Certified Cowboy (21 page)

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Authors: Rita Herron

BOOK: Certified Cowboy
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“Hold tight.” Rachel tugged Kenny’s arms around her waist. Then she snapped the reins and yanked them to the right, commanding the horse to take them back to the cabin.

Thunderclouds rolled ominously across the sky, the path paved by streaks of lightning bouncing off the treetops. Kenny buried his head against her back, startling as each thunderclap boomed in the night. Raindrops began to splatter the ground, pelting them as the horse galloped across the pasture. She bypassed the dining hall, then slowed the horse to a trot as they approached the cabin.

Nerves tightened her stomach, and she scanned the front of the cabin and the surrounding property. What if Rex had hired the guy to kidnap Kenny so he could kill her while her son was gone?

Was he waiting in the cabin?

Chapter Eighteen

Rachel eased the horse to a stop a few feet from the cabin. She vaguely considered riding back to the barn and unsaddling him, but her first priority was to get Kenny safely inside. She and Johnny would deal with taking care of the animal later.

She climbed off, then peered around as she helped Kenny down and tied the horse to the post in the front. “Thanks for getting us back,” she murmured as she patted his back.

Kenny still looked shaken, but he pulled her toward the barn. “We gots to feed Cleo and the pups.”

Rachel wanted to argue, but Kenny loved the dogs so much that she didn’t have the heart. He’d suffered enough trauma; maybe seeing the animals he loved would be therapeutic.

Still, she felt edgy as they went inside, but thankfully Johnny had told Kenny to leave a light on, and she instantly scanned the interior for Rex. Cleo and the puppies bounded up, licking and jumping all over Kenny, and he dropped to his knees and hugged them, rubbing their bellies.

Normally, Kenny fed the dogs and refilled the water bowls himself, but tonight she was anxious to tuck him into bed, so she handled those tasks while he petted the puppies.

“Where’s Mr. J.?” Kenny asked.

“He’ll be here soon,” Rachel said. “Now let’s go inside and put on our pj’s.”

Kenny hugged Cleo and the puppies one more time, then followed her back to the cabin.

Rachel held her breath as she unlocked the door. She immediately smelled Rex’s cologne.

Remembering the black rose on her pillow, she flipped on a light, willing the cabin to be empty. If Rex was there, she just hoped she’d have time to reach her gun before he attacked.

Silence stole the air and accentuated the blustery sound of the brewing storm outside. Blinking at the brightness in the room, she visually scanned the corners. No Rex.

Clutching Kenny’s hand, she inched into the hall and checked the bedrooms. Thankfully, they were empty, too.

Then she spotted a photo lying on Kenny’s pillow and gasped.

It was a photo of the three of them on Christmas Day two years ago.

Kenny had been so excited over discovering his toys that morning when he’d run into the den that Rachel had faked her own happiness. But she’d been battered and sore, and hiding her bruises with powder so Kenny couldn’t see the marks his father had made the night before.

Only Kenny had noticed and cried, and Rex had been furious and blamed her for spoiling their day.

Kenny’s little body quivered as he stared at the photo, too. He obviously remembered that day, as well.

Even worse, Rex had cut her face from the picture as if he’d cut her from their lives.

As if she was dead and he and Kenny would move on without her.

he’d done the right thing by paying off Burgess. His cell phone was buzzing as he watched the creep crawl in his SUV and drive away.

Johnny’s phone buzzed again and he clicked to answer. “Johnny, it’s Brody. Rachel left a message that you found the boy.”

“Yeah,” Johnny said, dreading the talk he had to have with his friend. “She’s taken him back to the cabin.”

“Where was he?”

“In one of the barns east of the stream.” The phone crackled. “Listen, I’m breaking up. Just tell security to be on the watch for a black Lincoln town car or a dark blue SUV. If they spot either of those vehicles, I want to know.”

“Johnny, what’s going on?”

“I’ll meet you in the morning and explain,” Johnny said, stalling. “But right now, I need to check on Kenny and Rachel.”

Brody hesitated, but seemed to accept his answer, which made him feel like a heel for not spilling his guts sooner. If someone got hurt because he’d kept quiet, he’d never forgive himself.

He ended the call, swung himself up in the saddle and nudged Soldier into a brisk gallop. As he rode, he kept his eyes trolling for trouble, for Burgess or Rex or some other creep who Rachel’s ex might have sent on her tail.

Rain drizzled down, soaking his shirt, and he spotted her horse tied up outside. Lightning illuminated the cabin, and his pulse clamored as he searched for predators.

Soldier slowed and, on instinct, sidled up next to Rachel’s horse, and he climbed from the saddle. “Good boy,” he said.

A clap of thunder boomed overhead, and he decided to put the horses in the barn near Rachel’s cabin for the night. He quickly led them inside, removed the saddles and gave them some water. He stopped to pet Cleo and check on the pups and noticed Kenny had taken care of them. Affection for the kid mushroomed inside him. In spite of the trauma the little boy had suffered, he still remembered his responsibility.

Swallowing against the pang in his throat, he headed back outside and jogged to Rachel’s cabin.

Making certain his gun was safely tucked in the back of his jeans but accessible if he needed it, he rushed up the porch steps and knocked on the door. Rain began to pour, pounding the roof and running off the porch ledge as Rachel opened the door and let him inside.

Her face looked ashen, her hair tangled, her eyes haunted. His gut instinct was to pull her into his arms and assure her everything was all right.

But his conversation with Leon taunted him, and he had to find out the truth once and for all.

“What happened?” Rachel asked.

Johnny removed his Stetson and shook rain from the brim. “It was Burgess. He said your ex offered money to anyone who found you and Kenny.”

The color drained from Rachel’s face, and she staggered back to the sofa and slumped down on it, then dropped her head into her hands.

Her weary sigh tore at his heart. Her reaction was too honest. There was no way she was lying about how violent her ex-husband was.

Finally, she took a deep breath and looked up at him with a mixture of fear and resignation. “Where is he now?”

Anger simmered inside Johnny, remnants of being used too many times. “I paid him off, Rachel, and warned him that if he came back I’d put a bullet in his head.”

Her gasp of shock reverberated in the air, adding to the tension.

“What did you expect me to do?” He strode over, dropped down on his haunches and gripped her arms, forcing her to look at him.

Emotions marred her face. “I…don’t know. I…thank you.”

Fury rippled through him. “You’re thanking me? For what?” he asked in an incredulous voice. “For threatening to kill someone?”

Hating the emotions bombarding him, he released her and paced back and forth, his boots clicking in the tension-laden air. When she didn’t answer, he whirled around. “That’s not me, Rachel. I’m not a violent man. I know I had some bad press and I got into some brawls when I was on the circuit, but I was drinking and full of myself back then.” He pressed his hand over his chest. “I’ve changed. I don’t go around beating up men. I should have called the sheriff and turned the bastard in.”

Rachel released a small sob. “I told you I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say. The man tried to kidnap Kenny!”

Johnny strode back to her, and gripped her by the shoulders. “I know that, and the thought of him hurting that little boy tears me up. But you lied to me, Rachel. You have from the start.”

Pain wrenched her expression. “I didn’t want to, Johnny, but Rex—”

“Rex what?” His tone was harsh. “Rex hurt you, I guessed that. But I also know there’s a warrant out for your arrest. That it says you tried to kill him. For all I know, the man hit you in self-defense.”

Rachel leaned back as if he’d physically punched her, a gut-wrenching sound erupting from her throat. “That’s not true, Johnny.”

“What’s not true?” he growled. “That you’re not wanted by the law for attempted murder and kidnapping?”

Tears leaked from her big eyes. “Yes, there’s a warrant,” she whispered in a raw voice. “But the charges are bogus. I did buy a gun to protect myself and my son, but I never shot him. In fact, he tried to strangle me, the last time I saw Rex.” Angry now, she turned a wild look on him, then went and retrieved the photo Rex had cut up and shoved it at him. “When Kenny and I got back, Rex left that on Kenny’s pillow. What kind of man does that to his son?”

Johnny glanced at the mangled photo and muttered a curse.

“You have no idea what it’s like to have someone try to control you. To have him humiliate you and hit you in front of your son.”

He started to speak and reached for her, but her eyes dared him to touch her. “To go to bed afraid your husband, the man who vowed to love you, will kill you in the night.” She slung her hands out. “I couldn’t bear the thought of a man like that raising Kenny. And I have no doubt that one day he will turn his rage on Kenny.”

Johnny’s stomach roiled. “Rachel—”

“And for your information, I did go to the police. I tried a restraining order. But Rex owns people, Johnny. His father is a judge. He has money and charm and knows how to use it.” Disgust tinged her voice. “He tried to make me look unfit. Spread rumors that I was a drunk, that I was the one who hurt Kenny.” Her voice cracked, tears spilling over.

Johnny clenched and unclenched his fists. He wanted to kill her ex-husband.

He wanted to hold her and make everything all right.

“Maybe I don’t know exactly what you’ve been through,” Johnny said, memories of his own childhood bombarding him. “But I do know exactly what it’s like to have your father beat on you. And to have people accuse you of doing something bad that you didn’t do.”

He also understood what it was like to want to protect her son.

A little boy he was starting to love.

He’d be damned if he’d let Kenny grow up like he had.

For God’s sake, when he’d learned Kenny was missing, he’d nearly gone out of his mind with worry. He couldn’t imagine the depth of Rachel’s fear.

Rachel suddenly ran from the room, and he raced into the bedroom and saw her grab her suitcase again.

Johnny jerked it from her. “You can’t keep running. You have to stay.”

Rachel’s tormented gaze met his. “No,” she said, much calmer now. “I’ve endangered you and everyone else by being selfish. Rex knows where we are now. It’s only a matter of time before he attacks me or tries to take Kenny again.”

“You’re not going anywhere,” he said gruffly. “You and Kenny are staying here with me.”

“No,” Rachel said emphatically. “It’s better this way.”

“Better for whom?” he bit out. “Not for Kenny. He can’t run scared all his life.”

She swayed slightly as if he’d knocked the wind from her. “Don’t you think I know that? But…I have no choice.”

“Yes, you do.” He pulled her into his arms and held her close. “I’ll take care of you both, Rachel. Please, just trust me.”

She tilted her head back to look into his eyes, and another revelation hit Johnny square in the chest like a bull kicking him hard.

He was in love with Rachel.

No matter what had happened, no matter that she’d lied, he would protect her and Kenny with his life.

Johnny more than anything in the world, but reality assailed her. “Johnny, I want to stay, but you don’t know Rex like I do. He will buy off the cops, the judges, whoever he needs, to put me away. And the more I think about it, the more certain I am he killed the one judge who went against him.”

“You may be right, but I have money, too,” Johnny said.

Her heart stuttered, but she shook her head no. “There’s no way I’d take your money or ask you to bribe a judge or cop.” She placed a loving hand against his cheek. “No way I’d let you ruin your reputation or jeopardize what you and Brody are doing here.” Her voice warbled. “The boys, this ranch, they all need you too much.”

The doubts she’d seen in his eyes earlier faded. “Trust me,” he said. “Let me take care of you and Kenny.” He lifted a strand of her hair and brushed it over her shoulder. The gesture was so tender, so sensual that her resistance shattered, her doubts scattering like a tumbleweed blowing in the wind.

Then he cupped her face in his hands and pressed his mouth over hers. Rachel had been alone for so long. Had been frightened and built a protective wall around her heart.

But one touch was all it took for Johnny to make her feel alive and wanted. One look was all it took for her to step off the ledge and fall into his arms

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