Charming Isabella (5 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Charming Isabella
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Chapter 5


Nancy saw Coleman approaching and hid her smile. She didn’t warn Izzy, who thought she was safe after making sure there were no empty chairs at their table. Nancy watched as the man simply brought a chair with him and plopped it down right next to her best friend. She saw Izzy jump a bit and then blush. Yes, there is something going on there, she thought, silently cheering Coleman on. Jack smiled as well. When Coleman found something he wanted, he definitely went after it.

grinned at the couple and said, “I thought, as the best man here, I’d better come over and join the party.” Nancy giggled and Izzy rolled her eyes. Coleman saw it and grinned. “What? You don’t want me here, Isabella?”

Izzy shook her head and said
, “I told you to call me Izzy, and of course you are welcome to join us.”

He grinned and said
, “And I believe I told you I preferred Isabella.” She rolled her eyes again, and his smile widened. “Thank you, Isabella, though I’m not sure why my chair was over behind that tree.”

Izzy looked guilty and shrugged.
“Why would you ask me? I haven’t the foggiest idea; I’m just glad it wasn’t that difficult for the ‘best man here’ to find it.”

Now I’d hate to call you a liar, little one.”

They all watched as color rose on Izzy
’s face. She hissed at him, “I apologized already, so don’t even think of spanking me!”

Nancy gasped and looked at her friend. “Izzy! That isn’t nice. Coleman’s your date, remember?” She looked up at Coleman and added, “Spanking?”

Coleman just grinned while Izzy squirmed on her chair.
Nancy was shocked that Izzy hadn’t run screaming from the table. However, Jack laughed and shook his head. “I’m guessing blind dates aren’t our Izzy’s style. And, Coleman, everyone knows that I’m not only the groom, but I’m definitely the best man here. Ask Nancy; she’ll be glad to set you straight.”

laughed, and the sound rolled over Izzy, causing her to shiver. His voice was just as gorgeous as he was. Coleman leaned back in his seat and crossed his ankles, relaxed and confident. “I hardly think our bride can give an unbiased opinion, especially sitting on her own recently-reddened bottom.” He heard Izzy gasp and Nancy giggle. Jack smiled broadly as he pulled Nancy from her chair to sit on his lap. She snuggled into him, even as he patted the bottom under discussion. Coleman grinned and said, “See, she is making my point. Now, I admit you are a great guy, but you, yourself, appointed me as best man.” Jack threw his hands up in surrender, causing Nancy to squeal and wrap her arms around his neck so she wouldn’t topple off his lap. Coleman was pleased to see a smile appear fleetingly across Izzy’s face.

Okay, you win. Now, are you two ready to stop the war and actually rehearse for the wedding tomorrow?” Izzy started to protest but was pulled to her feet. The man moved like a cat, seated one moment and standing with his arm wrapped around her the next. She felt him tug her to his side as he said, “We promise, no more fighting. Right, Isabella?”

She shook her head
. “I don’t make promises so easily, Mr. McDonald; however, I can act like a grownup. We’re ready whenever you are Jack; we are here to serve.” She heard Coleman inhale sharply and couldn’t resist looking up and grinning at him.

He bent down and whispered
, “Careful, Isabella. I might assist, but the only one doing any serving will be you, my little minx.” This time it was Isabella who gasped and had to look away.

and Nancy watched the exchange and then smiled at each other. Jack stood and helped Nancy to her feet. They all started walking towards the house, gathering up people along the way. Coleman kept his arm around Izzy’s waist, loving the way she seemed to fit perfectly against his side. She didn’t try to jerk away, and he was content for the moment.

was confused. One moment he was driving her crazy, and the next he was sending shivers throughout her body and erotic images through her mind. She had to admit, his arm around her gave her comfort and made her feel things she hadn’t felt in a very long time.
I can do this for Nancy. It will be over tomorrow.
She finally relaxed and actually smiled. Two could play this game. She purposely stumbled and when Coleman yelped as he grabbed her tighter, she lifted her eyes and batted her eyelashes at him.  “Oh, thank you, Coleman. That was just the very best rescue ever.”

was surprised at the humor in her voice, but his face lit with a huge smile. “Why, thank you, ma’am. Don’t mention it. After all, even if you did fall, you are pretty close to the ground already.”

She blush
ed and tried to think of a comeback but couldn’t. He cocked his head at her, and she actually giggled, “Okay, you win, but that is only Round One.”

He smiled and tugged her closer.
  “Bring it on, Isabella; this is going to be really intriguing, but I guarantee that I am more than ready to take you.” She flushed all over, his use of that word shaking her—his innuendo of “taking” her draining her of the ability to think, much less respond. Coleman saw her color and leaned down to whisper, “You are beautiful when you blush, Isabella, but it makes me wonder what other conclusions you might be jumping to.”

felt her face grow even warmer and looked down, her stomach churning. He was too close. She slipped out of his arm and ran up to walk with Nancy and Jack.

She heard
Coleman laughing and heard him say, “Running away won’t work, Isabella. I’m still ahead.”

Nancy turned and saw her friend blushing but also smiling.
She grinned and took Izzy’s hand. “Don’t worry honey, one little victory doesn’t crown him champion. I’m willing to bet on

Jack laughed loudly and said
, “Not a chance. Coleman’s going to win; he always does.”

Nancy pushed against him and said
, “Care to make a wager, Jack?”

He looked at her and then at Izzy.
He glanced back in time to see Coleman step up and put his arm around Izzy’s waist yet again. “Sweetheart, I’m always up for a sure thing. The loser gets to go over the winner’s knee. You’d better start preparing that precious bottom of yours, my love.”

Nancy felt Izzy
’s hand slip from hers and saw Coleman holding her again. She sighed and shook her head. “Sorry Iz, I think my perfect man just might be right for once. Besides, I’ve already taken that trip once today and can’t say I’m too eager for a return visit. I guess you are on your own.” Everyone laughed, and Izzy joined in. It had been a while since she had felt like this and found herself enjoying the banter. She had to admit the man did present a challenge. She reached up and patted her hand against Coleman’s broad chest. He jerked a bit and she grinned.

No, Nancy – you are on my team. Maybe the fear of losing will keep you focused on making sure I win. Don’t worry, though, I’m sure you’ll find I’ve got lots of things up my sleeves.”

grinned and covered her hand with his, before bending and putting a kiss on top of her head. “I’d love to see what is under that sweet little dress… the sleeves, I mean.” She was shocked but didn’t protest as new images flashed through her mind. “Jumping to more conclusions? Hmm, you may be the maid of honor but your color and the way you are breathing tells me you aren’t a maid.” Izzy practically swooned. He grinned and said, “And that, my friends, is Round Two.”

Stop doing that! You’re cheating!”

laughed, loving that she was actually enjoying herself. “All is fair in love and war, my sweet Isabella. After all, you are the one who dared me to cross that line.”

She blushed and would have replied
, except that they all heard Beth telling them to hurry up. She giggled and whispered, “You were just saved by the bell!”

laughed and pulled her forward as they all started to run up the porch steps. They parted ways in the hall. As the girls gathered with the other bridesmaids, Nancy whispered, “I’m still betting on you . . . just don’t tell Jack.”

Izzy hugged her and whispered back
, “It’s not nice to keep secrets from your beloved, but thanks. However, if I lose, don’t blame me that your butt is in danger.”

Nancy jiggled her eyebrows up and down and said
, “I live for danger, and we are definitely going to talk about your own little butt. Did he actually threaten to spank you?”

nodded and would have spoken except that the wedding planner was very impatiently urging them to hurry up. They giggled and then grew serious as the wedding planner stepped forward to guide them through the ceremony. As Izzy took her place to practice walking down the aisle that had been set up in the great room, she looked up and saw Coleman at the altar.

She hesitated for just a moment,
her thoughts awash with sensations and images she didn’t want to admit into her life. She attempted to shake off feeling but stumbled.

No, no. Start over. Isabella, wait until your uncle leads you. We do not race down the aisle!” the wedding planner barked.

blushed all over and knew that if she looked up, she’d see Coleman’s idiotic grin. The music started again and when Tom started to step forward, Izzy’s feet seemed glued to the floor.

Tom turned to his niece and saw her standing
, as if in a trance. He patted her arm and said, “Izzy, are you okay, sweetie?”

She flushed and said
, “I’m sorry. Um, I’m fine, Uncle Tom.”

The wedding planner made them start over
yet again, after telling Izzy that it was important for Nancy to see how the walk should go. Nancy had chosen not to participate in this part; she wanted her walk down the aisle tomorrow to be the only one she ever took. Izzy reassured everyone that she was ready, and the music started over for the fourth time. Her heart was pounding by the time she arrived, and Coleman stepped down to stand beside her, representing tomorrow’s groom.

As Tom practiced his words and placed Izzy
’s trembling hand in Coleman’s, Coleman bent down and whispered, “Glad you finally made it, my dear. I can feel you are shaking, little one, and that is Round Three.”

blushed but said nothing. He was infuriating, but she was having a hard enough time just remembering what she was supposed to do. His grin grew larger as he tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and led her up to the altar. He could feel her shaking, and he definitely loved having her on his arm. Jack and Nancy’s attentions were split between watching the byplay going on between their friends and paying attention to the wedding planner. She made them run through the ceremony again, until Nancy assured her that everyone understood the plan.

As the party broke up to go back out to the yard for homemade ice cream, Nancy
snagged Izzy. “What happened?”

Izzy blushed and sai
d, “I must have tripped or something. You’ll be a much better bride, I promise you.”

Nancy grinned and said
, “Good try, Izzy girl, but I do think that you are quickly losing this game. But, girlfriend, if you have to lose, what a hunk to lose to! I guess a little tiny spanking will be worth seeing you two together.”

Izzy star
ted to protest and then giggled, “Fine—I agree I’m losing, but I’m going to tell Jack to have no mercy on your bottom. You haven’t helped a bit! Coleman is… he’s… well, I might be more interested than I thought. He seems to have a good sense of humor and really likes you two. Nance, he scares me, though… he’s getting inside my head, making me feel things I haven’t felt in such a long time.”

Nancy squealed and gave her friend a hug.
“I knew it! Oh Izzy, give him a chance. You both are such great people and deserve to be happy. He really is a great guy and likes you, too.”

Izzy blushed
, but said, “I’m not so sure about that. Maybe he just doesn’t like to lose.”

Nancy said
, seriously, “No, honey. I’ve known him for quite a while, and believe me, he hasn’t been interested in another woman for a very long time.”

Where did you meet him? I mean, I don’t remember your ever mentioning him before.”

Sure I have. Remember when I told you about the new club? Jack and I tried to get you to come with us, but you kept saying no.” Izzy felt her stomach clench and Nancy saw her discomfort. “Hey, Iz, relax. It’s a great place and we’ve met some really good people there. The whole gang goes there now. You know how hard it is to find a place where we can play and feel non-judged and safe? Honey, you must miss at least a part of that. It’s been two years since Bryan.”

She waited for Izzy to blow up or stomp away
, as she usually did when anyone tried to bring up her past. She was surprised and extremely happy when Izzy simply looked up and said, “I know, Nancy. I keep trying to convince myself that I have changed and that I don’t need or even want anything like that in my life. Seeing you and Jack and even talking to Aunt Beth have made me really think about my life. Meeting Coleman… well, what can I say? He might not be really into that lifestyle, but I have to admit he is making me think about how lonely I’ve felt lately, and I guess I do miss it a little.”

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