Charming Isabella

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

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Charming Isabella







Maggie Ryan




©2013 by Blushing Books® and Maggie Ryan


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Ryan, Maggie

Charming Isabella





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This book is intended for
adults only
. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books’ or the author’s advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

Chapter 1


zzy scrawled her name across the bottom of the delivery sheet and watched as Eric unloaded the last of several boxes and piled them in the tiny storeroom. He turned to her, and she thanked him. As he took the receipt from her, he said, “Iz, I know this is a bookstore, but please tell me you have something more exciting than history or biographies in these boxes. Girl, it is time to step back into life. I’m pretty sure you could stock up on some great “How To Spice up the Bedroom” literature. Heck, they don’t even have to be those ‘self-help’ ones!”

He watched as the blush ran up her neck
, and she reached out and punched his arm. “I think it’s about time for you to come up with some new material, Eric. I don’t see how Jenna puts up with you.”

He grinned and rubbed his arm.
“At least she doesn’t beat me over my suggestions.” He saw her smile falter and her eyes dim. “Hey Izzy, I’m kidding.”

She shook her head and
looked up at him. He was saddened at the complete change in her demeanor.

I didn’t mean to hit you, Eric. Are you okay?” Eric let out a huge bellow, his laughter filling the space. He reached out and drew her into his arms.

She stiffened momentarily and then relaxed and laughed
as he lifted her off her feet. “Put me down!” He swung her around, almost knocking into the pile of boxes he had just delivered.

Hell, Izzy, there is no way a tiny thing like you could hurt me. You know I was just teasing. Jenna would skin me alive if she thought I’d hurt you.”

Izzy couldn
’t contain a giggle as the picture of his wife, hugely pregnant with twins, trying to even catch her athletic husband. Eric smiled at the sound of her giggle and set her down onto her feet. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head and said, “That’s much better. I’ll work on my routine for the next time I go above and beyond my duties. However, we do miss you and wish you’d have some fun for a change.”

The smile stayed on Izzy
’s face as she leaned back against the stack of boxes. She knew he didn’t have to bring them all the way into the storeroom and stack them for her, but had never once complained.

Thanks, Eric. I really appreciate you bringing these in. Besides, I do have fun.”

He shrugged and patted the stack
. She might appear to be happy, but he knew better. She spent all of her time running her store. Their friends were at a loss in how to bring her truly back into their lives.

No problem, Iz. Lugging these boxes helps me keep my gorgeous physique, and I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself. I don’t see how you ever thought a tiny thing like you would be able to unload even one of these heavy cartons. Those boring books weigh a ton! However, sexy books… hey!” He laughed as Izzy punched him again. “Okay, okay, I guess the owner knows best.” He rubbed his arm in mock pain. “Geez, I guess even tiny people can have some muscles!”

She rolled her eyes and bent over to pick up the
pad he’d dropped. “I’m not tiny!”

He grinned
, taking the pad from her, and shook his head. He was a big man and towered over her. She stood an inch or so over five feet. She was curvy in all the right places, though it was obvious she didn’t consider herself a beauty.

She looked up at him and saw his smile.
“I’m probably as big as Jenna, and she’s pregnant!”

He shook
his head and his eyes lit up at the mention of the woman he adored. “I can’t wait till the babies come. She is getting grumpy, and that is so unlike her.”

Izzy smiled
, knowing he was truly concerned about the upcoming birth of his twins. She moved into sales mode. “Who could blame her? She has to put up with you and carry around a huge load. Why don’t you buy her a present, to remind her why she loves you?”

Eric hugged her and said,
“I think that’s a great idea. Could you pick out a couple of books for her? She’s supposed to stay off her feet for the next month, before the babies come.”

Izzy took his arm and turned to lead him back into the shop.

“I’d love to, Eric; I know just what she needs to make living with you more pleasant.” Eric chuckled and said, “Ah yes, a steamy romance to remind her of the great love in her life.”

She giggled and almost punched him again until he ducked away in mock protest.
“Hmmm, not a romance this time. Maybe something along the lines of ‘How to Rid Your Home of Pests?’“ He laughed loudly, glad to see his favorite customer joking. He had missed their playful banter and seeing her smile.

Izzy was laughing as well
, when she seemed to hit an invisible brick wall and come to an abrupt stop. She would have fallen, if Eric hadn’t been behind her. She looked up and up and up and her breath caught in her throat. The most gorgeous man in the world was looming over her. He practically filled the doorway. He was at least a foot taller than she and twice as broad. His coal-black hair was slightly wavy, and she immediately wanted to run her hands though it. It was his eyes that held her entranced. They were bluer than blue, the color piercing into her.

He held her locked in his gaze
, even as he reached out to steady her. “Are you okay?” She felt her insides clench at the sound of his voice. It was like a deep river flowing over her. Her skin tingled under his hand where it gripped her arm. She blushed as she realized he was waiting for her reply.

Oh God, I’m so sorry. I guess I wasn’t looking where I was going. Please forgive me…,” Her voice trailed off, as amusement replaced the concern in his gaze. She was embarrassed and acting like an untried teenager. Hiding her discomfort over his effect on her, she snapped, “Hey, you shouldn’t even be back here! How did you get past Nancy?”

His smile broadened
as Nancy, her assistant and best friend, stuck her head around him and said, “Sorry Iz. I was coming to get you. This is Coleman—you know, Jack’s best man?”

Izzy felt confused and just a little claustrophobic with
Coleman in front of her and Eric behind. Coleman must have sensed her discomfort; though he kept his hand around her arm, he stepped back to lead her into the shop.

Izzy didn
’t even realize what he was doing until they were all standing in a much larger area. Her body was tingling, and she still found it hard to catch her breath. Coleman looked down at her and said, “Nancy, bring Iz a glass of water, please.”

Nancy looked at her friend and
scurried back into the shop, returning with an icy bottle of water. Coleman uncapped it and held it out to the shaking woman. “Drink this.”

Izzy shook her head
, but he pressed the bottle into her hand and repeated, “Drink this. You look like you are going to pass out.” She closed her hand around the bottle and lifted it to her mouth. As she swallowed, she shuddered with the cold and then blushed.
God, what was wrong with her? She wasn’t some simpering maiden in one of those romance books she sold!
She took several deep swallows and then purposely stepped away from Coleman. He was grinning at her like he was reading her thoughts.

She pushed the bottle towards him and was very grateful when Nancy stepped between
them, breaking his hold.  “Hey, are you okay? You look so pale. I told you not to skip lunch again!”

shook her head and said, “I’m fine—just a little claustrophobic. Please, everyone stop making such a fuss.”

Nancy wasn
’t convinced and looked back and forth between the two of them. She smiled slightly but relented. “Okay, if you say so. Umm, could you handle the front for a few minutes?”

’s professionalism kicked in as she remembered Eric. She nodded at Nancy and turned to Eric. “Of course I will. Eric, I’m sorry; let’s find some books for Jenna.” Eric grinned and looked, first at the stranger, then at Izzy. He could practically feel the bolts of electricity passing between the two, though neither of them seemed to recognize it. He looked down at Izzy and qualified his thoughts:
Well, she might not want to admit, it but her body was definitely aware.
Her face was flushed, and she was trembling. He looked across at Coleman, who met his eyes and gave him a slight nod, his lips curved into a knowing smile.

’s protective nature kicked in. He took Izzy’s hand and tucked it into his elbow. “I trust you, sweetheart, and I think she would like some of that chick-lit all you girls seem to drool over.”

His words made Izzy giggle
, and she finally felt like herself. She allowed Eric to draw her further into the store. “I have just the series in mind for her.”

Eric pretended to groan and continued to tease,
“Series? Exactly how many of those bodice-busters are in this series? I’m an expectant father, after all, and money is tight. Besides, there isn’t a man alive that can measure up to the ridiculous hunks in those books. I want to entertain her, not give her ammunition to shoot me down.”

heard Izzy’s giggle ring through the store as they continued their playful banter. “Don’t worry, Eric. I think there are no more than six of the books, and besides, no fantasy man got your wife pregnant—with twins, no less. I don’t imagine Jenna questions your abilities at all.”

’s laughter boomed in the small store, his manhood reaffirmed. “A half-dozen should do it, then. Wrap them all up for my beautiful mother-to-be.” Their voices faded as they walked further into the bookstore.

man remained standing, seemingly unaware of Nancy’s tugging on his hand. He was a bit shaken by the entire encounter. It had been a very long time since he’d felt instantly drawn to a woman. Just touching her had caused his cock to twitch. She was such a little thing, as well. He shook his head and saw Nancy grinning up at him.

I told you she was special; I knew you’d like her!” Nancy said, and then turned to lead him up the stairs to the apartment above. She pulled him down the hall and stepped into a small, but nicely decorated, bedroom. Coleman followed her until they were in the center of the room. He wasn’t sure he was happy with the knowing look he’d seen on Nancy’s face.

He pulled himself together and turned Nancy to face him.
  “I didn’t come here for you to play matchmaker, Nancy. I came to take care of you.”

The tone of absolute control in his voice immediately wa
shed over Nancy. Her thoughts instantly dropped into a much more serious place.  “I’m sorry, Sir. I was just….”

shook his head and cut her off. “It doesn’t matter. Now, let’s get this done. Unbutton your blouse and present your breasts.” She flushed but nodded and began to unbutton her blouse. By the time Coleman had pulled two boxes out of his jacket pockets, she was standing with her blouse open and the front clasp of her bra undone so that her breasts were exposed. Coleman nodded his approval and said, “Good, but you’ll need to remove your pants and panties as well.” Nancy felt a shiver go through her body, his words bringing naughty images to mind. She quickly unbuttoned her pants and pushed them and her panties to the floor, stepping out of both. Coleman again nodded and opened the first box. Nancy bent over to see what was in the box until Coleman said, “Don’t be naughty. Stand up, put your arms behind your back, and spread your legs as far apart as you can.”

Again she shivered but immediately obeyed.
Coleman smiled and lifted a thin chain from the box. She couldn’t help herself. “It’s beautiful!”

He smiled down at her and said,
“Yes it is. Jack really loves you, Nancy and I’m very glad that he has found you to spend his life with.”

She smiled, her love for her
fiancé shining from her eyes. Coleman put the chain around her waist and noticed the goose bumps that erupted across her skin as the metal settled into its new home. “Cold?” he asked.

She smiled and whispered,
“No, just excited.”

He nodded and then opened the second box.
Her grin slipped slightly, as she saw the item he held up.  He looked at her and said, “Are you okay, Nancy?”

She quickly nodded and braced herself as he stepped closer.
He lifted one breast and began to stroke his thumb over her nipple. She moaned at the sensation and he wrapped his free arm around her waist. “Steady. This might hurt a bit.” She nodded and couldn’t contain a small wince and gasp when he put the first clamp onto her erect nipple. She felt a flood of arousal begin in her body, her stomach tingling as it traveled straight to her core. He thumbed her other nipple until it was erect and placed the second clamp onto it.

She blushed as he adjusted both clamps and then attached the chain between them to the chain around her waist.
  “Thank you, Sir,” she said, remembering the proper etiquette.

He smiled and knelt in front of her.
  “You are certainly welcome, sweetheart. Only two more and then you’ll be done. Spread a bit wider, if you can.”

She nodded and took a deep breath
and inched her legs a bit farther apart. Coleman nodded and watched her body respond as he drew one thick finger between her pussy lips. He was pleased to find moisture coating his finger and knew that she was not only accepting of Jack’s gift to her, she was finding it hugely erotic as well. “Good girl, Jack’s a very lucky man.”

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