Code Name: Kayla's Fire (30 page)

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Authors: Natasza Waters

BOOK: Code Name: Kayla's Fire
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“Why is it so hard for us to find just a little peace? Bad luck, bad
people, circumstance,”—he shot a look toward Daniel, who’d wandered to the
fireplace, but no doubt listened intently—“always stepping in the way to stop
us. You’re married?”

“I’m separated.”

“That means you’re still legally married.” He could see how tired she
was. Dark circles shadowed her eyes. Her shoulders dipped with exhaustion. All
the reminiscing and emotional tugging Daniel had laid on her had taken its
toll. “Sweetheart, come on.”

“Where are we going?” she asked, accepting his hand.

“To bed. You need to rest.”

“No, I’ll be fine.”

“Excuse me.” Daniel’s expression constricted, his formidable form
stepping in their way. “Whether you like it or not Kayla is my wife, and you’re
not sleeping with her while I’m here.”

Thane, nudged her behind him, squeezed her hand, and took a step to
stand eye-to-eye with Daniel. “No one invited you to stay. With one call, I
could have you picked up, and behind bars in an hour. Kayla is the mother of my
son, and I don’t give a shit what you want, Lapierre. Dwell on that while you
drive thirty miles to the closest hotel, asshole.”


He led her to the couch and sat her down. “It’s my turn. Please, just
rest.” He straightened after covering her with a blanket. Daniel’s gaze was on
Kayla, his expression loving, and he took a step toward the couch, stretching
out his hand as if he was going to sweep it through her hair. He wanted to
break his wrist, but instead restrained it. “Outside. Now,” he ordered.

Daniel wasn’t in any hurry to leave and leaned against a post on the
porch. His stance calm, unthreatening. “Highway’s that way,” he said stepping

“I’m not leaving. You’re just gonna have to deal with it. Obviously, I
wasn’t part of your plan, but I’m standing you down, SEAL. I’ve seen you guys
out in the theater, especially the SEALs. The first chance you get you’re
shoving your cock in some Japanese hooker. You have no honor when it comes to

“I guess sticking a knife in the beautiful creature on the couch makes
you a better man,” he growled, and took a seat on the bench, where he’d spent
the entire afternoon listening to Daniel explain why he’d beaten his wife to a
pulp. The guy was playing her all over again. He knew her all right, enough to
appeal to the dominant side of Kayla, which was always working out a problem,
finding a sensible solution. She probably needed to hear an explanation to why
the man who was supposed love her, nearly killed her. Who the hell wouldn’t?
“She won’t take you back.”

Daniel dropped his arms to his sides. The guy was as fit as he was,
and blow for blow they’d done enough damage to each other this afternoon. He’d
finally met his match. Whether he could outmaneuver him was yet to be seen.

“Yes, she will.”

“Pretty fuckin’ sure of yourself, aren’t you, JTF? You think a few
words are going to wipe everything away?”

“That was my intention when I came, but when I saw her, I knew I
wanted her to give me another chance. Your child is a bit of an issue, but if
she gives you custody, we have no worries. I’m taking my wife home, Captain.
She belongs to me.”

They stared at each other. “Yeah, you’re still the same guy if you
think she’s your possession.
son—is not an issue, Kayla and I will raise him and the rest of our children,

“She could never say no to me. Get used to the idea, she won’t be here
for much longer.”

“Kayla is a different woman now. She won’t bow to you and that’s going
to send your abusive mind over the rails.”

“My marriage and my wife are my business, not yours. I’ll bring in the
Shark, and then we’re leaving.”

He ran a hand through his hair, and sunk a look into Lapierre that he
could easily read. “You’ll be dead before then.”

A small gust of air escaped him and a sure smile curled his lips.
“We’ll see who stops breathing first, SEAL. It’s a mistake to wage a war over


* * * *


Flinging the covers aside, she waddled toward their voices on the
porch. Leaving them alone was not a good idea.

“Sweetheart.” Thane curled his arm around her as she stepped out the
door. She smiled up at him and stepped away. “What are you doing?” He searched
her eyes.

Daniel watched their every move, looking for weakness.

“Why don’t I make a fire,” Daniel said. “In fact, I’ll go get the
goods if you’ll make my favorite for dinner,” he said winking at her. “It’s
been a long time. You’re still the best cook I know, Angel.” An endearing smile
tightened his strong jaw. “Remember that Greek place we used to go on our
anniversary? I wonder if it’s still open?”

She shook her head. “Don’t know.”

“Do you still have my rings?” An overt look of warmth filled his eyes.
“I never took mine off.” Holding his hand out to her he said, “Come here,

It actually took a little will not to respond, and that surprised her.
“Daniel, stop this.”

“I’m being an asshole for doing this in front of Austen, right?”

“You’re agitating him for no reason.”

“There is a reason. You’re my wife. He’s got to get used to that.”

She drew in a deep breath and grasped the railing. “We’re separated.
For good reason.”

“A reason that doesn’t exist any more, Kayla.”

He walked right into her space, and laid his hands on her shoulders.
The black shirt he wore fluttered in the mountain wind, surrounding her in his
scent. After all these years, it swept into her senses as something comforting.
How sick was that? Daniel’s full lips and sharp features with a day’s worth of
stubble reminded her of the rogue she’d fallen in love with. He’d always
appealed to her lust.

“There were good times too. I understand they’re hard to see because
of the man I used to be.” His head lowered, eyeing her from beneath his brow.
“I’m in control, except maybe when you’re close to me.”

She twisted from his grip.

“Angel, I need to prove to you I’ve changed.” Daniel’s eyes warmed.
“When I said my vows to you, I meant every word.”

“You did,” she interjected. “Right up until the death do you part.”

“It was twisted obsession, and with the PT disorder it took a violent
turn. I would have never believed it myself, but the doctors helped me. All I
see now is the beautiful woman I married. I should have cherished you, and
walked away when I was angry. I didn’t know how to do that then, but I do now.”

“How am I supposed to trust you?”

“I know you’re afraid. That’s why I’m not asking you to send Austen
away. If nothing else, I want to help find the Shark. It’ll give you peace and
give us time to know each other again. Let’s go back to San Diego. You can show
me around and we can watch the sunsets like we used to.”

She stared out at the quiet forest. The whole scenario was outrageous.
Why was she even listening to him?

“You’re more beautiful now than I remember.” His hand brushed her
stomach, and she stiffened. “I just wish he was my son,” he whispered in her
ear. “Remember the picnic at Harrison Bay? It was a beautiful day and I made
love to you all afternoon. We can be in love like that again.”

She put distance between them. “Daniel, I can’t.”

“Keep reminding yourself of that, Kayla,” Thane said from the doorway.
He took a deliberate step, his entire body a taut weapon. “You came, you explained
and now you’re going to leave. You don’t get a second chance, other than the
few minutes head start I’m going to give you.”

Daniel pulled her under his arm. “You know I can find this guy hunting
you.” Daniel gently turned her. “Angel, one more time, forgive me one last
time, and I promise you I will make this right. The way it should have been.
Resting his hand over her heart, he said, “We have too much history, and some
of it was incredible.”

Thane waited, expressionless.

“I’m different now, Daniel, and you made me that way.” She stepped
away from him as both men watched. Two more steps took her to Thane’s side.
“Daniel, you had ten years of chances that ended with you shoving a knife in my
back. My captain has never hurt me. He should have run away from me when he saw
how messed up I was. Maybe one day he still will, but I can’t be your wife

“Think it’s time for you to go,” Thane said through a clenched jaw.

Daniel’s green eyes implored her to come back to him.

“Then I have a proposition,” Thane said, twining his arms around her
and their son. “Kayla will have the divorce papers drafted in the next couple
of days, and you’re going to sign them. Then you can stay. You want to atone
for what you did because you say you love her, then you’ll do this.”

Daniel shook his head. “I’ll do anything, but that. Kayla, please
understand. I…I can’t. We married for better or worse. I did the worst, I want
to do better.”

Why? “It could get no worse!” She tore herself from Thane’s
protection, and stepped right into his face. “You destroyed me, and I’ve spent
ten years trying to crawl back.” Tears filled her eyes and choked her words. Then
the most incredible thing happened. Tears began to well in his eyes too. The
man had never, ever cried in all the years she’d known him. “Daniel?”

“I know,” he choked, his gaze dropping to the floor. “Angel, I know.
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He wrapped her tightly against him. “There’s one
obsession I’ll never get over and it’s you. Let’s take it a day at a time.
Please, don’t ask me to leave.”

This was so messed up. “I’ll be fine. The Shark will be caught,
eventually. You can’t stay here. It’ll drive us all crazy.”

“You’re confused because you don’t want to hurt him. I get that.”
Turning his attention to Thane, whose eyes bore into him with a steely edge, he
said, “I don’t hold any ill will against you, Captain, but you can’t have her.
Can you understand that?”

“Thane,” she warned. Cold fear gripped her seeing nothing was left but
aggression in his eyes, he’d become a warrior again. With a swing of her head,
she saw a sharp, deadly expression morphing Daniel’s features.

“Go in the house, Kayla,” Thane ordered.

“No. Daniel, come on.” She grabbed his arm, trying to pull him. ‘Now,
get going.”

“Don’t do it, Captain. I won’t stop, I promise you that.” Daniel laid
his large palm on her back and gently nudged her away from him. “Go inside,

“Stop it, both of you stop it.” She stretched her arms out, palming
both chests. “What is this, testosterone overdose? Cut this shit out,” she
yelled at the top her lungs. Both men stopped. “Thane, please don’t leave me to
raise our son by myself. You’ll kill each other.”

“You’re the past, Lapierre, and you’re going to stay there.” Thane
pulled his phone from his pocket.

“Daniel, just go. Please. Everyone just needs to…” she reached for the
phone and stopped Thane from dialing, certain he was calling in the police and
she didn’t want that either.

Daniel hesitantly stepped down onto the stairs. “I’ll be back
tomorrow. Regardless of what happens I’m not leaving Kayla vulnerable.”

“I’d think twice about that if I were you,” Thane warned. “Pack your
things, we’re leaving,” Thane ordered, pulling her into the house and closing
the door.

“I’m not leaving,” she said rounding on him.

“Kayla, if he comes back, I will end up in jail and he’ll be dead. If
we leave…”

“I will deal with this.”

Thane began to pace around the living room.

“Captain, I just can’t throw him out of my life. He has ten years of
it. Maybe he has dealt with his issues. Can we find out if Daniel actually
received help while he was imprisoned?”

“I can’t, but you can. You’re his wife.” The word
rolled off his tongue with a sharp edge. “Were you ever going
to tell me?”

“It didn’t seem high on the priority list.”

Kayla tried to escape toward the kitchen. “Not high on the list, huh?”

“No, it wasn’t,” she said sternly. “I distinctly remember you in my
doorway telling me to close it in Arizona.”

“Yeah, and I remember admitting I was an idiot.”

She hammered a large pot onto the stovetop. “Yeah, and I remember you
screwed another woman.” When he didn’t fire back with an argument, she turned
her eyes up to him, and laid a hand on his. “The truth is, I never expected a
lot of things.”

“Like what? Say it.”

“I never expected for you to feel anything but dislike for me. You
have this unbreakable aura, as if daring anyone to get too close, and you’d
shred them to pieces, and that included me.” As she turned the knob, the stove
lit with a
. “The last thing I
expected was a future that included you and me.”

“Fair enough. Tomorrow we find out who Daniel’s doctor is, and if
he’ll share anything with you. Secondly, you’re going to file for divorce.
Daniel’s signing those papers.”

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