Come Fill Me (The Prophecy) (13 page)

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Kele rolled her forehead against the wood, not able to withstand more pain. It was bad enough to witness Jacob’s hunger for the other women in their clan. To endure his attention to an enemy female wasn’t something she could survive.

Liz, Zeke had called her, claiming she had nothing to do with Jacob’s injuries. Kele pulled her shoulders to her ears and made a face, appalled at the tenderness and familiarity he already showed that bitch.

Kele had seen Zeke with Gabrielle’s mother. Not once had he said her name with the same reverence. He hadn’t looked at her in the same manner either.

And now, Jacob was with Liz too.

Kele sank her teeth deeper into her lip, tasting blood. What was the matter with the Neekoma brothers? She, not Liz, was a member of their clan. She was willing to deliver her pride and soul to Jacob. She’d die for him as Gabrielle’s mother would have done for Zeke.

Neither brother seemed to notice the females who loved them, women of their own blood who were willing to do anything for a shred of attention.

“Hold her,” Zeke ordered, his words now loud and commanding, reaching past the door’s barrier.

“I intend to,” Jacob said.

Kele turned away, bristling at the sound of Liz’s soft, submissive moans, her cry of delight.

Because Jacob was holding her arms behind her back, trapping her so Zeke could suckle her nipples and explore her cunt? Or was Jacob pushing her feet apart and spreading her thighs so his brother would have full access to her pussy, her entrance that Zeke would fill with his fingers, tongue and eventually his cock? Once he’d had enough of her, he’d offer Liz to Jacob, and he’d—

Kele banged her fists against her thighs, refusing to imagine what her heart couldn’t endure. So Jacob was in there with Liz—so what? He might mount and use her, but he’d do so only to capture more of her healing power. Rumor said he’d recover faster with all of her flesh touching his. He had to assure himself that his body was strong and ready for future battles.

There would be no love in the act, no real passion, certainly not what he’d someday show her. All she had to do was give him more time, lavish him with affection, prove they were destined for each other. Her patience and devotion would win him over.

In a little while, Jacob would join her. With no further need of Liz’s healing power, he and Zeke would return her to where she belonged, where she’d damn well stay. Everything would be the same as it had been.

Liz’s noisy whimper drifted into the hall, followed by Zeke’s command to Jacob.

“Keep her quiet. Fill her mouth.”

The sounds Liz made said he had.

Fighting tears, Kele ran down the corridor toward the stairs, the pounding of her feet masking the carnal noise.



Intense light flooded the sparsely furnished room hidden behind an antechamber. The extreme illumination didn’t allow for any shadows or the possibility of rest. A narrow bed and chair were the only furniture, both painted white to match the walls and floor. The absence of color, sound, scents and a window that showed whether it was day or night deprived the mind of stimulation, making it less resistant to authority, more malleable.

At least that was what Carreon had heard.

He glared at Liz’s father, furious the ploy hadn’t worked on the man. The wooden door and walls bore claw marks from when Munez had tried to dig his way out. Bloodstains from his broken nails had left brown smears throughout the room. Shackles hung from the head and foot of the bed to keep the man from harming himself. Rather than using them, Willy had opted to pump drugs into Munez, putting him into a stupor.

The man lay on the mattress, hands folded over his torso, positioned as a corpse might be for a wake. In his late sixties, he was tall and thin with a shock of white hair that made his olive complexion seem darker in normal light. In here, his skin was a medium gray, the sickly color adding to the illusion that he was dead rather than unconscious.

Carreon bared his teeth at the intractable old fool, wondering what Liz would think if she saw her father now or the gouges he’d put in the walls.

She definitely wouldn’t like it. He recalled how she’d fought Zeke, her actions telling Carreon what he already knew. Because of her father, she belonged to him, always would. She was his property to do with as he pleased…just as soon as he had her back.

Her homecoming unfurled in his mind.

He saw himself bringing her to the foyer, the most public area of his stronghold. There, in full view of his remaining lieutenants, he bent her over one of the credenzas, ordering Liz to lift her ass. She clutched the lip of the furniture, staring at her reflection in the mirror, watching him push her skirt to her waist. He took his time lowering her thong, wanting her to appreciate what was about to happen, to anticipate his every move.

In the past, expectation had always made her wet and more submissive.

With the underwear at her ankles, he directed Liz to spread her legs, her ankles straining against the thong’s silk. Positioned at her side—so his men had an unrestricted view of the proceedings—Carreon ran his hands over her garters, the lacy tops of her stockings, the dimples above her ass, the furrow between her cheeks.

She gasped. He ordered her to silence.

Each touch, every moment spent preparing her for the inevitable heightened her arousal and apprehension. He knew she was wondering if tonight he’d deliver nothing more than pleasure. Or would there be pain first?

Making her wait for an answer, he separated her vaginal lips, his fingers circling her clit all while listening to the newest sounds she made. That of a helpless female ensnared by her master. Keeping her guessing as to his intent, he concentrated on her anus. His probing of the pink ring was delicate, almost playful. He gripped her cheeks, pulling them apart, inviting his men to regard her tightest opening, to touch it.

One after the other did, growing familiar with the most hidden part of her, adding to Liz’s subservience.

He asked, “Do you like that?”

She regarded his reflection in the mirror, her expression exposing her uncertainty. Should she say yes, would that please him? Or would no be a better answer?

Her silence was always the best response. It proved her unease and vulnerability.

He murmured, “You’ve been bad.”

She dug her nails into the credenza’s wood, a clear sign she knew what was coming.

How satisfying it was to play with her trust, letting Liz know that whatever happened tonight, it would be his decision to make, hers to endure.

Her skin grew increasingly moist with perspiration. Her breathing accelerated.

“You need to be punished,” he said. “Tell me you do. Beg for it.”

She seemed unable to speak.

He pressed his fingers into her ass, demanding an answer.

Head bowed, she whispered, “Yes…please.”

It was a game they played, the words always the same, with Liz feeding Carreon’s need for dominance and her desire for obedience. He demonstrated it as he whipped her, the pain of each blow registering on her face, her mouth hanging open, her chest rising and falling as she gulped air at the resultant stings.

Only when his arm ached did he stop, mounting her in front of his lieutenants, taking her vaginally, then anally before turning her over to them. Ordering her to submit, to offer each of her openings to the men until they tired of the acts.

Carreon’s cock thickened with his fantasy. His balls were so sensitive he didn’t risk shifting his weight, not wanting his clothing to brush against his sac. It had been too long since he’d taken Liz. Never again would he allow her to deny him as she had these past months. Never again would he let her leave his sight. She was too valuable to his operation.

Already, he’d lost ten of his men with more to follow because Liz wasn’t here to heal them. Those who weren’t yet dead remained where Zeke’s people had attacked them, lying in their own blood as they waited for a healer.

“Wake up,” Carreon growled at her father, kicking the mattress.

The older man’s body jerked with the assault. His lids parted to mere slits, then slid back down.

With no more tolerance, Carreon grabbed Munez’s shoulders, shaking him as he would a disobedient child. The elderly man’s head flopped from side to side, the effects of the drug keeping him from responding.

A cry of frustration tore from Carreon’s throat. Trembling with rage, he stepped back, fighting to control himself before he murdered the man. In time, Munez would wake. Then he’d do whatever Carreon demanded, that was if he wanted his daughter rescued from Zeke’s clan.



Zeke saw Liz’s desire. Her acceptance of what this night would bring was in her heightened color, parted lips and blurred expression.

Just the beginning. Zeke intended to do more than simply gratify her lust. He wanted to reach the depths of Liz’s mind, going beyond it to the core of her being. A place Carreon hadn’t touched. One Zeke sensed no man had.

He would and wasn’t about to wonder why it was so important to him. Nor would he dwell on the fact that until now he’d simply enjoyed women, pairing with Gabrielle’s mother only because she carried his child. It wasn’t that he hadn’t respected or liked her. He had. However, love—at least the version of it that brought a man to his knees, giving him a reason for living—had never been in the equation. Zeke had reserved the intensity of those feelings for his daughter, his parents, Jacob.

His brother sat behind Liz on the bed, holding her wrists to her belly in one hand so her breasts were still bared, accessible to a man’s touch. With his legs, he’d separated hers, keeping them apart, presenting her vulnerable sex to Zeke.

A moment ago, she’d whimpered at Jacob suckling her throat. Although Zeke relished the sound, he wanted to heighten this experience for Liz, and so he’d told Jacob to keep her quiet by filling her mouth.

His baby brother hadn’t needed additional instruction. He slipped his tongue between her lips. Liz’s moans turned to muffled gurgles as Jacob’s kiss grew indecent, drawing her attention away from what Zeke aimed to do.

Moving between her legs, he brushed her delicate curls, watching her buttocks tightening in response. Jacob must have felt Liz’s reaction—he drew his calves back, forcing her thighs to open as much as they could, letting Liz know her body was no longer hers. In this room during the coming hours, it belonged to the Neekoma brothers.

The soft swell of her belly wiggled prettily. Her skin was rosy with carnal need, her vaginal lips pouty and slick, prepared to satisfy a male’s appetite.

Taking what he wanted, giving Liz what he knew she desired, Zeke worked three of his fingers into her cunt.

The world seemed to pause. If heaven existed, Zeke figured this had to be it. He shivered at the wet, tight hold of her body, its astounding heat. She moaned around Jacob’s tongue. Zeke’s brother acknowledged her pleasure by cupping Liz’s breast and squeezing her tender flesh while dragging his thumb over her nipple.

Her panting accelerated, growing noisier.

Zeke wouldn’t be satisfied until the sounds she made were out of control, matching his passion. Leaning down, he inhaled deeply. She smelled sweet from her perfume, musky and shameless from him having already used her. He licked the top of her slit.

She gasped.

Jacob pressed his arms and legs against her, keeping Liz imprisoned.

For me. Only me.

The thought happened without prompting. Again, Zeke had no intention of mulling over it. He lapped her repeatedly, tasting the mild saltiness of her natural lubrication and the remnants of his come. She tightened her sheath around his fingers, coaxing them deeper. She lifted her hips as well as she could to bring her clit closer to his mouth.

With conscious intent, Zeke ignored her nub, licking her folds instead. He pulled at her brown curls with his teeth, playing with her.

Jacob added to her torment, running his hand over her breasts to her belly, then back to her nipples, his kiss growing savage, insatiable.

Liz’s chest pumped. Her toes curled. She whimpered and moaned.

Still not enough.

She’d shown Zeke her power and now he had to let her know his. To bring her pleasure in a way she’d never experienced…to prove his gratitude. She’d healed his brother. She’d saved him. She was a good woman, her heart kind, her motives straightforward, needing her father to be safe.

However, she wanted something more…to lie with him, her enemy.

Zeke had no doubt of the unspoken attraction that continued to draw them together. He’d lived it at Carreon’s mansion when he’d been deep within her, then on the way here as he held Liz close. Moments he wouldn’t have traded for the promise of safety…the feelings were too precious. Not the wisest choice for him to consider, but there it was. Since Gabrielle’s death, he’d been so lost. So fucking alone. There had been many women to fill his nights, females who would have done anything he asked, desiring him as much as Kele did Jacob.

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