Anyway…..they said they were hiding, healing….and only had enough power to shield themselves until they were well again. Then they came for me. So I guess you could say he’s been a bit pre-occupied.”

“I’ll find answers, child, I promise you,” he said through his teeth.

Brea was positive she saw a hint of fangs but didn’t want to whine about it.

“People just got weird in our little town,” she shrugged, blinking when he took her palm and tugged gently.


“Come out on the patio,” he led her to the open space, out away from the villa to the rails. He held his hand out away from him, palm up. He looked from the small ball of flame bouncing in the center to the wide eyes watching it. “You have an element.

Put your palm out and think of fire, just as this is….” He waited and watched.

Nothing happened.

“Maybe I’m not….” Her head shook slightly.

“Think of earth, child. There are five elements to consider,” he told her sternly.

“Now try air….” He waited, watching but felt nothing and saw nothing. “Water, child.” Brea felt her eyes go bigger, a small ball of water forming in the center of her palm. It grew to the size of a tennis ball before she felt her palm on her face, pulling her attention from her palm. She stared into his eyes.

“If you do not focus, you’ll be beneath the water, child. Control the size. Think about what you want it to be…make it smaller…..good, good…..” he nodded, satisfied at her ability to control her element so far.

Sullivan Moore sat alone on the patio two hours later, staring out into the waters of the sea far below. She was an apt student, eager and so very much like her grandmother. He shoved against the chair and went to his home office. There were things he wanted answers to and he wouldn’t find them dressed as a respectable business man. But he would have answers.


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