Charming Isabella (14 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Charming Isabella
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Please, God, Cole . . . please make me come. I need to come!” He grinned and sucked the throbbing nub of her clit into his mouth. She felt her end approaching, and when he bit down on her tender clit, she exploded. She bucked up and down as he kept her solidly in his mouth, giving her licks and bites until she came again. He worked every spasm from her with his mouth. When she was exhausted, he trailed his tongue down her pussy and shocked her by licking her bottom-hole. She whimpered at this new sensation. No one had ever used their mouth on that part of her. She tried to push away, but he simply put his hands under her bottom and lifted her to his mouth. She moaned and jerked as he licked around the tight pucker.

When he pushed his tongue inside, she screamed,
“Yes, oh God, oh God…. “ He grinned and continued to tongue her hole. He moved one hand back to her clit and began to flick it back and forth. She arched her back, almost dislodging him, and screamed as the most intense orgasm of her life rolled over her. She convulsed around his tongue and he loved every single moment. She collapsed against the table, incapable of speech. He gave her bottom a final kiss and then licked back up through her pussy, cleaning her of her juices. She was practically boneless, unable to do more than shiver and whimper. When he stood to lean over and kiss her mouth, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He lifted her off the table and was soon seated with her on his lap again. It was a long time before she finally had the energy to finish preparing dinner. Coleman didn’t allow her to put her pants back on. He made sure the apron bow didn’t cover her still-red bottom, and she found herself squirming on her chair, searching for comfort, with her bottom still throbbing.

Izzy continued to stroke the
tiny kitten on her bracelet. Yes, that man could kiss, but this charm was meant to symbolize the pleasure each of them gave the other with their mouths. She didn’t see her Aunt smiling at her. She had disappeared into her own little world, totally content and secure.

Did Coleman get you a cat, Iz?” Beth finally asked, watching as her niece played with the tiny charm. Izzy looked confused. “Isn’t that charm a little cat?” Izzy’s face turned bright red and she dropped the charm. She looked up to see her Aunt smiling.

Umm, no . . . I mean yes, it’s a cat . . . but I don’t have a cat.” Beth smiled, though she didn’t understand.

Oh, I’m sorry. I just thought the charms must represent something special for the both of you. The horse I understand, the hairbrush and apron as well. I just figured the pussycat meant… oh, um never mind. I think I get it now.”

found herself giggling at the blush that spread across her own Aunt’s face. Izzy quickly kissed Beth’s cheek.  “I knew you were a smart woman.”

Beth regained her composure and smiled.
“You are a very lucky lady, Isabella. This man is not only gorgeous but he is very, very romantic as well. I do believe every woman I know would love wearing a bracelet that holds such special and intimate memories of their lives.” Her words flowed over Isabella and gave her an idea.

I think that’s a great idea! I’m going to talk to Coleman and find out where he gets these charms. Maybe I can start carrying them in the shop. I could expand to carry regular common charms and offer special-order ones, as well. What do you think?”

Beth grinned and imagined her own bracelet.
  “I think that’s a wonderful idea. You wouldn’t mind seeing other women wearing bracelets like yours? You don’t think it might diminish the specialness of yours?”

sat back and seriously considered her aunt’s words. She fingered the bracelet as she thought and remembered the customer who had hinted to her husband that she loved charm bracelets. She thought of how special each and every charm was to her, the memories they evoked, and the love that surrounded her. She smiled and said, “No, I think it is a great idea. I know how much every single one means to me… and to Cole. It helps me remember how much he loves me and all the special things we have discovered together. I think any woman would love being able to look at and touch those memories whenever she saw her own special bracelet. Even if several women had the exact same charm, the meaning would be different for them all.”

Beth smiled and giggled
, “Well, hurry up and get them stocked. I, for one, can’t wait for your Uncle Tom to get me my first charm.” The women hugged each other and were soon sitting inside at the kitchen table, making lists of all sorts of charms to sell.

Tom came in and found his girls busy and giggling as they scribbled on pads of paper.
“Hey, Izzy girl,” he said, as he dropped a kiss on her head. She smiled up at him; he was gratified by the happiness written all over her.

Hi, Uncle Tom. I hope you have your checkbook ready soon.”

He raised his eyebrow and heard his wife laugh.
“Do you need money, sweetheart? Is the store doing okay?”

Not for me, I’m doing fine. I’ll be doing even better soon. I’m going into the jewelry business!”




Six months later Izzy was tracing the latest charm on her bracelet. It jangled loudly now with dozens of small reminders of her life with Cole. He had thought her idea of expanding into jewelry was great. Her desire to make the bracelets and charms available for other women told him how special she considered her own. He introduced her to the local artist from whom he had purchased her charms, and they formed a partnership. Everywhere he looked, it seemed that he could hear bells chiming. The word had spread, and the shop had expanded. Izzy agreed to move in with Cole, and they had worked to transform her apartment into a shop that catered to the more adventurous couples.

Izzy smiled
, remembering how delighted Eric had been when he discovered he was delivering her first order of erotica. He teased her mercilessly but had been extremely happy. He watched her bloom daily and was thrilled for both Cole and her. He had been tremendously excited when she showed him the plans for the upstairs conversion; both he and Jenna, along with Nancy and Jack, had helped her place orders for a multitude of erotic items.

ordered a charm of two small babies and when Jenna delivered their twins, he gave her the bracelet with its first charm. She was thrilled and continued to receive them as special gifts. Izzy’s new partner, Janet, had also been eager to expand her own business but preferred the creative side. She was very grateful that Izzy persuaded her to take a chance on expansion. She could make a charm for anyone and loved the secret memories they provoked. She had been especially proud of the tiny butterfly that had been Nancy’s first charm. It actually opened and closed its wings. Nancy loved it too, as it would always remind her of the wedding present. When they had returned from their honeymoon, it was to find Izzy a totally different person. Her joy was written all over her face, and they all knew that the pair would find a lifetime of happiness together.

The four were enjoying
dinner one evening, when Coleman presented Izzy with another charm. It was a small medal that had ‘Bravery’ written across the front. It had been difficult to step foot into the club and participate in Nancy and Jack’s commitment ceremony, but with Coleman at her side, she rediscovered that she could enjoy that aspect of her life again. Beth’s first charm was a small porch swing. It had seemed innocent enough, until the girls saw their aunt’s face turn bright red. Beth had seen them looking at her for an explanation for her having blushed like a teenager. She assured her husband that she adored it and tried to divert the girl’s attention. Her plan didn’t work, though it did take a session of tickling and girl talk that evening before she told them of its meaning. Both girls had giggled and all knew they would never look at the porch swing the same way again. They had cuddled together as all three women played with their own bracelets, feeling loved and cherished.

Izzy heard Coleman calling for her
, and she ran downstairs. He smiled, seeing her so happy. They closed and locked the store. She handed him the key and he grinned.

I almost wish you’d forget for once. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to spank that beautiful bottom.”

She blushed and felt the familiar rush of arousal.
She lifted onto her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “I didn’t think you wanted me to be bad, Sir.”

You’ll never be bad, my Bella—just maybe a little naughty, sometimes?”

She shive
red, as visions of being bottoms-up flooded her senses. She saw him smile and whispered, “I think I’m having very naughty thoughts, Sir. I think I deserve a spanking to remind me to be good.”

Coleman laughed loudly
, “That’s my girl!” She grinned and kissed him again, her bottom tingling in anticipation. As he opened her car door and seated her, she saw the tree on her bracelet. It immediately reminded her of the time he had ordered her to cut a switch to be used on her bottom. It had been an intense spanking but also led to intense aftercare. Her fingers ran over the other charms, a small book that opened to remind her of the store she had built and the fact that they had christened the countertop one evening, a small fish hanging from a rod to remind them of the day he taught her to fish and made love to her in the river afterwards. Her finger moved down the row, each charm bringing a smile to her lips. Coleman watched and felt his heart swell. Her bracelet was almost full but had one ring left. His heart began to pound in anticipation.

They arrived at the ranch
, and he helped her from the car. She was beaming and was soon hugging and kissing her family and friends. Beth and Tom had planned a big barbeque and the yard was full of people. Nancy and Jack ran to join their friends as Beth watched. This reminded her of Nancy’s wedding, but her heart was full of even more joy. This evening both her girls were ecstatically happy, both being held by men that loved them more than life itself. She brushed tears from her cheeks and was smiling as the young couples joined her. Dinner was great, with the usual joking among the men about who got to man the grill. The women all rolled their eyes at the mock pouting of the losers. Jenna came up, holding one baby girl while Eric held the other. Nancy and Bella cooed over the babies. Food was soon ready, and everyone piled their plates high and congregated around the huge table. The night was full of conversation and laughter.

Beth leaned over and whispered
, “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier, Isabella. I am so grateful for you and Nancy. Thank you for allowing us to share your lives and your friends.” Izzy smiled and hugged her aunt. She felt surrounded with love and good people. Isabella felt a swell of pleasure and looked over to see Janet and her new man, Todd, enjoying the evening. Janet saw her and smiled. Izzy smiled back, happier than she could ever remember. Her attention was drawn to Cole when he rapped his knife against his glass. Soon everyone was quiet and giving him their attention.

Thank you for coming tonight. It means a lot to me to have you here.” Izzy looked up at him, her expression puzzled. He smiled down at her and said, “Isabella, you have charmed my heart and captured my soul.” She felt her heart stutter as he dropped to his knee. She felt tears fill her eyes as he took a small box from his pocket. “I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, Bella. Please take my heart, as you are the only one I want to hold it. Say you’ll give me your trust and do me the honor of becoming my wife.” His heart was hammering inside his chest.

He found himself bowled over by the little woman as she lunged at him
. “Yes, oh God, yes. Yes - yes!” He pushed himself up and everyone saw his huge grin. They all were laughing and cheering. He sat on the ground and pulled her into her favorite position. She was crying, tears streaming down her face. He kissed her deeply and then released her. She watched as he opened the box. Nestled inside was a heart-shaped engagement ring. It was stunningly beautiful and she cried harder as he lifted it out of the box and slipped it onto her finger. She hugged him hard and then felt him push her back a bit. From his fingers dangled a tiny charm. It was an identical replica of the ring he had just put on her finger. She laughed and cried as he threaded onto the last open ring of her bracelet. She kissed him again and then he helped her to stand. As he turned her to face their family and friends, she saw every woman lift their wrists and shake the bracelets hanging from them. The sounds of dozens of tiny charms rang out to float across her heart.


The End.





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