Class Trip (19 page)

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Authors: Rachel Burns

BOOK: Class Trip
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A man had arrived
to buy the non-virgins. He was also just a slave. I couldn't
understand why he didn't try to runaway. He couldn't love his owner
like I loved Tata. What made him stay, I wondered.

At the moment he
was sitting in the main hall drinking some sort of beer. He had men
around him like he was very important. He liked to stare at me. It
made me very uncomfortable. His eyes were constantly on me. I figured
that there wasn't a moment in the day when he couldn't say where I
was. He probably knew where everyone was, but he had tried to buy me
several times. He would point at me and say
how much?

Tata would say I
wasn't for sale and step in front of me. He scolded me not to be
alone with him. He told me you couldn't trust anyone in this
business. I hoped that I could trust Tata.

Of course I
could. He was my loving Tata. If he hadn't wanted to keep me he could
have sold me. He had plenty of chances to get rid of me and he never
did. In fact, he came and got me so the police couldn't hurt me.

My Tata loved me.

Maria looked down
at me. “Go to bed. Stay there.”

I nodded at her.
I knew that she was tired. She had been up with Tonya, talking to her
and making sure she didn't do anything to herself. She was being sold
tonight too. Because we were quitting she needed a new home.

Tonya was
informed that her new master would be the one deciding what happened
with her and her child. She was worried about the baby. She meant it
when she said that she never wanted to see the baby. I couldn't
understand her hostility. I hadn't loved Tata when I lost the baby
but I would have done anything to keep the baby safe. How could a
mother not love her child?

I washed my hands
and left the kitchen.

The second I
opened the door I could feel the slave's eyes on me. They followed me
to the opposite door. I was a little relieved when I walked through
the door and I was out of sight.

I went up to bed
and cuddled up with Carrots.

Tata woke me up
with kisses. I was giggling before my eyes had even opened. “Wake
up sleeping beauty. Your Tata wants to make love with you.”

“Tata, are they
gone? All of them?”

“Yes, they are
all gone. The staff cleaned up last night and left too. Just the
family is left. Today someone is coming to buy the property and then
we'll pack up and leave too. I'll take you to your new home tomorrow.
However we will make love here and now.” He sounded so strict.

“Yes, Tata.”
I tried to match his strict tone but I was beaming at him. I moved so
I was lying on my back. I opened my legs so he could lie down in
between them.

The bed creaked
terribly as he moved around. He lay down on top of me and kissed my
neck. “You are a very good little girl. Tata is very pleased with

I smiled at him.
I was nervous about everything, absolutely everything. I was so
afraid of the unknown.

I gasped as Tata
entered me. I always did. It was like I was surprised that it could
feel that good each time. “Oh, Tata.” The tips of my fingers
covered my mouth.

“This is nice
isn't it?”

“Yes, Tata.
It's very nice.”

He was moving and
the bed was squeaking. I hated that. The whole house knew it when we
made love. The bed would squeak and I would blush red until it didn't
matter or bother me anymore. There came a moment when all reason
would melt away from me. I didn't care about the speaking and didn't
care who heard us. I just wanted more.

I knew that Tata
was especially good in bed. He had been practicing most of his life.
He even called it the family business. But he also knew my body in
the meantime. He knew what got the quickest reaction out of me. He
made love and whispered in my ear that I was best the thing that had
ever happened to him.

Tata told me that
he was pleased that he had found me. He didn't want to have to live
without me.

My hands moved to
his shoulders. I was circling them. “Don't stop, Tata,” I begged.

“No, don't
worry. I won't.” He sat back on his heels. His penis was still
inside of me. He flicked his hips and pushed deeper inside. He did it
like he did everything, quickly. I was gasping in pleasure, literally

The faster he
went the harder it was for me to think about anything but what he was
doing. “I love you,” I called out.

He went even
faster. My mind felt like it was going to explode. All of my thoughts
circled around my building orgasm. I wanted it so badly now.

My fingers went
stiff, they curled up and grabbed onto his wrists.

breathe into it. You can do it. Relax and breathe.”

My head was
thrashing from side to side. “I'm so close.”

“That's right.
Let it happen.”

A beautiful
feeling washed over me. I pressed myself up and into his body, trying
to make the most of my orgasm, while he lay back down on top of me
and kissed me.

He moved my face
away from mine to allow more air in. I was gasping and panting as my
heart slowly started to relax.

Then he started
in again so fast that I had to whimper. “Tata.” I looked him in
the eyes like I was begging for mercy.

He grinned at me
but he didn't stop.

I didn't think
that he would stop but I needed him to know that I was very aware of
what he was doing.

“I'm never
going to sleep with another woman again, just you. So I will do right
by you.”

“Okay,” I
lamely answered.

That made him
grin at me. Tata thought everything I did was cute. He loved me hard
and fast until he came. When he was finished he bounced out of bed
and took hold of me by my hands. “I'm an honest man now,” he told
me as he looked in my eyes.

I could see that
this was a big moment in his life and that he wanted to share it with
me. He had been born into this line of work. It hadn't been a
conscious choice that he had made. His choice had been to stop. He
wanted to be a better person.

He needed to hear
my approval. “I'm so happy for you, Tata. I don't have to worry
about you anymore.”

He smiled like a
little boy being praised by his teacher. “You never have to worry
about anything ever again. I'll take care of you.” He looked proud
of himself.

I could see that
he wanted me to like him. He was so different with me. I could see
that he needed love and that my words could easily hurt him. I was
the one with the power. The power was only mine because he had given
me power. “Thank you for taking such good care of me, Tata.”

“Of course.”
He hugged me to his body.

It was then that
I realized that he needed innocence in his life. I could hardly
imagine what he had all seen in his life. He probably had had a
terrible childhood. Now he wanted me to bring innocence into his
life. He needed something that was pure and real, something that he
could hold onto too.

I would be that
for him.

After we were
showered we met in the living room. Both of his brothers had chosen
girls to keep to. They weren't adjusted yet. They just looked scared.
Tata's brothers had just picked them out of the last batch of girls.
Neither wanted virgins. They weren't in love with the girls.

We all went down
to eat breakfast together. The spoke in their native language and I
couldn't understand them.

Later Tata told
me that they were worried about their mother. She wasn't telling them
what she was doing with her share of the money. It was clear that she
wanted a clean break from this life, including a break from them. I
wondered where she would go and if we would ever see her again.

I figured that
would be another blow to Tata's ego, one that he wouldn't recover
from easily. His own mother was going to turn her back on him. So
much was happening that I had to make up for. I needed to be there
for him and help feel good about himself.

After breakfast
Tata was off and running again. He met with a Realtor and was able to
sell the property to someone who wanted to make a real spa out of it.
I stayed off in the shadows. Tata didn't want anyone to see me. He
told me that I was so pretty anyone would want to take me away from

Tata called out to me. I hated to leave my dog but he had sold them
along with the house saying that they would protect the grounds. I
was throwing his ball for him and scratching him behind his ears like
he liked. I didn't want to leave him, but I didn't want a spanking
from Tata either.

I ran into Tata's
arms and bawled on his shoulder. I begged him to take the dog along
with us but he remained firm, saying where we were going we couldn't
take a dog along with us.

I informed him
that I didn't want to go anywhere where a dog wasn't welcome. I
received a sharp smack on my backside for my efforts. “Enough. I
dog will be happier here than with us.”

I frowned and
looked down at my feet. He might be right but I didn't want to hear
it. I really loved my dog.

“Sandra. You
don't need a dog anymore. I will have time for you now.”

That wasn't the
same thing. He was just proving it by saying that. “Still. He needs
me. He is going to think that I don't care.”

Tata hugged me
again and pulled me inside. We went through the whole house, combing
over it, looking for anything that might be forgotten. I figured that
we were looking for evidence. There should be no trace left behind
that we were here.

When that was
finished it was time to eat again. We ate in standing in the kitchen.
No one said anything. Even the two new girls sensed that this moment
didn't need to be commented on.

Maria looked at
her sons and then back into her bowl several times. She didn't say
anything to them. They were all grown up and they didn't need her
anymore. She had been with them longer than a mother normally would
be with her babies.

When she was
finished eating she started to wash up the dishes. I went to her and
helped her. Would she have a maid to do things like that for her in
the future, would I?

I figured that
Tata was taking me somewhere where criminal could live and hide out
without having to worry about the country handing him over if he ever
got caught. We would have a small apartment or a house. We would have
a child and pretend to be normal. No one would know that I wasn't his
lawfully wedded wife and that he was my captor.

Everyone quietly
said goodnight. Tata held onto my hand tightly. His brothers were
having problems with their wives. They weren't in love. They didn't
even like them. I had the best looking of the three.

Before we went
into our room everyone agreed to meet in the living room at six in
the morning. We would see each other sooner because of the bathroom
that we shared but the idea was to exchange presents and then take

I asked Tata if
he would ever see his brothers again. He just shrugged. At times I
thought that they were very close but in moments like this one I
thought that they didn't care.

We could hear
crying and smacking through the thin walls. One of his brothers was
going at his wife. They were just so different from us. Tata would
only hit me as a punishment. His brothers liked to hit as part of
their routine.

I hoped that Tata
didn't want to make love. I didn't feel up to it.

I sat on our bed
and watched him packing up his things. Some things he sorted out,
most of his things actually. Those went into huge plastic bags. The
rest he folded and placed in a suitcase. He didn't seem to be in a
hurry. When he was finished all of our things were in two suitcases.

He got completely
undressed and then he motioned that I should stand up and go to him.
I did, knowing that he would want to undress me now. He pulled the
covers back and we got in. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me
into his body tightly.

“Keep in mind
we can't come back. Make sure you have Carrots before we leave.”

“Yes, Tata.”
I had to wonder if he would prefer it if I called him Daddy. It
didn't matter. Tata had been branded into my head. I couldn't look at
him and say anything else. It was too late for something like that.

It was still dark
when Tata nudged me. “Wake up. We're leaving soon.”

I nodded and got
out of the bed. Tata was already dressed and ready to go. He had
probably been waiting for this day all of his life. This was his
chance to quit and be honest. Of course with the money that he had
been tucking away.

I went to take a
quit shower before anyone could interrupt me.

The house was
very quiet but I could hear Maria moving around in her room. The tree
had a couple thin, wrapped up presents under it, nothing worth
waiting for. I wished that we had taken off yesterday. I didn't know
where we were going but this limbo was uncomfortable.

I feared that
they would hurt Tata by not saying goodbye to him. My Tata wasn't as
tough as he pretended. If he were he wouldn't need me in his life.
But he did need me. He needed me a whole lot. It was my job to make
him feel better about himself.

I was glad that I
never met his father. I was glad that he had died before I came
along. He was most likely a very cold and hard man who didn't care
about anyone but himself. He hadn't been a good father to Tata.

Tata had
everything packed and ready. He was sitting on the bed holding
Carrots when I returned. “Make sure you don't forget him. We are
never coming back here. No matter what.”

Yes, Tata. I
reached for my bunny and took it from him. I was still naked from my
shower. I wasn't sure what to do. If I set Carrots down he might
scold me. I didn't want that.

I went to the
clothes that I chosen to wear today. I pinned Carrots between my body
and my arm, as I got dressed. Then I turned to Tata. That was it. I
was ready to go.

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