Country Boy 2

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Authors: Blake Karrington

BOOK: Country Boy 2
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Still Country The Aftermath”


Blake Karrington &Allen Little






Copyright © 2011 by Blake Karrington & Allen Little


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.






This Book is Dedicated to all the Van’s and Tee’s of the world. I know we don’t say it enough, but you are indeed our strength and our rock!




Love Q


Chapter 1

[Ghetto Prisoners]

Count time....count time, the female officer yelled over the loud speaker.


'Damn,' Q mumbled to himself before struggling to his feet for the 4:00pm official standup count. After standing he quickly tried to adjust the all night and day hard-on he'd had before the two officers walked by his door to count him.... he almost made it.


"Mr. Jackson, I announced count five minutes ago," the first female officer screamed looking into his cell.


"Sorry Mrs. Wright, I was...."


"Sorry Mrs. Wright my ass," she cut him off.


"No phone privileges for you today," she yelled before walking to the next cell continuing her count.


Q was about to cuss her ass out, but was stopped by the other female officer. "Calm down Quentel.... I got you," she said with a smile while gazing at him from head to toe.


"I appreciate that Miss Jones," Q replied.


"Oh, it's nothing Quentel.... or should I call you Mister High Profile like everyone else around here?" she joked.


"Quentel is good."


"Well Quentel if you need anything give me a buzz." she said before turning to leave.


She stopped then turned and looked into his cell again before continuing....


"And Quentel."


"Yeah," he answered.


"Could you plezz put all that up before you give my co-worker a massive Heart-Attack" she said pointing at his five day old hard on.


Q only managed to laugh at her comment as he stumbled back towards his bunk to lie down.


He was currently being held in the Charlotte Mecklenburg County Jail on Federal drug charges.... Adding fuel to the already blazing fire was the fact that the Prosecutor handling his case had labeled it as High Profile.... That meant that until his lawyer could either get him another bond hearing or somehow convince the D.A. that he was not a High Risk, he would be housed in solitary confinement.... better known as the Hole.


Laying in the quietness of the six by eight cell his thoughts turned to Asia. There wasn't a question about her setting him up, 'but why' he continued thinking.... 'why would she go through such great lengths to have him knocked? What had he done, but been good to her?


"Damn, this Bitch put two kilo's on my Black Ass," he mumbled before standing to his feet.... Two Kilo's of "Crack" he grumbled again while pacing back and forth inside his cell.


The sounds of jingling keys brought him out of his temporary reverie. The scent of her cheap perfume arrived at his door, seconds before she did.


It was Officer Wright.


"Jackson, Attorney visit," she yelled. "You have five minutes" she shouted again before walking away.


"Bout damn time," Q mumbled as he quickly began getting dressed.


Click.... Click.... The door sounded as it was being unlocked from the main control booth where the same two female officers monitored all the movement throughout the pod and common area.


Q stepped out locking the door behind him. The constant banging on the cell doors all through the night had ceased, so he figured the assholes behind it were probably sleeping this time of day.


Walking up to the entrance leading to the Attorney visiting room, he was pleased to see Officer Jones exiting the control booth heading in his direction. "My.... my.... my.... somebody must be very important out there in that world," she blurted out while escorting Q up the currier leading to the Attorney visiting room.


"And what would make you think something like that Miss Light Eyes.... oops my badd, I mean Miss Jones," Q said correcting himself.


"Oh it’s okay Quentel, just don't call me that in fr...."


"Yeah.... yeah I know.... In front of Mrs. Wright," he said cutting her off.


"Not only Mrs. Wright Quentel, don't forget about these telling ass inmates," she said. "Before you know it, they'll be dropping notes saying you've been bending me over inside the sanitation closet,"


"Have you ever been bent over inside a sanitation closet?"Q asked catching her off guard.


"Only for a mop Quentel, now turn around so I can pat you down," she answered with a sly smile.


After escorting him inside the Attorney's visiting room Q was surprised to see his Attorney sitting between two other middle aged men in dark suits.


"What's a High Profile case without a Dream Team," Miss Jones interrupted his thoughts saying.


Q only shrugged his shoulders at her comment.


"Good luck," she said then exited out the door.


"Greetings Mr. Jackson," Q’s Attorney spoke first. Before answering, Q wondered what happened to there usual introductions all of a sudden.... What happened to 'Whassup Quentel, or my main man Q, was it the two elderly men sitting next to him causing him to act with such professionalism or the seriousness of the case,' he thought to himself.


"Mr. Williams.... Good to see you, " Q replied.




After introducing Q to the rest of his so-called Dream Team, his Attorney got down to business with the case. First issues was by him being a State Attorney he could not represent Q in a Federal Court of Law, but he did agree to be his advisor throughout the trial, if indeed there was one. And after hearing the Government's so-called plea offer, which Q never intended to take, he knew that his fate would be decided by twelve people in a jury box.


Later that night while lying in his cell Q filtered through his indictment as best he could. When he reached the section called the "Motion of Discovery" he could barely control his anger. It explained everything that had happened the day he was arrested. Asia had agreed to cooperate with the Feds by making a controlled buy involving Q with the Feds. They knew all the charges were bullshit, but proving it to an already unjust Justice System, a predominantly white jury, and a Government with a 98% conviction rate would be virtually nothing short of a miracle.


Q knew he had to come up with a serious plan. But planning was only a part, he knew the most important thing was some serious paper. The one thing about this great nation was that justice was administered based on money. If you got a lot of money then theres a lot of justice to be sought. But no money, meant no justice, and possibly life with no parole. The drug game has a funny fate. When you get pop and need your connect and the streets the most that’s when everyone falls back. They know you need the bread for lawyers fee’s. But in this day of snitching they don’t know if you trading up or down. So everyone stays away. But Q had a real team and he knew there were at least two people that would never turn their back or turn against him. This he could be sure about, Van and Tee had proved their loyalty long ago. He laid back on his bunk and thought about how bless he was to have them in his life.








Three weeks quickly turned into three months for Q inside Charlotte Mecklenburg County Jail. His trial date was set for May 1st. During his three month stay inside the Jail Q's life had already experienced a host of unwanted revelations. Sixty days, and the dismissal of four previous Attorney's, he finally agreed with his counsel.


After a thousand push-ups, several crunches, and curling a homemade trash bag filled with water he showered then started preparing himself for his visit with Van. Staring at his reflection in the small scarred mirror on the cells wall he shook his head in disgust at the weight he'd lost within a three month period. The food they served was unfit for an animal, pure garbage and most of the time impossible to stomach. Still staring at himself in the mirror his thoughts were interrupted by the midnight officer making her final rounds before she changed shifts.


"My.... my.... my.... somebody's up early this morning. Do we have company coming today?" It was Officer Jones.


"Yeah, something like that," he answered turning from the mirror facing her.


"Oh lucky her," Officer Jones teased, batting those devilish light eyes of hers.


He countered her tease game by giving her a glimpse of the dick print hidden beneath the towel clinging loosely around his waist.


"Whew!!! Boy you a mess," she continued while pretending to fan herself.


"And you're not?" he asked.


"Always a lady," she assured him before placing two freshly glazed doughnuts inside the small access door of his cell. "Have a good weekend Q."


"Weekend?" I asked.


"Yes, weekend. Can't a sister have a couple of days off?" she asked.


"Yeah that's cool, but I hope that bitch...."


"Watch your mouth Mister," she snapped cutting him off. That's my co-worker.


My bad," Q answered, but not before taking three quick steps over to the door grabbing the doughnuts.


"Still fresh," she said just before he sanked his teeth in one.


"Enjoy," she continued saying before turning to leave.


Q reached through the small access door gently 'grabbing her hand. "Thanks for everything," he told her with sincerity in his voice.


Officer Jones, whose first name was Tameeka, knew this man she'd befriended was something special. His character alone spoke volumes even in a tough situation like this.... one that she'd witnessed first hand break some of the city's most notorious gangsters.


"OH.... AAH, it's nothing Quentel, besides I shouldn't be eating them anyway, you know what they say about us sisters and our hips and thighs," she continued while patting herself on the leg.


Q smiled at her comment before his facial expression became serious again.


"Tameeka I owe you a lot," he said calling her by her first name which caught her by surprise.


He continued, "I know that the average nigga would look at the things you do for me as nothing or something small. Maybe even stereotype it as them putting their pimp game down...." He paused for a moment staring into her beautiful multi-colored eyes. "I'm grateful shawty.... very grateful and too me nothing is small when someone can show you love in a situation like this."


Q bent over and planted a wet kiss on her soft hand through the small opening.


"I'll finish when this whole ordeal is over," he said with a wink and a smile before turning towards his bunk.


"Tameeka," he said again without looking back.


"Yes Quentel," she answered.


"No, I'm not your average nigga," he said as the towel he once wore now rested on the floor around his feet and ankles.

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