Class Trip (24 page)

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Authors: Rachel Burns

BOOK: Class Trip
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“I didn't know what the baby would be.”

I closed the door and looked back at him. “It's so beautiful.”
Lots of built-in cupboards filled with happy looking stuffed animals
and toys. He had put a lot of thought into this room. “Did you
design it yourself?”

“No, I wouldn't have done it this nice. I had a designer do
everything. It was finished and ready before we left home. I figured
if you didn't get pregnant that we would adopt. I want to give you
everything that you want. I love you so much.” He hesitated before
he continued. “Do you love me back, Sandra?” He sounded like a
hurt little boy again.

I moved so I was directly in front him. I looked up into his
beautiful blue eyes. Tears filled my eyes and ran down my cheeks. “I
love you so much. It hurt me so much to be away from you, Tata. I
need us to be together.”

He looked so relieved. He was always so unsure of my love. “I need
you too.” He wrapped his arms around me but it was difficult with
my huge tummy between us.

Tata moved me to our bedroom next door. He closed the door and
undressed me. I was nervous what he would think of my pregnant form.
I had a dark line in the middle of my tummy and my belly button was
sticking out. Would he be disgusted? I didn't look like a little

“I need you Sandra. It's been so long.” He leaned down and sucked
on my nipple. I wrapped my arms around his head to hold him in place.
I had missed sex. I liked that he was so capable in bed. He always
made sure that I was satisfied.

His eyes looked up to me as he sucked on my nipple. He was like a
baby; he needed me to take care of his needs.

I cupped his face with my hands. His eyes closed. He was overwhelmed
with my love for him. I was moved by this precious moment.

I stroked my fingers over his face, touching his smooth forehead,
gliding over the wrinkles around his eyes before my fingers moved
over the stubble of his cut bread.

His eyes remained closed and sucked like a baby would.

“Tata, I need to lie down. We can continue in bed.” I was calling
him daddy but I was acting like his mommy. Doing for him what his own
mother didn't have it in her to do. I was taking care of him and
making him feel loved. That was all he wanted.

He let go with a loud smacking noise, making me grin at him. My
nipple had turned a dark pink and it stood out so hard and tall.

“Lie down on your side.” He was back to being a little boy with a
new toy. I lay down on the bed in the middle. It was so soft and I
felt like I was sinking into the silky satin.

He undressed and joined me on the bed. “Move your knee this way.”
He grabbed onto my upper leg and moved it up towards my tummy. Then
he moved my arm so my hand was in front of my face.

“Just stay this way.” He moved so my straight leg was in between

I jumped a little surprised when I felt his finger rotate around my
clitoris. I relaxed into the feeling, my tight muscles were
unclenching. Now I was the one closing my eyes and enjoying this

His fingers moved away, but they were replaced by his penis. Every
part of his body felt so good on mine. This was just magical.

I believed that this was destiny, which made me a foreign exchange
student and made him choose my school to teach at and my class to
take on that terrible trip. Were some of the other girls also with
men they loved now? Were they thankful that they had been kidnapped
and bought?

Tata pushed into me making me gasp. “That's my favorite sound in
the world.”

I peeked over my shoulder and looked back at him. I couldn't hide my
smile. I was glad that he liked to make love to me as much as I liked
him to do it.

He carefully rocked into me. He was being gentle because of the baby.
It had been so long and it felt so good. I had a feeling that I would
come quickly for him.

He had both his hands on my bottom. They were squeezing into the
skin, pinching me a little while they held me in place.

He thrust forward again and again, at a constant rate, one that felt
so exceptionally marvelous. “I missed you,” I confessed. “I
missed this, too.”

“So did I, Sandra. No one makes me feel like you do. You are my
life.” He leaned down and kissed my lips. His hips were still
rocking into mine.

“Oh Tata, I'm coming.”

He nodded at me and straightened up again. His hands were planted on
my bottom again. He thrust a little faster and harder. I got a little
wilder. In fact, I felt desperate to have an orgasm. I was
over and over as I begged for it.

He picked up more speed and thrust deeper. He was about to come. I
needed to relax so I could come before he did.

I was panting and trying so hard to just feel what he was doing for
me. I closed my eyes and envisioned his penis sliding in and out of
me. It must be a beautiful sight. He was so lucky that he could see
us making our love to each other.

“Oh!” I called out. It was happening. I had worried that I would
never see him again and never make love again and now here we were
and I was coming. “Yes!”

He was gaining speed. That must mean that he was close too.

We came together, enjoying wave after wave of pleasure as they washed
over us. Tata lay down on me so his mouth was by my ear. He was
panting just like I was. He had done all the work and I had been the
recipient. His fist was pushing into the mattress by my face. I
guessed that he was trying not to lay his whole weight on me.

“I love you, Sandra.”

“I love you too, Tata. But I need to take a nap now. I usually do
every day. Is that okay.”

“Of course, angel.” He pulled out, making me whimper. Then he
moved me this way and that, stopping first when I was perfectly
covered up. “Sleep well, my little angel.”

“I wanted to call my parents.”

“I'll do it. Just you sleep. You must be exhausted.”

Chapter 18

I felt a terrible pain in my back when I woke up. My first thought
was that we must have overdone it while making love. I just wasn't
used to it anymore.

I reached behind me. The warmth coming off of his body felt so good.
“Tata,” I whispered. I wasn't sure why I was bothering him. What
did I want him to do? I wasn't sure if I needed to go to the bathroom
or if I was hungry. Maybe I just needed a massage.

I shook him a little. “Tata.”

I sucked up a deep breath of air. I was in pain. “Please wake up,
Tata. I need you.”

“Sandra, what's wrong?”

“I don't know. I'm just not sure.”

The light went on and I covered my eyes to protect them. I was still
naked and he was rubbing my back. “Should I call the doctor?”

“I don't know. Perhaps I'm just hungry?”

“Should I wake the kitchen staff?”

“No, maybe an apple would be enough.”

“An apple, coming right up.” Tata started to get up.

“No don't leave me.” I reached for him, trying to hold him in
place. I didn't want to be alone.

“I'm leaving. I'm going to get the doctor.”

“No, you don't have to wake him. I meant that I'd go with you.” I
fought my way to my feet. The palms of my hands went to my back. “But
first I have to go to the bathroom.”

“Of course, angel.” He had a twinkle in his eye as he looked at
my oddly shaped body. “It's right through here.”

“I think I want to take a shower, too.” I called over my shoulder
as I waddled to the bathroom. “Wow, that's some bathtub,” I
declared when I entered the room.

“I thought that it should be big enough for the whole family. I
pictured you bathing the baby and passing him off to me. I want us to
be very close.”

“I wouldn't have it any other way.” I could see that he was
trying not to sound so needy. He wanted what he couldn't have as a
child, a loving family. I would see that he got it and that he
started to feel more positive about himself.

I went to the bathroom while he took off to get me some food. Did he
think that I wouldn't notice?

I got into the shower, deciding not to wait for him. When the water
hit my stomach it hardened like a rock. My back felt like a sponge,
which was being squeezed to ripping. I could hardly breathe. More air
seemed to be leaving my body than entering it. I was huffing and
puffing and then the pain was gone, completely gone.

I wasn't sure if it had really happened. I hurried in the shower.
Using the shampoo and soap that was in there for me. He had thought
of everything. He needed me so much. I was the only person that he

Besides, he would do anything for me. He even let me go home with my
parents. It had been nice for me to build up a relationship with him.

My parents had fought constantly when I was little, each blaming the
other because of Kelly. They didn't want me growing up like that. My
mother often visited him. They had remained faithful to each other
but my father cracked under the guilt. They had been in Vienna
because my father was there on business. He couldn't forgive himself.

Men weren't the tough strong guys that I once thought that they were.
They weren't perfect.

The pain in my back returned, making my stomach tighten again. I was
pretty sure that these were contractions.

“Tata,” I called out. He was gone. I shouldn't have been so
unsure before.

I got out of the shower and paced up and down, leaving dangerous
puddles in my wake. I was repeating
as I walked up and

“Sandra, are you okay?”

“Baby's coming, now. At least, I think so. I could be wrong.”

“Should I help you to bed?”

“I don't know. I've never done this before.” I felt my voice

“Angel, does it hurt like when you lost the baby, last time.”

“No, it's different. I'm scared,” I admitted.

“Okay, I'm going to take you to the ship's doctor. He has done this
before. He will look you over and know what is going on.” Tata was
trying so hard to sound like everything was normal but I could easily
see that he was scared too.

He went to a wall and opened it up. Inside was a walk-in closet. “I
think you should wear one of my shirts. I'll walk you over to the
doctor's.” He grabbed one of his shirts and helped me into it while
he talked to me. It felt like an eternity for him to finish with the

He took hold of my hand and walked me out of the bathroom. In our
bedroom he pushed a button on the wall. “I need the doctor to wake
up. Sandra has gone into labor. I also want the captain to go to the
doctor's office.”

“The captain?” I asked. I really didn't need that many people
watching me.

“Yes, he needs to take care of something for us. It will
unfortunately go very quickly. I had wanted to take more time and do
it right tomorrow, but it can't wait now.”

I didn't understand what he was talking about and I didn't care. The
next contraction had me doubled over.

“Oh Sandra, it will be better soon.” He sounded scared but like
he wanted to sound like he had everything under control.


“Yes, Tata will help you. I am so thankful that I got you alone
today. I don't even want to think about you going through this

“Me neither.” I was able to move along the hallway with him. He
brought me into a doctor's office. The doctor was already there.

“Hello. It's great to finally meet you. Daniel has told us so much
about you. I'll admit that I was beginning to think that he made you

“My family needed me at home.”

“For that many months?”

“My older sister was kidnapped when she was little. They got her
back and it was important for all of us to be there.”

“Oh, I understand. Forgive me for prying.”

“That's okay.”

“Let's see how far along you are.”

The doctor checked me over while Tata held my hand. I was amazed at
how well this ship was stocked. It had everything that my
gynecologist had. Tata was doing everything in his power to keep me
safe. Not just me but also our baby.

The doctor told me he was surprised I could have slept through the
contractions as long as I did. Sleeping next to Tata had given me

The doctor told me he figured the baby would be born within the hour.

“Get the captain in here right now!” Tata sounded furious.

The doctor jumped to do his bidding. The captain came right in with a
bible in his hands.

“Just do it fast,” Tata told him.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to witness the union of this
man with this woman.”

Half an hour later I was a married mother. Tata had insisted that we
be married before the baby's arrival. The captain went pale at every
contraction that I had and they came one right after the other. Still
I will always remember Tata's face when I said
I do.
He looked
– thankful.

At the moment I was resting. The doctor told him that I was fine but
I needed to rest. Then he told Tata that he could have his first
father/son moment.

Tata's jaw had dropped. He kissed our baby's tiny cheek and walked up
and down with him. He was still doing that.

I listened to him talk to the baby. He was telling him that he would
show him the world. That he could have anything he wanted. Then he
dropped his voice. He promised our baby that he would never do
anything to hurt him and that he would love him all of his life. He
promised our baby that he would never have to go through what he went

I loved Tata so much. It had been the right decision to go with him.


I was holding onto Jake's tiny hand as we walked along Church road.
We had a couple of errands to run before we returned to the ship. I
was about to enter a shop when I heard someone calling out my name.
It was a voice that I easily recognized.

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