Charming Isabella (6 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Charming Isabella
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Nancy was shocked.
She’d been waiting for a very long time to have this conversation. She felt tears well in her eyes, and she again reached out to hug her friend.  “Oh Iz, I’m so glad to hear that. It’s been too long, and I’ve missed that part of you. I’m so glad you are ready to take a chance again. Don’t worry, Coleman is definitely not a stranger to the lifestyle.”

zy waited for her to continue but understood when Coleman appeared. He looked between the two and grinned, “Not plotting against me, are you?” He saw both women looking guilty and wondered what was going on. Nancy looked like she had something stuck in her throat and stood there with her mouth slightly open.

Izzy nudged her and then g
iggled and then held up her hands.

I concede. You win, so I guess that does make you the best man here.” His smile grew brighter, as he saw the laughter in her eyes. He surprised her by picking her up off her feet and swinging her around. She clung to him and squealed, “Put me down before I break your back.” He looked at her and held her tighter. “Really, I’m too big for you to be swinging around.” His eyes darkened for a moment. Looking into her eyes, he saw that she was serious; she wasn’t fishing for compliments. He’d make correcting those thoughts his first goal.

e bent his head closer to hers. “Don’t, Isabella. Stop putting yourself down. You are a beautiful woman, and I don’t want to hear you belittle yourself. You are the absolute perfect size for me and talk like that will get you a real spanking. Understand me?”

The sense of control in the way he held her
, as well as the firm tone of his voice, shot through her. The threat of a spanking made her shiver—not with fear, but with arousal. She shivered and lowered her eyes. She struggled with her feelings and her fear of stepping out of the box she had built around herself. The all-encompassing desire to be free of that fear, to get on with her life, to truly show Bryan that he hadn’t broken her, finally won. She took several deep breaths and then looked up into Coleman’s eyes. His cock thickened as he saw her teeth biting on her lower lip and her eyes softening with desire. Her face was flushed, and he could feel her body quiver. It was all he could do, to not just carry her off and show her exactly how she made him feel. Nancy could have vanished, for all they cared. The world had ceased to exist outside of them.

His voice thickened as he touched his forehead to hers.
“You are beautiful. Now stop biting that lip, before I lose control. Don’t make me have to choose between taking you right now or turning you over my knee. I asked you a question, and you’ll always need to answer me. Understand, my sweet Isabella?”

He watched and waited and was extremely pleased when she whispered
, “Yes, Sir.”

He felt an electrical charge surge through him.
She might not want to admit it, but she had just conceded far more than she might have thought. This woman was no stranger to submission. He bent his mouth to hers and whispered, “That’s my good girl.” She whimpered as his lips brushed against hers and he kissed her.  Electricity surged through both of them as he deepened the kiss, claiming her mouth with his.

Nancy clamped her hands over her own mouth to stifle a shout of joy
as she saw Izzy’s arms wrap tighter around Coleman’s neck, Coleman’s hand at the back of her head, pulling her as close as humanly possible. She was so thrilled and excited for both of them; her heart couldn’t be fuller. She felt Jack wrap his arms around her, not speaking, as they both witnessed the blooming of something beautiful.

Jack bent and kissed his bride and whispered
, “What’s going on . . . is Coleman still trying to win the battle?”

Nancy giggled
, and the sound broke the spell. Coleman released Izzy and slowly lowered her to the ground. He kept his arms around her, her head resting on his chest, as she tried to assimilate what had just happened. She should be embarrassed at the very public display but couldn’t muster the strength. She had never felt such furious desire in her entire life. Her body was burning up from just that kiss, and she could feel Coleman’s heart beating in his chest. She squirmed a bit as she also felt the evidence of his desire against her body. She felt him pull her closer, obviously not embarrassed in the slightest. She gave a small moan and tried to get even closer. Coleman pressed his hand against the small of her back and smiled over at the couple.

My good man, you are looking at the victor. That war has been won, and I’m taking my prize.” Izzy stiffened a bit, his words reminding her that they weren’t alone. She tried to pull away again, but Coleman tightened his hold and ran his hand down her back, stroking it softly. “Be still, little one. I like you just where you are.” She moaned again and was grateful no one was able to see her face as another rush of arousal flooded her panties. She tried to control her breathing, before she truly embarrassed herself. Coleman smiled and continued, “Isabella gracefully conceded and let me win.”

Jack let out a cheer and said
, “We both win, as I have a sweet little bottom to spank.” Nancy slugged him but then kissed him hard.

watched and felt Izzy squirm a little more. He felt his cock thicken even more inside his pants and knew she could feel it as well. All this teasing about “bottoms” was starting to affect him, and he let his hand fall down and rest against the swell of Izzy’s rear. She moaned and pressed closer. He grinned and said, “Isabella deserves a prize as well.” He saw her look up quickly, her bottom lip once again held between her teeth, desire flooding into her eyes. He grinned and bent down, “Conclusion-jumping again, you naughty little thing?” She flushed all over. “If you don’t stop biting that lip, I can’t promise not to embarrass both of us. I’m barely holding it together as it is.” She suddenly remembered they weren’t alone and gave him a small nod of understanding. Coleman took a couple of deep breaths of his own to get himself under control. He placed a quick kiss on the top of her head and looked up to find Nancy and Jack staring at them. Nancy’s mouth was open and Jack was grinning hugely. Coleman cleared his throat and said, “Right—Isabella’s prize. How about some ice cream to celebrate our victories?” She was still quivering. He set her gently back from him and tilted her chin up until she was forced to look up at him. “Isabella, breathe. I’ve got you; you’re safe.”

She blushed but finally took a deep breath.
She didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but this man affected her like no one ever had. She had practically crawled up his body and begged him to do whatever he desired. She hated it when he let her go. She shook her head to clear it, gave him a tentative smile and said, “I think ice cream is a great idea.”

He nodded and tucked her hand into his own.
“Good—I’m guessing vanilla isn’t quite your style?” He watched as her entire body suffused with color. He grinned. He was having such a great time teasing her. “I didn’t think so. I think you are far more adventuresome than that. Let’s see; I’m thinking strawberry. It is such a lovely shade and reminds me of how beautiful you look when you blush.” She blushed again and hated her body for its coloring. Her pale skin didn’t help hide her feelings. She had no idea of how to answer, so she simply nodded. Coleman grinned and then bent to whisper for her ears only, “Part of me wishes you had refused to answer me, Isabella; then I would have gotten the chance to give you your first spanking. I can’t wait to discover how long it takes for your
to turn a strawberry-red.” She gasped, and he had to steady her within his arms so she wouldn’t fall. She couldn’t answer—couldn’t even breathe—as the image sprang into her mind.

Oh God, get a room,” Jack said, and broke the spell. Coleman’s hearty laughter rang out across the lawn. Beth and Tom, standing a few feet away, grinned widely, having witnessed the scene for themselves. They watched as their Izzy melted against the man. For the first time in a long time, they felt some hope that their niece would be okay. Tom bent to kiss his wife and then called out, “Ice cream is melting, kids. What flavor do ya’ll want?”

All four turned to him at one time and
chorused, “Strawberry!” Izzy giggled and felt light and free as the four walked towards the row of ice-cream makers.

Chapter 6


Izzy turned over in her bed for the hundredth time. She was so tired, but her mind would not stop churning. She sat up and fluffed her pillow before lying back down. Another few minutes and she moaned and gave up. She threw the sheet off and was swinging her legs over the edge of the bed when she heard a quiet knock. Her heart leapt, and she found herself hoping that Coleman hadn’t left, after all.

Come in,” she said quietly. The door pushed open and Izzy sighed. It wasn't Coleman.

Nancy came in and turned to close the door.
She looked over at the bed and whispered, “Iz, are you awake?”

Izzy smiled and said
, “No, silly. A ghost told you to come in.”

Nancy giggled,
jumped on the bed, and was soon lying against the extra pillow. “Shouldn’t you be getting some beauty sleep?”

Nancy sighed and turned onto her side to study her friend.
“Who can sleep? I know I can’t. I haven’t been in a bed without Jack for a long time, and it just feels so strange.”

Hey, that was your choice. Aunt Beth and Uncle Tom wouldn’t have cared.”

Nancy sighed and said
, “I know. We just really want tomorrow to be special. What’s your excuse?”

lay down and turned to face Nancy. She smiled and said softly, “My mind won’t shut down. All I keep thinking of is, well, everything that happened today.”

Nancy reached and tucked a stray strand of hair behind Izzy
’s ear. “Everything—or

Izzy smiled and her eyes grew soft.
“Coleman, okay? Nancy, he is doing something to me. I can’t stop thinking of him holding me and God—that kiss—I thought I was going to melt into a gooey puddle at his feet.”

Nancy giggled and said
, “We thought the heat from you two was going to melt all that delicious ice cream. I’ve never seen you look that way before, and man, it was hot!”

The girls laughed and snuggled down together.
It reminded them both of the times they’d sought out each other when they were growing up. Izzy and Nancy’s parents had all perished in a car accident when the girls were just teens. It had been a horrifying experience for them both. Beth and Tom had been quick to step in, taking the girls into their home and raising them as their own. They were closer than sisters and truly cherished their time together.

Izzy looked over at Nancy and grinned
, “Speaking of ice cream, my dear, did Jack claim his prize, as well? Exactly what shade of strawberry did he paint onto
butt?” Nancy laughed and then sighed, her lips turning into a beautiful smile as she remembered. As the party had ended, Tom, Beth, Coleman and Jack were drinking coffee, while Nancy and Izzy enjoyed a cup of tea. Jack had stood up and held out his hand to his bride. Smiling up at him, she’d placed her hand in his and he led her out of the room, up the stairs and into her childhood bedroom. Tom and Beth had looked a little surprised, having expected Jack to return to his home tonight.

had blushed and wouldn’t look at Coleman but had quietly said, “I think Jack is collecting his winnings.”

Coleman had chuckled and said,
“I think you are right. Come walk with me until he’s ready to go, Isabella?” She had smiled, and they were soon hand-in-hand, walking towards the barns.

Beth looked over at To
m, her mouth open, as Tom leaned over to press a kiss against the tip of her nose, “Careful, you might catch some flies. Let me collect a prize as well; it seems our girls are just fine.” Beth had laughed and then followed her husband up to their own room, secure in the knowledge that both of their girls were safe.

I’m sure I would have been the ripest strawberry in the patch by the time he let me up. God, that man does love to spank!” Izzy wondered if she should be concerned when Nancy giggled and added, “He is a tyrant. He knew I needed some loving after that spanking, but he absolutely refused to let me come. He said he wants me on edge for tomorrow. I think I’m going to explode before I even get to say my vows, even after he removed my butterflies.”

Izzy smiled.
The love in Nancy’s voice was evident, despite her supposed pouting. “Well, I just hope you aren’t jinxed by letting him see his gift before tomorrow.” Nancy grinned and said, “I told him the same thing, and he just kept spanking and denying me until his phone alarm went off. Can you believe it? He actually set it for 11:55 pm, so I’d be off his lap and dressed before midnight!”

The girls broke into gales of laughter
, and it was several minutes before Izzy could speak. “God, you’ve just got to love that man; he is very creative. You are one extremely lucky woman, Nance.”

Nancy wiped her eyes and said
, “I know. I probably don’t deserve him, but I’d kill anyone who tried to take him away from me.”

Izzy reached out and took her friend
’s hand. “You deserve nothing but the very best, Nancy. You are a wonderful person and will make Jack’s life the absolute best it can be.”

Nancy smiled and squeezed Izzy
’s hand. “I know I’ll spend my life trying. It was wonderful seeing you with Coleman, Iz. You two make such a great couple, and I’m so happy you are willing to give him a chance. You deserve to be happy as well.”

Izzy thought about her friend
’s words and smiled. “I really think I’m ready. When he kissed me, I thought I would explode and when he . . .” she paused, but then continued, “when he threatened to spank me, I desperately wanted him to, and I thought I’d never, ever feel that way again.”

’s mouth dropped open and she sat up. She rearranged herself on the bed, sitting cross-legged and pulling Izzy up until they were seated across from each other. “Spill it all; don’t leave a single thing out . . . did your panties get a little wet?”

Izzy giggled and shushed her
, “Be quiet! I don’t want everyone to wake up, just because we can’t sleep.”

Nancy waved her hand in the air and said
, “Stop stalling . . . spill it.”

Izzy found she wanted to share her feelings with Nancy.
She had avoided doing so for so long and really missed the sense of talking about what her feelings were. “Okay. First of all, this is between the two of us. Promise not to tell Jack what I say.” Nancy bobbed her head and they executed a perfect pinkie-swear. Satisfied, Izzy spent the next hour telling Nancy the truth and depth of her feelings from the first moment she had seen Coleman in the storeroom. “When you were paying off your bet, we went for a long walk. I introduced him to Bailey, and we are going for a ride soon.”

Nancy giggled and interrupted
, “I bet riding him will be fantastic.”

Izzy reached over and slugged her friend.
“Stop it! I meant horseback riding, you pervert. Do you want to hear this, or what?” Nancy threw up her hands in surrender and begged for more. “He was great, and Bailey took to him immediately. He kept stroking Bailey and all I could think of was that I wished his hands would stroke me that way.”

Nancy remained silent
, but her heart was pounding. She had prayed for a breakthrough, but this was gigantic.

smiled softly. “We sat on the hay and just talked and talked. He told me that he wanted to get to know me, to spend time with me. He told me that he was very attracted to me. I… I told him I felt the same way and that it scared me. I couldn’t—didn’t—tell him about Bryan. I just said I hadn’t dated in a couple of years.” She paused again, collecting her thoughts as she remembered his arms around her, making her feel safe. “He told me about Sarah.”

’s eyes widened. Sarah had been Coleman’s last girlfriend, who had left him for another man—one Coleman had considered a good friend. His heart had been broken, and he hadn’t shown deep interest in any other female since then. She knew that by talking about her, Coleman was opening his heart a bit, too.

giggled and said, “Well, then we kissed, and whoa! It was fantastic! I told him I was scared, and he said that he’d keep me safe. He told me to trust him and to take baby steps. God, it just feels right, and I barely even know him!”

By the
time she was done, Nancy was practically drooling. “Man, that’s hot—and so sweet. You can trust him Iz; he is a great guy. I’m so happy for both of you, but this conversation is definitely not helping my libido calm down.”

You don’t think it’s just the romance of your wedding? Maybe this will all feel strange tomorrow. This is too fast.”

Stop it! God, Izzy, listen to your heart for once. Tell your head to be quiet. When it is real, you just know it. Believe me, if you can lie there and tell me you haven’t been more alive and happier today than any day in the past two years, then you are a liar. Can you tell me that, Isabella Campbell?”

Izzy closed her eyes a moment
, and Nancy watched her relax and smile. “No, I can’t lie. I feel like I’m starting to really feel again. I’m just scared.”

Nancy leaned over and touched her cheek gently.
“You need to live, Izzy; we’ve been waiting for you to really come back for such a long time.” Izzy felt a tear slide down her cheek. Nancy grinned and added, “Besides, how can you doubt the man, when you admitted your panties were soaking?”

’s eyes flew open, and she pounced on her friend. “You are awful! I hope you ache all night long you… you hussy!”

Nancy rolled away
, laughing. “Okay, okay! Geez, all this talk of our two hunks is driving me insane! I want Jack, and I definitely want my butterflies back!” She gave a slight moan and said, “And God, Izzy, they make me feel so good. I can’t stop thinking about Jack planning on this gift and especially can’t wait until tomorrow night!”

Izzy smiled, the woman in front of her just dripping with her sexuality.
She felt a moment of envy, but it was quickly gone. “Consider it a sign of your love for Jack that you can keep your hands to yourself—and by that, you know what I mean!”

Nancy smiled and said,
“I know, I know. Believe me, I don’t even want to think about the punishment he’d give me for that! I’ll suffer willingly, but geez, it won’t be easy. Hey, I wonder how he knew they’d fit so perfectly?”

Izzy collapsed backwards on the bed
, wailing with laughter. Nancy jumped on her and said, “You know! Tell me, or I’ll tickle you to death!” Izzy screamed as Nancy began tickling her all over. Izzy was extremely ticklish, and her best friend knew every spot.

was pleading for her to stop, when the door opened and the light flicked on. They both froze guiltily, until they saw their Aunt smiling and shaking her head.  “What on earth is going on in here? You are laughing loud enough to wake the dead.”

The girls sat up
, and Izzy patted the mattress. “Girl talk, Aunt Beth, come join us?” Beth smiled and was soon seated on the bed with her two girls. She wrapped her arms around them both, and they snuggled into her. It had been a long time since they had shared a bed full of happiness and simple peace. Beth found her eyes tearing up and sniffed.

squeezed her hand and said, “I know, who would have thought it would take a wedding to free me, after all?” Beth lost the battle, and tears poured down her cheeks. She well remembered the wedding that should have taken place two years ago, but thanked God again that it had never happened. Her Izzy had been through hell but now seemed to be on the brink of finding her own slice of heaven. Nancy fought her own tears, and Izzy decided to lighten the mood before they were all weeping uncontrollably.

Hey guys, it’s going to be fine—and
going to be fine, as long as Nancy doesn’t tickle me anymore.” Beth smiled and wiped her eyes, acknowledging her niece’s desire to shift the topic. Nancy did as well and tried to crawl over Beth’s legs to get at Izzy. Beth laughed and held the two apart. “It’s your fault, Aunt Beth . . . she’s trying to make me break our pinky swear!”

Beth smiled and turned to Nancy.
“You, my dear, have been weighed and
and found to be perfect for your man.”

Nancy looked puzzled for a moment and then screeched.
She pounced on her new target, as Izzy moved out of her path. “I can’t believe you, Aunt Beth. I wondered what on earth you needed those measurements for, but I trusted you. You are one wicked, wicked woman!”

Beth laughed
, and soon they were all cuddled again. “I’m glad you like your gift, Nancy; I think it is very, very romantic—not to mention, incredibly sexy.” The women smiled and were soon lost in their own thoughts. It was another half-hour before Beth eased from the bed. She smiled as she drew the sheet up over her girls and tucked them in. Her eyes filled again. She bent and kissed them each on their cheek, the joy in her heart brimming over. For the first time in two years, she knew girls were going to be just fine—both of them. Whatever came tomorrow or in the days after, she thanked God for tonight.

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