Consolation (Consolation Duet #1) (9 page)

BOOK: Consolation (Consolation Duet #1)
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“Lee?” Liam breaks me out of my thoughts. He begins to step around, but I put my hand up to stop him.

“I’m fine. I think I’m overwhelmed, but I’ll be fine.”

“Back to ‘fine’ again. Got it.”

Screw him. I am fine. “What does that mean?”

“I’m tired. You’re tired. Tomorrow if you’re feeling up to a sparring match, I’m game.” Liam yawns and flops in the chair behind him. He pulls his beanie over his eyes and smirks.


“Okay, Miss Aarabelle, ready to head home?” the nurse coos as I buckle Aarabelle into her seat. The IV of antibiotics finally got the infection under control, which brought her fever down. After two sleepless days and nights, I’m more than excited to be heading home.

“I’d say we are, right, baby girl?” I ask rhetorically as I nestle the blanket around her. I can’t wait for the day when she’ll talk. Then I won’t feel so silly having full-blown one-sided conversations.

“Well, good thing that hunk of a man came here, huh?” she asks me, looking around the corner.

I try to hide my amusement and giggle silently. “Yeah, he’s a good friend.”

“Oh, you’re not dating?” her eyes grow and she bites her lip.

“No,” I say slowly and I realize she’s fishing. A pang of jealousy stirs in my chest. He’s not mine by any stretch, but he sure as hell isn’t hers. “Well, not officially,” I add on and mentally slap myself for it.

There’s no reason I should be cockblocking him, but something inside of me doesn’t want her to have him. Or have a chance at him. I’m going to hell.

“Hang on tight to that one, because that beanie and that smile . . .” She slaps her hand over her mouth, clearly embarrassed at what she’s said. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what got into me.”

Placing my hand on her arm, I giggle. “It’s okay. He’s easy on the eyes.”

She gives a short laugh. “Yeah, you could say that.”

Before I can respond, Liam walks in and gives a knowing look. He heard us. Great, this should be fun.

“You girls ready to hit the road?” he asks with an underhanded chuckle.

I shake my head and bite my tongue.

“I could leave the room, if you want to keep talking about my hotness,” Liam offers and flops in the chair he slept in two nights in a row. He refused to leave Aarabelle’s side.

I walk over and rip the beanie off. “Arrogance doesn’t suit you, Dempsey.” The giggle escapes me at the way his hair sticks out in various directions. “No one thinks you’re hot right now, buddy.”

He stands and walks toward me slowly. His warm breath bathes my neck as he leans in so only I can hear, “I think we both know that’s not true.” Liam’s finger glides against my arm and I shiver. “We can pretend though.” Slowly his finger reaches my hand and my heart is racing. I enjoy the feel of his hands on me more than I should. I can’t explain what’s happening between us because it’s never been like this. It’s always been friendship. He shifts back and snatches his hat from my hand.

I look over and try to get my breathing under control. Liam tries to pretend, but I see the desire pooled in his eyes. He’s not as unaffected as he’s feigning, but Liam is trained to restrain his emotions. Fine, I can play the game too.

I pull my hair over my shoulder and lean down a little, giving him a tiny glimpse of skin. “It’s not pretending when one of us doesn’t feel that way.” I grab the diaper bag . . .
real sexy, Natalie
. . . and try to maintain my alluring look.

Liam isn’t buying it and he lets out a deep, loud laugh. “Nice try, babe. Let’s go.” He grabs the diaper bag off my shoulder and heads out of the room.

“Looks like Mommy’s lost her touch,” I say to Aarabelle as I grab the car seat and head out.

“You mean he stayed the whole time you were in the hospital?” Reanell asks suspiciously.

“Yes, he wouldn’t leave.” I grab my coffee mug and curl up on the sofa. We’ve been home for a few days and Liam hasn’t stopped by. He texted me yesterday to wish me luck on my first day of work, but I haven’t replied.

“Hmmm,” Rea says as she taps her lip. We’ve been trying to analyze everything, because there’s a part of me that wonders if I’m making this all up. “I mean, he was Aaron’s best friend.”

“I know. I think it’s just his duty to him. It would explain why he kinda disappeared after he dropped us off.”

She looks at me trying to see through me. “Do you want him to stop by?”

“Reanell, please. It’s not even been a year. There’s no way in hell I want another man. I love my husband.”

Grabbing her drink, she comes over to the couch and sits next to me. “I know you do, but you’re a woman. Liam is a good man. A man who seems to care about you and Aara very much. Would it be such a bad thing?”

I think I’ve entered into another dimension. My friend who told me if her husband died she’d join the convent because it would be too hard is urging me to entertain this. “Yes, it would be bad. First off, Liam has never had a serious girlfriend, let alone taking on a widow and a baby. Second, he’s a SEAL!” I yell out and then recover. “Fuck . . . he’s a SEAL. Deployments, possible death. I couldn’t.” I start to panic.

“Hey,” Reanell grips my hand. “I’m not saying it’s good or bad. I’m just saying sometimes the heart wants what the head says no to. I don’t know if your heart or head want anything.”

“Sleep. They want sleep.”

She laughs and releases my hand. “That’s why I’m here. Go take a nap. No more talk of boys. I’m glad he came to the hospital and took care of you. You needed someone and he was there.”

“Yeah, he was. Okay, I’m going to rest. Thank you for coming over and watching her for me. I can’t keep my eyes open.” Reanell is a godsend. She called and I filled her in on everything, and without saying another word, I heard her car start to head to my house. It’s a sisterhood, being a military spouse. Even though Aaron wasn’t active anymore, we’re still family. When one needs us, we’re there, especially in the special ops community.

“Any time, my friend. Now go get some beauty sleep.”

I kiss her cheek and head to bed. Once I’m stripped down to my shorts and tank, I lie on my back and stare at the ceiling.

Rolling over, I grab Aaron’s letter and read it again. His words give me hope for the future and yet at the same time break me further apart. All I wanted was a life with him. I read about how he felt when we met. If only he knew. “You didn’t have to work so hard to get me,” I say aloud, relying on my faith that he can hear me. “I loved you from the moment I met you. I was yours before you even spoke a word. God, you were so handsome,” I sigh and close my eyes.

“I remember the first time I saw you . . . you had that stupid hat on backwards and were wearing your football jersey. You nodded your head to me like I should fawn at your feet. Idiot,” I laugh softly. He was so cocky and full of himself. There was no way I was going to let him know how much I already wanted him. “Now I’m here without you.” Tears stream down my face. He’s gone and I’m in pain.

“Why, Aaron?” I roll and face where he would be if he were in our bed. My hand grazes his pillow and another tear falls. “You say to move on, but how? You didn’t tell me how to do that. I can’t love anyone else. I don’t know how. You were my first love, my only love, the first man in my heart and in my body. Hell, you are my heart and I don’t know how to let go of that. If I let someone else in, then I’ll lose you forever.” I continue to speak to myself, praying for an answer, because I don’t know how to give him up. “You have to show me, or give me a sign.” I clutch his pillow and sob relentlessly until I fall asleep, wishing I were in his arms. Safe and happy in the arms of my husband.

“Her food is labeled and I wrote down all the times she needs to eat,” I instruct the nanny I hired. She’s a friend of Reanell’s and came highly recommended.

“We’ll be just fine.” Paige bounces Aarabelle on her lap as she giggles.

“Okay, I’m sure I’ll call only around a hundred times.”

Paige smiles reassuringly. “I expect no less. First days are scary, but Aarabelle and I have a busy day of fun planned.”

I secretly love that she’s paying more attention to Aarabelle than me and my neurotic-ness. First day of working at Cole Security and I no longer think this is a good idea. Leaving Aarabelle and then stepping foot into the building where Aaron worked is daunting. I thought maybe I could feel closer to him, now I’m not so sure if this is the right move.

“I’ll have my phone on me and the number to the office is on the paper by the fridge.” I’m clearly stalling. I don’t know how to spend the entire day away from Aarabelle.

Paige brings Aara over to me. “It’ll be fine. If we need you, I’ll call. I promise.”

Nodding and drawing a deep breath, I kiss my daughter and turn to head to work.

I can do this.

Once I reach my car, I notice the note and flower on the windshield. I open the note and my lip turns up.


Hey Lee,

Sorry I’ve been MIA but I’m back at work and my schedule is jacked up. Have a good first day. Be sure to give the guys hell.



Sitting in the car, I try to wipe the smile off my face but I can’t help it. It’s the sweetest, most thoughtful thing anyone’s done for me in months.

Starting the car, the phone connects to the bluetooth and I decide to call him.

“Hey,” he answers on the first ring.

“Hi,” I say, still smiling. “I got your card and flower. Thank you.”

“I was jogging and wanted to let you know I didn’t forget about you. I’ve been busy getting checked in and caught up to speed.” Liam’s voice is thick and restrained. There’s a part of me that doesn’t fully believe him.

“Right. No, it’s fine. I’ve been busy too,” I lie.

Liam chuckles, “I got a call on Aaron’s quad if you’re still wanting to sell it.”

Another part of Aaron that I’ll lose. “Sure.”

“Lee?” Liam utters my name reluctantly.


He pauses and clears his throat. “How’s Aara?”

That wasn’t what I was expecting based on the tone of his voice. Not that I had any idea what he was going to say, but Aarabelle isn’t a touchy subject. “Good, she’s with the nanny and I’m freaking out,” I laugh. “I’m sure she’ll be fine but it’s the first time I’m leaving her.” I turn into the parking lot of Cole Security Forces and nerves begin to stir.

It’s Mark and Jackson, but still. I’m worried that being in there will make his loss even more prominent . . . not that it can be any more apparent. He’s dead. I’m alone and a single mother.

“You okay?” Liam asks, and I realize I’ve been silent.

With my eyes closed, I shake my head. Am I okay? I don’t remember the last time I felt okay. “I’m fine.”

You can almost feel the disapproval over the phone. He hates that word, but it’s my crutch. “I figured. How about I bring a pizza over tonight? We can go over some of the papers for the sale of his car and now the quad.”

“Sounds good.”

“Good, see you around seven.”

“Seven it is.” This is awkward. I feel like there’s something neither of us is saying but neither of us knows how to proceed. “Okay, I gotta get in to work.”

There’s some rustling in the background and Liam’s hand covers the phone, “I’ll see you later. Good luck today.”

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