CodenameAutumn (7 page)

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Authors: Aubrey Ross

BOOK: CodenameAutumn
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When the last wave passed, he kissed her inner thigh and
withdrew his fingers. “Stay just like that.”

“Why?” She lifted her head without lowering her legs.

“Because I told you to.”

“Yes Sir.” She lowered her head and tried to relax despite
her immodest position. She heard his clothes rustle then a subtle clicking as
he raised his zipper. He moved off the couch and messed with the gift box. She
was dying to know what he was doing but didn’t dare look.

He returned and she craned her neck long enough to see him
place a bundle on the floor. “Relax. This is about sensation, not visual
observation.” She closed her eyes and he sat down, easily within reach of her
exposed sex. “This is not your punishment. It’s important that you understand
that. I don’t want you to think of this in a negative light.”

“Then what is my punishment?”

“It’s very likely this will turn you on, make you restless
and desperate for orgasm. From now until tomorrow night, you are not allowed to
come. You must fight back the urge, and you are not allowed to masturbate. If
you do, I will be very disappointed.”

As far as punishments went, that didn’t seem daunting.
Besides, he’d just given her several powerful orgasms. This should be easily
endured. “I won’t. I promise.”

“Good. Now keep your eyes closed.”

She didn’t want to keep her eyes closed. She wanted to see
what the hell he was doing. With a petulant sigh, she draped her forearm across
her face. He touched her thigh, moving his fingers downward so she could track
his position.

“Can I ask what you’re about to do?”

“You can ask.” He chuckled, and she knew he had no intention
of explaining. His fingers teased her folds for a moment then circled her
opening. But instead of pushing inside, he moved his hand lower, caressing her
other opening.

She bit back the flood of questions whirling through her
mind. His touch was light, almost playful. Then she felt something cool and
slippery speed his fingers on their way. Lubricant. That left no doubt about
his destination.

“Have you ever taken a lover here?” His fingertip circled
her anus.

“Not a lover. We used toys on each other during training.”

He slowly pushed his finger inside her ass, rotating and
sliding, thanks to the lube. “Did you like it?”

“I didn’t want to, but I came anyway.”

“Why did you think you wouldn’t like it?” With only his
fingertip still inside her, he twisted his hand and added a second finger.

“It was just never something I thought of as pleasurable.”
She wiggled her hips, unable to remain still.

“Does this feel good?” He slid his fingers in and out and
her body came alive with heat and tingles.

“Yes, but it makes me want you back inside me.”

“Inside your cunt or inside your ass?”

Her clit twitched and her pussy ached. She moved her arm and
tossed her head. “Either. I really need to come.”

“Fight it off. No more orgasms tonight.” He pushed deeper
then stopped moving while she suppressed her need to come. “Concentrate on the
fullness and be still if you can.” It wasn’t easy but she relaxed and forced
herself to stop wiggling. “Much better.”

He slowly drew his fingers out and replaced them with
something sleek and tapered. The toy increased the pressure gradually,
stretching her, preparing her for his cock. She had no doubt that’s what he was
doing. When and where he would claim her that way, she had no clue, but he
wanted to make sure he wouldn’t hurt her.

“How does that feel?”


“If you hadn’t taken a shower and washed away my scent, I
would be licking you and fucking you with my fingers.”

She whimpered as her mind provided the image. The ache
between her thighs became painful, and she clutched at the sofa, digging in her

“I’m going to pull it out now and sensations tend to be
stronger on the outstroke. Make sure you don’t come, no matter how good it

He pulled the toy out and she moaned, digging her
fingernails into her palms. Her pussy clenched and her abdomen cramped. She
drew her knees to her chest and rolled onto her side, unable to fight the
reaction. Stubbornness alone kept her body from going up in flames.

His warm hand stroked from her hip to her knee. “Tell me
when you’re ready for the next one.”

“The next one?” Her eyes flew open and her voice cracked.
“How many are there?”


“I can’t do this.” She wrapped her arms around her knees and
shook her head.

“You can. You control your body, not the other way around.”
His hand kept up its soothing path from her hip to her knee. Then his other
hand traced the crease between her ass cheeks. “Breathe through the impulses
and absorb the urgency. Force the sensations to disperse rather than coalesce.”

“That’s easy for you to say.”

He didn’t respond to the charge. Instead he asked, “Ready?”

“No, but go ahead.”

He chuckled and she stared straight ahead as he inserted a
new butt plug. It was larger than the first, the pressure noticeably stronger.
He stroked her legs and her bottom as she adjusted to the fullness.

“If it makes you feel better, I’m hard as a rock right now.
I ache for release, just like you.”

She licked her lips and looked at him. “It would make me
feel better if you shortened the duration of my punishment and pushed that rock-hard
cock into my aching pussy.” The graphic words made her feel naughty and brash.

“I’m not shortening your punishment, but you’re welcome to
suck me dry if you like.”

Indulging in an exasperated cry, she kicked at him. He
laughed and pushed her leg back into place. He removed the toy a short time
later and replaced it with the third and final plug. She closed her eyes as her
body stretched around the new intrusion. He’d inserted it without letting her
see it. Was this one as big as his cock, or would it feel even tighter when his
body pushed inside hers? She groaned, excited by the thought as well as the

“This one stays in until morning, but I’ll revise your

“How?” She trembled, desperate for any reprieve from the
endless aching.

“You can squeeze and grind against your bed, but you can’t
directly touch your clit with anything.”

“And how is that better?”

“The clit is a magnificent trigger, but it’s easy to become
dependent upon it. I challenge you to see how many times you can come without
direct stimulation.”


He lifted her top leg and rolled her onto her back. “This
should help.” He pushed a slender toy into her pussy then fastened straps
around her waist and thighs. She couldn’t see exactly what he was doing, but it
was obvious that the toys attached to the straps and everything was going to
remain exactly where he’d put it. “If nature requires you to take them out
temporarily, that’s allowed, but I expect you to reinsert them and leave them
in until morning.”

Overwhelmed by the dual penetration, she bit her bottom lip
and shivered. She squeezed as hard as she could and pleasure rolled from front
to back. Oh yeah, she could work with this. “I understand, Sir.”

“Good, now sit up and straighten your clothes. We need to
talk.” He waited until she obeyed before he continued. “We’re going to a ball
tomorrow night.”

“A ball?” She sat beside him, stuffed front and back, his come
still smeared on her thighs. It felt decadent, unabashedly sexual. But it was
making it harder than hell to concentrate.

“Yes. We’ll spend most of the evening together, but it’s
wisest if I don’t officially escort you.”

“I understand.” He couldn’t be “officially” connected with a
pleasure ambassador. A sliver of resentment sliced through her happiness, but
she smothered the response. He didn’t think of her in that light, so it made no
difference what others thought.

“This is work, Autumn, not pleasure.” She nodded, so he went
on, “I will introduce you to some of my contacts and people I’m interested in
recruiting. This is an extraordinary opportunity to establish you as
my…ambassador, for lack of a better word.”

She smiled. “The title is appropriate, and I’m not ashamed
to bear it. I am your ambassador.”

He gently touched her face. “You are so much more than that,
but it’s not yet time to let the universe know it.” His fingers caressed for a
moment, then he stood and retrieved the box from the table where he’d put it
earlier. He placed it on her lap and smiled. “Open it.”

Her pulse kicked up a notch as she lifted the lid and
gingerly set it aside. A cloud of sapphire silk met her gaze. She picked up the
gown and stood, the box tumbling to the floor, forgotten. “Oh my God, this is
gorgeous. Where in the world did you find this?”

“Rank has its privileges. If the fit needs adjusting, let me
know and I’ll send the seamstress to you.”

“This is new? You had it made for me?” The reality of his
authority was slowly sinking in. She hadn’t just secured a protector. She was
bound to one of the most powerful men on Earth.

Rather than respond to her questions, he said, “I’ll see you
tomorrow night.”

Chapter Seven


The Governor’s Ball was lavish beyond anything Autumn
imagined. If it weren’t for the alien appearance of some of the Protectorate
officers, it would have felt as if she’d been swept back in time. But she
couldn’t forget the devastation and refused to pretend Earth was not being
ravished. Humans were an occupied people, subjugated slaves to an unseen enemy.

Her arrival had caused quite a stir, but Ra’jen rushed to
her side and the others quickly scattered. “You look amazing.” He kissed her
cheek and tucked her hand into the bend of his arm.

The gown he’d given her fit to perfection, the color
bringing out the blue in her eyes. Strapless and formfitting, it supported her
breasts and accented her narrow waist. “You look pretty amazing yourself.”
Rather than armor, he wore a dress uniform, the black-and-silver ensemble a
perfect foil for his unusual coloring.

His gaze moved over her face, warm and caressing. “Would you
like some champagne?”

“Yes, please.”

He crooked his finger and a waiter rushed forward,
proffering a beverage tray. Ra’jen took two of the glasses and handed one to
her. “Did you sleep well?” His lips curved and mischief gleamed in his eyes.

“Off and on.” Heat crept up her neck but she refused to give
in to embarrassment. She was Mistress Autumn now, proud and enigmatic head of
the central embassy. She took a sip of her champagne, the bubbles tickling her
nose. “Do you know all these people?”

The ballroom was crowded, but as with any gathering, men far
outnumbered women. She suspected most of the women were pleasure ambassadors,
but sector three was serviced by the northeast embassy, so Autumn only
recognized a few.

“I cannot control who comes up to us, but anyone I introduce
you to will be important. Are you good with names?”

“I’m better with faces, but I will pay close attention.”

“I’ll suggest you dance with potential recruits. You do
dance, don’t you?”

“Every ambassador can dance. It’s part of our training.” His
arm tensed beneath her hand, so she looked up at him and smiled. “We know the
truth, but to the world that’s all I am. We both need to embrace the concept.”

“I know,” he grumbled.

His discontent pleased her, soothed her own reluctance to
immerse herself in such an uncomfortable role. “Shall we begin? The sooner we
make the rounds, the sooner we can find an excuse to leave.”

They strolled through the room and he introduced her to his
contacts. They lingered with each person long enough for Autumn to learn his
name and role in the Protectorate. To her surprise many of Ra’jen’s contacts
were humans who had been deemed valuable by the Gathosians. They were brilliant
scientists and former heads of state who reluctantly served their alien

Ra’jen took her out onto the dance floor and augmented the
information they had gleaned as they glided through the sweeping steps of a
waltz. “When the song ends, I’m going to introduce you to Ulrick Brant. He is
the head of the civilian division of the Protectorate.”

“Then his authority is equal to yours?”

“Correct. He’s a pain in the ass, but I suspect his
resentment of the Gathosians is as bitter as mine. If we can recruit him, it
would be very beneficial.” The song ended and he led her off the dance floor.
“After you’ve danced with him, we’ll discuss possible strategies.”

He led her toward a small group of men attentively listening
to a tall blond man. “Which one is Brant?”

“The one they’re fawning over, of course. People know
kissing my ass is a waste of time, but Brant loves the attention.”

Tall and broad shouldered, Ulrick Brant had the sculpted
features and pronounced cheekbones that defined male handsomeness on Earth. His
hair was a rich, true gold, a tone echoed by the color of his skin. His lips
were full and comfortable in a smile. He appeared approachable and easygoing,
until his eyes shifted toward her.

Blacker than night, his gaze reshaped her impression. The
golden charm was a veneer. Brant emanated danger and ruthlessness. She’d had
the same impression when she’d first met Ra’jen. But with Ra’jen the danger was
obvious. Brant’s was subtle, insidious.

The crowed parted as they approached and Autumn pressed in
closer to Ra’jen’s side.
There’s no reason to be afraid. I won’t let you out
of my sight.

She wasn’t sure if he’d sensed her fear or just felt the
tightening of her hand. Looking up at him, she nodded, though uncertainty still
fluttered in her stomach.

“And who is your ravishing guest?” Brant asked, his gaze
never drifting lower than her face.

“This is Autumn, the new manager of the central embassy.”
Ra’jen motioned toward Brant. “Autumn, this is Ulrick Brant, Civilian Head of
the Protectorate.”

She offered Brant her hand and inclined her head as he
kissed her knuckles. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Brant.”

Brant released her hand and turned back to Ra’jen. “Did I
inadvertently arrange for you to meet Mistress Autumn the other night?”


“Wow, now I’m regretting my decision to forgo the

“If you’d like to dance with her, do so now,” Ra’jen warned.
“We’re about to make our apologies.”

“Can’t say I blame you for that. I certainly wouldn’t waste
my time here, if I had such a charming companion.” He offered his arm and
Autumn let go of Ra’jen.

Brant led her out onto the dance floor, his dark gaze boldly
assessing. “I don’t bite, unless I have permission, and it’s obvious Noirte has
staked his claim on you.”

“I apologize for my reticence. I’m still new to all this.”

“Then how did you seize control of…” His sentence trailed
away and he smiled. “Of course. Noirte couldn’t have his woman on the open
market, so he found you a better position.”

Ra’jen wanted to recruit this man. They needed a way past
his defenses so they could determine where his true loyalties lay. “I might be
new, but I learn quickly. Have we had the honor of fulfilling your fantasies?”

“Not recently. If I’d known someone like you was available,
I would have found time in my busy schedule.”

“Someone like me?”

“Someone still able to smile, not yet numbed by her

“If I find someone like that, would you like me to contact

He hesitated, momentarily averting his face.

“Every precaution will be taken to ensure your privacy.”

“It’s not that.” His gaze returned, dark and penetrating.
“Like Noirte, I’m not fond of sharing. The contract would have to be

She inclined her head as she fought back a smile. Ulrick’s
stipulation worked perfectly with the basic concept she and Ra’jen were
constructing. They needed a small, elite group of ambassadors who only serviced
the rich and powerful—and gathered information along the way.

“Do you have any other preferences?” She flashed her most
engaging smile. “Blonde or brunette, that sort of thing?”

“I’ve always been partial to brunettes, but the rest I’ll
leave to you.”

“If you’re not completely satisfied with my selection, I’ll
provide a replacement free of charge.”

He chuckled. “I’d rather have a night with you, but somehow
I don’t think Noirte would agree.”

“Give me a chance, Mr. Brant, and I’ll find someone even
more appealing. Remember you said you’re partial to brunettes.”

“So I did.”

The song ended and Brant returned her to Ra’jen. “I look
forward to serving you,” she said as Brant stepped back. He winked as he turned
and blended into the passing throng.

“What did you mean by that?” Ra’jen looked none too pleased.

She smiled and looped her arm through his. “I offered to
find him an ambassador as intriguing as me.”

“Of course.” He lapsed into thoughtful silence as tension
melted from his stance. “Oh, you are clever. Do you have someone in mind?”

“Not yet, but I’ll know her when I see her.”

They skirted the dance floor and headed for the nearest
exit, anxious for some time alone. “How will we ensure her loyalty?”

“It won’t be hard. Most of the ambassadors share my
frustration. They have no other choice. I’ll offer her something better. At the
very least her actions will have meaning beyond survival.”

Ra’jen pulled her onto his lap as his pilot closed the
hatch, enclosing them in the passenger cabin of the skimmer. The small ship was
quick and light, its name a tribute to its ability to skim across the surface
of almost any terrain.

Slipping his hand beneath her skirt, he stroked his way up
her leg, across her hip and nearly to her waist. “You’re not wearing panties.”
He grinned at the discovery, and she made room for his hand between her thighs.
“If I had known you were being naughty, I would have found a quiet corner and
fucked you with my fingers.”

“Only your fingers?” She returned his smile, legs open as
far as her narrow skirt allowed. All Ra’jen had to do was smile and her body
melted, preparing itself for his. “What if I wasn’t satisfied with your
fingers? Would you have slid me up the wall and given me your cock?”

“Anytime you want my cock inside you all you have to do is

“Can I straddle your hips and ride you until we reach the

He groaned and leaned his head against the seat as lust
tightened his expression. “You threaten my control when you say things like

“Is that a yes?” Only with him did she feel safe and
protected, free to express her desires.

“Gods, yes.”

She hiked her skirt and prepared to crawl onto his lap. He
had his cock out and waiting for her. “Oh look how hard he is, and how blue.”
She bent over and licked the plush blue head. “Are you flared, my love? Are you
desperate to fuck me?”

He grasped her head and jerked his hips upward.
Understanding the command, she took him into her mouth and sucked. He was hot
and hard and eager for her attention. She moved her mouth up and down, swirling
her tongue around the tip as he slid against her lips.

“Did you come last night?”

Releasing his cock for a moment, she admitted, “Twice. The
first time was easy. You’d done all the work, but the second time took

“Come here.” He pulled her up against his chest, and she
arranged her legs on either side of his hips. “Put me in.”

She curved her fingers around his shaft and guided it to her
entrance. He brought her mouth to his as she lowered herself onto his cock. His
hands grasped her hips and he steadied her as she rode him. Her long, steady
strokes kept the fires smoldering without pushing them too near the end.

They kissed and caressed until the pilot informed Ra’jen
that they had arrived at the embassy. With a muttered curse, he lifted her off
his cock and tucked it back inside his uniform pants. The hatch opened and they
rushed out of the skimmer and ran up the embassy’s stone stairs.

“Which room is yours?” he demanded as they reached the

“I’ll show you.” She took his hand and led him up the main
staircase. Curious gazes and amused murmurs followed in their wake.

She pushed open the door to her bedroom and pulled him
inside. He kicked it shut with the heel of his boot then dragged her across the
small sitting area and into the adjoining bedroom. He paused for a long,
consuming kiss then turned her around and attacked the fastenings of the gown.
The silk pooled around her ankles and she kicked off her high-heeled shoes,
leaving them buried in the discarded gown. He picked her up and headed for the
bed, too anxious to undress.

“Not a chance,” she told him as he set her down on the edge
of the bed. She held up her hand and narrowed her gaze into a playful glare.
“You get naked, or you get nothing.”

He growled but shucked his jacket and tugged off his boots.
His shirt soon followed and then his pants. It didn’t surprise her to learn he
didn’t wear undergarments. The speed with which he could uncover his cock
hinted at the fact.

was vivid blue against his pale skin. It
perfectly matched the head of his cock, she realized
She scooted back
into the middle of the bed then bent her knees and spread her thighs. “For you.”
She whispered the words with a sensual smile.


Ravenous hunger clawed at Ra’jen. He needed to claim her,
cover her, dominate her. She’d seen glimpses of his savage nature, but he’d yet
to let loose and take her with all the aggression a Pryett male used to subdue
his mate.

I’m not afraid
. She pushed the words across their
private link as she lay before him, open, accessible, ready for whatever he had
in mind.

Determined to deserve her unconditional trust, he crawled
onto the bed and kissed her. She returned his kiss and combed his hair with her
fingers. Her hardened nipples rasped against his chest, drawing him downward,
urging him on.

He kissed his way down her neck, rocking back onto his knees
so he could use his hands. While he sucked one responsive peak, he plucked the
other with his fingers. Her restless movements and soft gasps revealed the
pleasure he was giving her.

Anxious for their joining, he took his mouth lower. She made
room for his torso between her thighs, and he shifted one of her legs to rest
on his shoulder while leaving the other rotated out on the bed. Her folds were
creamy and hot, parting with the first sweep of his tongue.

He’d only meant to build her arousal a bit higher, but her
taste was exquisite, addictive. Unable to resist, he licked and sucked until
she was bucking against his mouth.

“May I come? Please, let me come.”

“Come,” he commanded against her moist folds. He closed his
lips around her clit and she came in hard, shuddering spasms. Her back arched
and her core pulsed against his lower lip.

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