Burning Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 4 (5 page)

BOOK: Burning Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 4
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We stood beneath the lights of the First Lodge where Cody had booked a room for the night. It would have been so easy, had he been willing. But I didn’t want sex followed by regret. I wanted him to want no one else but me.


“I’m thinking of you, Cody. That’s why I’m walking away now.”


“I need to get back.”

“Come with me. Just for a minute,” said Cody. I swept my hair from my eyes and looked at him.

“Is that such a good idea?”

“It’s the best one I’ve had since I got here.”

I walked back to him, and took his hand.

“This is crazy, Cody.”

“But then everything’s crazy when I’m around you, Ash. You’re a lifetime’s worth of material.”

I took his hand and walked with him into the Lodge. Excitement rushed and tingled up and down my body. My head was swimming with desire, dominating me. He led me up to his room on the third floor and smiled as he opened the door. Before the door was open I took hold of his hand and laid it on my bare hip. He pushed me through the door and we looked at one another and laughed with the sweet joy of desire. I kissed him, trailing my hand along his hip and down to the solid bulge of his crotch, slowly, teasing him. I gently closed my hands around his swelling and felt it throb in my fingers.

“Down boy,”

“With you here, there’s only one way that’s ever going to happen.”

“Tell me more…” I said.

“You want me to tell you?”

“Uh-huh,” I said, nodding. The idea of Cody talking dirty was taking me higher.

“Okay. I’m going to peel your clothes off, little by little. I’m going to strip you down to your underwear and then I’m going to kiss your sweet body.”

“Yeah?” I said, massaging his cock, seeing the increasing need in his eyes. He was hungry. He looked set to growl.

“Yeah. Then I’m going to take off your bra, your panties and I’m going to travel down your body and I’m going to kiss your…” I unzipped him, and the head of his cock sprung straight out. I laid a finger and thumb around it, and felt body clutching on instinct. I was so ready. And this was naughty, so very naughty. Cody was taken by my rival, and right then I was supposed to be thinking of my brother.  What the hell was going on with us? What were we doing? I stroked his cock, but I stopped as a noise sounded. It was his mobile phone, and it broke the spell.

Cody looked at me and winced. I looked at him and nodded. He needed to answer it, to clear it out of the way. I gently slid my hand away.

But as soon as he drew the phone from his pocket, I saw the name on the screen.
He read the text and slid the phone away. I looked at him. I was still hot and aroused, and his stiff erection was still exposed and ready, but our moment had gone.

“It’s late, Cody. I need to go.”


“If this is meant to be, one night can wait.”

I was torturing myself as well as Cody. But Joanna Laws had ruined it.

It took everything I had in me to refuse him and my own need.  I had seen desire in his eyes, I felt it in his sweet cock. I kissed him once, leaned over and stroked his bulging cock then let it go gently. 

“I’m sorry Cody… but it can’t be like this. Not tonight.” Maybe I was punishing him for still having connections with Joanna, but if I was, I was also punishing myself.

I walked away struggling not to go back to him, but I knew I had to. But at least I had the comfort of seeing his longing, of feeling it pushing against me, and of the burning desire revived between us. But Joanna was still a force in Cody’s life and I couldn’t be second best to her or I would never be happy. I would rather have suffered without Cody, than be his second choice.
And so I went home needing him. Missing him. Wishing I hadn’t been so stubborn
Why the hell didn’t I just take that sweet man when I had the chance?
What the hell is the matter with you, girl?




“Do you like the house?” Brandon said to Amanda.

It was a large end of terrace affair right on the seafront overlooking the quiet part of the beach across the road. The house was good enough, but the whole area was a curious mix of beauty, class and trash. In Amanda’s mind, Ashley was the same enigmatic mix. She was a beautiful blonde girl with a lot of sassy character; she was intelligent and could fight her corner like no other woman she’d met. Amanda guessed there was both class and trash in the mix right there. Amanda had never been able to fight like that, which was why she’d just given in to Brandon once again. She loathed herself for it. She guessed there was too much beauty and not enough trash in her blood to make her a fighter like Ashley. Amanda sat down in a chair by the dressing table mirror and looked at her own sad, pretty face, framed by her slanting fringe and long dark hair. She was beautiful, but those big glossy eyes of hers looked tired and afraid. And she knew it.

“The place is nice enough. Where did you find it?”

“Nice enough? It should be at five hundred pounds for the week.”

Amanda bet the owners never guessed their holiday home would be used for something as insane as this – not in a million years. Behind the dressing table Brandon sat down on the edge of the double bed, his shirt already off in preparation. He opened the Jack Daniels bottle and arranged two little glasses on the floor underneath him and poured three fingers worth for himself and one for Amanda.

“Here, want a drink?”

“Sure,” she said. Amanda stood and walked to the edge of the bed and took the glass he handed to her. She tilted her head back and downed it in one. The liquid burned her throat, but she wanted more. She wanted her nerves and bad feelings to go, and being out of it was one sure way to make that happen for a time.

“That’s my girl, you’re thirsty tonight.” Brandon smiled and poured her another. When she took the glass he leaned across and teased hair from her eyes. She looked at him, fixing him with a questioning gaze.

“What is it?”

“You say I’m your girl, but you came here to get Ashley. What does that tell me about being your girl?”

“The fact you’re here helping me tells me everything I need to know, gorgeous. You’ll always be my number one. But I need both of you… How can I explain it so you’ll understand? You, I find delicious, intoxicating… and Ashley, I simply…” Brandon hesitated, knowing if he said the truth it would spoil his chance of fucking Amanda. And right now, he needed to drink and screw. He wanted Ashley most of all, but Amanda had her good points too. He needed those good points now. “…I need her around.” He continued. “She forgot one thing that you never did sweetness, and I adore you for it. When you become mine, I’m never ever going to let you go.”

Amanda looked at him and measured the meaning in his words. They made her feel safe and sexy and at the same time they cast a long shadow over her mind. Brandon had her in the palm of his hand and they both knew it.

“So what does that mean, Brandon…? Say she comes back. You are going to do what? Some kind of time-share arrangement with us… do I get you on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays and Ashley gets you the rest of your time. Tell me?”

“Honey… don’t be like that. The rulers and kings in ancient days loved many women, and they moved as they felt. Those women were happy enough.”

“That’s very reassuring. The only people who wrote about those histories were the kings themselves.”

“You’ll be happy, Amanda. I promise.”

But Amanda hadn’t been happy in a long time. She wanted another drink before she gave into the desire which was gradually overtaking her as she felt Brandon’s demanding gaze rake over her body. Yes, he said he owned her and would never let her go. Along with the repugnance and the fear, she loved that. It was a dangerously sexy idea and it stirred her deep inside.

“And what about her brother? What happens to him?”

“I’ll freak him out a little, give him a warning and he’ll run away and crawl down a hole. I think I could keep him happy with a little pay off, from what I hear. He’d smoke it all in a week, but who cares?”

Brandon downed his bourbon and left the glass on the floor. He turned and looked at Amanda like a hungry man looks at a banquet. His big blue eyes were messing with her again, making her insides turn to mush with want. Involuntarily she shifted towards him and threw her hair back over her shoulder. His eyes took in her slender face and the shape of her slim neck, sliding down to her full breasts beneath her snug fitting top. Amanda felt his eyes move down her body almost as if he was physically sliding his hand across her body. She enjoyed him surveying her. It was all chemical, all reactive within her. Her mind swam with anger and thoughts of rebellion, but the bastard was so damn gorgeous capitulation and taking the scraps of his love was far easier and far nicer to enjoy in the heat of the moment.

“But one thing, Brandon. What if she doesn’t come back…? Where is this going to go…?”

He leaned across her body and took her twig-like wrist in his big hand and pulled her to face him. She enjoyed the power in his big arms and body.  She knew its promise and had tasted its fulfilment many times before. She was becoming ravenous for him.

“She will come back, believe me, so we don’t have to consider the alternatives, gorgeous.”

“Someone does, Brandon. Please, think about it. You don’t want this going badly wrong… Maybe you should plan to let him go if Ashley says no. She can be pretty wilful you know.”

“But I’m going to break her will. And when it’s broken, we’ll all be one happy family again.”

Brandon Lynes wasn’t stupid, she thought. Deluded was just the start of it. He was just happier following his own script, even if no one else believed it.

“Brandon. Please, tell me. What if Ashley doesn’t come back to you…?”

,” he said, “to
,” squeezing Amanda’s wrist hard, while he kept smiling.

She looked at her wrist and he softened his grip a little. He calmed his voice.

“If she doesn’t come back, I can’t let her off entirely can I? I’d have to be as good as my word.”

“What do you mean, Brandon?”

“I’d have to punish her through her brother. Then when I’ve finished, I’ll let him go.”

“You can’t do that, Brandon!”

“I can do that if I have to. Now you listen to me, sweetheart.” He pulled her over towards him, and dragged her down so that her back and shoulders fell low onto his lap. He looked down at her. She was about to succumb to him, because the heat of desire was upon her and because she needed to.

“You have some influence over Ashley. I’m sure of it. You can help persuade her for me, can’t you?”

“I’ve got no influence over Ashley. I just gave her up to you again. She’ll hate my guts.”

“But you can try, damn it!”

“You’re a cruel lover, Brandon. You’re the cruellest man I’ve ever known.”

“And I’m the one you love. Tell me it isn’t true.”

She couldn’t say a word. A tear slid down her face, and Brandon wiped it away with his thumb. His other hand pulled at her top and dragged it up over her breasts, exposing the swell of her naked bosom. He squeezed her breasts in their bra cups.

“If you love me, you’ll do what I say.”

She wouldn’t say it, but she yearned for him. She knew she loved him, but he had never ever said the same. She shifted so he could peel her top away, and then she sat up, her body close to him while she unclasped her bra. The bra fell away, and her breasts came free against his skin. She saw the electric effect the touch of her nipples had on him and for the first time Amanda smiled. She had a little power over him, and she intended to enjoy it.

“You need me, don’t you, Brandon baby?”

Brandon gritted his teeth, but he nodded all the same.

“Ahhhh. With all that strength and rage inside you, you still need me.”

“Yes. I needed you since the beginning.”

“That’s nice. At least that’s something.”

His hand trailed down her flat stomach to Amanda’s jeans. Amanda felt her body calling for him, her need to be filled, the swirling urge to mate. His hand hastily unbuttoned her jeans and she chuckled at him, all coquettish and mocking. His jaw tensed with need and anger.

He pulled at her jeans and they came down to reveal the soft smooth triangle of her panties. Brandon stood as she looked at him, and he pulled her legs flat and long to peel away her skinny jeans until they slipped down from her ankles. Brandon was intoxicated with desire and filled with rage at the laughter in her eyes. He saw Amanda knew that she had power over him. It inflamed him.  He would teach her a lesson.

“Come here.”

She smiled and sat up, crawling along the bed to him. Slowly she opened the button of his jeans and folded the top of the denim down either side of his large bulging cock. It throbbed at her, beckoning her near.

She chuckled.

“I want you to suck my cock. And if you’re a good girl, I might even fuck you with it.”

She gave him bedroom eyes, half closed, full of promise as she took his large penis in both hands, like a singer with a microphone. Then she planted her lips so softly on the throbbing helmet of his penis, and pushed his foreskin down with a tightening slide of her mouth. His cock was naked and sensitive inside the sweet soft wetness of her mouth. Brandon groaned and his body rocked backwards at the sensation of her tongue rolling over his tip. Amanda’s lips smiled around his cock. This was the moment when she was boss. Brandon tensed. His hands snagged her hair, and pulled her towards him as if he was reading her mind. But he wasn’t mean, not yet. He held her head gently under the threat of his power, but kept her there. Now she read his mind. The bastard was going to use her and leave her in need.  He intended to cum in her mouth, damn him. But Amanda needed him inside her, she could think of nothing else. She needed to be full with him, and to grind and fuck her way to orgasm. As she continued to gently please him with her mouth, he suddenly shifted. Brandon let go of her head and pushed her back over herself, so that she fell back with her legs folded beneath her. She lay fully open to him, vulnerable. Before she had a chance to right herself, he seized her body and violently thrust into her fully in one solid motion. She was trapped on her back, her legs half buckled, impaled on the thick column of his cock.

“Wet, so wet,” said Brandon, grinning and then he growled, and seized her hips  and drove deeper into her, then slid out almost the whole way from her centre and then drove in her deeper still. The slap of his body on her buttocks, his vastness demanding room with his violent thrusts catapulted Amanda into waves of intense pleasure and the ache of accommodating him. She felt the rhythm of her body building then finally her body tightly clutched his cock and then she felt was lost, overcome in an intense abandonment, sighing and groaning in deep orgasm. Brandon laughed as she lay beneath him, her eyes tight shut, her lips making shapes and her eyes knitted tightly shut. Before she had finished he spoke down to her immobile form.

“Ashley’s coming home, Amanda. Don’t you ever try to manipulate me or control me again, or there will be consequences,” she fell meekly into a hot surrender slumber. Unprepared, she groaned out loud over and over as he slammed his body into her again and again. Finally, he moaned and Amanda slid her hand underneath their bodies to feel his scrotum tighten and throb as it emptied everything she wanted deep into her body. She felt his solid shaft explode and release his seed into her centre, claiming her as his own territory once again, and Amanda didn’t mind one bit. Eyes closed, defeated, she smiled.

Such a bastard… such a bastard… she thought.
But she loved him all the same.


Much later, she walked down the stairs, sore and gently swaying from the drink.

Luke looked at her. “Have fun?”

She didn’t reply.

“He’s asleep, Luke.”


“This is all going to go wrong. It’s already wrong and it’s going to get worse.”

Luke said nothing, but eventually he nodded. A single solitary nod. “So, what are you going to do to stop him?”

It was a rhetorical question, since right there and then, neither one felt able to do a thing about Brandon.

“I’ve never seen him like this before…” said Amanda. “He’s so… dangerous…” and a little while later, Luke nodded again. It was a single nod, but to Amanda it spoke volumes. Everything was changing. They knew it, and they didn’t know what to do about it.

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