CodenameAutumn (6 page)

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Authors: Aubrey Ross

BOOK: CodenameAutumn
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Pushing to his feet, Brant looked into his eyes. “Does your
source claim to be a rape victim?”

“No.” Ra’jen returned to his chair, ready for the
conversation to end. “You lose nothing by asking around. Maybe talk to a few of
the women.”

“You’re right. If they’re being victimized, it needs to
stop. I’ll look into it.”

“Thank you.”

Brant nodded and left the office. Ra’jen wasn’t completely
satisfied with Brant’s reaction. He’d check back in a couple of days to make
sure Brant was giving the accusations the attention they deserved.

“Sir, this just arrived for you.” Ethan Dorsey stood in the
doorway, an embossed envelope in his outstretched hand.

“Bring it here.”

Ethan crossed the office and handed him the small package.
“The men are saying you kept the whipping girl with you all night. Is this

Ra’jen raised his eyebrow as he looked at his lieutenant.
“Do I answer to the men? I was under the impression they answer to me.”

“You misunderstand the reason for my concern, Sir. Was she
hurt badly or were the wounds some sort of theatrical effect? Most of the men
think it was a trick.”

“The wounds were real. I took her to my quarters to heal her
back.” That was how it began at least. Keeping her there all night had
disregarded the same rule his men had ignored. And he’d been furious with his
men. Leave it to Ethan to point out the hypocrisy of his actions.

“Was the other woman punished for the attack? No one
deserved what she gave that poor whipping girl.”

“The situation was resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. But
I have a question for you.”

“Yes, Sir.” Ethan clasped his hands behind his back and straightened.

“If you were so concerned about the whipping girl, why did
you do nothing to stop the abuse?”

“At first, I was like the others. I thought it was part of
the show. Once I realized she was in real pain, I rushed forward and insisted
the woman stop.”

“But you ran like a frightened rabbit when I arrived. She
was left bound, gagged and in agony all alone in that room.”

Ethan’s lips thinned and his nostrils flared. “My actions
were cowardly. I will accept whatever consequence you find fitting.”

Ra’jen chuckled and motioned for the younger man to sit.
“I’m glad to see you still have a conscience.” He activated the door lock and
frequency jammer before he went on. “Everything worked out for the best. I’ve
recruited the whipping girl as our new courier.”

“That makes perfect sense. I see pleasure ambassadors all
over the place and never pay much attention to what they’re doing.” He scooted
to the edge of his seat. “Are you sure you can trust her?”

“I’m hopeful, but I’ll start out slow, give her nonessential

“The Governor’s Ball might be the perfect opportunity to
have her circulate.” He indicated the envelope. “I know you’ve never bothered
to attend, but it might be worth your time this year.”

Ra’jen opened the envelope and pulled out the invitation. As
Ethan said, it announced the annual ball hosted by Gerald Duval, governor of sector
three. Several important contacts would doubtlessly attend. It would be a
wonderful opportunity to establish lines of communication. He could legitimize
Autumn as a member of the network without drawing undue attention to her.

“Excellent idea, lieutenant.” He smiled at his subordinate.
“I knew there was a reason I kept you around.”

Chapter Six


A polite knock on the office door drew Autumn’s attention
away from the spreadsheet she’d been perusing for the past three hours. “Come

The door swung inward and Celinna smiled. “General Noirte is
here to see you, Mistress. Shall I show him in?”

“Of course. General Noirte is always welcome.”

Celinna turned and motioned Ra’jen inside.

“Thank you,” he said as he brushed past the trainer. She
blushed to the roots of her platinum-blonde hair and pulled the door closed
behind him.

“If you ever touched her, she’d probably swoon.” Autumn
stood and came around the desk. “Is that for me?”

He held a large red box wrapped with a wide velvet ribbon.
“Yes, but you’ll have to earn it.” He turned to the side and placed the package
on a nearby table.

Dressed in khaki pants and a solid black T-shirt, he’d never
looked better. His hair was bound with a black cord at the base of his neck.
The cord wrapped around the wrist-thick mass, crisscrossing as it descended,
creating dramatic Xs against the light strands.

“Can I see what you’re offering?” She moved closer, more
fascinated with his striking features than the unexpected gift.

“No.” Blocking her path to the box, he wrapped his arm around
her waist and drew her against his side.

“How do I know it’s worth earning if you won’t let me see
what it is?” She pushed to the balls of her feet and lightly kissed his mouth.

“You’ll have to trust me.” His lips returned to hers, the
kiss slow and explorative. “You’ll like it, and you’ll want it. That’s all I’ll
say.” He turned toward her and pulled her fully into his arms. “I like your

“Thank you. It’s comfortable.” She’d showered and donned the
simple summer dress after Celinna confirmed that Belietta and Rebecca were
gone. The remaining ambassadors still looked at Autumn with a combination of
amusement and suspicion. It would take time to earn their trust. Everyone on
Earth had learned to be wary. Still, she was determined to use her good fortune
to make all their lives better.

Ra’jen’s fingers drifted across her upper chest, tracing her
collarbone with his thumb. “Are you wearing panties?”

Autumn laughed. “Yes.”

“Take them off.”

“All right.” Moving back toward her desk, she reached under
her full skirt and removed her panties. “Is that all?”

“Hardly.” He unbuttoned the front of the dress and bared her
breasts. The thin straps slid down her arms, lightly restraining her. “So
lovely.” He cupped her breast and bent to sample the nipple. She reached behind
her, grasping the edge of her desk. His lips were warm and firm as he sucked
one side and then the other. “Did you miss me?” He caught one tip between his
teeth and nipped.

“Yes.” She shivered as his mild bite sent excitement
skittering through her chest.

He lifted her to the edge of the desk and knelt in front of
her. After pulling off her sandals, he said, “Lift your skirt and put your feet
on my shoulders.”

She recognized the tone, understood what he needed. Command
was a part of his being. Ra’jen would never find fulfillment with a female
unless she could surrender control. Looking deep into his eyes, she slowly
raised her skirt and parted her legs. “Yes Sir.” She paused as his gaze
descended, knowing how much the sight of her pussy excited him.

“Now your feet.”

Bending her knees, she scooted back as she opened her legs then
rested her feet on his shoulders. He toyed with her nipples a moment longer
then raked his short nails down the inside of each thigh. Then slowly, almost
reverently, he traced her slit with his index finger.

His gaze narrowed on her sex and he inhaled deeply. He
leaned in and inhaled again. “Did you shower when you dressed?”

Dread spiraled through her, threatening the heat simmering
in her body. He’d said he wanted his scent on her when he returned tonight. “I
thought that was for the benefit of the others. I didn’t realize you meant it

Anger erupted in his gaze, turning his gray-blue irises
black. “I mean everything I say. Never doubt it.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t realize…” She didn’t bother
repeating the lame excuse. The truth was she’d been too caught up in her
victory to consider his reaction. “It won’t happen again.”

“Lie back.” His tone was tight, but all expression had left
his face.

Not wanting to make things worse, she slid the organizer out
of the way and lay back across the desktop. He draped her legs over his
shoulders as he lowered his head between her thighs. His lips brushed against
her folds, gentle and caressing. This didn’t feel like punishment. Was he still

He licked her slit and sucked on her folds until heat
gathered beneath his mouth. Her clit swelled against his swirling tongue and
her core clenched, anxious for the fullness of his cock. She reached for his head
and he growled.

“Don’t touch me.” The words were muffled against her flesh,
but she understood. He was still angry. She’d disobeyed, and no one disobeyed
General Noirte without repercussions.

He brought her right to the edge of climax then pulled back.
She wasn’t sure he’d done it intentionally until he did it again. The second
time, his fingers were inside her, so he had to have felt her starting to come.

“Ra’jen, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disobey.”

He stood and opened his pants, taking out his cock without
undressing. “I asked one thing of you and one thing only. Tell me what it was.”

“I am to obey you.”

Hooking the bend of her knees over his forearms, he pulled
her right to the edge of the desk. He found her entrance with his cock and
pushed inside. “When you disobey, the rest is moot.” He pulled back then
slammed home in one forceful lunge. “You don’t respect me and you don’t bring
me pleasure when you willingly disobey.”

Her body responded to the surging rhythm of his cock, but
her heart ached for the tenderness he withheld. This was so different, so cold.
He fucked her now, where they’d been intimate before.

“I’m sorry.” She covered her face with her hands, unable to
bear the cold indifference in his gaze. “Please spank me or something else.
Don’t use this to punish me.”

He paused, his cock deep inside her. “Look at me.”

She moved her hands and met his gaze. “I won’t disobey you
again. I promise.”

“You will endure another form of punishment, but you’re
right. I should not take you in anger.” He stroked the side of her face and
affection warmed his gaze. “Besides, it’s damn hard to stay angry when this
feels so incredibly good.”

She smiled and squeezed him with her inner muscles. “May I
touch you now?”

He stripped off his shirt then pulled her up off the
desktop. Carefully maneuvering through the office with her impaled on his cock,
he made it to the small sofa and sat. She settled over his lap, knees folded
beneath her.

“Ride me.”

More than happy to obey, she grasped his shoulders and
pulled her body up. With just his tip inside her, she hesitated, savoring the
fullness and building anticipation. She watched his eyes, captivated by their
beauty and the power so evident in his stare. Slowly, millimeter by millimeter,
she took him deep again.

His hands clasped her hips at the apex of her next stroke,
and he brought her down forcefully. She gasped and shivered, understanding the
urgency driving his reaction. She caressed his neck and face while their hips
found a rolling motion that rubbed him against all her sweet spots.

He bucked with sudden vigor and the pattern on his chest
flared. She splayed her fingers over the entwining lines and graceful curves,
absorbing their heat and delighting in the meaning. This didn’t happen with a
casual lover. Regardless of the odds against them, she was his. And he was hers.

Emboldened by the knowledge, she arched, bringing her
breasts closer to his face. He bent and sucked while she eagerly rode his cock.
Her strokes grew harder and faster. Pleasure tightened within her, churning,
ready to release.

“Go,” he coaxed. “Take me with you.” His hand slipped
between their bodies and he rubbed her clit with his fingertip.

Throwing back her head with a sharp cry, she came in fast,
deep spasms. He pressed his face against her breasts and wrapped his arms
around her back, releasing his seed as her cunt greedily squeezed him.

“Better?” he murmured then nipped her breast.

“So much better,” she agreed.

He turned to the side and laid her back across the sofa as
he knelt between her thighs. His body arched over hers, but he supported his
weight on his elbows and knees, his cock still deeply inside her. She traced
the marks on his skin, fascinated by their heat and the velvety texture.

“When a male flares it’s an invitation,” he explained. “If
the female accepts him, she touches his
like you’re doing
right now.”

? That’s what this is called?” She followed
one especially bold line across his shoulder and down his arm.

“Yes.” His eyelids dropped and he shivered, his pleasure
unmistakable. “And each time you touch me like that our bond will grow
stronger. I’ll become more protective and more demanding. And you’ll crave the
fullness of my cock.”

“What happens if I lick your
” Before he
could answer, she pulled herself up and dragged her tongue across the bright
blue marks.

His cock hardened inside her and hunger blazed in his eyes.
He lifted her legs to his shoulders and dragged her beneath him, bending her
body in half. She spread her arms wide, reveling in his aggression, safe in the
knowledge that he would never hurt her.

With one foot on the floor and the other knee on the sofa,
he filled her soft wet pussy. Each thrust was demanding and deep, yet he
balanced his weight, careful not to crush her.

“Your hair,” she gasped. “Free your hair.”

He reached back and dragged the black cord from his hair,
shaking his head to free the long strands. She drew her fingers through his
hair, letting the softness caress her while his cock maintained its relentless

Her legs slipped off his shoulders, catching in the bend of
his arms. Then he shifted his hold and freed her legs completely, lowering his
body onto hers. He covered her now, chest to breasts, belly to belly, rubbing
and pressing with each possessive stroke.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled his face
down, needing his tongue in her mouth, and their tastes mingled. His lips
sealed over hers, the kiss every bit as aggressive as the motion of his hips.

A fiery dart drove into her mind, the sting sharp enough to
make her cry out. His thrusts continued and his kiss deepened.
Accept me,
love. Let this link become a part of you

Her instincts urged her to struggle against the invasion, to
force him out. Would this give him control over her mind as well as her body?
Fear crashed over her and surged within her. She would be no man’s puppet!

I will never hurt you, Autumn. To protect you, I must be
able to sense when you’re in danger and find you quickly.

Was that all there was to it?

I can’t hold the link much longer. You must accept me
into your mind.

Reluctantly, she fought back her fear and emptied her mind
of all resistance. She focused on their kiss and the steady slide of his cock
in her passage. Another sharp sting anchored the link and understanding
unfurled within her. She could feel the link clearly now, even see it in her
mind’s eye.

Can you hear my thoughts
? She pushed the question
across the link, not sure if it would work or not.

His mouth released hers and he reared up, features contorted
with pleasure and strain. He threw back his head and groaned as release
shuddered through him. His cock bucked deep inside her, and his seed bathed the
opening to her womb.

She watched him come, mesmerized by the savage beauty of his
face. Forming the link had disrupted her arousal, but she didn’t care. Watching
him lose control filled her with warmth and tenderness and a secret sense of

“I lost you at the end. Didn’t I?”

She smiled. “I was distracted. Why didn’t you warn me about
the link?”

“I hadn’t intended to form it so soon, but you provoked me.”
Her chuckle tightened her inner muscles and he groaned again. “I think you’re
trying to kill me.” He slowly separated their bodies, eyes bright yet incomprehensible.
“Don’t move.” He placed one of her feet on top of a high back cushion and
guided the other to the floor. Then he lowered his head between her spread
thighs and licked her wet slit. “This is how you should taste all the time.”

She smiled, feeling decadent and lazy. “That will keep you
rather busy, don’t you think?”

“I’ll make time.” He licked her again and the embers of her
desire sparked. She wiggled and he licked some more, delving deeper between her

He really didn’t care if she reeked of sex as long as it was
his come he smelled and tasted. His tongue drove up into her passage and she
bit her bottom lip to keep from moaning.

“I will never leave you wanting,” he whispered, his breath
teasing her passion-soaked folds.

She stroked his hair, so glad he’d freed it. “It takes me
forever to heat up.”

“Oh really?” He pushed into her with two fingers and moved
his mouth to her clit. “Don’t fight it and you’ll be screaming in no time.”

His lips closed around her clit while his fingers dragged along
the front wall of her passage. She gasped and shivered, amazed at how quickly
her senses submitted to his will. Her pussy clung to his fingers and pleasure
pulsed through her groin.

He caught her clit between his lips and gently pulled. Bliss
flowed out of her in a heated rush, and her body rippled around his fingers. He
prolonged each spasm with his lips and his tongue until she was trembling
beneath him.

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