CodenameAutumn (3 page)

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Authors: Aubrey Ross

BOOK: CodenameAutumn
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Autumn sat on the edge of the sofa, remembering the feel of
Ra’jen’s strong hands running over her body. “He hasn’t actually shown an
interest in me. He brought me here to heal me. Rebecca did a real number on my

“We’ll take care of Rebecca,” Celinna assured. “You take
care of General Noirte.”

“This is an amazing opportunity,” Belietta stressed. “Do you
understand how important this is?”

“Yes, mistress.” What she didn’t understand was what
Belietta expected her to do if the general continued to be gallant. She
couldn’t make him desire her. Could she?

“You know what happens to those who disappoint me. I would
much rather reward you for an astonishing success.”

The connection terminated and Autumn leaned back, shivering
as the cool leather pressed against her skin. She understood the inferred
threat. Belietta rewarded those who made her lots of money and withheld the
compound from those who disappointed her. Without regular doses of the
compound, withdrawal was inevitable. Violent cramps and debilitating tremors,
then hallucinations and endless bouts of vomiting. No one survived withdrawal.
The only variable was how long it took a person to die.

Human chemists had tried to replicate the compound for
years, ever since addiction was used to control the workforce. But the compound
was synthesized from an alien element that wasn’t found on Earth. Or any of the
other planets the Gathosians had pillaged if the rumors were accurate.

Even reluctant members of the Protectorate were addicted to
the vile compound. The Gathosians found the strategy so effective they saw no
reason to expand their repertoire.

Autumn drew her legs up to her chest and rested her forehead
on her knees. She had to think, had to find a way to seduce the most powerful
man in the Protectorate. Yeah, no pressure there.

Blatant seduction was too obvious. He’d made his opinion of
ambassadors crystal clear. He was a soldier, a warrior elf. The description
made her smile. With rebellious strands of his waist-length hair streaming
around his shoulders, the title had been even more fitting.

Her imagination grasped the detail and wove it into an
incredibly vivid image. She saw herself on his bed, legs spread to accommodate
his hips. He entwined their fingers and pinned her hands to the bed as he
pushed his cock deep inside her. His hair created a curtain around them, then
pooled on their hands, the silky strands caressing her fingers.

The image was certainly tempting, but how did she make it

Chapter Three


Silencing Brant’s attaché with a scathing glare, Ra’jen
threw open the office door and strode inside. “If you ever countermand my
orders again I will—”

“You’ll what?” Ulrick Brant minimized the holographic image
suspended above his desk. “My position is equal to yours, and the Gathosians
need us both, so stop snarling at me.”

“That doesn’t excuse your flagrant disregard for my
policies.” Like all Valtorians, Brant was a study in contrasts. His hair was
rich amber, while his eyes were so dark it was impossible to distinguish
between the pupils and irises. He appeared suave and sophisticated in his
custom business suit, yet danger rippled beneath the professional façade. When
provoked, Valtorians became savage and ruthless.

“You weren’t expected back until Monday.” Brant accentuated
the point with a casual shrug, and Ra’jen balled his hands into fists.

“Again, that’s no excuse. My men know ambassadors are not
allowed on base. The rules apply whether I’m there to supervise or not.”

“Our men work damn hard and deserved a reward.”

The way Brant stressed the word “our” caused Ra’jen’s hands
to clench even tighter. “I do not disagree with the concept. I am frustrated by
the execution.”

“Belietta already had a large party booked at the embassy.”

“Then you should have waited for her next available

“It’s ridiculous for you to be this angry about such a small

Brant’s lackadaisical attitude often clashed with Ra’jen’s
regimented concept of life, but Brant was right about one thing. This argument
was pointless. “If the fuck-fest was no big deal, why didn’t you hold it in one
conference rooms?”

“Did they trash the place and smash the furniture? Why are
you so pissed off?”

“I expect my orders to be followed. When the men are on
base, they are under my authority. What they do when they are under your
command is between them and you.”

“I get it.” He folded his hands on his desktop, looking
anything but contrite. “Sorry I stepped on your toes. It won’t happen again.”

Knowing that was as close as they were likely to come to
consensus, Ra’jen nodded and left Brant’s office. The Gathosian power structure
was ineffective and frustrating, but they didn’t ask his input on how to
organize the Protectorate. The civilian division was supposed to balance the
aggression of the military division, and the military division was designed to
curtail the bureaucracy of the civilians. More often than not, having two equal
departments simply created internal conflict and distracted from the ultimate

The night was cool and cloudy. He walked across the
greenbelt separating the civilian section of the complex from the military,
savoring the brisk breeze on his face. Autumn was waiting for him. Was she
still asleep in his bed, or was she pawing through his possessions? She hadn’t
been imprinted, so she wouldn’t be able to activate the access terminal.

Security to General Noirte.
The com-implant embedded
behind his right ear vibrated subtly and then his brain translated the silent
signal, recreating the voice inside his mind.

Noirte here, go ahead.

We detected a transmission emanating from your quarters.
The content might interest you.

Each time he left his quarters continual surveillance was
triggered. Who had the lovely little ambassador contacted?
Patch it through


Autumn’s conversation with the women at the embassy played
inside his mind. He was annoyed at first, then angered by their cavalier
attitude. Unless he’d completely misjudged her, Autumn lacked the deceitful
nature of a true seductress. They’d set her up for failure whether they
realized it or not.

He hesitated outside his quarters, debating how to proceed.
Should he let her attempt to seduce him? She would be humiliated when she
failed. Worse, she would be in danger. He hadn’t missed the threat in the
madam’s tone. If Autumn returned without a hefty transfer of credits, she would
be punished severely. Which left them at a perilous impasse because he didn’t
pay for sex, never had and never would.

Scanning open the door, he found Autumn curled up in his
favorite chair. She was mostly covered by one of his dress shirts. The soft
white material skimmed over her body, hinting at curves he was anxious to

“I borrowed one of your shirts,” she said with a cautious

“I can see that.” He could also see her shadowy nipples
beading against the fabric. Unable to suppress the urge, he stalked toward her.
She started to speak then caught her bottom lip between her teeth and averted
her gaze. “What’s the matter? Do you need more energy?”

“No, and thank you for healing me. I really appreciate it.”
She sounded sincere, but her gaze continued to dart about the room. She looked
at everything but him.

He caught her chin in a light grasp and gently lifted her
face. “Then why are you so jittery? I didn’t frighten you before.”

Her pink tongue swept across her lower lip, then she met his
gaze. “I don’t want to go back to the embassy. Rebecca twisted everything
around and Belietta is furious.”

Ahh, she was appealing to his protective nature. Smart girl.
“Rebecca is the one who beat you?”

“Yes, but she convinced our madam that I provoked her.”

“How did you provoke her while you were bound and gagged?”

She fiddled with the hem of his shirt, inadvertently revealing
a nice expanse of toned thigh. At least it appeared inadvertent. Was she better
at this than he’d first thought?

“Belietta didn’t know I was gagged, and all the other girls
were too busy to notice.” She unfolded her legs and stood, moving toward the
viewport on the far side of the room.

“And what were you supposed to have said that warranted such

“According to Rebecca, I bragged about not having to
pleasure anyone. She told Belietta that I think I’m worth more than anyone
else, and I intended to remain a whipping girl as long as possible.”

“You are, and you do.” Her strategy was clever. She coaxed
him into pursuing her while she stayed just out of reach.

“You make me sound like a tease.” She casually strolled back
toward the sitting area as he neared the viewport.

“Is it an unfair assessment of your role?” Even knowing why
she was avoiding him didn’t hinder the hunter. Predatory urges surfaced and he
stalked her, closing the distance between them. “You display your body—which is
damn close to perfect—in a sexually charged atmosphere, yet refuse to let
anyone touch you. Is that not the definition of a tease?” She’d reached the
sofa and started to sit, but he caught her upper arms. “Don’t start something
you’re not willing to finish.”

Her brow creased and her lips parted. “Are we still talking
about last night?”

“Were we ever talking about last night?” He lowered his
face, inhaling her scent as he gazed into her eyes.

“I thought we were.” Her tone became whisper-soft and she
melted into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around her and brushed his lips
over hers. She allowed the kiss longer than he’d expected. Their lips pressed
and slid, caressing. But as soon as he touched her with his tongue, she twisted
away. “I can’t do this.”

“Are you a virgin?”

“No.” She crossed her arms over her chest but didn’t move
out of reach. Tempting and vulnerable, she neatly baited her trap. “I thought I
could do this, but I can’t. My emotions won’t disengage.”

All he had to do was reach out and touch her. Despite her
denial, her nipples were hard and her cheeks were flushed. There was no doubt
she wanted him. “Autumn…” Rather than lift her chin, he waited for her to
respond to her name. Slowly, she tilted her head and looked into his eyes.

Keeping his tone calm and low, he said, “I would love to
spend the night with you, but I don’t pay for sex.”


Heat rolled through Autumn’s body, stirring her senses and
muddling her mind. He wanted to fuck her, but he had no intention of paying
her? What the hell was she supposed to do with that? Belietta would kill her if
she failed so miserably.

“I’m going to take a shower.” He brushed her cheek with the
backs of his fingers, the touch so light and fleeting she barely had time to
register the caress. “I hope you’ll join me, but I’ll understand if you choose
to leave instead.” He paused as his gaze swept down her body. “Call for an
escort and borrow a pair of pants if you head home.”

He turned and walked toward the bathroom, pulling off his
shirt as he went. The muscles in his back bunched and flexed, and Autumn
stifled a groan. It had been so long since anyone touched her with anything
resembling tenderness. She’d forgotten how good it felt. Even while he healed
her Ra’jen had been careful, his hands skimming over her body.

His lips had been warm and patient. Their kiss, though
brief, had been unbelievably arousing. Despite the conflict complicating the
situation, she wanted this night with him. She needed to feel wanted and alive,
if only for one night.

She knew she couldn’t change his mind about paying for their
pleasure. He’d made his opinion of ambassadors obvious from the start. But
maybe she could convince him to find her another position. Yeah right. Her only
other option was one of the refineries and she’d already rejected that sort of
life. The dangers among the laborers might be different, but they were just as

So that left Belietta. Could Ra’jen protect her from the
madam’s wrath? Of course he could, but why would he? Autumn was nothing to him.
No, less than nothing. She was an ambassador.

She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. Not
tonight she wasn’t. Tonight she was just a woman attracted to a man. She would
steal these few hours for her own pleasure and deal with the consequences as
they came.

Even if she returned to the embassy in the morning and told
Belietta she’d slept on his couch, the madam would be a fool to harm her. She
was the only woman in whom Ra’jen had shown any interest and she would exploit
that fact for as long as possible. Eventually Belietta would realize Ra’jen
would never change his mind, but that day was a long way off and Autumn
intended to indulge her passions while she still had a choice.

The bittersweet thought hovered in the back of her mind as
she followed him into the bathroom. Humidity warmed her skin and made the air
hazy. Like the rest of the apartment, the bathroom was functional and
immaculate. She unbuttoned the shirt and let it slide down her arms as she
watched his shadowy figure move beyond the frosted door.

“Are you coming in?” His deep voice wrapped around her and
flowed through her.

“Are you sure there’s room for me in there?”

The door slid to the side and he held out his hand. “Let’s
find out.”

Desire flared within her, consuming, demanding, hot.
Clothed, Ra’jen was captivating—all restrained strength and leashed power. But
his naked body blatantly displayed the savage side of his nature. She had never
seen muscles so starkly defined or features so fiercely…beautiful. The two
words shouldn’t have worked together, but he
both fierce and

His lips curved and his gaze smoldered. “Are you coming in,
or shall I come out?”

“You’re amazing,” she whispered as she stepped into the

With a rumbling chuckle, he closed the door and wrapped his
arms around her. “I’m glad you approve.”

“Do all your people look like you?” He tensed and she looked
up at him. “I’m sorry.”

“The Gathosians decimated my planet much like they’re
devastating Earth. Very few of my people remain.”

Then how could he work with them? He didn’t just work with
them, he led their armies as they destroyed world after world.

His gaze cooled and his features hardened. “Don’t you dare
judge me. You’ve been told what withdrawal does to your body, but have you
experienced it?”

She shook her head. She’d obviously struck a nerve, and she
wasn’t sure how to defuse his anger. Wait a second. How the hell had he known
what she was thinking?

Before she could ask, he tangled his hand in her hair and
pulled her head back, pressing their lower bodies tighter together. “There is
no fighting the Gathosians. I think you understand that. So I tried to run.
Over and over, I found ways to escape, and each time they brought me back. They
strapped me to a table and let the compound work its magic. You can’t imagine
the agony. They would dose me just often enough to keep my body craving more.
Each time I suffered longer, and drifted closer to death. But death is the one
mercy they will not allow me. I’m too fucking valuable to them.” Pushing her
away, he turned toward the showerhead and let the water pelt his face.

“I’m sorry. I know—”

Without warning he spun and yanked her into his arms. His
mouth crushed hers, tongue boldly thrusting. She instinctively struggled,
frightened by his sudden aggression, but his hold was unbreakable. He pressed
her against the back wall of the shower, his mouth ravaging hers.

Fighting him was pointless. This was why she’d stayed, why
she followed him into the bathroom. She wanted this, wanted him. So
instinctively she submitted, allowing his tongue to have its way while his body
ground against hers. His smooth chest rubbed her nipples and their legs
entwined. Desire sparked through her fear and she began to respond.

He pulled back and she looked into his eyes, expecting anger
and finding pain. Her heart lurched and compassion melted the tension in her
muscles. He was searching for comfort, just as she was, trying to recapture
some measure of control. She licked her lips and glanced away. “It’s been a
really long time since I’ve done this.”

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